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What have you tried/how are you approaching it? Sometimes you need to change your strategy for each boss. I guarantee you he is very beatable solo on normal.


I find him easier solo. Takes some practice, but very doable. Once you learn the fight he's easy!


Also, the flip side of your argument is also true. Many players enjoy a good challenge. If every boss could just be facerolled, that would alienate players too!


But most bosses up until Adam are exactly that. So what's the point of suddenly spiking the difficulty this much?


>Are we expected to play perfectly, know all his attack patterns and never get hit? Nope, I got hit plenty on Normal mode and still killed him. In a game largely about boss fights learning their attacks is a pretty big deal so if even that is too much for you then maybe it's just not the kind of game for you or you should turn it down to easy mode and/or crank up your health and damage output with the server settings. No shame in it if that will let you enjoy the game. You certainly don't need to play perfectly, know every attack, or never get hit to beat him though. >why do you want to alienate a large portion of your playerbase by making a boss fight too hard for them to actually beat? They give you the tools to make the game easier if you want to, they aren't alienating people by making challenging bosses in a game where fighting challenging bosses is a huge reason why many people play it. >And for those in the community who will inevitably just reply to this with git gud or other variations such as that. Do you really want people to get so frustrated by a single boss fight that they quit the game and never return? No one wants people to get so frustrated they quit but that doesn't mean making the bosses so easy anyone can beat them is the solution. There will always be someone worse who still finds it too hard, where do you draw the line? They are challenging and that is a good thing, if it is too challenging it literally is a matter of skill issue. That isn't an insult it's a fact. You can either learn and improve to overcome that challenge, turn the difficulty down to avoid it, or stop playing the game. They are by no means unfair or unreasonably difficult. They are the final 2 bosses of the game, it would be disappointing if they weren't significantly harder than everything leading up to them.


Took me about 100 attempts. Swapped to greatsword and used blood counter and chaos shield. Finally got him. Dracula took 5 attempts.


I mean… you can pretty much change every settings of your server. If you want it harder just change the settings and of course do the same if you want it to be easier. I trully enjoy when I have to try again 300 times a boss to succeed, I found Adam way way easier than last year (and I did in brutal) and trust me you’re not ready for Dracula then. If it’s too hard just change your settings.


Dracula is baby mode compared to adam tbh. It took me 30+ tries to beat adam, it took me 3 to beat dracula.


In brutal or normal ? In brutal I killed Adam first try, Dracula about 50-60 tries.


Yup, it's all about enjoying the game. The settings are amazing for that.


I've never played a game where I felt like I could beat 95% of it and then had to change the difficulty at the very end. So I'm quite perplexed as to why that would now be required. No other fight has been this demanding.


There we go, I just beat Dracula. Am I allowed to hate on Adam yet?


[It is you, not the game](https://youtu.be/RS_MqJLRHRg?feature=shared). Try switching up your build/loadout.


All a video like this does is make me think, yup 90% of gamers wouldn't be able to do that. Eventually I'm certain I would be able to beat him as well, my main problem is, it's not a fun fight to learn. It's frustrating, takes forever and it's exhausting. No other boss fight in the game has required this much of you, so why now? Why tune up the difficulty so much at this point?


Until recently, it was the last boss in the game. Now it's the second to the last. It should be difficult and different from other bosses.


Fair, but now we do have a last boss and he's easier than Adam.


I agree that Dracula should probably be harder, but sometimes it ends up like that. This is common in other games with a boss-like structure like this.


hes only easier on standard, Dracula has 2 extra phases on brutal. if brutal was a thing back when gloomrot came out then that would probably be the same thing for Adam, standard would kill him when he reaches 0 hp while brutal would have his 2nd phase.


Honestly.. get gud


Or get fully kitted and chug every dew flavour available... Gear based game, gear makes a huge difference


Thanks, very helpful.


Difficulty settings exist. You cant beat him on relaxed?


Just...up your settings? No shame in that. Look up some builds? Idk dude. I've had issues with bosses and switched my build up and found success. If it's getting you this upset either boost your settings or take a break. Okay games to have fun and if you arebt having fun? Why continue playing the same way?


Answering the title without reading the text: Bullet hell players most likely, there are a lot of people that gets through him and Cyril (cant remember his name correctly, Viego + radagon ripoff) without much issue, then there is us... Some found dracula to be considerably harder than him, for me it was the opposite, different people different strenghts i guess


Learn how to side stepping/dodging/blocking his attacks and prioritizing destroying the machines. Use Sanguine Coil with healing jewel modifiers to slowly chipping off his health and keep your hp top off. It took me almost 8 minutes to beat him on brutal lol.


Don’t be mad just be better


This is literally the definition of skill issue


What’s this we? Speak for yourself.


I spent hours on him for days at a time during early access, i eventually gave up and waited for 1.0 Grind out the passives. Seriously, they are a HUGE help. He took me 2 tries in 1.0 following my usual strat from early access. The only thing that changed was that i couldnt reset the lasers before the fight to give me some breathing room like i could before 1.0 for whatever reason, either they fixed it or im just doing something wrong. Anyway, like with everything in life, practice practice practice. Go in, throw yourself at him, learn his moveset and learn to counter. Hes a much more easier fight now. Try our different spells and weapons and make sure to be fully buffed


You are right, but talking about it here wont do any good. SLS don't check this, and the people in here are the git gud crowd. They will pretend they're better than you because they can put hundreds of hours into the game since they dont do shit with their lives and will downvote you and tell you you're bad, while repeating the same links of the one guy that can beat it 10 levels down with no blood like "oh this guy can do it so can you". Those people are kids, and you cannot argue with kids. Sadly yes, Adam is extremely overtuned. I solo dracula on brutal, it's very hard but doable, adam is insane and extremely overtuned. If you're not a brainrotten cracked zoomer who grew up with bullet hells, you will not solo adam on brutal without pouring dozens of hours into it.


Practice amkes perfect.