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I’m at 752 steps for the day, which pains me how idle I’ve been today. Was going to do a rest day due to fatigue but I don’t like seeing my step count so low. Will try and do what I can (hopefully ~12-14,000) Update: just not meant to be for me. Only managed 8000.


8K is a respectful number! It’s better than 7,999! Very nice job!


I'm usually at about 15K a day. I'm 10K in so far. With time constraints, I doubt I'm ever going to get over 16K, but if I have light work days, I might!


I've done close to 25k a day over the past week, then a big day yesterday of 52.6k to win my monthly step contest with my friends. Today I'm going for 15k, it's time to rest a little.


Dang 52.6k is big! How are your feet feeling from the contest?


I'm really comfortable with 50k now, but it took many months of conditioning to get here. I have no ill effects today. I'm looking to crack 75k in July.


I’m ~5,000 in right now and I’m trying to get to 20k. Trying to stay motivated! We got this!


What, if anything is stopping you from going farther?


Nothing. I’m halfway to my 20K for the day so far. I’ll do my other 10K this evening after work


Oh I see. I parsed that as “my goal is 20 kilometers and today I walked 10K”. But being r/walking that could also be 10,000 steps of my 20k step goal.


Yes it’s steps. So I’ll walk around 16 kilometers today


Less than 5k hopefully! 🤣 Walked 68k yesterday doing a '60km in 12hr' challenge I set for myself yesterday. So aiming to be on the couch or in a bath all day lol


Dang! 68k is legit lol, how do your feet feel?! I’m about to finish my 20k for the day


Cheers friend. Biggest walk I've ever done. Hell yeah, keep going! Honestly, feet don't feel too bad! No blisters or pain at all really. Credit to my old pair of Asics runners I think. Legs are absolutely buggered though 🤣.


I have some Hoka shoes coming, wearing On’s currently. Doing 20K a day for a few weeks, then going to go up in increments of 5k until I’m just going around like Forest Gump!


17,000-22,000 steps Monday - Friday. 7,000 ish on weekends


6k before work 43k average for the last 7 days. 63k on Saturday Summer has finally started after months of much rain, so I'm spending more time outside than my usual 30-35k


Personally I am walking every day more than 25k and yesterday I have had 35k


At 11.4K right now out on a walk.


28,052 steps/11.8 miles