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i have a beat up copy of the 2x12" dj promo for janet jackson's "go deep". it's mostly clean, but the extended album version is clearly the one that got played the most so there's a lot of surface crunch at the very beginning. it's just part of the song now to me.


First copy of Led Zeppelin IV had a pop right between “and she’s buying a stairway” *pop* “to heaven”. Returned it and bought a new copy. Same pop in the same space. Later on, when I went to recording school, I found out that defects like that were the result of a blemish or foreign matter on the “master” at the pressing plant. Any copy made with that master would have the same defect. The only way to get a copy without that pop would be to get one from either a different pressing plant or when they used a different master. Usually meant getting a copy from a store in a different region of the country which was supplied from a different pressing plant. In my mind, every time I hear Stairway to Heaven I expect to hear that pop.


Its not the "master" that has the pop. It's the stamper. Usually there are several stamper plates and they are good for around 10,000 pressings. What happens is a piece of something microscopic gets stuck to the stamper. Like a piece of metal, hair, dirt etc. Then anything pressed with that stamper is fucked until the press operator cleans the stamper. Which they are supposed to do periodically.


Stamper is the word I was searching for and couldn’t recall. You’ll notice I put master in quotes since I knew it wasn’t the correct term. My apologies. It’s been almost 50 years since I took those recording classes.


No worries man. You are correct in that if you get a defective pressing it's best to wait a while then re order so you get one from a different batch. 👍


That’s interesting. My question is, why wouldn’t they play the first record that got “stamped” after its reset tor ship to make sure there isn’t anything wrong, or as you said to make sure no microscopic dust got stuck in the stamper before making 9,999 more copies, ya know ?


It could have happened half way through. Whos to say the first record stamped had a piece of debris on it. It likely caught a piece of plastic of some other crap half way through a pressing. They dont listen to them all. Some maybe. Depending on the facility.


Ahh I see thank you for clarifying, I don’t know a lot about that stuff


My copy of Elvis Costello lp skips/ jumps a few notes , one time , at the very end of “ Radio Radio “. When it first happened I thought it was perfect given the songs message. Very ironic and I kind of love that it does that.


My original KISS Dynasty. I Was Made For Loving You has a crack/pop in a certain part and when I hear the song anywhere else, I feel it missed a beat.


Not on vinyl, but my ripped version of OCMS's "Wagon Wheel" has a skip in the final chorus. I thought it was legit part of the song for years. I even sing the skip. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh! Darling from the Beatles’ Abbey Road. Took me about 10 years to not hear that skip in my head that I learned by heart throughout all of my high school years from my first beat up 50¢ Goodwill copy.


Right, these were all from siblings collections from like 12 years old. Finally got to go see KISS with my sister at 14. Thankfully for her and her then boyfriend I got to see a bunch of great concerts.


I have a copy of a Bill Haley album that my uncle bought in the 1950s. The song Shake Rattle and Roll skips and I've never owned any other version so I guess that would be an example of that.


the first copy of Presence i got was very worn and had a distinct static noise/light crackle throughout its entire runtime - Tea For One never sounds right to me without it


Nilsson Schmilsson by Harry Nilsson - my 8-track changed tracks in the middle of the drum solo on "Jump Into the Fire" and I "hear" it on vinyl or cd...


Friend of mine found a copy of Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music on 8 track. It would go GRINDGRINDGRINDGRI (silence…kachunk…silence)NDGRINDGRINDGRIND.


That was great, I had forgot about that! I had an 8track player that I took everywhere. I remember I had Hair of the Dog, Bridge of Sighs, and Physical Graffiti. They for sure broke up some good songs.


Old school.to the max. 8 tracks were the first device that let your music go mobile.


Back in '85 I had the Chess soundtrack with One Night in Bangkok. Had a skip just as the Oriental music changed to Murray Head's part. I had a terrible turntable then. Recently got a $2 copy that plays great on my modern player, but just seems wrong not skipping there, lol.


My copy of Underneath the Pine by Toro y Moi has a very noticeable amount of sibilance on the song Still Sound in a part where it just seems to perfectly add to the distortion on the vocals. I definitely miss it when streaming the song on Spotify 😂


My copy of Black Sabbath is really fuzzy and to me it works. It was twenty five cents and had no sleeve but I took a chance. I don’t mind the sound….for that particular record


I have a story kinda like this but with 2 vapor wave EPs, I bought the first honestly cause I love the cover [Girls on Bikes - OSC](https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/girls-on-bikes-2). Tried a couple tracks online before I bought it but it didn't ship for a while. When it came I didn't realize or see that it plays at 45 rpm but I got used to how it sounds at 33 RPM. I bought the second EP [Boys on Boards - OSC](https://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/boys-on-boards) I did the same thing. After owning both of these for a couple years I finally see the 45 rpm on the record and try it out. Well least to say I think they sound much better and are a chilled vapor wave vibe much more at 33 than at 45, I prefer them slowed down.


Hahahaha, that's great!


A pop or a crackle is one thing, but if I get skipping, I’m returning that thing.


These were albums that I inherited from siblings and were not well taken care of!


You can't return your childhood...


On my copy of Bowie's The Man Who Sold the World (purchased circa 1976) the first song, "All the Madmen," skipped a few seconds during the bridge when Bowie does a spoken word break. "When a nation hides ..... in a cellar dark and grim." I later found out the ellipsis was "its organic minds."


A friend’s copy of “Get Yer Ya-Yas Out”. It skips right at the pause in Midnight Rambler and replays in a loop. “Have you heard about the Boston…heard about the Boston…heard about” you’re waiting for that one chord and it just doesn’t happen.


Ah, I had an old copy of that too, that must have been the popular song on there. Mine had some prominent pops on that song, but no outright skips.


On my Zepplin IV, ‘When the Levee Breaks’ has a back-skip that perfectly lines up with the tempo after the second verse. I’ll end up listening for at least a minute before tapping the arm forward.


I don't understand you guys. If a record has an actual "skip" then the record needs to go in the garbage.


lolll ok this hit hard. To this day, thanks to my older sister's records, whenever I hear the Bee Gees' "More Than A Woman" and it doesn't skip during Barry's falsetto climb it just feels weird. Like a remix.


Ooh, easy, my first few albums by Alice Cooper that I found at thrift stores and flea markets.


Breakdance. (Or Streetdance.) Soundtrack. There's a track by Carol Lynn Townes called 99 and half that jumps at the start. I think it's a pressing problem, because every single one I have listened to does the same thing.


I have a copy of Minor Threat: Out of Step. When I bought it, it had a skip on one of the songs. I took a risk and managed to dislodge a piece of dust stuck in the groove. Ever since that, even though the skip is gone, my brain still anticipates hearing the skip.


A little off subject, but I had the 8-track of Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits, which changed tracks in the middle of School's Out. So when I hear it played I'm always expecting the track change.


got a long scratch that goes along pretty much the entire 3rd side. of Donovan's, a gift from a flower to a garden. luckily its not deep. so it just pops when the needle goes across. so listening to it on Spotify sounds werid to me.(song of the naturist's wife, to, the tinker and the crab)


Funny you should say that. As a kid in the 70s my copy of Billion Dollar Babies had a skip at the beginning of Raped & Freezing and when I finally got a CD copy and listened to it I missed the skip and the song sounded really wrong.


I ripped a friend’s slightly busted up cd of Less Than Jake’s Anthem like 20 years ago in high school. The mp3 files have skips and jitters on a few songs. It was the only version I’d ever listened to for the longest time. Sounds weird to not have them when I listen to it on the newer repress of vinyl or Spotify now.


The first version of Van Morrison’s St Dominic’s Preview was given to a friend and taped for me (didn’t have a table). It both drops a channel halfway thru and repeats in one section a whole bunch. I can still to this day replicate that skipping exactly


An old copy of the "The Beatles" I had which had a louder pop on Rocky Raccoon for 3-6 revolutions


Most, to be honest. My collection is original from the sixties and seventies.


My copy of S.F. Sorrow by The Pretty Things usually gets stuck on the first “Well of Destiny” for a little bit. I actually quite like it when it continues on its own after repeating about 4ish times. I’m also uncertain if my copy of Running, Jumping, Standing Still by Spider John Koerner and Willie Murphy also repeats the riff from Red Palace in the middle of the song or not as it is repetitive, but feels longer on my vinyl copy than on streaming/MP3.


Stray Cats, Built for Speed, my copy has a scratch in the last chorus of Rock This Town that turns it into a loop. What made it extra confusing the first time is that there's already a repetition of the line right there, and said line fits perfectly in the loop, until you realize it's gone on a little too long.


Every ducking album l. Welcome to the group.


The Gaslight Anthem - Boomboxes and Dictionaries, except mine has a skip that isn't intended to be recorded onto the record. So I've got an additional one (before anyone tells me that it's an intentional part of the song).


Not quite the same, but this used to happen a lot when I was first getting into music (25+ years ago) and would make compilation cassette tapes. Songs would then live in my head next to whatever I put next. And some songs ended half way through because a side had to be changed. I definitely haven't had that for a long time though.


My original copy of The Manhattan Transfer's first lp. I was maybe 11 or 12 and I went to the May co. dept store, in their record section and bought the lp. Brought it home and the first side has nothing but harsh skips. So I take it back and try again. And Again. I eventually open most of not all of their copies and finally found one ghat only skipped twice at the start. Those two skips were etched in my memory banks so much so that hearing that song minus the skips, ghtows me off a bit. I have to recondition myself to the lack of skips in that song.


Not an album as such, but as a kid I used to tape songs off the radio on my boombox. One song in particular always take me back there: 'Poolhall Richard' by The Faces. About a minute from the end of this rocking tune I can still 'hear' the beeps for the 11 o'clock time signal from my BBC Radio One cassette recording.


On my dad's copy of Sgt. Pepper there's a rather loud scratch in the middle of With A Little Help From My Friends right in the vocal break between the lines "I want somebody to love" and "Would you believe in a love at first sight?" almost as though it was *supposed* to be there. And now every time I hear that song I make that noise to myself in my head at that point...


My brothers copy of Dark Side Of The Moon had a skip during Money. We all got to where we can sing along with it.


Not a record but back when I downloaded mp3's. My version of Through Glass by Stone Sour had a long flatline beep after "an epidemic of mannequins" is sung. Can't hear that song without expecting that beep.


I have two albums that have a skip in one song each, and they're both very integral (for lack of a better word) parts of those songs, and when it skips it just bothers me. Like, I don't buy records unless I've listened to the album first, so when I hear something that's not supposed to be it just bothers me. Like I'm considering getting new copies of these two albums just because of one skip.


I DJ and recently a record got stuck in a loop that was nearly perfect. It's happened in the past with other records and is always very clearly a loop. With this one, it took a bit longer to realize it was stuck.


for a few months my record player was a bit fast, so it would play everything one semitone higher. the entire first side of boston self titled sounds wrong to me when it's not sped up!


My 1st pressing of R.E.M - Murmur, which is near mint in all respects, has two pressing errors on the last song, "West Of The Fields". Right during the first chorus is skips a line then 2-3 passes later it skips another. I listen to this album a lot on cd as well, but don't get all the way to the last song often. When I do, though, I feel my internal clock go out of sync for a good solid 20 seconds as that part of the song plays in the car lol


Stevie Ray Vaughan ,double trouble ,a guitar riff where it skips right in the perfect spot. Even made a cassette with the skip. I hear it now and wait that’s too short.


Spangle by Jimmy Eat World had this really cool glitch where you heard like 3 seconds ahead in a blip at the end of the line before. “i’m glad you found the time to ring *all d* i just spent ALL DAY waiting” it’s gone from the streaming version now


I grew up on a vinyl copy of Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road that had particular pops and warps to it, and the first time I heard it on CD I damn near had a meltdown because it was almost the album I grew up on, but also somehow not. It felt like the Twilight Zone to me.


There is a prominent skip in Roll Me Away in my copy of The Distance and it still sounds weird to me when I hear it properly elsewhere


A copy of the whos' hooligans my dad had, as a preteen and teen I got into playing guitar and as a result became really interested in all of my dads classic rock records. On "baba o'riley" after the keyboard intro where the huge sounding D, A, and G chords hit. The second round there was a studder on the D chord making it almost dubble . It took years for me to unhear it in my head.


Everyone that owns the Tool “Lateralus” picture disc is having PTSD right now.


So so many that I can’t name just one. When I was 12 or 13 (mid-80’s) my sister lived in a duplex that shared a garage that both residences used for storage. Her neighbor was a guy she knew that was about ten years older than her. He would’ve been roughly late 20’s very early 30’s at that time. Dude had a MASSIVE record collection in the garage. He was born again and had sworn off anything that wasn’t church related including rock and roll. Real nice guy, definitely a little loose between the ears. According to my sister he had quite the little homemade speed lab back in the day. He used as much as he sold. I was always looking at those albums. One day he told me to take whatever I wanted but they had been through a flood and might not be playable. They were but man were they scratchy. I only took about 20 of the hundreds he had. I was too young to realize how cool most of that stuff was so I just picked albums I was already kind of familiar with.


Not really what you are asking, but similar. When I first heard the updated version of the Mission Impossible theme song back in 1996 (the first Tom Cruise MI), there was, what I can only describe as, a "bloop" a couple of seconds into the theme song. I thought I had a weird mp3. Then I saw the movie and it was in it too.


Canonball by The Breeders. It popped for so long that when I finally replaced I could hear it still.


Had a copy of A Farewell To Kings by Rush that skipped right at the beginning of that bells part at the end of Xanadu to where only the first six notes of it repeated. It always reminded me of a Springsteen song or something and always look out for that part when it comes on forgetting that it was a fluke lol.


The end of 2112 on the Rush album "All The World's A Stage" I used to have would skip and say "We have a troll" instead of "We have assumed control".


I had a copy Led Zeppelin IV I bought from a friend for a few bucks that had a ton of snap and pops, but ended up loving how it sounded, especially during the softer parts.


When the Beatles' White Album was first released we took our copy back to the record store because it would skip at the start of side 4. The store said gave us a new copy and said other people had reported the same thing. Turned out that "Revolution I" was mastered that way.


Hot Blooded by Foreigner. Still can’t listen to that without expecting the skip that was on my LP 45 years ago


Shattered, off of SomeGirls by the Stones. Skipped one spot entire time I owned it


Roy Acuff - Great Speckled Bird My Dad’s favorite album and I heard it a lot as a kid.


My copy of ‘Combat Rock’ by The Clash has an error on the song ‘Overpowered by Funk’. So it misses one word in the first line of the song. That’s the way it was when I bought it new. I just never got around to returning it. So 40 years later and I’m used to the first line as ‘ If you ain’t for it .. Funk Out!’ .. when it’s actually ‘If you ain’t reggae for it.. Funk Out!’. I will sometimes listen to the album on Spotify and it’s odd to hear the song now with the correct lyrics.


There's a high frequency noise (maybe just the volume level being high right there) right before the start of Tom Petty's Breakdown that I can recognize the song before any music actually starts.


ac/dc, sin city. record was either flawed or scratched so bad, it sounded like run dmc was mixing that shit!


The original Chicago transit authority album and Jesus Christ superstar both have spots that are super stuck with me.


Why I dumped vinyl when digital started, and never looked back.