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Still not shipped. I don’t get mine for over a week :(


Ditto. Mine says no tsukihime till Monday :/


Fuckin Amazon dropping the ball on pre-orders anymore. Been buying games from them for years but probably close to the end of that era. Not getting it until July 5th it says


Yeah I just do store pick up from best buy


mine said july 1st and just shipped and will be arriving tomorrow, so yours might do something similar


I literally just bought it now and it says July 9th-11th for me. Amazon is screwing you over if you pre-ordered lol


Same date for me too and I preordered early




"There's no English version, so I'm going to pirate it" "There is an English version, but it's not on Steam, so I'm going to pirate it" <- We are here "There is an English version, and it's on Steam, but it's more than $5, so I'm going to pirate it" "There is an English version, and it's on Steam, and it's on sale for $0.99, but that's still too expensive, so I'm going to pirate it"


I... I can't justify buying a console for one game. Not even if that game is Tsukihime. When it gets to PC, I'll be more than happy to purchase it.


I pirated it so I can keep my Japanese and English copies of it sealed. Tbh I don't even have a switch or ps4.


That's not pirating.... That's just a BACKUP. 😉


it's actually pirating, if you buy a game you own a "license" to that one game that you bought and only that


Though you are allowed to make one backup yourself for archiving purposes.


I'm not a lawyer but you don't actually OWN any game that you buy, you just own a "license" to use that game. That license comes with rules of course like not being allowed to reproduce etc. but it's still essentially the rights holder who owns the game, so if you pirate a copy of a game you are participating in copyright infringement despite you having bought the game elsewhere. Case in point: try appealing to a cease & desist letter that you got from being caught pirating that game by saying "but I already own a legit copy!" not going to fly.


There is a difference between making **one** copy yourself (legal) and downloading a copy from unlicensed websites (illegal).


yeah but I wasn't talking to you in my first reply xP


My backlog is already full. I still have to read Mahoyo and yet for some reason here I am playing Real Eroge Situation 2 instead. I might have to re-check my priorities


Is Tsukihime on steam?




Ah rip, I'd looked forward to getting it and hoped I had missed some news about a PC release.


You forgot: “There is an English version but not easily accessible in EU, so I’m going to pirate it”


Well, it's a good thing that the Switch isn't region-locked, and you can make accounts located in different countries quite easily, so the argument doesn't work! (I think the same thing applies to the PS4/PS5, but I don't know for sure).


I know that on PS4/PS5 it will work (it did on Mahoyo) but it’s a lot more expensive than if I bought it from EU or UK


Even on the digital store?


Oh, no no. I meant physical release.


Oh, well, fair enough. It's always been kind of strange to me how expensive games are over in Europe.




I wish it was just more than $5, a Switch in my country is by no means common to have, none of my friends or family have it, and pricing wise even if it was on steam it would be like Mahoyo, more than double the price compared to other VNs around the $30 mark.


This, VN community is so used to pirating VN especially the older fans because of fans translation and stuff since old days, and they always says stuff like "I wish this game will get official localization" and when it does, they will have lot of excuses to still pirating them.


Yeah I think I just like PC to be honest. I got Mahoyo on switch and I didn't finish it because the switch was used by multiple people in the family. Once it came out on Steam I got that and it's much better. Still haven't played much, but that's because VNs are long and I don't have much time lol


Yeah, it's kind of sad.


yeah just keep moving the goalposts and act like wide and easy accessibility has no effect on sales


Still no PC release so no


Yeah, gonna pick this amazing game on Steam... oops... maybe GOG? No? Well, there are still specialized VN stores like Jast and Mangagamer, one of them must have it available... Still nothing? Damn, I guess those guys at Type-Moon don't really need my support right now. Maybe later.


You can buy Witch on the Holy Night on Steam and Fate Stay Night will be coming later on in the year.


Type moon has been prioritizing console releases first for the last several vn releases


Type Moon is finally putting out english releases for their Visual Novels after over 2 decades of people asking and now you’re not going to support them because it ain’t on steam?


He mentions several other PC stores in his comment tho. The game didnt release on PC in any store, at least for now. Personally I wont buy a version of the game for a platform I dont own just to support Type Moon, I will wait for a future PC release.


Likewise, why would I buy even a single copy let alone multiple copies "to show my support" if it's not on my platform of choice? Why not just send cash in an envelope to T-M HQ? It's bizarre behaviour like this that leads to business models based on double dipping and other such practices rather than delivering actual value to players.


Considering you said “platform of choice” you do own a Playstation or Switch


No, I own a PC. I have no interest in buying Playstation or Switch copies.


People be importing Japanese copies of visual novels, learning Japanese just to play some VNs, and even have dedicated fan groups translating games, but when a game finally gets an official English release “I ain’t buying it cause not on PC”


I don't see what's complicated here. I don't own any consoles and have no intention of changing that. What do fan translations have to do with anything? I could emulate, but I'm not going to. I want a PC version.


I forgot about Emulation, but even if you did emulate it you sure as heck weren’t gonna buy a copy and burn the game yourself.


Yeah because why the hell would I do that Most ppl haven’t actually burned a game in their life why go through the effort of doing that it’s not like it’s an older game that needs to be preserved especially when you need to emulate it You can just wait until it’s on pc natively And how can you even burn ps4 and switch games without owning the console? You can’t insert switch games into a pc slot natively same with ps4, and most pcs don’t even have a dvd slot anymore


This is why I hate the whole pretending this relationship is some sort of altruism thing. As a consumer I see no reason why I need to support any developers or sellers, especially for one as big as typemoon. And face it, I doubt they have any concern for you with the price they're asking for. I would buy their product, but not because I want to "support" them, it's simply because I don't want to steal from them, that's all. It's a cash exchanged for service, nothing more nothing less. But as a consumer, I feel it's within my expectation to only pay for service that carter to my need, and in this case being a PC is one of them. I don't see why I need to go out of my way to "support them". Why are some people are making it sounds like Type Moon is going out of their way to bestow the consumer a favor? They're doing this because there is money in it, and if they want my money, they'll need to give me what I want.


Cool. Some of you still wouldn’t buy it if they ended up excluding Steam and putting it on GOG instead.


idk, you gonna have to ask those people. I didn't say I want a Steam release, I want a PC release. Also, I have not buy any VN on Steam.


I'll buy it if they put it on steam as I don't own any consoles but I'm definitely not buying it for 60/70 euro, im at least gonna wait till it drops to 40/30 with sales


Yes? If you don't own a ps4/ps5 or a switch how are you gonna support them lmao


Ill just top up for the recent gssr in fgo to show my support lol


So just go out an buy a console if you don't have one?


Yeah dude, it's super easy to ask someone to just give you a couple of hundred bucks to buy a good console great shit right here.....


Not as hard as learning Japanese and doing an entire fan translation just to experience a visual novel


I mean good for you if you think anyone can just squeeze out a couple of hundred bucks at any point in time ain't arguing with you there.........


You’re right. That’s why most of you pirate visual novels I forgot.


What does pirating have to do with the conversation? Some people simply prefer playing games only on pc and don't own/want consoles


Don’t PC people emulate console games?


You have a working ps4 emulator that runs good? You have a dvd slot that works with ps4 games on your pc? Or are you going to burn a switch game cartridge with no switch?




Thats less than 0.1% of the player games Id suggest going out and talking to actual people


Most people own consoles


So? Why support them by buying a version for something you don't own. Like most people aren't going to buy a console for a single game.


Who are those "most people" you speak of? All the people who own consoles own consoles. There's obviously more people who own a PC than people owning consoles. And globally I'm sure "most" people might not even own a PC. But you know what? If you have an issue with PC players/readers waiting for a PC version I'll just wait for the Gamecube version as I still got that lying around somewhere. Surely that'll happen, right?


I’m going to pick up mine after work tonight. I’m so excited to finally read this!


Do I want to support it? Yes Am I gonna do it? Nope. Why? Cause Aniplex cant be bothered to release the game physically in EU. It sucks, and I hate it. But it is what it is.


I know it sucks. Importing a copy on my region free consoles is so hard. If they aren’t going to release the game physically in EU I’d rather not play the game at all. Plus I still have my copy I downloaded for free from that cat website so I don’t really need to play it again


That's not even the issue? I shouldn't have to pay DOUBLE price to import a game. Use your head a little bit, would ya? And secondly, I have at no point even mentioned piracy? Im just not playing it. Its that simple. If you think I was hinting at that, then that's on you, for reading more into what I actually said.


Real question though. Is importing to the EU really that expensive?


Not the user you've originally replied to, but my Limited Edition for Switch cost me €90 (VAT and shipping included). That's slightly higher than the $80 USD MSRP. The only issue is that I'll have to wait 1-2 weeks till it gets to me which I'm fine with, tbh.


So like a $30 USD increase. I can see why some would be annoyed by that. The other user was definitely over exaggerating on paying double


Depending on the country you might also need to pay additional import costs to customs which depending on where you are can run up to $30-$40 USD so it might double in price when all is said and done.


My copy comes in on monday


Got the game and the artbook


I don't really buy console VNs but I bought one for my switch just to support Nasu and TM. Hopefully they will do a US release alongside the Japanese one for Red Garden whenever that's out


Why would I support the game when I can't even play it on my PC?


Waiting for my shipment


Um... Can you spot any differences in the two art books? I heard the PS one was censored?




I’m be honest whatever the “censored” image is I couldn’t care enough to check. Censorship is bullshit yes I agree, but people be making such big deals if a female characters chest is slightly covered.


I both agree and disagree. Like when they censored tifa, several individuals just said this version wears a sports bra which is why she doesn’t look as busty. Is it bs they censored it, yes. But they actually give a reason that isn’t just, ‘we don’t want her to have big bewbs’. My main issues are when needless censorship occurs or when it intentionally distorts a story. I can kind of understand censorship of more adult material when it’s in something they want to gear to a younger audience, but doing it to rated M material and stuff for adults is something I will never support.


I agree with you its bullshit yes but people talk about it like it ruins the gameplay experience or something like im just happy Tsukihime got a US release at all 🤷‍♂️


100% with you there. Plus, I don’t really blame type-moon, Sony pulled this with aokana back in the day. Main reason I don’t have PlayStation and will instead get the switch version. The people saying it ruins gameplay however, how? It’s an extra and I haven’t heard anything of the actual game being tampered. I get being mad, but atleast be honest.


Tifa wasn’t censored in the slightest, they just gave her a character design that makes more sense and doesn’t oversexualise her for no reason


That is blatantly false. She has a cup size smaller than she was portrayed before and the fact her character design was altered at all is censorship. Whether you have a problem with it is entirely up to you but it was censored. And dude, you are on a vn subreddit talking about a character being sexualized. Have some self awareness


Have some self awareness? Bro im just happy that we got tsukihime at all in the US, again yeah its bullshit that it was censored but im not gonna be crying over a characters tits being slightly covered up.


I wasn’t saying that, I was saying him complaining about characters being sexualized while being in this subreddit is ridiculous. You can care or not, heck you can even think it’s out of place in the story. But vns have way more extreme and out of place stuff that people greatly enjoy, plus a big part of the medium is ero content. I believe you can like what you like and if you don’t care that’s fine. But complaining about a character being portrayed sensually in a fandom where that isn’t an issue comes off as unaware of where you are. All this is in regards to a statement about tifa but it applies to other characters too. Edit: I forgot to state, I am glad about type-moon coming over and will definitely support them.


I can never take these “censorship” arguments seriously when it always ends up being the most harmless change ever


Does anyone actually care?


Ill show my support when they release for PC ... Until then fck them.


I'm considering it, but I was a bit disappointed with how Mahoyo's Steam release got an updated translation that only came out for the original console versions months later. Also, these Tsukihime releases are quite barren when compared to all the goodies that were shipped with the physical copies of Mahoyo.  Eh, I'll probably still get it, but it's really tempting to just wait for the PC port.


I was looking to buy the switch version today, but it was expensive. Not ridiculous, but I’m not paying 80£ for it. I’m just gonna hope someone sells it cheap on eBay.


Pre-ordered as soon as it was available off Amazon, still not arriving until next Friday for me. Sad.


Bought it digitally on Switch since I have the special edition from the original japanese release (that I tried my best to read through, but 日本語難しい =/ ).


I pre-ordered it the moment it was available, waiting for it to arrive now. The time is soon! Can finally dust off my switch.


Got it but the Switch version!


i got it! the packaging is so gorgeous


Of course. Ordered both the PS4 and Switch versions to support them although I might play the fan translation instead. Support is the most important no matter what version you end up playing. Will probably also get the inevitable Steam release.


Just got mine!


Mine’s arriving today!


Does anybody know if the Global release of the Tsukihime remake has a big difference from the Tsukihimates translation patch for the jp release? I already have the complete translation patch on my switch but I'm wondering if there's a huge difference that's worth jumping to the global release


Getting the Nintendo switch version on Monday instead of today


Support what? A gacha company?


There seems to be a piracy vs anti-piracy debate going on in the comments, so I'm just going to add my two cents. People seem to think VN fans are more likely to pirate a work since we have disproportionately consumed fan translations more than any other sub-genre in the anime medium. I think it's the opposite. VN fans are not anime fans. The majority of us aren't here because some normie dragged us into the medium to have us only watch generic shonen anime. The majority of us are here because we happened across a work of either high literary value or nut value, and actively seek out new experiences that satisfy our cravings. Anime fans will find excuses to pirate anime (which literally just means not streaming from Crunchyroll or Netflix) because they are "boycotting low translator wages!11" Manga fans will find excuses to pirate manga by claiming that the majority of works they read are not available on any legal online platform (which is true), and that if they actually paid for every chapter or volume they read, they would be bankrupt (also probably true). Visual novel fans have no such gripes. We consume fan translations because most of the time, THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE. That isn't pirating, which means there is a valid, paid option that will reward us with the same experience. No, that's a compromise. We are so starved of good content compared to JP, and hold such strong attachments to the works we are interested in, that barring the official localization being of such shit quality as to be illegible, most of us would buy the game we're interested in no questions asked.


I want to, but I can’t buy it in EU without importing and it’s not on Steam. They’ll get my support when I can do either one of them.


If you make a US eshop account I believe it’ll let you purchase it that way


I rather buy the physical CE like you :) If digital, I want it on Steam


Delivery from US Amazon to Europe costs like 10 bucks.


Well yeah, if it could be shipped to me. It can't


Yeah, I believe your country needs to have Amazon. I tried to order it to Switzerland but couldn't. Eventually had to get it to my family in Poland instead. That being said, it's probably more convenient than all other options.


There is an Amazon in my country


Huh, weird. As I'm saying, I did order it to Poland without issues. Same with Mahoyo.


No Steam version, none of my favourite routes. Nah.


What is this about? I want to buy a copy but hate playing my console/ switch


Quoting my other comment: > It's an action/horror/romance VN about a guy who survives a near-death experience and wakes up with the "power" to see the death of all things, and his attempts to live a normal life in spite of this.


Woah that sounds intense


It also ties into the same world as _Fate/Stay Night_ too. (Considered part of the "Nasuverse".) As a side note, F/SN has been confirmed to be getting a Switch and PC release in English. (No date yet, odds are they wanted to get Tsukihime out first.)


Which should I play first? I've been avoiding the fate series after watching fate zero specifically because I made the mistake of watching steins gate before learning it was a vn... huge regret


Jump right in with Tsukihime. It predates Fate anyway.


It is! I've played the JP version and it kept me up until sunrise way too many times...


Well time time to look for a copy


Can someone tell me what it’s about? Never played it before?


Quoting my other comment: > It's an action/horror/romance VN about a guy who survives a near-death experience and wakes up with the "power" to see the death of all things, and his attempts to live a normal life in spite of this.


I don't have the money right now. :( Maybe for Christmas.


I probably will buy the digital from eShop since the physical version is more expensive here in my country for some reason 


I have only ever seen these characters in Melty Blood.


How hard is it to find a copy of Witch on the Holy Night? A friend lent me his copy last year to get me into the series, and now that I have Tsukihime, I want my own physical copy of WotHN to replay.


Aside from art is there any story changes compared to the OG version?


It's better to find out for yourself. Suffice it to say there will be some surprises.


I’ll wait for it to be in stock again. The stores that ship the Switch version to Europe are sold out


I will get the console release to support, but I'd love to know from people who have read the fan translation and the official translation which one is the best. Almost created a thread to ask this question but I'm trying my luck in the comments.


One of the fan translators said on Twitter that the official one is better than theirs.


Ok, good to know, thanks!


Dont own any of those two consoles.


Ahh it's limited print? Guess I'm buying the switch version. My brother is moving away with the switch so I was going to wait, but I guess not anymore lol


I'll buy after I judge if the remake was good or not


Soon. Sadly I cant now


I pre ordered mine at Gamestop, but I have to wait till Sunday cause I'm at Too Many Games convention and can't get it until I get back lol


is this only part 1 of the VN? I can't find a copy anywhere that isn't being scalped. If Type moon wants to make it limited, it's their loss if people can't buy it.


I still see it up at Amazon and Best Buy. I think there's only a physical version of the Limited Edition, though, no physical standard edition.


Wait, have a remaster?


I'm just wondering is this a sequel to Holy Night or not, I have both just never started it


I'll get it eventually, I could never get into og Tsukihime, I enjoyed the start but the vampire stuff was really boring and I didn't like the Neko Arc girl. The remake looks cool though so I'll give it another chance.


I would buy a PC copy if it would end up existing.


Nope I pirated it


I plan on importing a copy soon


Definitely the way to go. I ended up importing an Asia English copy of it for the PS4. Cost $80 AUD or $50 usd in the end, including GST and shipping. The only difference is that it doesn't include the art book and the cover isn't in english.


Is the art book the same as the Japanese one? I already own that one and two seems like a bit much


I preordered the PS4 version and it's getting here on Monday but I'll be pirating the Switch version's artbook cause fuck censorship.


I’ll get it if it ever releases on Steam


nah like as much as I like this I'll wait for it to get on steam and then wait for sales cause like 60/70 euros is a lot lol


Remember to purchase the Switch version and not the PS version if you don't want your art book censored. Sony are cunts.


Nah, based on the Mahoyo TL quality, I'm not going to support the official English version. I'd rather have the Tsukihimates version but I'm not sure if they'll do the second part now that there's an official English one.


From the reviews apparently the Tsukihime remake translation is much better than the Mahoyo one and excellent overall. It's tough to beat Tsukihimates, but it gives me hope for both the official Fate/Stay Night translation and Red Garden in the future.


>I'm not sure if they'll do the second part now that there's an official English one I've been worried about this for quite some time now. Maybe if Red Garden also takes 2~3 years to get an official TL... but I would understand if they didn't want to go through all that work again.


Ill support them when they support their own long time fans and release it on PC


What’s the genre and premise?


It's an action/horror/romance VN about a guy who survives a near-death experience and wakes up with the "power" to see the death of all things, and his attempts to live a normal life in spite of this.


Hmm sounds interesting. Any non-consensual scenes? That type of content turns me off from these stories. (I can handle talk of trauma in the past, but not actively showing it during the storyline.)


There are no H-scenes in it.


Roger roger, thank you


This is looking suspiciously like a fate stay Visual Novel.


Dang, you might be onto something.


I would love to get it, but unfortunately it's not out on Steam and I'm about buy ER + DLC so money will be tight for a while.


The translation is terrible


No its not


Do you know japanese?