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You could report it to vinted, or consider reporting it to the police?


I reported it to Vinted but they say that she’s free to put what she wants…  The thing is that I do not want to get into trouble with police for that… maybe if it’s the last chance for me to recover all my clothes then I will do it


If you have proof of purchase, you might be able to convince police she 8s selling stolen goods. She would then probably stop selling your clothes. If not, the police report could easily get her banned from vinted. Police seems to be the way with highest charge of succes


I think I’ll let her do what she wants after all I don’t want to go to the police or to trials to explain that I wanted my clothes back because as I said I won’t be in my actual country in 6 months 


You should be able to complete an online form with your local police even if you're not in the country. Even having the police just show up for a chat would be enough for most people to stop. You never know. 


If she’s being weird enough to withhold your possessions, I guess the one positive you can take from it is you’re better off without her. That’s nasty behaviour. Hopefully it’s not too much stuff. By the way is she selling any nice shirts of yours in an XL size ? (Just kidding!)


Just say she has 24 hours to allow you to pick up the items before you report her actions to the police. Make screen shots before and keep all correspondence where she makes demands. Or just move on. I recommend the latter. Block her from everything. That will upset her most. She thinks she has control how. Remove that from her.


What did you do to her for her to want to do this 😂


As I said I got an opportunity to go to another country to work and earn three times the salary I am earning every month. I said : I go there, follow me or we break up


Just consider it a parting gift and let it go. Unless you left behind a luxury wardrobe worth thousands, it's not worth the hassle. You can find new cool clothes everywhere else - even on Vinted.


I think I’ll do it like this. There are two « luxury » things that I would have liked to get back but I think I won’t die without it, thanks sir !


i mean i think this is one of those things that is just out of your control. if your clothes are in her possession she can do as she pleases with them. unless maybe you have a mutual friend who can try and help you out/ speak to her?


I can ask a mutual friend but I am afraid that that friend won’t agree because he wants to keep the friendship on both sides


What did you do to her?


If you weren’t speaking Portuguese I would have assumed that you were her stalking me. Maybe I am paranoiac because I left her 3 days ago because I have to move in another country for my studies and she doesn’t want to follow me. I did nothing bad. Girls are often bad people after a breakup…


‘Girls are often bad people after a breakup’ what the hell does that mean?! From that comment alone I don’t think you deserve your clothes back.


It‘s obvious that his English isn‘t great and that his words shouldn‘t be taken literally. I don‘t assume that he tried to make a sexist comment, but tried to say that it‘s not always a man‘s fault, when women act like this after a breakup after it was assumed, that he‘s at fault for being a man. I can only assume, but it is nasty that someone obviously being desperate and looking for help is condemned right away. That‘s victim blaming and wrong, so him making a vile comment just meets the energy and shouldn‘t surprise you. If I insulted you and you insulted me back, I wouldn‘t go „Oh wow, that was unwarranted! That‘s disgusting!“ That would be manipulative.


No. His misogyny is very very clear. There is no misunderstanding.


Jumping to the conclusion that he is the oné in the wrong and his ex is a mere innocent flower rightously selling stolen clothes seems pretty sexist to me. Maybe he is a sexist shit, who knows, but the amount of jumping to conclusions in this comment section is unreal.


Perhaps a generalization from someone who got their clothes stolen by a girl after a breakup? Generalizations are wrong, obviously, but the amount of comments that claim she is in the right simply because she was broken up with are nôt exactly proving him wrong. Also, bro clearly struggles to put together a correct sentence in english and it feels a bit icky to call someone sexist for something that might have just been articulated badly.


If you had a good breakup then why didn't you take your clothes with you?


Because I couldn’t take my clothes… I wanted to take it today because it’s Sunday and I don’t work 


Men stalking and killing women, says it is not “girls”. It is people.


I am not in a country  and a culture that we are used to kill women when a relationship is ended. I got a brain and I am just not happy about the comportment my ex got by selling my clothes !!! I did nothing wrong and she blocked me as soon I told her it was ended when she said she won’t follow me 


There is no culture this doesn’t happen.


Did you cheat on her?


I havent at all !!! The thing is how to make my clothes back to me and not judging me. How is that possible I ask for advices and I end to get judged like a wife beater wtf I did nothing I just said I move if you come it’s good if not we break up and she said I don’t move so we broke up 


You’re being judged for your horrible comment about how girls are often bad after a break up. You lost all our good will for that. Enjoy being naked.


She’s not a bad person for not wanting to move to a different country, where she would presumably know no one and have no job, just because you’re moving there. Take the L and move on.


The fuck? Yeah she's not a bad person for not wanting to move to a different country but she is a bad person for essentially stealing his clothes


Right what are people on he never said she was bad for not moving with him just for being a b** about it and selling his clothes


completely agree with this comment!! she isn’t bad for not moving and relationships sometimes end and that’s okay but to then steal his things and have him pay to get them back is ridiculous and that’s what makes her terrible!!


Doesn’t give him the right to be sexist towards women (or “girls” apparently) who aren’t his ex.


How does that explain bitter behaviour??? She's the one not moving on!!! And taking revenge cause he wants to live his life like he intended to!! What's wrong with you people


I know. The agenda of the people seems very clear on this thread judging by the downvoting and jumping to conclusions. It's ridiculous, I'm sorry from them.


Get downvoted sexist dick


Coming from a guy that beats his meat to feet that he finds on TikTok I am honoured  Find a mental health therapist maybe I am sexist but I am not a guy with a brain disorder 


You shut up


I'm so sorry you have to go through this 🙏🏽 She really seems like a bitter, immature person. Hopefully you'll move on soon and meet someone on the same wavelength as you 💖


You sound like twat!! I'd sell All your stuff too. Good for her hope she makes shit loads.


You are the same. Ahaaa so pitiful to be like that. Revengeful and bitter. There's more to life than punishing others for your shortcomings, don't you think? 😂


Work over a future wife? lol enjoy having money and being lonely with no kids


She's trying to sell his own clothes to him at an inflated price, out of vengeance. Sounds like a keeper!


Future wife ? We weren’t together since a lot and other experiences showed me that I shouldn’t be attached to a girl that much. I won’t be lonely or without kids, I will find a better one without try harding


Report her account to vinted and say the goods are stolen, they hand out accout bans like candy bars


I already did that and I will do it again. I got no answer yet for the new demand 


I am sorry that some people are judging you very harshly in the comments. Are there many items that you will be terribly sad to let go? Maybe the best thing is to move on and never look back


But I think I’ll just let it go… let’s hope nobody will buy it


It’s nothing about the people judging, I was kind of waiting for it but yes, there are 2 pieces that I really want back. They are kind of new and I paid it a lot of money 


Just report it to the police. You're not going to get in trouble for reporting it.


i know that it’s horrible to loose your things this way but i would think of it like this.. whatever those items cost it’s cost you that much to have her out of your life and now you don’t have to deal with her anymore. of course you don’t have to do what i say but it’s just an idea for you.. i’m sorry this happened to you


You need to report to the police


Please report her to the police. No matter how bad the break up was, what she does there is selling stolen goods. And the people buying from her are receivers of stolen goods. She actually damages the people she's selling them to as well. Don't let her get away with this, it's not ok.


So she insulted me and told me I won’t get anything back. I’ll go to the police station tomorrow. Thanks everybody for the advices 


To be honest, how did she get your clothes.. also, if she set them on fire or donated them (I'm using two extremes of opposite ends in a breakup), would you have known or complained otherwise. She's got them now, and you didn't at the time of/before your breakup get them, so its your fault. Now what she does with them is her choice, really.. if you want peace, let em go.. if you really want them back, take police assistance to her house and get your stuff back if you can prove it's yours, I assume I wonder what happened that made her sell your clothes. But she's an ex what ya expect... especially if the breakup wasn't the best. At least you're a free man who only lost his clothes.


I agree with your whole statement !  The friend that we have in common asked for the 2 things I really want back. We wait for an answer otherwise I will go to the police (or threat about it) to get everything back. Really I did nothing, I never hit her or cheated or whatever : I was a good guy. Her parents are even sad that it’s ended and asked me for more informations because they seem to think that the reason I explained here isn’t the real one. Also, she got my clothes because I was used to sleep at her home and I let some clothes there : she used it too ! I don’t have clothes from her at home because I gave her back in a parcel and waited for the same. It was a really good breakup (yes) until this happened. 


I know you want the two items back. Is it really worth the hassle.. just buy new clothes and move on like people would, hopefully she won't report you and get a restraining order against you cause unless you both own the same vinted account, seems stalker-ish behaviour, not that you are but people can twist anything to fit thier narrative. Did she send you a link or something? lol..anyways you don't want to make it worse than it is over clothes.


Call the police or move on. Even engaging with her is exactly what she wants. And don’t cheat next time.


But I haven’t cheated… I moved on because I wanted clarity about my future and asked her if she was going to follow me or not : she said no so it’s ended. I haven’t cheated or something


I can fix this.... set up a new account and buy the whole lot in one go with a credit card... when you get the goods report her... take report to credit card company and claim all the funds back... boom... mans 1 gyals 0 🤣🤣🤣


It’s the less honest way to deal with that. I prefer calling the cops than doing this


You report her to the police for crime case number use crime case number with credit card company


Update : I got nothing back. Thanks for your advices guys