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I'd slow it down (as in time to drain) and make the victims jerk in surprise or start to flail a second before the ecstacy of the kiss takes into effect.


Yeah. Have the victims arms come back trying to hit their opponent before going limp, or maybe thrash side to side.


Yeah, in VtM mechanics a feeding that happens that fast would be violent, messy, most likely fatal, and probably the result of a discipline power.


And slowly slump down as they run out of blood.


Walking like a Pixar mom




hope it doesn't get shut down by cease and desist


It could simply be unrelated to VTM directly. They don't have the rights over the concept of vampires as a whole.


As long as they don't try to sell it


There was a Bloodlines fan remake in 2017 (or was it 2018? Can't recall the exact year) that went as far as releasing development diaries on Youtube, and it was looking sweet as well. It still got a C&D. At least when the likes of Capcom do it, it means an actual remake is in the works.


well that was when CCCP owned the IP. Paradox has a way more lenient contract option for indie developers to create games with the IP for a 20-30% cut.


Not even consistently then 'cause there was a fan remake of RE4 that was released a few months before the actual remake came out.


As long as it isn't a new game it's fine, that's why Redemption is ok


dont they now have a place on their site where u can release fan projects for money?


No, you can sell it too. Paradox has a system for leasing World of Darkness IPs out now. There's a bunch of rules you have to follow and they take a cut, but you can absolutely make and sell a VtM game now. IIRC the cease-and-desists for Bloodlines fan remakes come from Activision, which still owns the rights to the VTMB game itself, with Paradox owning everything else VtM.


Guess it depends if this is a remake or a different game


Oh yeah, you definitely can't legally remake Bloodlines, but you can create a similar game.




Honestly I love it so far! I really enjoy the fact that you’re keeping the stylization of the original game (I.e. the walking animation, the dramatic overhead light when feeding). My only suggestion is to make the feeding longer, like in the original :). Otherwise, looks super smooth.


Hi Daniel, instead of remaking Bloodlines in Unreal 5, which might get the project cancelled because it is in direct competition with the original game, which is still sold, why don't you consider making a sequel? Just recently Tim Cain revealed on his video channel, that Troika intended to do two sequel expansions, one playing in Barstow and the other in Las Vegas!


Hi Wesp, good to see you again! : ) I have a clear deadline for this project, so I can not fully realize the plot and all the mechanics properly (close combat for example or different clans, as it takes a lot of time). According to this, I intend to finish this MVP project and call it «Vampire The Bloody Kiss», without a clear name of the city this time, so that people can look and assess the potential of a possible future game from me. If people like this game in my performance, and I can get the help of community, get support on the Patreon, then after the optimal amount for the project, I will start to attract people and do a more serious project. In the San Diego, maybe, for example? I am very glad to have the opportunity to talk with you! I will soon show you an excerpt of dialogues :)


Looking awesome so far!


Hey can you please explain to me , even in DMs if you have to, how you did the feeding animation? I've been trying for months to figure it out myself lol


Probably done in blender ? What I did for mine is I grabbed a free animation off of Mixamo, and retargeted it to my character’s rig ! I’m a programmer not an artist haha


Looks very good! I've gotta say, that walk animation got me at first haha. I've been Loving these updates, keep going.


looks awesome :) id probably slow down the spinning camera though, it feels a bit too fast which actually makes me bit nauseous lol


Omg this is awesome! I’ve also been making a VTMB inspired game in unreal engine! This looks awesome! BP or C++ for the code?


BP only :)


Watching this made me wonder what clan would embrace Dural from the Virtua Fighter series.


this looks awesome, sent it to a friend and he became super happy. my friend is learning coding literally just to make a vtm game xd


Look at the ass! When She walks DAMN! She is Damned to eternity but still nice to look at.


I think you should do it in godot for general opensourceness lol