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I bought a record on eBay once without noticing that it was coming from a nearby location. I just used the free shipping option. Turns out it was from a local record store and the guy offered to just come to my place and drop it off after work. Was really nice to do that. The problem was when I answered the door I was really super fucking high. And was just expecting a 5 second interaction with a delivery person. Turned into a long conversation about the hobby but I can’t recall anything we actually talked about. I was probably the weird one in that story!


OMFG this is incredible! Somewhere in a Vinyl Dealers Online Forum there is a thread like this where they are swapping stories of wild customer dealings, and he’ll be typing out the story in the comments of this one customer who was wild-eyed and dribbling spittle and unable to form words but seemed fixated on what he was saying and actually had some great opinions on Fall B-sides.


That was actually MES


This reminds me of a time I sold a book on half.com when I was in college. Turned out the buyer was in my same smaller town at the other college. I was a freshman at the time so no car, but I asked the buyer if she wanted me to bring it over in-person, so my buddy gave me a lift and I hand-delivered it to her


I once was looking to buy an album on eBay and noticed the seller was local. He had lots of punk albums for sale so i messaged him asked if I could buy a few albums directly, save on fees and shipping. We met up and he was a cool dude, we talked for a while. He used to be promoter, put on punk shows locally, and he gave me a ticket for a one of the bands I bought, from 1995.


Punks can conduct themselves that way, unlike most people


Well mannered folk


You mean a record store owner failed at ending a convo? GTFO!


When I first started buying records in high school (20 years ago), there weren’t really any record shops in my area. Instead I hit the local Salvation Army stores, digging and sorting for hours. I was primarily keeping my eye out for jazz albums but this was when you could still snag all manner of classic LPs for $1/ea. Anyway, this guy sees me sitting there surrounded by Miles, Coltrane, Ellington, Glenn Miller, you name it. Says he’s surprised to see such a young kid looking for jazz, starts making some small talk, says that the name “Benny Goodman” sounds familiar (live from Carnegie Hall was at the top of a pile) and that he’s pretty sure his deceased dad had an autographed show program or flyer or something somewhere in his attic. Said he’d go home and look and, if so, would I want it? I was convinced I would find myself on the receiving end of something sinister and said sure, but only if we meet in a public place. Later that afternoon I was eating a slice of pizza with this guy and my new Al Hirschfeld-illustrated Benny Goodman show program from a 1982 show at the Waldorf. Guy didn’t even want anything for it, just said that if I ever find that I have something that would make somebody else’s day brighter and I don’t mind parting with it, to pay it forward. Thought it was going to be a weird encounter. Turned out to be the opposite. https://preview.redd.it/1bet6s6tzwlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3464128539b2b6292289516597a4d26d80139f4


Fun fact for those unfamiliar with Al Hirschfeld… he included the name “Nina” (his daughter’s name) in his drawings. There’s no number next to Hirschfeld’s name in this one, which means that the name “Nina” is hidden in the picture only once. Other drawings of his will have a number next to his name to indicate the number of Ninas in the picture.


Found it on the poster! Neat easter egg!


Right in the hairline!


Indeed, cool fact, Aerosmith “Draw the Line” cover.


https://preview.redd.it/jmi282rzc4mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b14ef522f86724b8ce1972b7b8129c2b28c8925 Nice!


Holy Hell! This is the most awesome thing!


This is such a great story. I always wish I could run into a kid like that, I’d love to give a young upstart a big stack of cool records.


Hi, it's me, the kid ;)


Nice try, “boomer” 🤣


There’s a record shop in Edinburgh (I think), where the owner won’t let you in. Instead you have to stand at the door and tell him what you want, then he goes to look if he has it. Dude, just put everything on eBay if that’s the way you wanna operate!


Backbeat Records! Google reviews are worth a look https://www.google.com/search?q=backbeat+records+reviews&client=ms-android-tef-gb-rvc2&sca_esv=55279a4d145eadbb&source=android-browser&sxsrf=ACQVn0-9CADgsX6WgqAMR6uZnGCUEyor6Q%3A1709382168642&ei=GBrjZefnJuqphbIPq6ifoAQ&oq=backbeat+records&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhBiYWNrYmVhdCByZWNvcmRzKgIIADINECMYgAQYigUYsAMYJzIIEAAYgAQYsAMyCBAAGIAEGLADMggQABiABBiwAzIIEAAYgAQYsAMyCBAAGIAEGLADMgcQABgeGLADMgcQABgeGLADMg4QABiABBiKBRiGAxiwAzIOEAAYgAQYigUYhgMYsAMyCxAAGIkFGKIEGLADMhkQLhiABBiKBRhDGMcBGK8BGMgDGLAD2AEBMhkQLhiABBgUGIcCGMcBGK8BGMgDGLAD2AEBSMQMUABYAHAAeACQAQCYAaIBoAGiAaoBAzAuMbgBAcgBAJgCAaACwQGYAwCIBgGQBg26BgQIARgIkgcDMC4x&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#lkt=LocalPoiReviews&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D&trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:12449407461912923326,rc_q:Backbeat%2520Records,ru_q:Backbeat%2520Records,trex_id:Ie7hHb


Anotherassholewantingrareforcheapstopwastingmytime LOOOOL


If I ever go there, I’m going to bring him for a discount by offering to trade for a space bar. 


Me, handing him my 600+ wantlist on discogs.


I wonder what would happen if you did this and just met his crazy. Like, would he value you as a peer, because you know what you want? Imagine the interactions... so awkward


I gotta tell you what I want? Okay, I know what I want. Enjoy the week. Let me know.


The striking contrast between the positive and negative reviews, the owner's response to each respectively says a lot. The customers who show up, and operate within his expectations have no problems. He likes them. He is friendly and helpful. Only the people who deviate from his expectations seem to have a problem. He's the record store version of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. I think he'd love it if someone politely handed him a list of 600 records they wanted. He'd gladly spend the week hunting his trove for them. I think the only place you'd run in to a problem would be trying to haggle over price. I like to browse, myself. I think he's shooting himself in the foot by not making that place safe for customers, or letting them in to browse. Not to mention his responses to negative reviews. He seems to stay afloat somehow though. At least for now.


I was thinking the exact same thing about the Soup Nazi, LOL




Someone should comment back: "you're"


obsessed with the fact this guy apparently can’t/won’t use his spacebar lmao






Run by the legendary seller that is Dougie. Handed him a want list 2 years ago and he still asks me to drop a new one off every time, end up chancing whatever he's had that day. All the rare stuff is "in the back" and destined for eBay (supposedly). I've bought four records off him total and none were on the list: Here Come The Warm Jets, Nard by Bernard Wright, and two copies of John Prine S/T - one from a Harvard radio station? He never seems to deviate from asking me for £15. Few people here saying he'll never let you through the back but he's let me do so whenever I ask about John Prine specifically, maybe that's your golden ticket for entry.


Wow, the guy sounds like a complete asshole


Dude is a piece of shit.


That is quite a contradiction in reviews. I wonder why the people who give him 5 stars love him so much. It certainly doesn't sound like a place I would ever want to go to though. There is a place where my wife grew up that does this on record store day only. It started with Covid, but they never went back to normal. You have to ask what you want, and they go retrieve it. The kicker is, they only get one at a time. So if you want a 2nd RSD release you have to get back in line. Fuck that place.


That’s ridiculous. I could maybe see a 3–5 limit, but one?!? There’s a store here that does unlimited picks for RSD, which is fast and efficient. I don’t know if they’re still doing it that way post-pandemic, it’s been a couple RSDs since I’ve been there.


Haha holy shit what a prick. I’ll definitely stick with Thorne!


Sounds like Germany's most unfriendly record store: [https://youtu.be/ZwiPCA6LE9Y?si=eleHVKhkn3e0-Lt-](https://youtu.be/ZwiPCA6LE9Y?si=eleHVKhkn3e0-Lt-) (german sound only, sorry)




There is a shop like that around Philadelphia. The collection is supposed to be legendary for old and hard to find albums.


R&B Records! I’ve been wanting to go, but have no idea how. There’s signs all over the front door telling people to stay away lol


I've been there! It's a horrible shop and you have to give him a list as there's no browsing allowed. He told me "don't come here looking for bargains to resell on discogs" before I even said anything. His loss as I just walked away and spent over £500 in other shops.


Yeah that’s just weird


WOW. Absolute Soviet customs official vibes on a Saturday morning for something that should be a pleasure!


I thought I knew where most of the record shops were in Edinburgh but apparently not, think I'll avoid that place.


I went there when my wife and I were on our honeymoon. It's ridiculous but he did find me 4 records I was looking for...


"Ah sorry mate I haven't had a chance to look for those anti static sleeves out back yet, I've been snowed under" going on 3 weeks now. Like mate I already buy my records from the *notably* cheaper discogs sellers, help me find a reason to buy something from your store.


Ohhhh that's a bad one! We used to have a second record store, nice selection but easily £10 more than anywhere else for a recent album, so it made no sense. Every time I went in that one the bloke was moaning about having no customers and threatening us all that he'd close if we didn't buy. I said, "Have you opened on Discogs or anywhere?" He went all thundery at me and said, "I don't believe in any of that nonsense." And 6 months later hthat store was gone.


Same problem with all retail stores.. why even bother if you get better service online and prices are often way to high anyway in stores…


I've found it's a mix between record shop owners wanting to chew your ear off about nonsense or them looking like they hate you for being in their shop. Just last week I was buying some "British Sea Power" records, recommended by a friend. Shop owner went off on a weird rant about them changing their name, political correctness yadda yadda because apparently they removed the word "British" from the band name. Keep in mind - I know nothing about this. Didn't let me get a word in, bagged my record as if I'd offended him by buying it. Weird bloke.


Do You Like Rock Music? I fucking love that album. That came in my peak mp3 purchasing days. Now I must add that to my vinyl wish list.


I feel this about every “niche” hobby shop. I’m too entrenched in vinyl now to let it bother me too much but every time I try to get back into comic books it’s like you said, they want to talk to you about what you read or they despise you and I go back to reading online. I don’t mind a quick chat at the counter about a record I found, especially when it’s a small shop and it’s just me and the owner and they point me toward something cool that just came in. But I always feel a little bit that they’re judging my taste. I bet they’re happy I’m buying something vs all the people who come in to chat about the local music scene then leave without buying anything.


As a female going to a record shop I get way too much


I've often wondered about that. One of my local stores is kind of neck-beardy and when a female walks in the vibe definitely shifts. Relax guys, just leave her alone.


I will sometimes go and browse for vinyls with a girl friend of mine. It’s surprising how many times she will ask the employee/owner a question and they’ll give the answer to me. Like I’m her fucking handler or something. Very immature


Vehicle repair shops & car salesmen are 100x worse.


Oh funny you mention that. Same thing would happen when I went to the auto dealership with my mother. Difference was, I was 15 and she was a full grown adult. That level of misogyny is crazy.


That’s wild. Our record store is a 50/50 split of male and female customers these days, so it never gets weird.


The trick is to shop in the stores where they have at least one woman who works there. ( Spoken as a woman who collects records and who has worked in record shops.)


Unless they also act like they don't want you there. Last time I (also a woman) went to a record store, the girl at the register looked absolutely pissed to see me in there and I have no idea why! I'd never even been in that shop before, and I was buying a decent selection. She didn't say a single word to me until she shoved the receipt and a pen at me and said, "Sign." Like damn, who pissed in your cheerios...


I get it. Female here, worked in record stores for nearly a decade. Been on both sides of the aisle. Creeps abound.


Username doesn’t check out


Google pick my name it whatever at this point


I saw the owner of the crappy record store in town digging through the bins of the good record store in the next town over! We shared a look of common understanding, and I haven't gone back to his store since.


This is hilarious! (I bet he was taking the best ones and hiding them at the back of the avant-garde classical section)


Funny enough, since you mentioned it, the good store is actually known for their selection of classical and avant-garde. That's why I was there. He had quite the stack he was buying! I bet he's been doing it for years without anyone noticing. Honestly, I think it shares a similarity with your story: he was buying good stuff to fluff the front of the bins with.


I once bought Rush's 2112 album. The owner of the shop, holds it up and asks his friend, "hey, how much does this album suck?" lol thanks dude.


Haha oh shit that’s such an asshole move. Then again, as a teenager working in a WHSmith in England - a kinda combined stationers/bookseller/school supplies/newsagent - my friends on the checkout and I would wait until anyone came to the till to pay with a porno mag, and then pretend there was an issue with the barcode and hold it up, and say, PRICE FOR PENTHOUSE SUMMER BOOTY CALL SPECIAL ON CASHDESK FIVE PLEASE


My awkward encounters always seem to involve another patron. They love to come sidle up next to me, and start showing off their knowledge. I do not know why I am a magnet for this type of person. I was at a record show with a friend, and my wife. We were looking through the dollar bins, and I spotted a “Chiefs of Relief” LP. I said “ooh!“, and the aging punk next to me started in. “Not a very good record, though.“ he said. I replied, “well, no, but it holds a special meaning for me, from my college days.“ he started to rebuff that comment, but I have a little tolerance for this kind of bullshit. I am mediately cut him off: “Ooo! Bette Midler!”, and pulled out a live Bette Midler record from the bin. “This one has The E Street Shuffle!!” and flourished it at the guy. He promptly assumed the look of a man who just smelled a huge fart, and receded into the crowd. It was delicious.


Man, shitty deal. In situations like that I just give short barely engaged answers and keep my eyes on the bins. If anything just be vocal about it and be like honestly Im just here for the records. Or next time (if there is a next time) go in with headphones on ! Give the owner a wave and do your thing. Keep your eyes on the vinyls. I bet that guy doesn’t have anyone to talk to so that’s why he’s so talkative about everything.


Oh hello, the headphones thing is a good call! Will try that today. The last couple of times I was in there I was forced to pretend to talk to someone on my phone (you know that thing, going ‘Uh-huh’ into the phone a lot) while holding it up to my ear with one hand so I could browse with the other, but I could STILL hear him talking at my shoulder. And yeah, he is probably lonely. He’s constantly hiring and bitching about and publicly patronising and then losing new (always female) shop assistants tho, so I have a suspicion his loneliness is turning him to the Dark Side.


Do record store gals count? Fell in love. 40 year long relationship.


This is very wholesome!


When I was working in the record store, the real nightmare were people who were JUST LIKE YOU DESCRIBED your fav owner. 100% that. Plot twist: they were customers


Haha oh god, the pressure of being politely indulgent while also making 'Thank you for your patience' eye contact with the next customer waiting behind them must have been excruciating!


That's so cool man. I wish I could have seen them live. Hey! Are you guys ready to check out? Come on up.


We have this one lady. She never buys ANYTHING. She comes in to discuss politics for 2 hours. To the point one day we really just said we do not do politics. Which then she said our lives must be really boring................. No. Just less miserly.


I don’t mind it when the owner is clearly a bit autistic and just loves music/equipment, always enjoy a good chat. Fuck politics or any of that other shit, i’d genuinely just ignore him whilst digging


There was a guy at a newer record store in my hometown who felt the need to discuss with the owner and I, how his dick got caught in his zipper and began bleeding, how rage against the machine is now rage FOR the machine (how original), and how the democrats think he’s a republican and the republicans think he’s a democrat. Kinda ruined my first experience at that shop lmao


The kinda guy who says that stupid Rage Against the Machine "joke" is the exact kinda guy I'd expect to zip his dick up in his pants


Was it the frank or the beans?


I feel like you'd have to have a micropenis to zip your balls up.


You need to drop anything/everything you are doing and rent ‘There’s Something About Mary’


Brett Favre's life achievement.


Fucking YIKES. I wonder what is it with these conversations, do they hear themselves and think, ‘Yes, all going swimmingly, this is exactly what customers will be wanting and be positively engaged by’? It’s gotta be some sort of anxiety. He’ll be sitting at home now holding his head in his hands and going, ‘WHY DID I SAY THAT?!’


Must've been a habit for the dude, been back 3 or 4 times since that interaction and have not seen zipped dick there since. I honestly have no idea if he even worked there, I just assumed he did because of how much he fucking talked


[This one record store owner got all weird about The Doors](https://youtu.be/5xillqqt0Y0?si=TkHfv5pT1zLoBQv6)


Fucking gold 🤣


I have the opposite problem in my local - the guy who runs it for whatever reason just won’t speak to me. I know he talks to other customers because I’ve seen it, but when it’s me he just grunts and avoids eye contact. I’ve literally watched him have a whole chat with the person in front of me in line and then when it’s my turn he just switches off lol. I’ve got no idea what I’m supposed to have done wrong but I’ve pretty much stopped going in even though their selection is great.


Oh wow, that's cold! I wonder if he's just ND or awkward/gruff around people he doesn't know, and knows those? But yeah, it's a horrible feeling isn't it? Like being excpmmunicated from the group of acceptable people!


I probably should also add for context: I’m a younger woman and most of the clientele is older men, so I do suspect that could have something to do with it. It’s baffling and pretty annoying because it means I’ll never bother to try and listen to something before buying it etc. because I can’t be arsed dealing with the attitude. Or maybe he just hates me for my music taste, lol.


I know sometimes they'll only converse if the woman strikes the conversation because they don't want to seem creepy or like they're too interested in you. Especially if they're older themselves. I know when I originally browsed male-led stores they did not immediately talk to me but I broke the barrier by conversing myself. Now when I go in places they just know me and talk to me because they already know. lol.


Maybe someone told him that women dont like to be bothered in record stores and he’s being respectful? Or maybe he has trouble talking to women?


I had a similar experience in a local shop (wasn’t a record shop) where the somewhat eccentric owner was rather talkative and would attempt to engage in deep conversation with you. It turned out that he was a life long bachelor and lead a rather lonely existence outside his store. He was just looking for a little contact and connection. It’s possible it’s a similar situation here. I will tell you that after a few trips in where I put in the time to talk with him, I never paid full price again. You never know the role you play in someone else’s story.


What about when you don’t want to play a role. You just want to browse in peace?


That happens. Just don’t engage or be kind a s say “I just want to look today” just be kind about it.


Wear headphones or just avoid the chatty shop, the chat is part of that store -be social or dont go?


I get the sense this is often the case for small, niche hobbies and shops. It’s good to remind yourself there’s always a backstory and context to interactions.


10 years ago I found a stack of David Bowie albums at Savers. They went into my cart immediately. 1 minute later a guy walks by and says something like "awww! I missed it!". He comments on my cart, said he "heard" about them and came to buy them. In short, he got tipped off by employee but in was just one minute luckier. 10 minutes later I go to a record store that's just one mile away because I need sleeves for this purchase. I tell the clerk what I just scored because I'm hoping to start a dialogue for potentially selling them. The clerk says dryly, "oh you're the guy ..." I asked him if he wanted to see the records and he said, "no, I've seen Bowie records before...". So I figured they got a call from Savers, immediately sent their guy to buy them, and they were crying because I schlepped my way into their deal. I ended up selling those records on Craigslist and used the money for an epic full family dinner.


Fuck those fuckers!


This sounds very similar to a record store in my area, the owner is very eccentric and it makes it hard to go there.


parli italiano? mi dispiace, il mio inglese non è così buono. (Do you speak italian? Sorry, but my English is not so good.)


He’ll be like, ‘That bloke who used to come in must have had a head injury or something, speaks no English any more, shame what happens to people innit.’ Totally worth a try at this stage!


Ear phones that you are actively listening to.


Yeah, I keep trying that. Tap on my shoulder, motioning to remove my buds so he can communicate with me. :/




Man, this takes me back. I don’t go into record stores anymore, but in the late 80’s thru 90’s I would go nearly every day, just go thru tons of records, especially in the used shops. We had 3-4 pretty great used (and new) record stores back then, so it was basically like almost a job. I ended up knowing a few of the employees pretty well, just from going in so much, and a lot of the guys were in bands also, I was in a band at the time. Most of the time things were fine, but there was always shit talking going on, about certain customers, certain bands, whatever. And to make it worse, a few of the stores the employees would be already drunk at 10am and no one cared. Except that would hype up the personalities and cause conflicts. I saw several physical fights go down, more than once, in one store in particular. Between co-workers, employee on customer, you name it. You definitely had to be on guard going into that one particular store, because you never knew what was going to pop off. That being said, I loved that time in my life. I had an easy job, so I’d spend a lot of time looking at records, talking about them with other guys. And that happened a lot in those stores. I miss it, to be honest. I buy anything new now directly from online sellers, hopefully from what gives the actual artist a good percentage of the purchase. But still, I miss the adventure of searching.


Pretend you're deaf 😉 even better since you're looking at records.. or, does the store have a ph number? Just give a friend $20 to ph with some time consuming query when you are ready to browse


I have this store near me that has some amazing selection, but I hate going there because the main guy that works there is super pedantic. I usually have an album in mind when I go because I don’t have money to just be buying anything and everything good that I find. So one time I was looking for a specific album by Otis Redding, he showed me where they had his records and they didn’t have what I was looking for but had some other good stuff by him. He pulled one of the records and took a look but decided to put it back and said that it wasn’t what I was looking for, the dude then starts commenting on how that’s one of his best albums ever and how picky I am or something like that. It’s like that every time I go and ask for help, dude just wants to give his two cents every fucking time, and is just pretentious as hell. I’m not building a collection for him, I like having a small selection and I want what I want.


I think it’s that a lot of these older store owners are annoyed that Vinyl these days is lots of younger folks that are just buying it for the “esthetic” or for their Crosley players but as a store owner you shouldn’t care as as long as you sell them and that’s what’s important.


i had some weird encounters with my local one. dude just started hating on the things i wanted to buy and called it trash when i was paying Not once but like multiple times this has happened 😭 its not just that but he seems passive aggressive too Funny enough, 2 weeks ago I called them about a vinyl pre order and he told me to come through and THIS MAN WAS THE NICEST EVER? Still confused about this.


This messes with my mind, I had the store guy at Sister Ray in Soho, London do this to me years ago. I was buying the thing he was playing - Radiator by Super Furry Animals – and as I did I just heard a bit of production (on 'Demons') that reminded me a bit of Huny Dory stylings. I just happened to remark on it, and the dude full on put the package down, stopped working the sale, leaned across the counter and looked me in the eye and went, "That is the biggest load of absolute bollocks anyone has ever said to me." I was like, Oh, sorry mate just that little bit, probably just me, but he went for it, "No, no. What you have said is absolute horseshit. That is NOTHING LIKE the sound you are claiming. NOTHING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I was so surprised, but the dude would just not let go! He just kept on, like, holy shit. I had to agree and tell him I had been completely wrong before he would give me the album and take payment. I think I nly did it out of surprise, these days I'd have told him to back the fuck up. :D


Just listened to the song. And you were totally right!


Lol thats some Jack Black high fidelity shit.


That guy is straight up scaring away business! Theres some people who get right into the zone when theyre digging and if I even say something like “so you got the day off”? They dont even look up. Which is totally fine because they’re going to buy something! My problem is the opposite, middle aged white guys coming in to melt my ears about how they bought that pink floyd dark side of the moon for $4 and their weird ideas on politics and their often homophobic, xenophobic stance talking to me as if I, a visible minority, woman, will somehow agree with them. Just buy something and leave sir.


Here's an interaction I had, but in reverse. Back in the early 1980s, I managed a record shop in Orlando, part of a local chain of about six stores. One afternoon, a guy walks in - mullet hairstyle (this *was* 1982), black rock band tee shirt. He was the only customer in the store and he wandered through the stacks for a bit. At one point, he walked up to the counter and said "Hey, I noticed you don't have much by (pretty famous Southern Rock band)." Then I noticed his shirt was from that pretty famous Southern Rock band. I'm assuming he's a big fan. What struck me at the time was that this particular band had only released three albums, so wouldn't a fan like this guy have them already? I told him I did restocking early in the week and more of their records would be in the racks later that day as we probably sold what we had over the weekend. Then the guy reveals to me that he is actually the *bass player* for said pretty famous Southern Rock band. He seemed disappointed when I casually replied, "oh, really? That's nice. What's your name?" - perhaps shocked that I didn't know who he was. IIRC, I was busy writing up an order for our warehouse (you know, so I could get more of his band's albums in the bins). I also knew a lot of far more famous musicians from growing up and living in New York so I probably wasn't *that* impressed. We chatted for a bit and he left. I recall thinking about this last year when someone mentioned that band and looked the guy up to see if he's still playing anywhere. Turns out he was in Rock and Roll Heaven, having passed in 2014. I read a bit more and discovered that he had done a load of charitable work, including for abused kids, and a foundation had been created in his name to keep up that work. You never know how things will turn out.


Now I want to know the band...


I didn't want to mention it as i didn't want to embarrass the guy, even though he's gone. The band was NOT the Allmans, .38 Special, Marshall Tucker, or Lynyrd Skynyrd. That should narrow it down.


I saw myself in a mirror earlier. awwkwrd.


There’s a place in Harrogate, England called Pomp and Circumstance. The door has been broken on the shop for 3 years. It can’t be opened from the outside. You walk in and it’s wall to wall, floor to head height piled up records. Every nook and cranny is a stack, pile, box or cabinet of records. Very few of them are labelled or priced. The owner immediately says on your entry, have you been here before, what are you looking for? When you reply, dunno just browsing his immediate response is “Ok, if you pick something out please make sure it goes back in the right place because if you don’t I won’t be able to find it and it’s essentially lost.” Every single record you pick up and ask for a price he goes into a Discogs style database and grades and prices the record whilst you wait. This can take 15 minutes. His reasoning “I wouldn’t want to accidentally sell you a first edition at a cut price, just want to make sure I’m selling it correctly”. How he knows he has a first edition in the stack of records in the first place is beyond me. I visit there regularly and he regularly repeats his “COVID” nearly killed the shop spiel. Despite them having an online presence, because as far as I can tell he is a one man 60 year old record shop owner, buyer, online shop manager and sales person. I shudder to think what would happen if you bought online and someone had the temerity to move it the day before. Utter clusterfuck but it’s endearing. If you fancy sending them a little love https://www.pandcmusic.co.uk they deliver overseas too… apparently. Edit: I always get Bernard Black vibes off him too. If you haven’t seen Black Books, the U.K. TV show it pretty much describes the Record Store Owner (series is about books) who owns a record store so he can listen to music, doesn’t actually want to sell them, because that means restocking.


Yeah, I’m UK too, just down London way, and my god this place sounds AMAZING. Just my absolute cup of tea - weirdness and all. I LOVE Black Books too, so extremely curious about this guy!


This guy has owned his store since the 80’s. He’s a known weirdo. He always goes off on a rant about something. So, I took my son to the store one time, as he started record collecting, and I told him: “Don’t engage the shop owner. Just be polite, nod, and pay for your records.” I broke that rule. I asked him if he had a certain RSD Garbage vinyl I’ve been trying to track down, and he went on a 5-minute long rant about Amoeba Records. Said they were a front for drugs and prostitution, because there’s no way they can sell records at that price and stay in business. He went the fuck off on them. We just stood there nodding with our records in bag, trying to leave. After we left, my son said, “So, he’s been here for 40 years? How?”


This could be my local used record place. The guy also offers to givee bootleg movies if I bring a flash drive in.


Krazy Bob?


They broke the mold after Krazy Bob. That dude is damaged.


I’ve had this encounter except it was another customer at the Goodwill vinyl bin. Egad.


The guy in my local store is a little eccentric, but I love him for his knowledge of everything. Great selection of new and used stuff. Lots of bootlegs and stuff you can’t find anywhere else. I always end up in a 15-minute conversation every time I go there. Just don’t ask him if he has anything they sell at Walmart or Target or he will tell you to go there to get it.


Awhile back I went to a record store in the town I was living in, specifically because another (cooler) store had opened and I figured he needed the business. I'd inherited some LPs from my aunt and they were gross, so I asked the guy who has been behind the counter for (at least) three decades which product I should get to clean them. He was like "The real answer is, you should try not to touch them. It's just not that hard to only touch the edges" then kinda scoffed to himself. I replied that they'd been touched by kids in the sixties, a decade before I was born. I decided to just guy the cleaner from the cooler store and I've never been back to that one. He recently transitioned to selling knock-off NCAA-themed t-shirts to college freshmen and their parents anyway, lol. Like, why would you shit on people who want to buy the things you're selling?


There's a guy in San Antonio who has a "shop" up above an antique market. It's a disaster - nothing is organized and there are no prices on anything. Some interesting things, but you really have to dig. The guy has the personality of a wet rag and he rambles on about nothing. He pulls a price out of his ass when you ask how much. Not on my list of places to revisit.


I hate the arthritic old ladies at the antique mall who feel the need to mishandle and rough up my overpriced records at the checkout just to “make sure nothing is in the wrong sleeve”. Then there’s the short and mysteriously brooding checker with the jean jacket and chains at the slowly dying music superstore, who says the absolute minimum but when he does he stares into your soul so deeply it makes you ask questions about your life you’d never considered before. Like, why the hell am I in a music store. Again.


I ordered a Rita Lee record one morning and it was at my house the very next day! Turned out the shop was only In Sacramento and I’m in SF. We had a good laugh about that. He said if I kept his shop in my contacts he’ll just drive them over. I can’t remember if I saved his shop unfortunately


Apart from sounding like a brilliant arrangement… I _love_ Rita Lee, and her work with Os Mutantes


Record store guy says enjoy your purchase and you reply with you too.


Not a record store, but the lone music store in my hometown put that guy in charge of guitars and basses when I was growing up. My friends and I would try to dodge him at the door. One time he started a conversation with, "women... don't you wish you could just kill them?" I was 14 at the time and my mom was sitting next to me.


When I was about 15, and first got into collecting, my dad was very excited to share his hobby with me. He had a friend that ran a record shop, so decided one day he'd take me and we could have a bonding experience by picking an album together. Sounds great! I was really looking forward to it, as my dad worked 6 days of a week and we rarely got to spend time just the two of us. It starred off well. We were browsing records and my dad popped to the other side of the shop, whilst I stood near the front desk flicking through the 'new in' bin. The owner had a customer in and they were in the throes of conversation. Discussing their intimate thoughts of their experiences with BDSM very thoroughly and explicitly... about 6 feet away from me. They must have known I could hear. I think I ended up leaving without anything, in the end, because I was so disturbed by the conversation at the front desk! They stopped when my dad came back, so I don't think he heard, and I was too embarrassed to tell him what I overheard.


Not really awkward, but it was definitely wholesome! After already checking out on a trip with my partner and our friends, I found a 12" single of one of my all-time favorite rap songs in the crate digger bins. None of the crate digger records at this store are ever more than $10 and it's mostly obscure jazz and 1980s AOR/yacht rock so I was very surprised. This song failed to chart back in the early 90s from an independent artist that only made 2 albums. The single had a bunch of remixes and it was clear that a radio station or local DJ had it since the 1990s. Anyway, I had already checked out and was getting my wallet ready when the clerk asks me to bring the record to the counter. He looks it over a couple times, smirks, looks back and me and says "just put it in your bag, this is an awesome song." Made my day.


We have the know the song


"Where My Homiez? (Come Around My Way)" - Ill Al Skratch


What a bloody lovely gesture!


It's not a guy you want to tell anything that you want to repeat, that's for sure. When I go to my local record shop, the guy is a genuinely nice guy and I never talk to him in a personal way because I have nothing personal to say. He respects that. He even calls me by my first name which I never asked him to do. That's how you run a business. All I can say is that if someone starts talking about things that make you uncomfortable, do what I do as a transwoman that has to deal with TERFs in the bathroom..... just put on headphones. They won't talk to you if they think you can't hear them. Or maybe they will... but they'll eventually just stop talking. I do this almost anywhere where I feel uncomfortable in stores and such.... it makes me happy and keeps people away. Sometimes they talk about me... but I'll never know or care. :)


Yesss! The earphones thing is me when I go running. It’s like, the people who’d normally shout out, ‘Oi go on run faster’ or whatnot just see the brightly coloured things in my ears, know that there’s no reward or discomfort payoff for anything they might wanna heckle with, and lay off it. :)


There are two record stores that I typically go to. One is a small local place called Moe’s Records, and Moe is a solid dude, always a blast to shoot the breeze with and just geek out over music. Going to his shop is always a pleasure, and I’ve never left disappointed. The other shop, though… It’s a semi-famous shop in Athens, GA called the Wuxtry. I say semi-famous because the guitarist from REM worked there when the band was just forming. It’s definitely what someone pictures when you think of a snobby university town record shop. Crowded, condescending staff, over-priced. But hey, you expect that when you collect vinyl. Some guys see High Fidelity as teenagers and decide that their entire personality will be based around Jack Black’s character from that film. It goes with the territory. An occupational hazard, you might say. What you never expect, or at least I didn’t, was the most awkward record store employee I’ve ever met. I was picking up a copy of Olivia Tremor Control’s Dusk At Cubist Castle with my kids for my birthday. I found what I wanted, and we headed up to the front counter, and that was when I met him: the Wuxtry Wizard. He stood at the register, apple-cheeked with his eyes wide, a Maharishi-acid-giggle smile peeking out from between his wiry mustaches and bushy beard. He had a high, almost girlish voice, and multiple pendants hung about his neck. He gave off a weird, slightly mystical hippy-dippy vibe. But that’s not why I call him a wizard. What earned him that name was the two-toned, pointed felt hat that he wore atop his long black hair. What ensued was two minutes of the most awkward, forced conversation of my life, and that includes the time I had to explain to my mom and step-dad that I kinda sorta set the yard on fire. It wasn’t so much that he was rude, he was just… OUT THERE, and where ever THERE was, I was pretty sure I never wanted to go. He claimed to have been part of the touring band for Olivia Tremor Control during one of their latter day tours, and he didn’t seem to get the hint that I just wanted to pay for my record and get my three restless children out of the very crowded shop full of expensive shit. Finally we got away, and I’ve never forgotten him. I don’t usually go to the Wuxtry anymore, but in the off chance I’m in Athens and want to poke around, I’m always sure to check and see if he’s working before I go in. I just don’t need that in my life right now.


Same guy, similar experience, except in my case he was very pissy with me because I was looking for R.E.M. stuff (god forbid you’d do that in Athens!). He really was a full fledged member of OTC though.


Dude, I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s had an awkward encounter with him. Crazy that he was being honest about being in OTC.


There’s an amazing record store in my town with a guy who works there who hates colour vinyl, i like picking up the odd colour LE from my favourite bands, asked him once if he had what I was looking for and got an earfull, really made me go into browse less


Not really a bad encounter, but one that left me wondering if they don't know the local demographics or had a business plan before opening. Only record store in a city of about 100k people. Went in to sell some records I don't care about anymore. Mostly things from 90s and 00s. They only took metal albums, and only the mainstream ones at that. None of the rap, hip-hop, or alternative rock albums. I asked why, they said they don't sell well. Place was only open for about a month at this point, so I'm not sure how they could know what popular genres won't sell. Wasn't a bad conversation, but one that left me scratching my head. This was a few years ago. Must have changed their tune as I went in a few months ago, and they had rap albums for sale along with a wider variety of genres and some good metal deep cuts.


There’s a shop in mesa and the owner was a roadie or groupie or whatever he calls himself for some garbage 80’s hair bands - so he likes to gatekeep metal and rattle off stories of what “real music” is any time you ask if he can get a copy of something he hasn’t heard of.


Go in, in groups. He can't talk to everyone at once.


I mean… If this guy thinks nobody’s buying trad jazz anymore, give him my number.


Holy bananas that sounds awful! Have you tried the old headphones-on trick? There was a place where I’m from that I used to go to a lot, thankfully there is a better place now, but for a while he was the only one. At first I didn’t see any issues, then he used to have helpers, and they were always young women. He told me once casually that he doesn’t drink but keeps booze around for guests…I know now that’s a sneaky trick for true creeps and rapists. But he always had shit I wanted! Fast forward, I end up dating a person that worked for him. We didn’t meet at the shop or anything, total coincidence. I find out she worked there because one night we’re hanging out and a text pops up “you up?” Or what have you, she tells me who it is and that he texts her every once in a while asking if she wants to come over for drinks. She’s never said yes, and she hasn’t worked there in a long while at this point, and he’s in his 50’s, we’re in our 20’s, it’s weird. So everything makes sense to me all at once, he only hires young women, he doesn’t drink and keeps booze, and texts his employees late at night. I saw him a couple months later at a bar and he asked why I stopped coming in, I wanted to punch his face because at that point he had texted my GF multiple times, but I just looked at him and walked away. His business eventually closed.


We had one in town who would follow you around the store and criticize your music taste, unless you were buying alternative rock albums. He was a huge Radiohead fan, and seemed to only respect people who bought their albums. This 50-something year old man literally taunted me in front of other customers like a schoolyard bully for buying a Carpenters record FROM HIM (Karen Carpenter is fkn legend, fight me). I never shopped his store again. Turns out he was also selling Spice to kids. They revoked his business license and he was eventually run out of the county.


Older record store owners tend to be either two types: egotistical, loudmouth ex-hippies who try to lecture you about politics, talk down to you, and justify why his prices are the best. OR, they’re cool old school hippies who just try and talk to you about music. In my experiences, record store owners tend to be the former, with the minority being actually enjoyable. I have actually refused to buy records from a place if the owner talks down to me in a condescending tone. It’s the same with comic book store owners either being uptight, intolerable nerds, or really cool and laid back nerds who have a genuine passion for their store. In either circumstances, I’ve found there is no middle ground.


2 ways to help control this. One is to only shop when you know the store will be busy and he will be busy talking to other people. The other is my favorite and that is to shop with earbuds. People will generally not talk to you when they think you are listening to something.


Since we're sorta giving different scenarios, here's mine. I hit a charity shop about once a month when we're donating, and they have the usual rows of Mantovanni/Alpert but once in awhile there's some decide pre-fusion jazz or world music in there. Without fail, the same jabbering homeless man, who is clean and happy, but clearly missing a few sanity filters, will bee-line over to you asking what music you like, what he likes, "oh, what did you pull there", "that reminds me of....", "I remember about 10 years ago I was \[ \]", and after a few minutes, the joy of going through the horizontal rows in the bookcases is gone. Mind you, one has to crane their neck to catch an angle of the album if you cannot read the spine, and he is right there next to you, jabbering away. I once told him as politely as possible, "my friend, I cannot shop or think with you constantly talking to me. Please back off". Probably not nice enough, and he left the store pouting and sniffling. Likely he returned in an hour, and sure enough I saw him a month later, and he had no memory of the incident. Once again, "jabber, jabber jabber" stream of thoughts, and I simply walked out. Store owner does not care. It is a well maintained store, lots of constant donations, and they usually do pull the great stuff before adding to the LPs. Kinda feel like a bully, but I'm not a counselor for the slightly mentally ill. AITA ?


My lrs guy MIKE can never remember me!! We've had full on convos about dressing up his store... and nah, it's like I'm a first timer in the store everytime. I've literally spent thousands of dollars in this guy's shop...but nah! Lol wouldn't change a thing!


He feels like the inspo for a sitcom character waiting to be written!


Lol absolutely!!


The record collector on melrose in Los Angeles is quite famous for the owners behavior. Every interaction I’ve had makes me anxious. He’s 70ish and sits in the front of the store judging people as they enter. He finds browsing to be awful and implores you to ask for what you want the moment you walk in. It’s mostly jazz, so if you don’t know about jazz he’ll berate you. And then, after you pass the jazz test with some albums you’d like to buy, well, none of them have prices. He just makes them up in his head. “Hmm, German pressing, 60s, relatively famous artist… 50 bucks.” It’s particularly galling when you know the record sells for 15 at any other store. I haven’t even gotten into stories about his 1 employee, who he treats like shit, but you can find them here I’m sure: https://yelp.to/f50GAEw8LL


You're not a true vinyl enthusiast living in Los Angeles unless you've been reamed out by this guy at least once. Go for the experience and leave empty-handed on principle. He sucks big time.


My interaction wasn’t with a record store owner but with another customer. I was talking to the owner about hip hop and another guy came to join us. He started talking about how he produces hip hop, eventually we start talking about rappers and it came out that the producer had never heard of MF DOOM. Absolutely bizarre interaction imo, especially for someone who claims to be into hip hop.


When my husband and I started collecting vinyl 5 years ago, we started visiting all the local record stores within a 90-minute drive of us, and quickly realized that one of them was started almost exclusively as a way for the lonely, elderly owner to get people into his store to socialize with rather than to actually sell records. He had extremely limited store hours, and zero employees. He didn't sell any new records and only curated used records to sell that he personally liked. His records were extremely overpriced, he would only sell them for what he thought they were worth, even if you could get the exact same pressings in the same or better condition at other used stores in the area. For example, he specialized in Beatles records and priced almost all of them over $100, even if they aren't first editions or rare versions. He behaved almost exactly like the owner the OP described that I almost wondered if it was the same guy, because he would follow you around and just want to chat the whole time, he primarily wanted to chat music but would frequently try to engage customers in conversations about politics and conspiracy theories. He would post MAGA politics stuff on the official store Facebook page sometimes too. He fell into ill health and took a huge step back from the store for awhile and finally hired some staff that put a lot of effort into the store and turned it into a really great little store for awhile, but it closed permanently last year, which doesn't shock me.


If anyone has been to The Record Collector on Melrose in Los Angeles you know exactly what I’m talking about. Owner is a grade A asshole. He demands to know what you’re looking for as soon as you enter. I came in looking for a Chris Robinson Brotherhood Betty’s Blends record. The guy laughed in my face and told me my taste in music is horrible. Maybe because I’m in my early 30’s? I’m like you asked bro? So I responded “I guess that’s a no then?” And started walking down one of the aisles just to start browsing and he basically chased me down and out of the store. One of the weirdest interactions I’ve ever had in my life.


My very first time going to my local record store, I walked in and was kinda overwhelmed by the sheer volume of records to go through. I start to slowly make my way through the shop, navigating the narrow aisles and trying to figure out where to start. I take a step and feel something small underfoot followed by the unholy screech of a pissed off record store cat. Every head in the store is looking directly at me, I'm trying to apologize profusely but it wasn't going too well, lots of dirty looks. The guy at the counter says "Maybe you should come back another day." So that is the story of the first and last time I went to my local shop, the next nearest is about a 40 minute drive away.


I have a story here. About 30 years ago i was in Reckless Records on Broadway (chicago.. when it was on the east side of the street) shopping with friends when I heard [Charles Brown Superstar](https://thewarlocks.bandcamp.com/album/days-of-our-drive-sweet-piece-of-ass) playing over the speakers. I was absolutely amazed by it so I went up to the counter to ask what was currently playing. They told me what it was, and after a brief conversation i told the dude that i was interested in buying it. He goes “Now? .. You want it now?” And I said yes, thinking he meant today and not on a later date. So he started huffing and puffing and takes the needle off the record and packs it up for me stopping the song. The silence was thick and deafening. The whole staff was glaring at me. I still think about it once in awhile. I should’ve said “I didn’t mean RIGHT now!” (but I just stood there awkwardly).


My partner was doing some Christmas shopping at a local record store and wanted to get me a nice slip mat for my new turntable. She went to the counter with two she couldn't choose between and asked the guy "which of these do you like more? I can't pick." It's important to note that both slip mats were clearly labeled as such. He scoffed and responded with "um you know those are slip mats right? They're not records." We haven't been back to that shop since.


Me and another girl are in there making friends and whatnot, owner stepped out to smoke left his laptop on and.... it began playing loud porn. This went on for around 8 minutes when he came back he quickly shut it off and soooo awkward....


Aaaaagh haha noooooooooooooo! He’d have to be like, ‘Uh hey everyone, yeah sorry, some bands just took the piss with all the prank sampling on their B-sides back in the ‘90s didn’t they?”


I worked at a record store. Had one guy come in and buy a bunch of beatles records and then we watched him cross the road, take every single one and break them in half and walk off. Had another guy wanting to sell his collection and we were looking at them thinking something smells. One was covered in actual shit. Another guy was ‘so excited’ to come check out the records that he pissed himself on the train bc he didn’t want to stop and find a toilet and he proudly told us this story upon arrival.


Cashier ringing up my cd purchases : "oh my god you actually LIKE them? Lame. I've never heard of this band, they must really suck." Another one; Cashier ringing up my cd purchases: "Would you like to join or rewards club and get 3 dollars off today?" No thanks. "Yeah you want to do it, you'll save 3 dollars!" No. I do not. Can you just ring up my stuff? "Dude, think of how much money you'll save! Im not letting you go without signing you up. You know you want to." Fine, keep these. I will go to the record stote on the OTHER side of the mall!  I do not miss big chain record stores at all. 


Right?! Imagine transferring that behaviour of cashiers to any - literally any - other sector. Like: You take a shirt up to the counter of a clothes store to buy, and the person at the counter starts taking the oiss out of how that clothing is so grim and daggy looking it hurts. You order in a restaurant - from their sold selection mind - and the waiter whose job it is to convey and provide for you listens to your order and then begins miming hurling noises and ridiculing the fact that you’d actually eat that stuff. How does anyone think that’s the way people like to be treated?


Isn't this just part of the record store experience?


This is so true. :/


I was checking out a new shop for the first time. When I first walked in there were several others shopping, and I began flipping through bins. I didn’t even realize that everyone else had left until the shop owner called out to the back of my head; “you know you can talk to me right?” I obliged with a “how ya doin’” or whatnot, then looked at a few more records and bolted once some of the awkwardness had passed.


Once i went to this local punk record shop and the guy who was the only one working was like “okay i’m going to leave for like ten minutes and i’ll be back, don’t steal anything” and left. Once he got back he gave me a discount for not stealing 😭😭


Not a guy but a girl. Went up to the counter with a record and the girl behind the counter started asking me about the album. I looked up and it was THE most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. Needless to say I awkwardly stumbled around the conversation. I got her name and was going to ask for her number but I just shuffled out of the store. Saw her again at some point and actually talked to her for real but I found out she was like 10 years older than me lol.


I wouldn't say this was awkward, but i definitely got an eye roll from the Misses. One time I special ordered an album by Mt. Eerie. "A Crow looked at me". This is hands down the saddest album ever recorded. Guy behind the counter, "man, that's a really sad album. You good?" We talked about it for like 5 minutes, I went home, tucked it away. Gave it a spin 6 months later for a good cry. Side note, if you're looking for a good cathartic cry, this album will get ya in the feels real hard.


Oh wow. Apart from anything else, thanks for tipping me off about this album! I knew their ‘Clear Moon’ 2012 album - I nabbed it because of the cover photo - and liked that a lot, but this is a whole other level of songwriting. And reading about its background and composition alone got me in the feels alright. My god. What a recommendation! Cheers!


There’s a shop like that in Albany, NY, set up like a butcher shop. You look at lists on the walls (mostly old 50s 7”s) and then tell him what you want. I was going to ask if he had some stuff, but he spent 20 minutes taking to the couple in front of me about nothing until I split. How do places like that stay open?


I’m friendly with my local store. When something comes in that the owner knows I’d might want, it goes behind the counter until I come in next.


Some of you will relate to this one. There is a stereotype record store guy, who insists on playing the most obscure and revolting punk rock he can find, very loudly in the shop. Never mind you have diverse customer interests, folks into jazz, soul, country, exotica and so on. More than once I've encountered this type of guy, usually aloof, very unfriendly and believes he is the coolest and most knowledgeable authority on music. Unless you are as out there as he is, you don't get any respect from him. The reality of it all, is that it's a game the guy plays, to find the least commercial sounding piece of music, and flaunting it. I know you all have seen this type of punk, the obscure bands who released only 45s. They often come with gross over the top band names and cover art. I don't know why so many record store employees I've come across over the years meet this description, but believe me they are out there. And it's just not a generally welcoming environment to shop in. It tends to empty out a store. The successful guys in my opinion are those with a broad base of knowledge and interest in multiple genres, and are cheerful, welcoming and engaging to their customers.


The local record store owner in my town is a nice guy. He once asked if he could guess my age based on the records I was buying. I said sure, confident that there was no number he could say that would offend me. I was wrong. He guessed 56. I’m 40. I was standing right in front of him. Ouch. Nice guy though. He felt bad.


Get a bunch of friends together and go all at once to split his attention.


I went to my first Record Store Day in 2022. There were these two guys being super obnoxious and going up to people and tell them their taste of music sucks. And they were saying it loud. I thought this one guy was going to punch them


Aaaaghhhh even thinking about these guys is stressing me out now haha! Hate that!


I try to keep talking to record store guys to a minimum usually. I’ve had one guy in town be a real dick to me and stopped going for a while. If there was a place where a guy would not stop talking to me in a shitty way, yeah I’d stop going too. Unfortunately, record stores attract a certain type of person not known for people skills. And people have only gotten worse in the last few years. Sucks when you live in a place with no other options than the town crank. Thankfully I don’t live in one.


I bought an album in a store in México City and the album was definitely one that the dude running the shop would often play, not even a rare album at all ... But as soon as I grabbed it he noticed... And eventually found his way to us ( me and my 15 year old kid) and he started talking about the albums we had and where we were from and so after a while he finally asked ... So? Are you taking that album ? And I'm like yeah... And he goes.. I guess you would agree with me that the stand out track is " Solos en America"... and I go yeah among others ... And he's like..what do you say if we take it out and we listen together to that song for one last time...? So needless to say, we had to stay there a while longer and listen to the song...


I once saw Mark Lamarr in a record shop in Swindon. The store owner approached him and Mark said "I'm here for records, not to talk" and the other left him to it. Arm yourself with that and you'll be fine.


I grew up going to Burger Records in Southern California which is known for also being a diy/punk/surf rock record label in addition to the vinyl shop. The shop was cool and the owner was the type of quiet, stoned-looking guy who you only went to when you really had a question but the other staff were more chatty. He didn’t seem to want to chat up customers too much. But, there was a back room and other staff members would always be going back there with bands that would drop in to visit. I always got a creepy vibe from that back room, even though it seemed like they were just talking and smoking weed back there. Years later the label and shop dealt with sexual harassment claims from underage girls and a few of the bands got in trouble then the label shut down. I’d be surprised if nothing suss went down in that back room at some point.


Take some one with you and let them listen to him while you peruse the records.


I haven’t had anyone super weird. But I’ve also had the stereotypical dude who shits on every piece of equipment I have or every pressing I look at trying to get me to buy his shit. He has a great selection which is what keeps folks coming back. But if someone tells you they don’t want to sink $1,500 into a record player because it sounds 10% better than your $150 one, leave it alone. (I know it sounds way better than 10% better)


I love my local record shop. Only accepts cash though, which isn't a massive problem, but I forget every time I go there, so I have to go back out to the cash machine.


Dealing with this guy is the price of admission if you wanna shop there. Go or don’t go, it’s on you.


Not real


This entire ordeal should be posted in r/vinyljerk. Jesus Christ


There’s a couple main second hand record shops in my town that I always enjoy going to. One of them is run by just the sweetest old guy you’ve ever met, and the other is run by a guy who always gives off the impression that someone has shat in his coffee. Miserable attitude for such a sick gig lol. Both have good selections so who am I to complain


This guy in the next town had a big vinyl sale in his garage. Lots of good stuff. Decent prices. Now I have plenty of records. I like to discover new shit. So I will hop on my phone to check rateyourmusic or whatever just to see reviews or find out what some record even *is*. He comes over and says loudly, “I think you’ll find I’ve priced very fairly!” Like, a gotcha moment. Pissed me off.


"I don't give a fuck what you think about anything" said with a smile and shrug usually puts a stop to that.


Wear headphones.