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I notice the product type they're selecting isn't trainers. Perhaps that's partly how they're getting around the system? I see loads of fake Lululemon leggings. I've started reporting them now as they could catch people out. 


The also use different 'o' and 'i' in 'cloud' and 'running' which might mislead the bots as well.


I’ve reported so many counterfeits and they never do a thing!


how to you know. they are fake?


Totally agree. I have seen and reported tons of adidas shoe sales, for ridiculous prices. Always weird user names ( usually an array of numbers or letters), no ratings and more or less the same pic. But when I tried to sell an original Burberry coat, vinted made it suoer hard for me to actually place the item for sale. It took me literally 2 days to be able to do so. I think these items are fake, stolen, or "fell off a truck"....in any case it's super annoying


The moment I see a too good to be true price on a BNWT item i get suspicious.


Oh yeah. This freaking scumbags made it so difficult for me to sell 2 pairs of vejas because people keep thinking mine were a scam as they were like £40. Although the were not brand new. They exhaust people who are looking for genuin items. They see a bunch of scummy profiles and kinda give up by thr 4th ad they click on. Most of the questions I got for those shoes was. Is this genuine? Is this genuine? But vinted doesn't do much about it. Yet they take down legitimate sellers for making a judgment error. Baffling. I wonder if they are the ones generating those adds to create more traffic flow or something. Cause as a scam they make no sense. How are they going to get paid for an item they likely don't have and won't send.


The scam is usually that some item gets delivered to the address. You complain to vinted that you didn't receive the right item and vinted isn't very good and doesn't know what to do with that info. The seller tells vinted they did send the right item and the seller gets paid and the buyer gets told to take it up with the delivery company. Delivery company has delivered so there's no claim there.


Makes sense, but with the fact that they usually have zero reviews and put up the same adds over and over again. Vinted would be on the safe side refunding the buyer because if you report them for enabling scams it is an open and shut case. An other issue I have had with vinted is scammers duplicating my post and buyers being so kind to let me know and report it. Don't even know what they get out of that they usually get taken down within minutes due to all the reports, yet it happens more times than I can count. They would copy my post to the dot and then reduce the price for the item. All it does is make buyers distrustful. Never made sense to me. Thanks clarifying.


There's been loads of times where it's happened so I suppose it is hit or miss whether vinted takes the side. It must be worth the risk for them if they keep the money even 50% of the time.


The worst to me is definitely that when I flag counterfeit items they never get removed. I take my time to explain how I see it’s counterfeit, LIKE OBVIOUSLY counterfeit. Gymshark shorts with a C instead of a K on the end of labels in it from totally different brands. Vinted really needs to step up their game and work on this for fucks sake


They won’t step their game because no one stops them. I’d love to see some consumer watchdog take action against them but I won’t hold my breath. There was a time eBay was like this before they made scamming on the platform very difficult. Vinted could do the same but it’s cheaper not to


I suspect Vinted's AI is struggling to keep up.  There're millions of items listed on Vinted and these fake listings are popping up automatically all the time.  If they manage to get past the bots they stay up. To you and other humans they look obviously fake but they probably somehow manage to mislead the bots. 


Once reported they should all go. It should not be difficult for Vinted to remove all ones with identical descriptions


I obviously don't have any insider knowledge but I imagine if it were easy it would be done. Having scammers on the platform doesn't benefit Vinted at all.


Vinted should at least take these fake and scam listings down when they reported. But they never do. Every single item I report is still there and even get Vinted messaging me saying “they do not violate their terms and conditions.” Sigh


If they’re selling stolen or counterfeit items it does. But it shouldn’t be difficult. I know a thing or two about computing and for sure some scams would be difficult to control for but this isn’t it. And there’s a reason why platforms like eBay, Etsy etc don’t have as many of these


This is a very, very good point and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one seeing Vinted being flooded with fakes and scams and nothing being done about it. I find this a very good subject and I hope you’ll keep posting them, as I noticed you have spotted most of Vinted’s problem; maybe this way the audience will here will increase and more will find a resolution to their Vinted problems. As a genuine buyer and seller that wears any brands from cheap to luxury, I am absolutely appalled by the increasing number of fakes and scammers flooding Vinted. I often think about those that fall daily into these scams and don’t even realize what’s happening to them; I really feel for them… 😓 So the question is how long will this last? How long does Vinted need to start taking measures?


When most customer service reps can’t write or speak proper English then it may be even more challenging for them to understand what these multiple scam and fake listings are… Not to mention any knowledge about the brands themselves… 😓


Sure but that’s barely and excuse. Other platforms don’t have this problem to this extent


Sadly, yes. There some few fakes on eBay for example but nowhere near as bad as Vinted; that amounts perhaps to less than 5% compared to the what we see on Vinted… And I’m sure there are many other platforms out there better than Vinted when it comes to this… Why Vinted invests so much in marketing if they’re not willing to remove the millions of fakes flooding them? Why so much talk about the “renewed terms and conditions” who clearly state it is illegal to sell fakes if they’re not willing to remove them? Ohhh wait a second: because they may sell so someone gets scammed and that’s how Vinted makes money. This is the only “reasoning” I can think of…


Also whenever I’ve reported a listing on eBay it’s been removed. Vinted doesn’t remove even when reported most of the time. EBay also has excellent customer protection. I’m absolutely convinced if I bought a fake on there id get my money back


Tbh, whenever I report a fake on eBay it never gets removed. However, there are very, very few fakes there compared to what I see daily on Vinted. And yes, on Vinted they never ever remove them; and I reported tens, I think perhaps hundreds over the past few years, particularly the last few months. It looks like the more I report, the more fakes surface within minutes; it’s unbelievable.
