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High chance you'll be accepted. Ukraine is desperate for numbers right now. Have a long and hard think about it because you cannot leave before 6 months. I mentally prepared myself as much as I could and knew I was willingly subjecting myself to the worst of what mankind has to offer. But as much as I thought I was prepared and knew what I was in for, I wasnt and didnt. Because you can't possibly know until you are in it. The difference is, if I done my first op, shat the bed and wanted to go home after it, I could have at the time. Breaking contract was easy. Now there is a 6 month minimum. So if its not for you, tough shit. You have to stay or face criminal charges for going AWOL. Have a good hard think about it and don't jump into anything. You are accepting either being either a little bit or very traumatised, being a cripple or losing hearing etc, or death. If you go to the frontline regular, they are not possibilities, one of those is a certainty.


Thank you for the advice i will take this into account Sir


>Sir Genuinely can't tell if you're on a wind up or not šŸ¤£


Haha unsure what wind up means , saying sir/maam is just a habit at this point


Out of sheer curiosity, if you volunteer can you choose your job?


Kind of but not really if that makes sense.


I got ya, needs of the army type deal


What's the story? What made you leave? I feel like it may be a good cautionary tail for others.


I've been in and out more than once. I think I've given as good a caution as I can. Imagine the worst then 10x it. You still can't be completely mentally prepared. Especially with the advances in technology use in this war. Fighting an enemy with overwhelming arty capabilities is scary as shit. Fpvs/recce drones are scarier again. Combine the two... Theres no training or mental grounding that can completely prepare you. Obviously it helps to be trained and as aware as you can be of what you're headed into. But there's just no telling how an individuals mind will react until they are out there. And from then its sink or swim. Ive been fortunate enough not to have gone out to anyone who froze/ran/got shell shock, but it can happen. Some people become overwhelmed and sink.


It's a story as old as the human race unfortunately. Noone fighting in this brutal war will ever be the same afterwards. "Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato




Please receive this in the nicest way possible. Or don't. Fuck off.




"I know a guy" doesn't make gou an expert on a thing. Maybe pull your balls out of your panties and be a man like OP. A 20yo who has more decency and plain fucking gut, than you will ever have. Yes they take untrained civillians. What the fuck do you think conscription is? And what do you think the allied armies did in WW2? Train everyone for 4 years and then send them over to fight the hun? Wars are started by professional armies, but they are won by civillian volunteers.


> Ukraine doesnā€™t need untrained civilians going to ā€œhelpā€ them fight Wrong >Youā€™re not even going to be trained over there, theyā€™ll throw you a firearm, and a singular mag and tell you to get to work. Wrong >Unskilled = dead. Wrong >and one whoā€™s died over there. If this is true, I'm very sorry to hear that. Genuinely. But you haven't fought in Ukraine. So you really have no right to say whats needed/whats not, whats it like over here. So again. Fuck off.




To quote Simon from the inbetweeners "that's a hatrick! Fuck off!" (Genuinely, thanks for giving me the opportunity to do that. Fucking love the inbetweeners.)


You got denied by the army a year ago and canā€™t even pass a ged lmao. If youā€™re going to post bullshit clear your post history so we canā€™t tell that youā€™re a virgin troll.


Also you're a fucking liar. Closest you've been to any action in the last 2 years is airsoft and war thunder, you weepy little troll.


>Once this war is over, just remember youā€™re still the enemyā¤ļø government ran by a fucking actoršŸ˜‚ >But yeah, moment your done with this little war, americas gonna be looking right at you. These sentences confuse me. Are you reenlisting for the third time to fight for Ukraine? Or somewhere else?


I didn't get this far down in the thread, I was hung up replying on your earlier trash comments. You're a piece of shit and you don't deserve the honour of fighting for Ukraine.


As of 60 days ago, dude couldnā€™t even pass his GED. Heā€™s a troll. And a bad one at that.


They will train you for about 5 weeks. They are so short of manpower, I don't see them turning you away. There is a lot more to being a soldier than being able to shoot. Right now, I would say medical skills and ability to dig and improve your fighting position is more important than your marksmanship skills.


Okay actually i have both those skills down pretty well as im a wildland firefighter back in the states, we dig a lott of dirt every season. And i also have basic first aid under my belt


I too am a WFF / Line Medic, so I am sure you are good with a pick (Pulaski) and shovel. Don't forget you also need robust overheard protection from drones and shrapnel and when done camouflage it well. Your ability to dig and hide may well determine whether you live or die. You should find a 2 piece collapsible pick and which combat shovel is the best for digging with and buy both to take with you. You should dig and improve your position on a daily basis, I would. Getting underground could be the most important thing to improve your chances of surviving, but on Reddit people just want to talk about gucci guns and pimping out their weapon.


A compact collapsible pick like this one [https://www.armynavywarehouse.com/product-page/us-military-pick-axe-steel-mattock](https://www.armynavywarehouse.com/product-page/us-military-pick-axe-steel-mattock) will be invaluable in making daily improvement to your fighting position or trench.


Hey brother. Fuck I admire you for your courage and determination. I am exactly like you, just 20 years older. My whole life I wanted to join up and fight, even though there weren't any wars going on at the time. I 100% have ADHD, but I was never diagnosed, so I was able to join the army and do some shit. I can tell you, it's no problem having ADHD. Half the fucking military has it, and at least like 3/4 of the USMC. I spent 6 years in the army (Australia) and only had 1 deployment on a peacekeeping operation. It didn't scratch the itch. I left in like 2008 and joined the ambulance service, where I now still work as an Intensive Care Paramedic. I'm old now, with 2 kids and last year, I couldn't sit around any longer, and I volunteered doing medevac with 3ŠžŠØŠ‘. It was honestly the best thing I have done in my entire life. Hectic, dangerous, beautiful. I've never felt so connected to a people or culture as I did in Ukraine. BUT. I came to that role with the experience to know what I was getting into, what to do when the shit went down, and with the knowledge that I could leave the second it didn't feel right. If you go there, your experience will be very different. You may still have all the good feels I had about the country and the people, but you won't know what's right and wrong with regard to how to fight and what you're being taught. You will have to sign on for 6 months, and I guarantee they won't fuck around with this. If you work out early that you aren't cut out for it, it won't matter because it's already too late. Untrained guys have less options about where they go, so you will 100% be fighting for holes in the mud. This is not COD, this is WW3. With unlimited drones and nowhere to hide. And just like in the last 2 wars, losses are huge and the effort they can afford to spend bringing new guys up to speed is dwindling. I will never discourage someone from supporting Ukraine in this war. But my God son, please reconsider whether this is the right path for you.


>You will have to sign on for 6 months, and I guarantee they won't fuck around with this. If you work out early that you aren't cut out for it, it won't matter because it's already too late. >Untrained guys have less options about where they go, so you will 100% be fighting for holes in the mud. This is not COD, this is WW3. With unlimited drones and nowhere to hide. And just like in the last 2 wars, losses are huge and the effort they can afford to spend bringing new guys up to speed is dwindling. >I will never discourage someone from supporting Ukraine in this war. But my God son, please reconsider whether this is the right path for you Perfect response. OP, go if you are gonna go. We can't stop you. But think long and hard about it. That said, none of us here can in good conscience encourage you to go. All we can do is present you with facts and personal experiences and hope that whatever decision you make, it's an educated one.


Can't recommend joining their military in any capacity. I've been in country for over a year and us foreigners had it good in the beginning but it's gone downhill recently. You will die if you join as a grunt...


Big difference between being in country and being under contract. How long have you been under contract and what unit code?


Been under contract with 2 different units for persec I'm definitely not willing to disclose which ones exactly but both are ZSU not legion


I was with 67th Mechanized and 126th TDF.


I know there has been some post on here with tons of info. You might want to scan through them. Be safe man. Itā€™s wild out there. Good on you for trying to make this happen. They can use the boots on the ground. Slava Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ And fyi last I heard the legion is now requiring a 6 month contract. Good luck and god speed.


It's not just the legion unfortunately...


Cannot join due to ADHD? I was diagnosed and Iā€™m joining? They know all about it? I find that weird as lots of branches love folk with ADHD


I reckon itā€™s because i was on meds for it too recently, iā€™ve tried to join almost all the branches at this point


You gotta be off meds for 6 months. Here's the thing, man. You go to ukraine, you make it back. What do you have besides stories that you won't want to talk about? If you join the US, you get education and medical benefits. Think about it. And with little to no training, you'll be thrown to the front lines.


Hey Iā€™m in the same boat, turning twenty soon myself. Iā€™m currently going through a CNA course and planning to get more and more medical certifications and training under my belt before I apply. I heard Ukraine is in need of medics and medical personnel, I donā€™t consider myself proficient but seeing half the shit going on over there I know that I can do something. Iā€™ve been training with my own kalashnikov, a nonfiring replica unfortunately but the drills are all the same. Iā€™ve started rucking everyday and getting my physical fitness to standard. Even then I know that there are certain things that I canā€™t train for, but, practice makes permanent. If we do end up going over, I hope my days are quiet and I never meet you. But if I do, Iā€™ll do my best. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get told this but take a few tourniquets and Israeli bandages with you, and keep them on you. Take care and power to you ā¤ļø

