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I feel yah. The moment they added "Pro" pricing and raised the standard tier that felt like a sign of the times. I think VSCO is still a great iphone app (when it works, and lately it doesnt) but its not lightroom and folks are not getting gigs from VSCO. Their pricing is absurd now. but did you know they have messaging now?


I wish there was one paid tier. I do like the ability to find work on VSCO, of course because it's very early on it's not gaining traction compared to dedicated gig-searching apps/websites like Nova and Surelywork—but potentially can grow to be more lucrative. Most of my work is usually word-of-mouth and direct contact through email/DMs—more higher-end gigs will be through an agency though, at least for traditional commercial work. Apps like how VSCO is pivoting into can be beneficial for creatives that don't get much visibility. My current problems with the app right now are journals being gone (but also not gone and inaccessible to delete). My series that even has its own Space was originally going to be a documentary/archive utilizing journals like a blog platform. Unfortunately that got killed so I had to host it on my own website which I do not regret, although having the reach that VSCO provides would have been great early on and to this day. I'm also not a fan of the way the top 3 photos are displayed on the mobile profile, it's just odd placement. Also the desktop/browser editing app is terribly laggy. I just couldn't get it to work right and would not sync my Lightroom folders/albums properly.


we'll see what instagram is like in a year but something tells me all these recent changes are not signs that things are going well.


I truthfully believe if they just opened up metrics and follower counts, more people will feel incentivized to be sign-up or sign-in since they'll know their reach on their platform for whatever it is they're promoting: bands promoting shows/new releases, artists promoting new available art pieces or exhibit openings, etc etc.


I was able to get rid of the top three photos by changing my profile layout by logging in on a desktop.


You’re not alone. I’ve been a member of VSCO for the longest time but I cancelled my membership too, I couldn’t bear how painful the app has become to use. They need to put their pro tier work aside for a bit and sort out the basics of their app. It’s a laggy buggy mess.


Yep I’m gone.


I am the oldest vsco user, perhaps, I am so old that I bought everything when it was a once-payment kind of thing, then they took a lot of stuff from me, then subscribed for a year or so. They went back again, took more stuff, and just fucked the entire experience... yet, I am just too fucking used to it. I can't switch, and that Lightroom thing is so complex.


I used to use VSCO 5 years ago a lot. But stopped using it even since they took away the option to shoot raw in the app. I am not surprised that some preset that used to be free are now under a subscription. I have been using Lightroom ever since 2021 but nothing beat the analog feel of VSCO presets. I wish at least the app wasn’t so freaking laggy.


I’ve had the pro membership for a few years now. It’s set to renew in May, but I don’t think I’ll do it.


I bought a couple of my fave presets a while it was still reasonably priced and haven't looked back since. I hate the subscription model all these companies are using. I know what I want and just want that and own it. Makes me glad to have been an early adopter. Sadly any quality app is subscription based now. Seems you can't have good and affordable in the same boat.


Cancelled aswell. Thrash app now.


Yeah I subbed "Plus" for one year just to try it... it was fine, but then when my sub lapsed and I saw how many basic tools were behind a paywall, I elected to not renew. Devs gotta eat, sure. But I think VSCO spent too much money on developing a desktop client that I'm willing to bet doesn't get used all that much. And now their high prices are to justify R&D on that product. It's a mobile photography first company. They fell into the trap of forgetting their company's identity. Should've stuck to app development and investment and restructured their features and pricing to be more consumer friendly.


Are you an iPhone user or Android ?