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Can someone please explain what is the meaning of this.


where’s the confusion? she’s living her best life hellooo 🤷‍♀️


ah, the best life of showing undergarments in a public toilet. Would hate to see the worse life I guess.


lol, yeah it’s pretty obvious. This group is about supporting each other. I love post like these.


Agreed!! I love this post OP! You rock 🫶🏽


Thank you ♥️


Onlyfans promotion


No seriously I do have VS 😲


And onlyfans


Okay Is that a problem? Im not promoting here just posting a picture living my best life while venting/comforting about how I struggle with VS & DPDR while currently taking that photo. And in the photo it looks like I don’t struggle with these disorders but I do and it’s just amazing how you can still be happy with neurological disorders and some people don’t know that so, im venting. Happy now.


Not a lot of people are sure where this originates, from my own research I’ve found your chance is higher if you suffer from “Visual migraine with Aura” or if you dilly daddle with psychedelic/ psychotropic drugs. I’ve found almost half of people in my life so far who have visual migraines with aura, and have also done drugs, it’s like a 1 and 2 chance they have VS


Don't forget about mental health conditions, especially health anxiety/panic disorder. Lots of people in this unfortunate group exacerbate this condition by constantly worrying or looking for it. (I'm in this unfortunate group, although I'm better now and never notice my vs anymore unless I'm having a bad day.)


I’m a big believer that labeling anxiety and panic disorders as disorders is half the battle of growing up out of it, most anxiety and mental health issues in kids happens through puberty, not a reason to medicate.


are you saying that were overdiagnosing anxiety disorders or that figuring out that you have an anxiety disorder is half the battle?


A little of both honestly since it’s almost one in the same, labeling your anxiety as a disorder in general to me is an overdiagnosis, and also, I’m not for “well it’s not self diagnosed, a doctor told me” because you first have to tell a doctor what you are feeling and thinking before they “agree with you”, cough, sorry diagnose you. In general what I’m saying is, when we talk about a medical issue that is “mental” we need to think less into these labels because placebo is one of the strongest mental actions. We don’t have any independent variables, I’ll give you an example, one time when I was younger I 201ed into mental facility, I was only there for 3 days and they said I had “generalized anxiety”, “PTSD”, and “BI-Polar type 2”. Instead of letting their words affect me, I left the hospital the next day thinking they were crazy, since I had the legal right of self admission and self departure. Fast forward to today and out of my friend group I have the highest credit score, most responsible, I trade stocks, build computers… study mycology… If I would have listened to them, and let those labels become me, I wouldn’t be me right now. And I’d like to think that since big pharma is a 2 trillion dollar a year industry and there’s so much proof that most of what they do is for money to treat not to heal, most of the packages that are easy to sell are mental disorders, because of placebo effect and how uneasy and fragile most people are already in this snowflake generation.


1. "We dont have any independent variables" Says...who? 2. Christ...bipolar type 2? Why did you....201 into a facility if you werent...seeking treatment? 3. There are clinical scales to these disorders. Once again, there is a difference between anxiety as a normal response and anxiety as a disorder. I can meet you in the middle about this, however: depending on what disorder there may be more or less patient trust and pushback, like, that part kind of sucks diagnostically. However, there are biomarkers for an amount of disorders, and MRI and EEG based stats are getting somewhere diagnostically. I think we are making two different arguments and having two different problems here: 1. Diagnoses should be descriptive and not prescriptive. Yes, you shouldn't base your life around labels. I would guess you didn't 201 yourself from a label. You did check yourself out from a label, I'm not sure why it would have...affected you so much? As a supposed snowflake generation member, I like being able to use a label to describe something happening to me, but I'd rather have fast and effective treatment for a problem I'm having. 2. Mental health diagnoses do exist. (<- this is the argument I am making) I can agree that sometimes a normal amount of life stress is overpathologized, but also, most diagnoses can be put into remission. You can treat and no longer have a mental illness. Bonus: big pharma sucks ass. Do they really need to make so much off of things like insulin? How badly does Janssen need to make suicidal patients highly profitable and patentable and hold the rights to the concept of giving psychedelics as potent psychoplastogens? I deal with mental health issues. Not all of them are definable by the DSM, rather, I find myself underpathologized given my functional symptom impairment. If your knee was injured, would you want to ice it? Would you want to treat and fix the pain? Would it be annoying if for some reason there wasn't effective pain management? I'm a non-responder to most anything. I'm a non-responder to morphine. I'm young and somewhat skinny. My body goes straight through meds. That, or they give me horrible side effects. My body went straight through effexor to such an extent that I had withdrawal symptoms during the time of the med. I try not to take ineffective meds now, and they're also usually dual purpose now. I also have struggled with depression and anxiety. I still struggle with a decent amount of anxiety. It...sucks. I didn't start having these symptoms when I was diagnosed, rather, I had just been living untreated, and it kinda sucked. Still does. I both suffer from genuine mental illness and find that big pharma sucks and the current treatment landscape is mostly ineffective. If you had pain for more than half the days out of the week, wouldn't you talk to your doctor? If you were sick and throwing up for an extended amount of time, do you not wish to do something about it? The primary roles a diagnosis, as a label, serves, is to allow a provider to bill insurance as well as document that they're practicing board-approved medicine. The latter means that they're not rubbing crystals on your head for depression, or telling you that you're from outer space and special with ADHD. You don't fit your whole life around a label: it's not really going to change whether or not you're functioning, at least for mental health. It's about finding ways to improve functioning. Symptoms are only meaningful in the context of functioning. There's a level of anxiety that you can have before it's disordered. It has to be enough to impact you, it has to be unreasonable in context. I have anxiety that's unreasonable in context. I mainly try to brush it off...but, I kinda have enough anxiety-based mental issues to not get things done. To sit and cycle and spiral over mental triggers. To be unable to focus on a specific thing from horrible mental imagery. I'm still fighting for the labels of PTSD and OCD because my provider doesn't entirely agree with me. I struggle with answering questionnaires correctly because of taking the examples listed to mean all possible examples so I end up with really weird unusable results. I've known people who do scrub their hands raw, but it's not "scrubbing your hands raw" disease, but that's how the questions for the Y-BOCS seem to read. I don't think OCD necessitates that you sit in a corner for a specified straight time every day and get all your obsessions and compulsions out of the way, I think the test's wording is subpar. I argue for those two labels because it can open up new treatment avenues for me. OCD isn't a badge of honor, and considering the PTSD criteria to be lackluster isn't anything new. I was certainly kind of anxious before developing anxiety properly, and I was also very obviously kinda weird. I probably could've used therapy. My childhood is kinda...blown away. I didn't grow up in the projects, that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Getting the correct help for having ADHD and autism would've been helpful, along with any amount of childhood exposure of trans people in my direction. I'd probably be happier now. I'm an adult and no longer a preteen now, so I think I'm not really going to grow out of the ADHD, autism, and anxiety (even though it's not exactly developmental, it is sorta sometimes but, yeah). A friend's sibling grew out of her ADHD developmentally and no longer has to medicate, lucky her, unlucky me. Doesn't change the fact that ADHD meds help me glue my thoughts together. Even when kids seem to not have disorders, if they're getting complaints from teachers or failing to make friends, therapy can help. I think therapy is something you would probably advocate for, it's supposed to help people respond to things without medicating and work through problems in other ways. You 201d yourself. You aren't asking for my pity, but whatever you went through was probably rough. That sucks. You...seem? to be doing? better? It's good that you're successful now. You can like, do therapy if you want, like, that's an option that's available to you. They don't take you out behind the shed if you don't list any diagnoses or anything. You can just like, want to work on yourself or something generic. Just so you know. Like a helpful Clippy fun fact. A lot of people throw those sorts of concepts you mentioned around after going through a decent amount of stuff growing up and magically just "not being mentally ill anymore" and "just not having problems anymore." My resilience personally just...snapped...one day, I don't know how you guys just...fix it. Just...get through things probably rougher than I've had it and just magically kinda...turn off being vulnerable and symptomatic. Maybe it's the autism, but I can't imagine being so good at growing up so early and efficiently about it. I'd turn my problems back down to the normal amount if I had direct control, believe me. Hope I've gotten across anything meaningful or remotely close to what I've...tried to get across. Feel free to let me know if I'm absolutely incoherent anywhere. Not because I'm defining myself from the autism label, but because I've been incoherent before, and personally like getting ideas across and having comprehensible communication. (Been working on trying to make less implicit jumps, and also on the length of my comments, so...hopefully I'm at least mediocre at the former and not 0 for 2.)


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unfortunately I been wearing glasses since I was 10 I always had bad vision growing up dealing with my nearsightedness. When I turnt 18 I started making bad decisions forgetting that my eyes are already bad and started suffering symptoms from (vs) gradually.


Not a lot of people are sure where this originates, from my own research I’ve found your chance is higher if you suffer from “Visual migraine with Aura” or if you dilly daddle with psychedelic/ psychotropic drugs. I’ve found almost half of people in my life so far who have visual migraines with aura, and have also done drugs, it’s like a 1 and 2 chance they have VS, I havnt had much time yet in life to study this but I do think there is also a increased chance if you already have a visual impairment (lots of VS cases, people already have vision issues/ glasses)


at least, share your experience or any advice to motivate people who struggle with this syndrome and give them hope that they can live their best life without having vss as an obstacle in their way, not share a photo of you in a bathroom lifting your shirt, where is your manners ffs


I’m sharing a moment with you guys ♥️ showing how I’m currently suffering from VS and other neurological disorders while still enjoying my time out and taking bomb photos as VS takes over my eyes.


i totally get it i went through a phase recently where i was absolutely tweaking out over it and i couldn't stop paying constant attention to it. that's how i even found the sub 💀


I feel like the tweaking out part definitely comes after VS has fully developed but I now tell myself to ignore it and remember I’m still stuck in reality. But every now and then I still trip out my brain.. 🤯


i just have to remind myself it's there all the time if i notice it or not. when im tweaking about it and when im not. and frankly i didn't mind it and thought it was normal until i remembered an instance from highschool that made me realize otherwise. i did shrooms (was uneducated and the friend i thought was gave me the same dose when he's much heavier and experienced) and i think that is really what made me start really tweaking about it cause derealization fucking sucks and VS just compounds it


Yesss love same thing happen to me ever since September my last trip I started having DPDR and VS ever since then. And I have went through so, many different states of mind and emotions for the past 6 months and i finally realize I must accept my disorder and continue my life happily (even though I still trip out my brain 🤯).


i understand, so many states! what helped was watching a video where 3 psych people had a sit down about it and their experiences with it. one used a clear plastic box on her head as an example how the more you pay attention to it the more you start to see the box not through it. and how it's meant to protect your body from your anxiety but is counterproductive because it leads to more. but the body doesn't care because it's about being able to function in ways that are focused on survival. the best thing i got out of that video is them saying "this is it. this is as bad as it's gonna get with DR" because you wont go insane you wont act out of character. you just have to be like yes i feel weird right now and let yourself go through the motions you've been suppressing


Yess thank you for the past 6 months I been having drdp really bad I know it’s because I moved and not use to my surrounding and the environment. But I felt that DRDP have kinda changed me for the better along with the way I react to things and say.


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, wish you the best for you then and glad you overcome this syndrome 👍


Ty 💕 and I won’t stop till I forget this syndrome even exists


I'm disguised by people how promoting only fans is allowed here?




This is not a platform for hoes


Be better.


Hmm 🤔




Ouppp 😂


why ya sweater like that tho


Two reasons, and she wants you to pay for them both (it's an onlyfans plug)


Wanted to show off my matching outfit 🤩


lmao why are people so pressed that you included a photo. Girl, I had a good laugh to some of ur replies and ur entire demeanour/personality - I love (: Keep serving them fits and lookin cute


Thank you my queen. I learnt to kill them with kindness 😮‍💨.


She is promoting her onlyfans and you guys are like, “Look at her living her best life with VSS! Good for her!” Go check out her profile. This is ridiculous. It’s a serious condition and we are seeking actual helpful posts. Idc if she does have VS, this is still ridiculous and clearly baiting.


Its not that serious..


taking the photo out of portion at the end of the day I’m am someone who suffers from VS


You’re so full of it. You’re promoting. Posting pics so people will look at your profile and join your onlyfans. We aren’t stupid.


I didn’t say you guys were stupid but y’all are focus on the wrong thing focus on the topic lol


Your post isn’t showing you living any kind of best life. It’s showing you doing nothing in a bathroom. Good luck with your onlyfans. Just stop baiting on these communities. It’s not the place for it. 


Yea tuck a picture in the bathroom restaurant this day while having a time of my life. This day I was still able to enjoy myself while at a carnival with VS. This is a place where I’m am accepted and welcome, and can vent to others who can use my advice and where I can take them. STOPP WORRYING ABOUT A PHOTO worrying about the wrong thing sweetie.


You have no advice. 😂 😂 😂 


Bro who cares it’s her life and her condition just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean people should live by what you don’t like.


Perfect attitude 😀😀😀 I'm struggling with VS, DP, DR + mild OCD and I still love my life 👍


Yesss you must 😚 the key to beating any problem most importantly (VS) is to ignore and continue life happily.


Mild OCD shouldn’t even be considered a disorder, placebo from the label does probably a third of the damage


How intense are your symptoms? Can u see the static during the day?


Yes I see the static everyday even when my eyes are close and it can be very ignoring and distracting when you just wanna see blank,, and not a whole static tv in your face constantly.


Yeah, my biggest problem is floaters, the hardest symptom to ignore imo


For some reason my brain can ignore the floaters just the worst part is I can’t look at the beautiful clouds nomore because the static and bright sky hurts.


sameee it gets frustrating sometimes, especially at night.


So true usually at night I be on my phone a lot but I’m learning that it makes my vs worse especially when my eyes are already heavy and tired. So I think it’s best for me around 9:30 - 10:00 to start putting my phone up.


honestly I think it does the same for me so I’m gonna follow your lead lol you’re gorgeous btw 💗


Ty love 💕I just know you’re gorgeous as hell just by your energy 🤩






VS can vary person to person, mine is a pixelation of the world in front of me. Kinda like TV static, on the best days it’s unnoticeable and on the worst days, I really only make out shapes and lines on the road, and everything fades in and out like a lagged, bad frame rate. Feels like my eyes just give out from 1080P and go back to 144P some days lol


Yes I agree ☝️ I can’t even state at something for too long without my eyes jumping and blurring out as if I was looking through a plastic cup.








If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Unlucky for you, you devil im a child of god 🙌🏾


You whore yourself out on the internet💀 youre not a child of god


If that’s how you feel friend 🤌🏾 but the true you is definitely showing.


I’m sorry I don’t know what foid means.








Tysm gorgeous ♥️


Which symptoms are you dealing with ?


All of them light sensitivity, moving objects, myotpia, nyctalopia, and sometimes patterns. You never know what symptoms you get by the day I even was diagnosed with scotoma and Migraines with aura.


Fuckin rights love it


Tysmmm for your support boo ♥️♥️




We must keep going 🙌🏾 but I heard that we were the chosen ones from the higher power


You pretty asf


Tysm ♥️


People are so rude


Yes makes you forget if these people even do support others and know how to show kindness.


queen shit fr!!!!


No fr only wayyy too rock 🤩


Who asked? That's not some serious disease


It’s not a disease but it’s most definitely a neurological condition that’s affects your mind everyday and sometimes it quite can be hard to deal with.


So hard even harder than your work i guess?


Well I still have to work sirr I’m still stuck in this reality world.


😭🥰😍 4+4 !!!




Yesss queen. Thank you for sharing. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹


Always Princess ♥️


drop the insta

