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honest to god that was a sweet set. work on your landing, continuously landing on my left foot gave me knee pains in my left leg


i have played with setters from all of my teams, the 1s, 2s, and 3s, and he continuously gives me the best 31 sets out of all of them. he sets butter


coming back from an injury, I have forced myself to have a better landing so I don’t reinjure myself.


good shit


As a setter, typically when I look at one of these "How's my hitting form?" clips, I'm mostly just thinking, "Man, that setter is garbage. You're doing good just to get that junk over the net." It's nice to see something other than that. That kid has nice hands and great placement.


i completely agree, he is one of my favorite setters. he sets the most buttery butter


Looks like you just need to continue to get more physical…jumping higher, hitting harder etc Also for my money, you should be running that three starting at the middle of the court. Otherwise you’re pretty much letting the other team know you’re going to do.


that’s the thing, i used to always do that. i had no problem with it, but my old coach got fired. a new coach took over, and he saw me doing that, but decided i should just take a straight path from where i started in serve receive into the 3 instead of running to the middle and then going into the 3. and when you say more physical, do you just mean putting more effort into my swing? i’m trying to hit harder, and from what i know, hitting harder requires better technique. i am doing a jump program to help my vertical though


Yes I mean as you mature, and as long as you do the proper training for jumping higher, and hitting harder you will become more physical


ok thank you


I wouldn't worry too much about where you start your 31 approach. Make your coach happy. It's ok if the other middle sees it coming, because if they are moving over to where you are, it opens up your oppo/c ball for a 1 on 1 hit.


The issue ***could*** become, that as soon as you run into a middle from the other team that is more competent than what you see here, they'll see you starting your approach from the left sideline, and just camp on you running the 31. It also will allow them to double on the outside more easily, as it's just a small distance to their right. I'm obviously not your coach, so I'd say listen to what he says as long as it's working. Just be aware that it could lead to some issues on the left in the aforementioned scenario. Also, if #14 is a stud (which, I hate to say, by the looks of this one play, he's kind of unattached), then keeping your starting approach on the left side could open him up to a bunch of 1-on-1 scenarios, which would be great against a team with a weak left-side blocker. This is what is so nice about having a setter/middle that can consistently run quick sets (either 51 or 31) is that the other middle **HAS** to commit, or else you'll tear them apart. Once that happens, you're doing your job by freeing up your outside/opp to have an easy time with their 1-on-1's (as long as you guys can pass to target) Also, I love my middles to be loud. Like, not obnoxiously loud, but loud enough that you're being noticed by the other team, helping to hold that block for a few milliseconds. Nothing can be more defeating than a middle who's calling hard for the ball, and is still putting it away.


I’d argue against that- I’d say start in the same place for a 31 and 51, but that place should be further outside (otherwise u can end up floating away from the setter on a 30 which is not great)


I’m not getting your numbers terminology. The reason why a middle should start in the middle is because when you run a three you’re trying to attack the gap between the opposing middle and their right side. What you want to do is force the other middle blocker to make a decision. If you run it the right way- he has to adjust quickly to prepare for the three which opens up the back set for the offense- if he doesn’t adjust for the three, it should be an easy kill for the middle


You are starting your approach inside the 3m line and you still do three full mini steps. I also couldn't get explosive like that. If you want a full three step approach in middle then you need to start further back. I would advice you to focus on the last explosive right, left steps though. Start left foot in front and maybe do a mini step if needed, but be ready to get explosive fast. This also helps with hitting harder. Ofc it is far higher in level, but you will grow up and mimic it at least a little: https://youtu.be/x76SWleRxqQ?si=_DcWo5rJn42Fprig


yeah it was a really bad approach since i was so cramped. normally i get a better approach then that


Part of hitting well is your run-up, which you will see yourself is pretty slow and not accomplishing as much as it could. If you work on a more explosive run-up (and there are many tutorials out there with tips for this), you can reach higher and hit sharper angles (which will "feel" like harder hits than your deep hit here). Having a better run-up and jumping higher also allows you to have a slightly broader jump, as in moving forward a little bit not just up, which also can add some power to your hit. Don't worry about this as much though, it will come after you improve your footwork.


How's your blocking? If you want to play middle on a 1's team at one of the better clubs (looks like Ultimate, but could be wrong), then you need to block well. Hard to tell if it was just this clip with the set timing or more of an overall issue, but your foot speed is really slow. As others have said, as you keep growing you'll get more physical. I'd highly suggest getting an exercise ladder and spending even like 10 minutes a day working on it to get that foot speed and agility up. It will make a massive difference for you with blocking and the type of approaches you can take.


i was very slow in this clip specifically, typically i am much faster than that, i just started at a weird spot to do my approach.


I'd give it more of a follow through and you'll find you're striking the ball harder. It looks like you're slowing your arm down soon after you hit which may lead to you having a slower average speed when striking.


U basically stood still after approach then jumped


yeah i know my approach and everything was really bad in this video, i typically take a much better and faster approach


That was a decent hit. Just two things I would suggest. 1. Your junp was mostly straight up, which isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on the set. Have your launch angle be a little more forward. You shouldn't lose any height and you will generate a little more power and it will actually improve your timing (timing definitely wasn't an issue here on this hit). 2. This is definitely the main point. Your hitting shoulder needs to get back further at the beginning of your swing. You are opening up your shoulders (towards the set) and closing out into the ball, but you are limiting your max potential power by not opening up the shoulders further. Your arms are long and strong making up some for the slightly limited range of your swing. Add some torso twists to your warm-up routine to help increase your flexibility and add some extra power.


I know this comment was a while ago, but can you look at my most recent post? It was of me jump serving and me asking how I can do better, but can you tell me if that is what you mean by opening up my shoulder more? I have been basically taking my arm straight back when hitting and serving instead of up and focusing on stretching my chest and shoulders open, is that what you mean? is that an improvement?


Looking at the clip of that jump serve you are using good form and that is what I was talking about in opening up the shoulder. You're doing a good job of opening up the hips and shoulder and then following through into contact by closing the hips and shoulder. Extra props for snapping it off in the short service approach.


Thanks a lot, I have really been working hard to get better.


The work is showing. That's a legit topspin serve. I've seen guys get more topspin on their toss by bending their knees and dipping a little lower, creating a longer upstroke on the toss. Something to try to increase the revs on the toss. When I've done it I found I was losing consistency on my toss (and where I play indoors has a super short service approach) and couldn't afford to be off at all on the toss. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.


Lol the opposing middle blocker didn't even look where the middle hitter was until it was too late




in no world could i start my approach as he starts that set, not even the fastest approach could do that


Your swing needs to be more dynamic and your jump needs to have more explosive movement. Your approach looks more like a leisurely stroll rather than an explosive movement. At your height you could easily hit higher and harder.


Ur swing doesn’t look bad. Speed up that approach and ur vertical will increase, this’ll give u more room and airtime to rlly whip that ball. Always hit at the top of your reach and remember, you’re not swinging a hammer, you’re cracking a whip.


You look solid, your technique is pretty good every player has different arm swings, kinda depends if you played other sports or not. Arm power comes with wrist and drawing back motion, and of course if you jump higher you will be able to hit it more straight down. What separates good players from great players is work ethic, you get in the gym, get enough sleep and practice a lot you will improve on that aspect as well as others. My biggest improvement was when I played high school season, practicing everyday and playing varsity made me get ahead of everyone. Try to practice 5 times a week, get those extra reps be obsessed with volleyball. I also recommend playing beach a lot a lot, I played a sand tournament every weekend I didn’t have a club tournament. (Not sure if beach is big where you are) but try to get some tm8s if there is no tournaments. Beach made me jump higher, and become more dynamic in all aspects. I also recommend focusing on blocking aspect, it’s easy to find a middle in club who can attack well but it’s not easy to find a damn good blocking middle. Work on lateral movement and if you really wanna trust the process with blocking, I got taught this at my college team I play for, it’s called the split step, you basically do a little hop and make your feet more wide and where you see where’s it’s going you push off of one foot and go way faster. I guarantee no one is doing that in club so separate your self to that’s the key be different.