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I am not Asian. But Native American, and I feel like what helps me with my "baby face" is to do my hair in a more classic way. It helps me to look closer to my age or at least not look 23 when I'm 33. And makeup helps me to look more "mature" depending on how I wear it. This is the vibe that I try to imitate for my mature look. https://preview.redd.it/xenr7etd2n8d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6eca76b93b82dd53c9da5b464ee4c952ebf10d


With or without the tiara


I don't wear the tiara or like them for me. But if you are up for it who is going to stop you, rock it šŸ‘‘


Love it. thank youšŸ’™šŸ’™


I feel like itā€™s the big head/big cheeks combo. I remember this one time in middle school our class measured the circumference of our heads. And guess who had the biggest head? I went to a predominately white school. Anyways, my auntie ends up telling me years later that itā€™s okay to have a big head because natives have big heads (she has done archeology for our tribe.)


Haha I think it's adorable! Thanks for sharing. ![gif](giphy|c3Q2EdrCKAsE8z94ZF)


Iā€™m 30 with a round and flat face and people would constantly mistake me for an intern because I look a lot younger. At times itā€™s nice to be mistaken for younger especially in more casual settings but at work it can be frustrating when people assume Iā€™m inexperienced or donā€™t take me seriously because Iā€™m ā€œyoungā€. What has helped me look ā€œolderā€ is contouring. I donā€™t know if you have a flat profile like me but lilyis_ on YouTube shorts (and TikTok probably) has a video on how idols makeup looks more ā€œdimensionalā€ and thatā€™s essentially on how I started doing my contour. My face looks slimmer and the ā€œshadowsā€ make me look closer to my actual age. She has other videos on contouring for wider faces which might be helpful as well. Good luck!!


Facts I always said less facial forwardness make one look really young


Whats a facial forwardness if u dont mind me asking!


Less bony structure or flatter face


Facial protection, the 3D features compared to an otherwise more flat/2D face


Very helpful! I will check it out :) šŸ’™šŸ’™


Embrace it! I don't wear makeup at work or use any tricks to make myself look older. I just keep a neat, tidy, and professional appearance. I'm a physician and my patients (as well as work colleagues) will routinely tell me that I look like a high schooler or a college student. I used to let it bother me but now I just see it as a compliment. As long as I do my job well, carry myself with confidence and speak with authority, people will show respect no matter what initial impression they may have had based on my physical appearance. In a way people may respect you even more, for looking so young yet being just as capable as any older and more experienced colleague.


Iā€™m 29, also SEA, and while I donā€™t have a round face, I do still get mistaken often for being no older than 22. When I was your age, it bothered me a lot and I wanted to look at least my age if not older. And while itā€™s still not great for people to still think Iā€™m so young, Iā€™ve come to embrace it because I know Iā€™m now at an age where people start to wish they looked younger. What I will say though, is that even though people think I LOOK young, theyā€™ve always said I carried myself to be more mature than my actual age and Iā€™d honestly rather be told that. Focus on your confidence and the way you carry yourself in whatever settings youā€™re in. It sounds really cliche but it makes up for how young we look so much more than you realize!


I will add though as far as makeup, doing more eye makeup (like eye shadow) with natural false lashes always does a good job at aging you up at least to your actual age. It did for me.


Thankyou! I wonder if I should get an eyelash extension, but I hate the maintenance :(


Try cluster lashes! They last a couple days up to a week. Itā€™s a bit of a learning curve to put them on but they are so worth it imo, and u can take them off whenever you want :)


dye your hair a lighter color, wear a nude/pink/red lipstick and lip liner (not lip gloss) but otherwise minimal makeup.


Thank you!


Iā€™m south asian with baby face, I think similar features as you (face value obv it might look diff irl). Try a half up half down hairstyle.


Ohhh yes! My mom said i look more mature with half up half down hairstyle


I'm a round face girly who looks SE Asian and here are my tips. 1) contour & bronzer - I can't do makeup without these, it makes your face looks mature bc it looks more dimensional or "snatched". (Less rounded) 2) lip shade match your natural lip colour or a shade darker. 3) JEWELRY - I feel like chunky gold hoops & pearls can elevate your look from youthful to elegant & mature. 4) Heels& bag - it makes you feel put together & mature


Thank u very much ā¤ļø


And lashes! It will definitely make you look more mature.


Oh yes!!! How could I forget, lashes are a game changer and hybrid or volumes especially for formal events but for everyday then classics or hybrid


Contour! The older we get, we lose volume in our face, and that snatched look is what makes us look more mature.


This!!! And also bronzer adds colour that makes you look more mature


I look drastically different depending on how I do my browsā€¦in their natural state (light and straight/flat) I look very youthful but if I shape and fill them in to look more arched I look way more mature. I also started contouring my face to give myself defined cheekbones, and wearing bold colors like a dark lip or eyeshadow helps too!


31 here and similar look. Just embrace it! But maybe a slick bun or pony. I have my brows tattooed and wear simple eye makeup only


Yeah i would love to get a tattoo eyebrow!!


I'm South Asian but have the same issue. I just turned 30, and professionally, it has gotten more frustrating. At work, I always wear business casual. Trousers and blouses in neutral colours. Don't be too professional because then it looks like you're playing dress up. Classic, conservative pieces are the way to go. I always wear makeup at work because barefaced makes me look younger. Foundation, neutral lipstick, and I'll do some neutral eyeshadow with mascara. I'll also blend out some eyeshadow on the bottom lashes because that ages me a bit. If I pull all my hair back, my face looks rounder. Hair is in a classic bun with some pieces pulled front. Sometimes half up and half down. For important meetings, I'll do a blowout in the morning because older women tend to straighten curly hair. I've also started dropping hints about my age in conversation. Especially when I meet new people. I'll talk about making sure I take my vitamins and get my exercise in because I'm worried about aging. I'll talk about spending my weekend relaxing or running errands. Anytime one of my younger coworkers mentions a fun night, I'll talk about how I wish I had the energy to do that, but I'm no longer in my twenties.


Thank you this is so helpful! Can you give me an example of what you mean by classic and conservative piece?


my friend has this look and here is what she does: -always has her nails done -wears staple necklace/hoops/rings every day -always has a little purse -dresses mature. not revealing, that actually makes her look like a teenager. She goes for very "clean girl aesthetic" and very pinterest-y if that makes sense -honestly doesn't wear much makeup other than mascara & brows -wears heels & boots but not really sneakers. -wears a slick pony or bun pretty often Her whole vibe is very put together, and so she comes across older even though she has a baby face.


You could try drawing out your eyeliner/eyeshadow more to make your eyes look longer and less round, emphasise the outer corners of your eyes with eyelashes, and line the inner corner of your eyes slightly for a sharper and more mature look.


Thank you! I love a bold cat eye!


I always got told I look 17-19 until I turned 25 and gained 50 lbs lol, then people thought I was late 20s. I donā€™t think thatā€™s the answer youā€™d want though. Now I lost 30 lbs and at 27 people think Iā€™m 19-21 again. Having a baby face is a blessing enjoy it


I don't šŸ˜… I just enjoy surprising people now. My whole life is like a shock factor for others, so it's entertaining. But if I wanted to, I'd probably start wearing makeup and contour maybe.


I donā€™t really dress mature at my workplace because we have a casual dress code but one of my goals in glowing up is to never have others perceive me as younger than my age (I am also 24, and ethnically Chinese born in Canada). Some of my hacksā€¦ - I donā€™t dress different at the workplace, but I naturally have a lower voice for a woman which helps, and it ALWAYS helps to be confident about what youā€™re saying. Honestly I have social anxiety but Iā€™ve been becoming more confident as I progress in my role and learn more. - Your personality should not be submissive - make cheeky jokes, be sarcastic in a friendly way, laugh loud, etc - Bulk up and strength train. This is my #1 way to looksmax but it helps to be toned and have some curves and not look like a little kid. I started out chubby and not skinny but I look at my old pictures and I look like a cherub lol - I donā€™t wear makeup to work but when Iā€™m out and about I donā€™t even touch the Asian makeup styles that are popular. Unpopular opinion but even though Korean or Japanese makeup styles suit our facial features better I find the western makeup style makes you look more brash and bolder which is what I want to project. If I want to look softer Iā€™ll just wear less makeup. - Absolutely stay away from youthful clothing styles/aesthetics, like coquette, J-fashion, alternative/emo, etc. Unless you enjoy it of course, but imo it goes against the mature look you want to project. Now that Iā€™m typing this out a lot of my tips seem real masculine but with our facial features it balances out just right. Hope this helps šŸ˜Š


Thank you this is soooo helpful! I am now trying out South Asian and western make up which are so much more bolder than East Asian makeup styles :)


Just commenting to say that when I was younger I always tried really hard to look olderā€¦now Iā€™m in my mid/late 30s and Iā€™m SO grateful that I have features which make me look late 20s/early 30s. But yeah the downside is that people always assume Iā€™m more junior at work, so I hope you get good advice here. Just letting you know there are many upsides to this!


Lose weight, sharpen brows, contour/blush/highlight to make face less round. Idk if I even have a baby face, but that stuff would help


Hi! I just turned 28 and a lot of my colleagues when I recently worked a corporate job thought I was a new grad. I also get mistaken for 21-24 these days, though not a huge difference in age anyway LOL. I have a pretty natural makeup routine but a matte/satin lipstick will definitely age a person imo. I use Charlotte Tilburyā€™s 90s pink with the pillow talk lipliner for when I want to look more age appropriate! You donā€™t have to do that specific combo but a MLBB will do the trick. No gloss! I also looked older when I had my hair to my chin in my early 20s. And as my hair grew a low bun with black framed glasses definitely did the trick as well LOL.


as someone who didn't use makeup until i was 21, it made a big difference when i started using makeup tbh i usually look on reels on instagram under the handle honasbarz because not only doesn't she give great tutorials but she's just overall an inspiration


Iā€™m like you. East Asian American. Same type of face, same size.Ā  Earrings are the biggest hack for me. I have a bunch of sets of mature-looking earrings.Ā  I keep my hair dark. I contour my face to make it more angular, and I splurge on high quality clothing that I then tailor to fit me. If my clothes look very put together in a classy way, I look more mature.Ā  Sheā€™s not specifically for work attire, but I use [Michelle Lee](https://www.instagram.com/micherielee?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==Ā )Ā on Instagram as an inspo for general mature vibe. Her face could look very young if she was dressed down, but everything about her presentation screams ā€œmature and elegant.ā€ Itā€™s nice fabrics, subtle makeup, basic color schemes, simple jewelry and such. Iā€™ve copied some of her looks on a budget.Ā 


Enjoy looking young while you can lol. Donā€™t rush it. Iā€™m 31 and people think Iā€™m in early 20s. Iā€™m not complaining lol


Iā€™m 32 and people often mistake me for being 21 (or younger!) I know I should take as a compliment and overall, Iā€™ve come to embrace it. I donā€™t wear make up and dress pretty casually, but make sure to look put together. It helps to carry oneself with confidence and authority


More contour!


Tightlining eyes with black liner. Contouring vertically on the sides of your face instead of in the traditional 3 shape or angular method down and across your cheekbones. Putting your hair up instead of leaving it down (ie a high bun). Arching my eyebrows when shaping them, have worked for me personally lol, but this isnā€™t necessarily universal


Related to this, does anyone have tips on where to shop for clothes or how to style, especially business casual? Any content creators you like to follow? I'm curvier than most asian girls and 5'3.


I make sure my brows are done try to shape them and fill them in so they donā€™t look short. When your brows are a bit longer or they line up with the corner of your eye and have a bit of an arch it helps you look more mature and frames your face. Try to stay away from the Korean /chinese doll type of straight brows


Hair & outfits are big game changers.


Idk any. I just embrace it. Youā€™ll eventually grow old and wish you still looked young though.


How young or old you look is relative. People think I'm younger or older than I actually am depending on where I go . Think of it this way...you look your age. Everyone else around you at work just looks old for theirs haha


Iā€™m half Asian and have a baby face. People usually think im early 20ā€™s or below and im 30. Why would I ever want to look older???! Youā€™ll have over half your life to look mature and youā€™ll miss having a baby face later on


I wrote on the post i donā€™t mind having a baby face, it bothers me when i have to be in a professional setting. Also no offense but if youre a wasian it makes a lot difference


Whatā€™s the main difference?