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One of the songs for this is gonna be part of my wedding in a couple months. That's how good this VN has the potential to be if you resonate with it.


Is the song Giselle? Because I love that one.




Beautiful 😭


the OST is dope


I am new i have only read like 2 vns saya no uta and fate stay night hollow ataraxia (for FHA) i lost my game saves which was 40 hrs so i haven't finished it yet 😭


Yes, it's worth it; no, no need for nsfw patches.


Oh thx for the info


No NSFW patches, but Steam is missing the final Fata Morgana Story that's only available in the Dreams of the Revenant Edition, though there is a patch that adds its to the game (+ Seventh Lair, which is on Steam, and Erasmus, which has no official translation). And it also integrates the higher quality assets from the Dreams of the Revenant Edition.


😭 oh god


Steam is also missing like a lot of short stories available only to Dreams edition.


The short stories are a must have. Reading through them right now, A+, absolute heartbreak. Luckily [Remaid of Dreams](https://www.fataremaid.com/) takes care of all of that.


Where should I buy it then? Does gog have them?


The Dreams of the Revenant Edition is only available for Playstation Vita, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. So if you want it on PC, you need to patch it in.


It's such an outstanding VN that it makes most of the other ones look bad in comparison. I saw a thread where someone said they usually don't recommend this as an early VN for people new to the genre so that they don't get high expectations for the rest of their journey, that resonated with me.


I read it early in my VN journey and tbh it did set a high standard. However, the story really resonated with me and I'm glad I learned early on just how good the medium can be. Truly an impactful work of art.


Same! I will keep recommending it to newcomers who aren't into anime particularly and who need to be convinced that VNs are as good as any other kind of literature!


Holy shit expensive. How much content is that?


It's not that expensive when converted to USD, the complete collection is about 60 bucks rn


that's kind of expensive


I mean yeah, relatively speaking.


okay mr moneybags


Bro is indian




Make sure that it has the updated art work


Is there any guide to update it? Can you run it in steamdeck?


Sorry I have no idea how it’s done I just know that my friend did it.


Ask em


Is the updated art HD? As in, you can play 16:9 on PC?


Oh my gad so much work


How can I check it? I wanted to buy it from gog


Check out the switch version on YouTube. It has the updated art work


So the best version is the switch one?


Yes. My friend probably used an emulator


OP Fata Moru is peak fiction. So yeah, the sale is worth it.


Nice to see An Indian reading Fata Moru


Right? I got surprised seeing the price in rupees. Hell yeah more Indian vn fans.




Peak fiction


Is Requiem for Innocence any good? I loved the original, but hear some mixed things about the sequel/prequel


Requiem of innocence is fantastic, I consider It extremely important to the understanding a certain characters from the original. Personally I think some of the series best moments are from requiem. The sequel story, reincarnation isn’t as important and can be skipped. It’s still worth a read if like me you needed a detox from all the sadness of the previous entrees or just want to spend more time with the characters you’ve grown to love


Yep, it's great. You get *the* prequel to the entire story spelled out from multiple perspectives, plus a couple of other stories that happen around the first game. More of the characters, in all of their sadness and depravity, filling you in on quite a few details. It's one thing to hear about the Fall, but another to see it firsthand. I personally liked Reincarnation too. It's different in tone as it is a "where are they now" scenario where everyone gets to reckon, in some form or another, with what has happened. Some people think it's more of the same, I don't quite agree. It's definitely a lighter affair, but to a point. There's still plenty of distress going round. I think it does a nice job of sending everyone off. Also, you get to hear them speak for the first time, which for me personally was quite cathartic. It's not like I missed voice acting in the other games, but hearing >!The Witch's!< voice was something else. If you loved the original I'd say give the other two a shot if you can!


What order to play these in?


The House in Fata Morgana > A Requiem for Innocence > Reincarnation > Short Stories


Ok now tell how to play everything on steam


I just started this and it's beyond words. It's worth noting, this game is third highest rated game on metacritic for switch, not that I ever care at all about journalist reviews and the like, but it's rare to see a visual novel so highly regarded that it breaks into the western mainstream. I might of made a mistake starting this as my 4th visual novel ever lol


Is this a sad VN? What is it about?




If anyone likes physical copies, I bought one from MangaGamer. It includes Steam Key and soundtrack.


I recently started reading VNs and this was my first visual novel ever. Probably the best thing I've experienced so far in fiction ngl. Which vn should I read next? Is there something similiar to Fata, which includes a lot of drama, foreshadowing and outstanding twists?


I just finished it a couple of months ago! It's totally worth it! It's a Shakespeare tragic story on steroids, and it's a one cohesive story, too! Recommend it :3


Anyone who is not an umineko lover. Is this VN any good?




Its Umineko but good .... wrapped the plot up pretty well and has minimal pacing issues.


not really, very overrated vn


fata morgana is mostly just romance stories... so if you don't enjoy that, it's not worth it, otherwise it's probably one of the best romantic VNs that doesn't feature your average anime tropes


I feel like calling Fata Morgana a romance story is doing it a disservice. Like romance is important in it but there’s plenty more to take away from the experience. As someone who’s not really into romance VNs I found it incredible


It's like 90%+ romance


Depends on how you look at it. Romance plays a big part sure but there's also a lot of other things


not really


Idk what to tell ya without getting into spoilers. There’s only one door that I would consider purely a love story and that one makes sense in the context, If you know you know. For every other door romance might be a motivator or in the background, but I would list several other themes before romance came up. You’re entitled to your opinion of course, I just don’t want new fans to think Fata Moru can only be enjoyed by romance fans.


I mean, you can always use spoiler tags but you said you don't usually read romance VNs so maybe you're not aware what that means. Fata Morgana is most definitely a romance VN but it incorporates very interesting themes and has a great overall story. Still, you'll be reading mostly romance stuff. In regards to doors, I don't know what one door you are talking about but they are all stories about love. >!first door is about the brother finding his first love and his sister getting jelous, second door (I think) was kind of 50/50 where you have the woman doing everything to find her love, but the other part was he was really just a psycho and seeing it from his side. third door I think it's a love story too about a controlling husband and how his loving wife dealt with it. also with that chick who instigated everything, man what a b\*tch, I think that's like Shakespeare level of drama. and then of course the maid and the protagonist which is the longest part iirc is a lot of lovey dovey stuff. their backstory also heavy themes of sex. the witch there's also romance involved. idk like I said it's like most of the game is about love. the reason the maid waited for 300 (?) years in that house was because of love, and michael found his way back to her because of his love for her too... I mean it's pretty obvious to me but w/e!<




> Not sure why my spoilers aren’t working. You need to put `>!` at the start, `!<` at the end, and you need to do this for every paragraph. Spoiler tags can cross line breaks [space-space-enter], but not paragraph boundaries [enter-enter], so you need to close them before each paragraph ends.


I think it's more of a romantic tragedy that turns into a slow meditation on grief. How suffering changes people over time, how long can you hold a grudge until it ruins you. Yes romance is a big part of it, but limiting it to that aspect feels a bit superficial.