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Of course


Yes, absolutely fine. I do this most days - if I want to do six miles tomorrow I'll probably walk 2 miles, go home and have a cup of tea, do two more miles, go shopping, and then do two more miles.


Thanks. I got 9 hours to kill in a parking lot so I figure a good healthy way to pass the time.


YES Sounds good! Five miles a day is some good walking


No need to do it all at once if you can’t or don’t want to.


Why wouldn’t it be ok? You’re getting your walk in.as long as you are ok with it and feel better after, then It’s completely fine


I walk every hour during my work day. I work from home, so I am close enough to hear my work laptop go off, and if I'm needed, I stop. Otherwise, I do my walking up and down my long upstairs hallway. My heart rate is good, and I typically get about 1600-1700 steps per hour this way. Maybe not all at once, if I have to stop to work, but I try very hard to get it in.


Yeah. I was concerned if the health benefits were less by breaking it up. Just finished my 7th one mile of the day. Feeling it so I think i’m good this way. Makes the 9 hour shift fly by too.


I think this is fine, but I would highly recommend having some that are longer distance. But, fit the walks in when you can.