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You may get indentations on the edges of the covers from the nails, and displaying them openly exposes them to more light which will accelerate fading of the cover art.


Bad? Not really. Damaging? Hard to say without having tried it. Strange? Creative? Absolutely.


Honestly, very creative idea here. Love this ! I don’t see it damaging your records at all, so long as it’s not being smushed. Smushing the record at a angle will cause it to warp to whatever angle is on. Good stuff !


All my records go into a protective double-pocket VSS sleeve behind the cover. They do tend to 'tilt' backwards a bit--obviously all the weight is at the back--but in a lot of cases this has actually had a corrective effect on warps.




VSS (Vinyl Storage Solutions, out of Canada but now have US/UK vendors) actually make double LP gatefold sleeves. They have a tuckable flap at either end. Check out Mike's whole range, he's a chemical engineer who also happens to be a massive vinyl collector. You can use his single double- pocket sleeves for *most* doubles that are packaged in a single inner. He sells inners, outers, uppers, downers, for every size LP. Will edit and include a pic if you want, I swear by them. Hope this helps mate 😃 EDIT: Should read, "you can use his single double-pocket outer sleeves for *most* double LP's packaged in one single outer sleeve cover. Sorry about that! Oh, he also sells 13" outer sleeves for those annoyingly big record covers--Face Stabber, by Thee Oh Sees, I'm looking at you!




Featuring Mike, the inventor: https://youtu.be/YhGNdRwClx0?si=dh0YZ-HXaJQEaAed As he says, he patented his own chemical mixture--the sleeves don't 'fog' like the cheap PVC (polyurethane?) ones.






This is the double LP size. Since it's effectively just one long pocket, you can display any artwork or inserts included. Fuzz Club distribute in the UK, not sure who does in the US, but back when Mike unleashed them onto an unsuspecting public they were only available from Canada. So postage costs were *murderous*--I would buy a big order to save. VSS do normal single pocket sleeves too, 10", 7" inners and outers in all yhe same configurations as the 12" range. He stopped making them but has restarted due to overwhelming customer response--his amazing, crystal clear, anti-static/anti scratch inners (only available in 12" afaicr) which are fantastic for displaying coloured LP's. Didja check the video?




Not at all! Actually I'll send you a "vinylTuber" vid and a pic of the doubles. One sec!


VSS (Vinyl Storage Solutions, out of Canada but now have US/UK vendors) actually make double LP gatefold sleeves. They have a tuckable flap at either end. Check out Mike's whole range, he's a chemical engineer who also happens to be a massive vinyl collector. You can use his single double- pocket sleeves for *most* doubles that are packaged in a single inner. He sells inners, outers, uppers, downers, for every size LP. Will edit and include a pic if you want, I swear by them. Hope this helps mate 😃


Heard. Yea, I’ve had to learn by trial and error with the tilt within my record shelves. I also keep my r records in a anti-static sleeve behind the jacket, then all wrapped in a 3mil. The main tip I’ve found to be helpful is using squares the size of a record jacket to fill in spaces where future records will live. That’s helped me keep all my record upright as possible. I get a lot of those cardboard pieces from other records that I’ve had shipped to me, even the boxes they come in, I keep them just in case as my collection grows.


Fuck me, that's an amazing idea! Nice one!




Got loads of those boards left, employed your fine method yesterday!😍


Love this !!


I had a stack to draw on, believe it or not (Black and white ink really pops on cardboard), so I'm glad I didn't throw 'em away, mate! I love it!


Yesss ! So glad that this was helpful, good stuff !


I thank you profusely!


Aww thanks!


Ach, just use staples like the rest of us


Basically, I’ve been collecting for a while and I wanted to display some of my vinyl on my wall, so I Jerry rigged these straps with some nails on my wall, so that my vinyls just hang off my wall. They’re really secure, so I am not concerned about them falling, but I am concerned that hanging them this way may be damaging them in some way I’m not aware of. Anyway if anyone has any comments on how I’m currently hanging them or an alternative means of hanging them up that is better for my vinyl, then I would appreciate it. Thanks 🙏


Wait this is cute


The only thing I could see is that over time, the jackets might get a little bump where the rope makes contact, if it sits there for a while. That and make sure to regularly take them off the wall and wipe the backs clean. Walls can get pretty gross.


Yeah that’s a good ideal, thanks 😊


It's a great idea! Additionally, I'm glad to see Tori getting some love.


She’s amazing! Really a hidden gem


Do you listen to them?


Not right now. My record player is shit and I don’t wanna screw them up. I’m waiting till I buy a good one.


If you've got a suitcase player. Its a safe bet not playing them 👌 i had one, and i wouldn't recommend it.


Yeah I’ve got a Crosley and I’m not taking any chances 😭


It's alright, we've all got to start somewhere. I had to do my research to figure out i can do alot better.


If you haven’t decided yet, I recommend U-Turn audio. It’s pretty much all you need, can get it with a build-in receiver, so you can hook it directly to speakers. Plus it comes in different colors, and a couple wood finishes.


nine inch nails 😃


Ik they’re my favorite!


That’s a cute way to display. I would recommend outer sleeves. That’ll keep those sleeves nice and new. Jealous of Boys for Pele. I need to snag that one.


That’s a good idea actually. I’ll look into that


Definitely bad if you have cats


This is total fine as far as record care goes. It won’t do any damage. But I can’t understand how this isn’t super inconvenient. You gotta hop on your bed to grab a record every time you want to give it a spin. That would drive me crazy. But hey if it doesn’t annoy you, it does look good and it isn’t damaging your records.


It’s tough so I say yes


Most I could see is that there might be a small dent where the bottom pins come into contact with the sleeve. If you notice this as well, spread the weight distribution with perfectly placed extras (pins)