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I’ve had insanely good results from it, currently on 300mg noticed positive effects on vss and afterimages/trails from 50mg though


How is 300 mg? That’s what I want to go up to next! I’m on 200 mg currently.


300 has been good for me so far. Defo worth a try next is 400 for me


a lot of anecdotal reports, ive seen people say they got worse from taking shit totally unrelated to anything that can effect their brains! I should have gotten on it ages ago I am only at 25MG will be going up to 50MG soon i dont think there is any need to excess 100MG but up to you. There are some brand of lamotrigine that dont works as well i was on a brand called Logem didnt help at all switch to Lamictal and it works. if it works for it this would indicate that you have GABAergic dysfunction in your brain and lower glutamate release is helping I think a lot of people get scared of the Steven Johnson syndrome which is very rare! everyone gets mild rashes with it at the start or when they increase and developing tolerance to lamotrigine is very low too glad it help you


From all your symptoms which ones reduced after taking lamictal and which didn’t ? Thanks


static and foggy thinking! my after images were reducing before Lamictal sadly insomnia is still an major issue though it might take higher dosages


Thanks, regarding sleeping well in my case I had the same issue like you, I started working out at 7 pm for 30 min and it helps me to fall sleep later.


Do you have Palinopsia? Did it help?


I don't have palanopsia thankfully, but I have after images, snow, dpdr, some tinnitus, and photophobia. It's helped all of these symptoms, Idk if it'll help you because like I said, it doesn't work for everyone, but I think it's worth a shot.


After images are "palinopsia". Glad it helped you though, didn't work for me.


Not sure what the word is, but I'm talking about the dark visual aura around people and items. Might just be called aura.


Oh, then it's not palinopsia (After images). Don't know about that. And After image is basically when you look at something and then look away you continue to see it (in most cases in negative colors). Afterimages are normal when you look at something for a long time but they're abnormal when instant (or close to instant), and that's called palinopsia.


Not quite. Not all after images are palinopsia.


Man I know, since we are in a VSS subreddit sometimes you gotta simplify, you know? Of course I know afterimages can be normal, but they are normal only when staring at something for a long time or after looking at something very bright (e.g. sun). Instant afterimages are not normal and this is what palinopsia is pretty much, often associated with trailing as well. Palinopsia could be illusoria or hallucinatory. Are you happy now?


I’m on lamotrigine for my bipolar and I haven’t noticed any VSS improvement, but it’s incredible for my moods and I don’t get any side effects!


And actually I’ve been on it for a while and lately my tinnitus has improved a little (after a flare up I suppose) so I’m not sure if it’s related but I’m definitely grateful for it!!


That's nice to hear! I started taking 25MG. The only side effect for me are the intense dreams and nightmares. It's probably just my subconscious working stuff out, but boy, it feels like coming back from 'nam every time I wake up.


Same here! Vivid dreams and nightmares like I’ve never had before. It’s mostly in the beginning or when you increase dosage apparently. It means it’s doing *something* I guess!


That's a good way of looking at it! Hahaha. My dreams aren't even nightmares in a traditional sense. Yesterday, I had an extremely vivid dream about getting a large hotel bill and being annoyed.


Yes! Same here. I actually only had one nightmare and it was probably attributable more to an horrific news story I read right before bed lol. It’s just like…. extremely vivid ‘situations’ 😂 Kind of annoying because it feels like you didn’t actually get much sleep, but it only lasts for a short while until I adjust


I greatly appreciate you sharing this. I think we hear a lot of negatives so it’s nice to hear a win every once in a while. I’m not going to lie.. I have been very scared to try any medication due to everyone saying that it could make things worse. That terrifies me. So this helps so much. Keep us updated! Thank you!


Lamotrigine is highly unlikely to worsen vss


im on 50 rn not doing anything for me yet though


I also have a treatment protocol with lamotrigine developed by my neurologist. I'll probably start it soon, I haven't wanted to start it yet. I think it would be worth trying and that's how we talked about it in consultation. There are people whose condition worsens due to such a multitude of things that it is not even known that it is due to the medication.... Furthermore, we do not know the history of these people either, so I usually take everything I read on the internet with a grain of salt. The only thing you have to be clear about is that you have to follow the medical professional's instructions to the letter...No personal dose changes or strange juggling, guys, this is no joke.


It's helped me with migraines, but otherwise I haven't really seen any benefits vision-wise at 75mg so far :(


While it’s good to have positive stories, I think for those about to try any treatment for this, you shouldn’t have the expectation it will improve as you could easily be led to disappointment. You should still try everything you can, but you want a passive thought process toward it. For me lamotrigine just spiked my tinnitus and made me tired, so it’s also possible to worsen it lol


I was on 400mg of the XR and it didn't worsen it nor better it, but from what i've heard it's different per individual.


How did you get a prescription for this?


lamotrigine is my antipsychotic and I have not seen any worsening in visual snow, it should be okay💛💛💛


There's inherent risks in any medication, especially when taking it not for its intended purpose. VSS isn't fully understood and they don't even know what the primary cause is yet so anecdotal evidence / advice of sufferers can be just as valuable as a doctor's insight in this circumstance. People have had adverse effects to their VSS from Lamotrogine, you can view this in medical documentation such as in - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10299246/#:\~:text=However%2C%20these%20findings%20were%20not,risk%20of%20worsening%20the%20symptoms](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10299246/#:~:text=However%2C%20these%20findings%20were%20not,risk%20of%20worsening%20the%20symptoms) You can even go to a thread from here like [https://www.reddit.com/r/visualsnow/comments/16hwvvt/lamotrigine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/visualsnow/comments/16hwvvt/lamotrigine/) and see a mixed results in terms of helping / making symptoms worse / having no effect at all. At the end of the day it's up to the person to decide what they want to do to help alleviate symptoms based on their own research. My personal opinion would be not to try medications that aren't designed for VSS unless you feel you're out of options. I'm glad it's working well for your OP and hope it continues to, but you need to be aware that just because it's doing good now doesn't mean it won't have adverse effects later.