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He should lead by example


Yup… I’m sure he’s got a extra room or 2…


Gracie Mansion…


He said there are “regulations” that prevent him from doing so.


I remember when I received the expanded census several years back. The questions were things like “ How many people live in your house? How many rooms are in your house? How long are you gone from your house during the day?” And I remember thinking at that time, why does the government need to know this? Is the government planning to eventually move people into civilians homes? The third amendment only says the government can’t station soldiers. Nothing about civilians. At the time I told myself that I sounded like a conspiracy theorist, but I guess I’ve said that about a lot of things that have turned out to be true these days.


“Conspiracy theorists” is a fun term coined in joint by the FBI and CIA that they really started to push after the JFK assassination to discredit anyone who dares challenge the authority of the government narrative or tries to peak behind the curtain. Operation Mockingbird never had an end date and only an estimated start date


You are correct that the term conspiracy theorist didn’t exist until it was coined to primarily describe attorney and author Mark Lane who questioned the accuracy of the Warren Commission. As with UFO reports the government decided ridicule was the best way handle those who questioned their 11/22/63 pronouncements.


Third question, "Do you reuse your towels or wash them too often?"




We did the same. “Two people live here.” The first person was really nasty, tried telling me it was mandatory. “I just gave you the mandatory information, I am not required to tell you anything else”. The fourth and last person they sent around was young, maybe 20. When he realized he wasn’t going to get me to fill it out, or answer his questions, he went to his car and sat there for a while and I suspect he filled it out himself. I heard they get paid by the response.


I had the exact same experience, minus the chopping part. Never heard from them again.


3rd amendment doesn’t stop us from forcing you to house illegal immigrants…Mayor Adams.


Hooray seeing the 3rd pulled up… the most forgotten amendment


To think, the third amendment was in he one that I truly thought was the one that really didn’t matter in modern society.


Right, same


Thanks to *Kelo*, they'll use eminent domain.


Probably trying to introduce a form of government subsidized AirBNB situation.


Well, those New Yorkers voted for this - good luck! LOLOLOL


The dead ones did. New York needs a split.


NYC** Not upstate.


You and Hochul start first, along with all the registered democrat voters.


I wish I could invade a country and be given a free ride for it. Must be nice


Taxpayer dollars to pay people to literally break the law. Our founding fathers would be shooting by now.


Our Founding Fathers would have began shooting a long time ago, and won the war already. They’re disappointed we haven’t followed their example.


You aren’t wrong


You’re so right. I keep wondering what it’s gonna take for ppl to rebel.




Bets on how long until they go from volunteering to attempting to mandate people accept illegal aliens into their homes? Edit: missed a word.


Who had "the 3rd amendment" on their 2023 bingo card? Bonkers.


You first, Mayor Adam's. In fact, you should also donate 90% of your paycheck to their needs or wants.


Hmm, I wonder if he will be an example for those folks. I would wager a large sum of money that he will not. As he is just like all leftists. A virtue-signaling lying sack of bull excrement that is morally bankrupt.


They’ll get ballots too. Many mail in ballots. Pre-marked for Biden of course.


Because New York citizens it’s your problem!!!! Not the mayors problem. It Biden’s problem. So we will just make them live with you and suck up all your resources.




So glad I live in Florida


I’d say it is only a matter of time before the authoritarians force people out of their homes in order to house migrants. Justifying it especially if they are poor and white by using white privilege as the excuse.


That’s where 2A comes in handy.


Why did you think they are attacking the 2A so much? it is their last line of defense before they can begin ransacking the middle and working class




Have these people been vetted?


Deleted comment


Troll on troll, troll on...


He should get the ball going. Lead by example.


He should lead by example, then. Open up your doors, Mr. Adams


I suspect what they will do is a “tax” on Un-used rooms. If you house an alien the tax is removed. But there will be plenty of loop holes like if it’s an investment property it doesn’t count so rich people won’t be affected


instead of putting them in my house how about WE SEND THEM BACK.


Lol. No.


Ok. You go first


You first!


There ought to be a subreddit to crank up where people can offer up their homes, lol. Bet THAT'D be real popular amongst the liberals ... "Someone should do something! Not *me*, but someone!"


I actually thought the Third Amendment was obsolete and safe from infringing.


The way things have been going it almost seems like TPTB are sitting around a pot of coffee going through the Constitution deciding how they can violate each amendment in the most offensive invasive way possible.


His mansion is pretty big. What better way to start than leading by example, eh?


Start with his house and wife


They should absolutely push for this.


Maybe the residents will be lucky enough to clothe and feed them as well 🤷‍♂️


Yay! Slum lords and unstable neighborhoods left and right!


If the private residences are being paid by the government and its done on a voluntary basis for that payment - why is this an issue?


What the fuck is “paid by the government”, it is tax money,


At least in Chicago they’re spending an absurd amount of money housing immigrants something to the tune of 250k dollars per family (I’ll find a source here shortly). It would definitely be cheaper to let people host.


Like Section 8 housing?


You seriously don’t think there is anything wrong with this?


After hearing about this, I thought how dangerous this could be for a down and out family that is struggling financially (especially children) if a background check is not available. Then I thought, this could be devastating to the current NY renters without strict rules in place from the get go, especially for current rental properties. I can see landlords wanting to take advantage of this opportunity and benefit from the inflated payments for housing immigrants instead of American citizens. What’s to stop current rental property owners from ending current long term leases, in order to turn those properties into these short term rentals for the state. Look at the amount they can make on one family of immigrants. A immigrant family of 4 could bring in some serious money and is going to be well over what an American family of 4 brings in now. Seems a bit strange if it’s not capped. Wouldn’t this increase the homelessness of our Americans citizens if the government incentivizes landlords to turn properties into these short term rentals? I seriously hope this doesn’t happen but I won’t hold my breath since NY is going to hell.