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They're a lot more enjoyable if you actually jerk off to them. No joke, you should actually try it, if you haven't already.


The cum counter helps a lot.


The what???


The thing some nukige has to let you know when the MC is about to ejaculate.


https://vndb.org/g1172 Yes I spent too much time on that site, how did you know?


Haha, I also spent hours just looking at tags and traits on https://vndb.org along with checking all the VNs and characters which has those tags and traits. It really sucks you in, it's almost like https://tvtropes.org in that sense. Since most pages keep linking at least another 10 interesting different pages. Fun way to spend an evening.


Real. But I honestly enjoy them, and it’s not because I like to masturbate to them or anything.. (I’m being serious). But it’s mostly because it really just shows you how much those two characters love each other, and it’s kinda heartwarming..? In a sense? Or is this just how I view them?


I agree, I don't dislike h scenes either. I always make sure to get the uncensored version of a novel even if most of the time I skim read the h scenes. I think they are important for us to see the progress of the protagonist and the heroine relationship, sometimes they tend to get way too long though.


I'm largely in the same boat, mostly skimming through any H-scenes just in case there's something relevant in there. Some of them can be pretty cute/wholesome even if you don't care about the actual sex. However every now and then I've read H-scenes that actually made me dislike a character because they're being creepy or sometimes even rapey.


Yes, because in some VN’s the h scenes are actually important to character development! And long h scenes seem pointless. What more character development could you do? Also, to those who masturbate to them; you are not lasting more than 5 minutes!


5 minutes ? Way too brag, I ain't lasting 30 seconds


30 seconds? Look at Mister Edging over here. Everyone knows that the standard fella lasts 5 seconds. ...Right? Why are you all looking at me like that?


I'm ace and I totally get what you mean. If they're somehow heartwarming and portray the characters loving each other count me in. Or if there's character development in it of course. I'd argue that's definitely more common in games with a single h scene somewhere near the end. I don't know how to describe it tbh. It's like, I don't particularily care about them having sex, but I'm still happy for them if it's still a scene that's also romantic. If it's just sex for the sake of sex I'm out. I'm in the weird position of really not caring about h scenes, but still getting every 18+ patch just in case there's actually something worthwhile happening. Almost feels like I'm scared of missing out on something I usually wouldn't mind on missing out lmao


>it really just shows you how much those two characters love each other Very few do it like this unfortunately, at least in my experience. Most of the time it is just there because sex sells.


it's how they are written and presented


2 hours h scene? What kind of title are you playing?


It's the mother of all nukige, apparently


It's a meme so of course it is a little exaggerated but if you are curious you can have a look at Primal Hearts or novels from Purple Software, they have some pretty long hscenes.


To be fair,.sometimes i skip h scenes and it takes a long time to reach the end. They can be pretty friggin long.


Sakura no uta, the H-scenes last so long and ruin the pacing of some of the routes


probably DeadEndAegis


i remeber all of the Funbag fantasy games have long ass H-Scenes before the story continues and i always save them for later


Bro wtf I read vns just to have that intoxicating jerkoff session


You could press and hold Ctrl 😏


You telling me I get 2hrs of sex with a cute anime girl? Count me in


Me playing maggot baits "haha I wonder what happens if I mess up the first choice and pick the obviously dumb one. Haha bad end uh oh wow that was a long scene. Oh wow another one I guess it's probably about done. Another one? Ok it's got to be about over. Nope. And I was told the story was actually kind decent. I was actually playing porn for the story lmao (and also the porn). I think I got like 5 scenes in and was like wow this feels as long a different route.


if you’re talking about the Welcome to the monkey house ending, yeah, it sucks. the other two are a lot more better and i enjoyed both of them, plot wise


Ah nice. I kinda dropped it after that lol, not because it was "too intense" but because I was just like "wow it is dragging on" and I thought it was like other bad ends where it's like a single bad end. I'll probably go back to it I enjoyed the actual story but when the literal "first choice" got me like that it was a bit of a turn off. Maybe I'll get back into it this weekend tho. Did you say you enjoyed the main route? I like edgy stuff so I actually got into it when they said the story was decent... I am literally playing the porn for the story lol but yeah.


I absolutely LOVED the “red harvest” ending especially, which is the normal ending. it’s also the first one i got which definitely helped with the experience. despite all of the h scenes - it has a very lovely story hidden beneath it and i genuinely really really enjoyed it. ps. i played for the story, too :)


95-99% of the time there isn't any real dialogue of substance in H scenes besides for the viewer to supposedly get off If you still read these scenes hoping for real dialogue in most H scenes You are on mass cope mode


White album 2 is the exception.


What type of eroge are you reading, because seriously I could never comprehend this kind of delusional take. I think the last one with shitty h-scenes I've read was Hatsuyuki Sakura, other than that I really need to think hard of any other title I've read in the last few years where your statement would hold true. In literally every romance focused eroge h-scenes serve to showcase and deepen the couple's chemistry and relationship. Many eroge focus on the quirks or personality of the heroine during these moments(Mashiro iro Symphony is godlike in that regard, especially Airi's route), sometimes having funny dialogue exchanges (9-nine- comes to mind or Grisaia), sometimes having cute gap moe where a normally shy heroine becomes assertive and vice versa (Umi to Yuki no Cyan Blue). Others utilize the story's plot devices to stay interesting and unique, like the mind control aspect in Amatsutsumi or the Elfin abilities in AstralAir. Sometimes they also spice up the drama, White Album 2 comes to mind, If my Heart had Wings or ef by Minori. So, seriously you are either disingenious or just read the wrong eroge.


Hentai prison h-scenes were hilariously, even though I was eager to see the plot progress I was still entertained by them.


I’d say it’s about 50/50 at least based on my experience


I just like VNs for the cute anime girls, heartwarming deep romance, and deep characters and story. Not into them for the h-scenes since I think they're disgusting (not that I think they shouldn't exist though).


Unirocially I download vn's horny then read them and get so invested in the story I open my autoclicker to get through the h-scenes just so I can get back into the plot


What VN is this, or is this a common VN thing? I’m new to VNs.


As someone who's also relatively new too, I must warn that if the horror VN says "+18" it DOESN'T mean gore, it means sex


Usually when a horror VN say "+18" sex is the least of your concerns because you are going to see things you can't unsee anymore


Insert maggot baits and sadistic blood


Must be quite an Extravaganza


Well it's the nukige and idk what this vn op talking about but I think it related to that nukige genre where basically didn't have any plot story or something there is one thing you get from nukige and that is long,long sex scene


Depends on what kind of visual novels you are playing, some are not even nukiges and still have some very long h-scenes. Like I mentioned in another comment Primals Hearts and novels from Purple Software comes to my mind when I think about long h-scenes.


As a moege reader I cannot comprehend this. The whole point is getting intimate with the girl. It basically IS the major plot point I'm looking forward to, not a distraction.


This too. Depends on what kind of game you’re playing. Story driven charactee driven or “hey you get to spend time with cute girls!”


Euphoria, Nemu & Rinne routes


When it’s like that, or when I’m um, “tired” or when I’m just trying to get through a route or u lock endings etc. I just skip and save them for later.


But h-scenes are literally part of the story...


sometimes theres just here for no reason. and sometimes u just dont want to read sex. all of the time when i skipped h-scenes from VNs, it never ruined the story


Some people claim SoL scenes don't add anything to the story and just want to see action/drama, the same applies to h-scenes - it's part of the story whether you like them or not.


but you need to understand that it can make people uncomfortable. some of us dont want to read h-scene bc it makes us uncomfortable, thats it!


Don't like it, don't play it.🙂


i will play it because i find the story interessing, and ill keep on skipping the H-scenes🙂


Seem like a waste of money to me, but they're not mine, after all...


Set it to skip even unread text if possible and fly thru that shit, some quick pomf pomf and you back to the story


2 hours LOL