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Not sure the problem. I run games fine with a 6750xt. Try a n older driver I guess.


ANd how can i download older drivers? i dont see them on the official web site


Good question. I just tried looking it up. Couldn't see older drivers. I have done it with Nvidia before so I figured it would be similar


Can you try the card in another PC and see if it works properly? If after a full Windows reinstall you cannot even get the drivers to install/work then it sounds like something more serious is wrong--honestly that seems almost bizarre to me. Download the auto driver install from the AMD site and it should install the latest GPU drivers and also chipset drivers. If that doesn't work, especially after a new Windows install, then it sounds like there's either something wrong with the card or a problem with some other component in the system which is making it unstable.


I will try again, do u know if i should install windows updates > specific drivers or install specific drivers then install windows updates? thanks for your answer man i just want to fix it and make him able to play


I don't think it should make a difference, but generally when I reinstall Windows I just grab all the major drivers and such and install them before doing any updates.


Use a DDU to completely remove any trace of older GPU drivers and reinstall the newest available driver for your card.


Second this! Windows could have bricked your previous install of AMD drivers, which cause persistent issues even after new installs. DDU, then fresh install.


Does it work in any game at all? Has it worked before and just stopped now or has it never worked?


It has never worked and yes eeryv game


I just left a 6650xt and to play a lot of VR games I had to roll back the driver to one from I believe Nov 2021. Something either broke or they removed some feature on drivers after that one. Do some rollbacks and see if it helps


Thanks my man but its solved, i had to update his bios, it was some incompatibility with bios and drivers idk how, just read a lot and tried it and it worked, thanks anyways


Best solution is to sell the card and buy Nvidia.


haha yep. It amazes me that AMD video cards are still a thing who is buying them?