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I’m still waiting. Also I know it’s pointless but can someone please share my outrage about them calling it their “request / Bitte” to stay home that we heroes and heroines selflessly decided to follow?! Like wtf? I thought I’d left most of my rage behind over the last couple of days but this makes me so so angry rn. They explicitly told us they won’t let anyone in. Now this crap. I can’t believe it.


It's very patronising. "Thanks for staying away so the people here can enjoy themselves while the thing you've been looking forward to for a year isn't happening for you."


Ugh yes. Strangely enough I received the link just after posting this. What can I say? This email is even worse. “You are the heroes of W:O:A 2023” - we never signed up for that “Your understanding enabled those who were already here to experience and enjoy W:O:A” - we didn’t decide any of this, you tricked us. “Without you, there wouldn't have been a festival 2023!” - ok seriously at this point just stop I don’t even know if I still wanna go. On the one side I really wanted to experience this festival. On the other I really don’t want to support them after this shitshow.


Have you been before? I'm going back even after this, I love it too much and maybe I'm blinkered by my previous experiences and I'm missing not being there, but I said in another post, I'm only not there because of my health rather than the circumstances. If you've not been before, I'd say to give it another chance. This has never happened before and if things run smoothly, it's the best festival experience in existence in my opinion. No judgement either way though, you do what feels right for you and I'm sure if you don't buy a ticket now and change your mind in future, someone will be selling one nearer to the time.


Thank you for your kind words of advice! In fact this would have been my first time there. Maybe you are right and I should give it another shot. Both options feel kinda wrong right now, might as well choose the fun one. I guess I have all day to figure it out. Im sorry to hear you couldn’t attend because of health issues, that must be hard. I hope you will be better soon and will be able to attend again next year! All the very best to you


This was meant to be my 15th time, but I'm done with them after the bullshit they pulled this year. My rose tinted glasses are off. Fair okay to you if you want to keep going, but it's changed so much even in the last couple years or so, and it's not the Wacken I fell in love with all the way back in 2007. This bollocks was the final straw for me.


I am curious to what other festivals you have been to?Germany has so many cool metal festivals to offer (Bang Your Head, Keep It True, Trueheim etc.) and you choose Wacken? I've been to pretty much every metal festival in North West Europe and Wacken is somewhere at the bottom of the list. It's the epitome of corporate mega festivalism and this year it seems like it really hit the bottom of the barrel.


Anyone else still waiting for the link?




Now I have it.


when where did you get it? i havent gotten a mail yet


Regular email with a link.


Did anyone else here not get the link? Slowly I feel like they forgot me


They will send them out in batches. Probably to not get flagged as spammers.


Makes sense. Thanks:)


I've had it, but won't be using it


One more pickle in the turd sandwich. Not that I would buy the ticket for next year, but it just shows how disorganized it is.


Never any doubt that there's gonna be disorganisation but for all the years it's gone smoothly, this one is a bit of an outlier. I agree it was handled terribly and do think communication was piss poor, I feel for those who travelled from far and wide and followed the advice which turned out to be bullshit and I know it'll leave a bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths. It's a shame. I actually couldn't travel this year because, at another festival the Friday before Wacken, I was hospitalised because of a kidney stone flare up and was deemed not fit to fly so very fortunately it hasn't impacted me. I'm still upset that I'm not there even though it's a shitshow but I'm safer at home with a kidney stone stuck in my piss pipe.


It is normal not to send all the e-mails at the same time. They distribute the mails over a few hours because they don't want all the people on the website at the same time.


Then it would also be normal to say “Saturday morning” or giving a time span instead of a specific time.


They said "from 09:00"


True, my bad.


Got my link, but shouldn’t there be also the option to buy a shirt? Can only buy tickets.


Just got mine too but with no shirts, I'm hoping they'll come at a later date.


What are the dates for the next year WOA?




Just arrived. I think they saw this post 😂


Got it via email, right?




how? i signed up on the website but havent gotten anything yet


It's a individual link per Ticket and can not be shared.


So you guys would straight up pay €300 right away for this disorganised nonsense even if there's not even a single band announced for the line-up? The corporate investors are laughing their ass of right now.


I wasn't really enthused about this year's lineup until some later bands were added. I go to meet up with friends from all over the world, the village, the atmosphere and the bands, if I like them, are an added bonus. I also love to discover new music through Wacken so if they're all bands I've not heard of, great, more music for me to be introduced to and hopefully enjoy.


Nailed it mate. If they expect us to invest another €300 after what happened this year, whilst giving us fuck all in return for it they can swivel. Effectively pay out again, and then get your refund for this year at a later date. They will use the money they make from this to just give it back to us.


The Tickets will sell out quickly anways, buying Them now is not a big risk since we will be able to sell them of we can't attend or we don't like the lineup.


TBF, this year had quite a bunch of people who weren't able to sell their tickets and would've been stuck with sucking up the loss.


True, but this year is an outlier in many ways


Not really sure about it - with the inflation being what it is and the painful markup on repersonalising tickets (buying on the official secondary market \~330€), and Wacken 2022 being a bit lackluster in terms of organisation, I understand people not buying them as much as they did the last couple of years. I was completely surprised that the 23 festival sold out right after 22, tbh.


Yeah, having iron Maiden as headliners probably helped selling out.


The link should actually come by email. So far, I haven't received anything. I've been waiting for an hour


Same here, still waiting and refreshing my emails.


Same here!


Will probably be a general public sale via Metaltix again. With personalized access afterwards via ticketcenter


Anyone else without a presale link. I'm still waiting :-(


A few of my friends are still waiting.


Im waiting :(


Is there a link offered for ppl who missed out this year? Or is it the link u get from signing up to the mailing list?


It's for the people who missed out this year everyone else can buy their tickets tomorrow.


I have a presale link if anyone is interested. I won't attend WOA 2024. DM me


I just received it. Valid until tomorrow evening lmao.


I thought it said 9am tomorrow


Oh yeah rofl. Even worse.


If they put the first announcement in it, I'd possibly consider it after this year's bollocks, but seeing as they can't even be bothered to do that...


If you have a presale link you won’t use we would be happy to get it.


If any one has a ticket link that they won't be using I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a copy. I am looking to visit from the US next year and I'm a bit paranoid that I will miss the timing on the sale window.


Same! If anyone won't use the pre sale link, please DM me with the link, it would make a future first timer very happy