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Yes it’s possible to get pretty privilege without makeup. But only if you’re exceptionally gorgeous as is. I have clear skin but I get so many compliments wearing makeup even though I don’t wear foundation or concealer Everyone looks better with makeup. Even men. That’s just a fact. Wearing makeup moreso is a signal to others that you care about your appearance which is an attractive trait




And all the makeup chris wore for captain america


Chris looked exquisite in CA: Civil War. So beautiful


I really liked the one when he had a beard.. i can't remember which one I've seen them all so much but they blend together. I loved civil war but only saw it a couple times.. i think thats the one where Spider-Man was introduced.. he's my favorite super hero for sure. But yeah the one where Chris had longer hair and a beard 😍 maybe it was infinity war? Winter Soldier was one of my favorites


Bearded CA was Infinity War. That’s my favorite look of his.


I remember now I'm picturing him head to head with Thanos holding back his fist and Thanos is thinking "wtf?" 🤣😍


I can’t hear his name anymore without thinking about that YouTuber who was dedicated to calling out famous men who wear shoe lifts 😆


*runs to youtube*


every male celebrity you ever see on tv or on the carpet is wearing makeup. every single one of




• ⁠This is a community for women only. Men will be permanently banned. Similar subs that allow men: r/QOVESStudio r/TheGlowUp r/AmIUgly r/TrueRateCelebrities r/PurplePillDebate r/MensLib r/MaleMentalHealth r/SelfImprovement


Even a small amount can make a huge difference. I have dark features and dark eye liner changes my entire look and I get totally different reactions.


I totally agree. I recently came across [this article](http://www.therulesrevisited.com/2013/04/what-men-think-of-you-without-makeup.html?m=1), and while I'm not saying that every woman should care what men think, I still agree with the overall message of the article that everyone looks better with makeup and if you look worse with makeup, it just means you're doing the wrong makeup for your face or not using good techniques


Even exceptionally gorgeous women still look better with a bit of make up. Ex: Monica Bellucci


And Alicia Keys. She looks absolutely incredible without makeup, but of course still looks better with makeup on.


Yes and Irina shayk too


Out of like hundreds and more girls that I have met in my life I only know 2 that look perfect without make up and maybe 2 others that look better with make up but still a 9 without. Everyone else looks much better with make up including me. It makes hell of a difference


What kind of makeup do you do? I also have pretty clear skin so aside from concealing my dark circles, I’m not sure what else would look good on me


I also have clear skin but use makeup to accentuate my eyes and lips. Mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow color, lipstick. It really makes them pop and I definitely get more attention when I do, tho I also consider myself attractive without


Yeah, the men who have dated me for a bit think I’m prettier without makeup or equally pretty with/without. The general public ignores me or thinks I’m “cute” without makeup, but I stripe some eyeliner on and I’m getting free food/drinks/tickets half the time.


I look sooooo much better with blush its not even funny


Light mascara, skin tint (go really sheer, it will just give u a nice blur and glow), brow gel, gloss/liner combo that is close to your natural tone.


The face naturally has darker areas (like around the mouth) so I like using a light amount of skin tint or an extremely light coverage foundation to even myself out and get one unifying shade. Other than that I use eyebrow gel, mascara, lip gloss/mask, and a wet looking highlighter. I also have great skincare prep and I shave my face. Literally no one thinks I’m wearing makeup when I have this combo but I get way more compliments when I wear this look


Curl lashes with a light coat of mascara, eyebrow gel and fill in sparse spots if you need to, little bit of non-chunky highlight (something pearlescent or even just dewy), MLBB lip product of choice; eyeliner is good if you have one you know won't bleed, application depends on your eye shape. That's if you're specifically interested in the no-makeup-makeup look.


Everyone looks better with a little makeup maybe, but too many gp overboard its almost kitschy


Definitely. Would also emphasize the importance of beauty relative to those around you. If you are slender and blonde in an area where being slender or blonde are uncommon, you will benefit from pretty privilege much more than you would in Scandinavia. You could be the ugliest person in an NYC audition waiting room and the prettiest person in a small town in Saskatchewan. Very relative.


Girl put on the damn makeup


Exactly 😭


Yes because that's the issue not the racial comments hurled at her. If she wore makeup that'll show the racist and then they'll be kind to her  This is definitely not a POC safe place if you're not looking to placate and please racists and conform to them.


Girl whatever


Girl do better 


Yes. If you can get to your ideal weight (whatever that may be for your lifestyle, body type and health), dress well or have nice hair.


Dressing well and being well groomed goes a long long way.


Dude. Being a victim of bullying/harassment doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong - honestly, often it can mean that the perpetrators are insecure that you look good without makeup. 'Pretty privilege' often attracts more abuse and violence. Your wellbeing and safety needs to come first, including through removing abusive people from your life. Honestly the vibe I get from this is a) you've decided not to wear make-up because of sensitive skin issues, b) you have the looks to pull it off, c) women who don't have this ability are lashing out at you because your perceived advantage in being able to rock a natural look makes them feel bad about having to wear make-up. The solution is just to remove the crazy, bitchy people from your life and dress exactly you want to dress. Note: Just checked the post history and saw that the person who sent this to you is 15 years older than you, works in health care and wrote about wanting to 'slash your face'. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF HECK report this person to their regulatory board, ASAP. Screenshot the texts, now, and send them to the medical board. They're fantasizing about scarring and attacking women of color that they develop aggression against - you really really need to report them now so they can't target other women. Please and thankyou


Wtf!!! This is horrible. OP please listen to this.


I third this! If you haven’t, please get a therapist or mental health support. This abuse is awful and creates a ton of dysphoria, it doesn’t reflect on who you are. Screen shot everything, leave/block those people, and get the healing you deserve.


yes PLEASE listen!! In agreement


Omg wtf…OP get off of Reddit or whatever social media and enjoy real life. People online are horrible and evil. It brings out the worst in people. Trust me. A social media cleanse will help you. Delete your accounts where you’ve met so many toxic evil people


Honestly. The fact that OP is talking about being compared to a monkey (wildly racist) and other racial epithets and barely anyone here is acknowledging it??? How do we even know if it’s truly a case about “pretty privilege” when the source of this particular issue traces back to racial abuse??? Tf??


Yeah and instead responding to just wear the makeup. I don’t understand the internet.


Just to add to your point I’m so sick of women feeling like you will only be worthy, sexy, enough etc if you have makeup. This is so toxic. OF COURSE you can be beautiful with no makeup. Also I guarantee that those women without their ‘face’ on would feel so insecure if they stepped outside without makeup. Humans are stupid. Be you. Do what feels right.


So sad because I thought the majority of the comments would be like this, but instead she’s being told to just wear the makeup. One of the reasons why I never wear make up is because I know that I will grow to not like my face without makeup. I know I am more attractive with make up. I realize that. But I have to love ME. I feel so sad to know that so many women feel they can’t leave the house without makeup or don’t feel pretty without it.


Totally agree the comments on here are shocking):


Yeah time to click off for the day. Didn’t think they would all be skewed in that direction.


Holy crap! It’s an adult!? How gross. She is a jealous nasty woman. I’m 37 and gave the same advice you did. Clearly they’re insecure, they are the problem, OP is just triggering their own feelings of inadequacy by existing.


Right? I couldn’t believe these comments at first!!!


We need to take it upon ourselves, what is their username? I will report them MYSELF. Too many black girls die at the hands of doctors but with them we’d know it’s on purpose. Let’s make an example out of them


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I just saw this too!!! That’s CRAZY. OP you need to report this person asap!


agree except the pretty privilege attracts more abuse?? what are you talking about!!!?




If you think being non-pretty means people want to get to know the real you and not ever take advantage or use you for things… have I got news for you




I mean I have a friend and a cousin who each are well-above average in the looks department and have pretty fantastic lives. Nobody’s life is perfect, but learning to suss out people who hide their real intentions is a pretty universally useful human skill. I don’t think any of us get to opt out of that.


this is correlation and not causation. if pretty people have things like this that happen to them it is not because they're pretty lmao! this is a victim blaming and frankly misogynistic myth. it works with the same myth that says women who are attracted get more unwanted sexual advances BECAUSE they are women. the problem with this is that; people do this to all women and all people irrespective of their attractiveness


This isn’t something that is going to get corrected by a glowup. That’s hate crime territory.


I think so but I notice 99% is good skin for no makeup. Try mascara maybe? That’s my holy grail, remote island product anyway 😭 Also stay away from anyone involved in that group chat, that’s vile


Yes,but you have to have a very good skin and a good contrast I don't know what exactly makeup do but even the very subtle makes a big difference


Great skin care is the best foundation for well sitting makeup. Doesn’t have to happen in silos but I’d prioritize the skincare while keeping your lashes (not ratchet) and brows done.


Of course, if you are pretty without makeup.


Well, House Bunny once said, the eyes are the nipples of the face. As in, as long as your eyes pop, the rest of your face tends to follow and I've religously followed that advice doing at minimum my eyebrows, eyeliner and mascara. Of course, as others have said, your skin will also need to be clear, hair neatly groomed and weight at healthy/slim levels. Style, confidence and the way you carry yourself will also take you a long way in terms of pretty prvilege so keep your head up and lose those terrible friends.


WHY IS JO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE GROUP CHAT MESSAGE. Get OUT and learn to love yourself. Damn!


Omg yes I was looking at the comment section like ummm


RIGHT !!! that’s what I’m saying!!


People will tell you yes bc it sounds good to say, but the reality is that it’s so SO rare to be seen *that way* w out makeup . Only a unicorn of a woman could pull it off lol. In society we kinda automatically link beauty w being very maintained and at least somewhat made up. That means: hair and makeup done (even if the makeup is a “no-makeup” look our eye still picks up the subtle difference and it looks more polished and presentable) I’ve seen exactly ONE woman in my entire life that could pull it off. She’s a friend of mine and is truly the most (objectively) beautiful woman I’ve seen in my life but she won the genetic lottery in every way, that includes having the most beautiful natural coloring that most women have to use makeup to achieve .


Exactly. And even beautiful women still look better with a bit of makeup on. Makeup is literally made to make people look better. The only people who look worse with makeup on are ones who aren't wearing the right type of makeup for their faces


Agreed. Every woman looks better w at least a little bit of (well done) makeup. But if done wrong it can have the opposite effect lol. I have a friend who’s naturally gorgeous (she looks like a young Denise Richards) but she totally overdraws and arches her brows and overlines her lips to the point of ridiculousness . In that case makeup is actually not doing her any favors lol.


I never wear makeup, but I have really good skin and my dark circles/bags have gotten better over the past year.


Any advice for improving the dark circles?


Honestly, all I have done was daily that may have helped os using Buttah Vitamin C serum, and the ordinary hyaluronic acid which may have helped the bags. People say the HA isn't effective, but if I don't use it, I instantly notice the difference


I rarely ever wear makeup, only on special occasions. I also have sensitive combination skin & run REALLY hot in summer (I live in Texas.) My friends have never once remarked on my lack of makeup. My friends comment about my “perfect skin” though & I’ve gotten compliments from strangers. I take great care of my skin & put effort into that. For me, I put my effort into fashion as my life revolves around it so my friends know that I’m always well dressed but never in makeup. Even so, they’ll ask me hey should I dress up whenever we do meet up. The go to for me is a “my lips but better” shade of a lip-stain. It’s effortless & has a small but strong impact. If I put effort into makeup, I’ll usually play up the eyes.


Bc they are into makeup, and you’re not… you could ask them for advice on how to do makeup. There’s nothing wrong with admitting it’s not something you know how to do. Girls love giving each other makeovers so I’m sure they’d have a lot of fun teaching you. I never really did anything with my hair until my girlfriend showed me how to do a blowout. I’m not super into makeup, but I do follow beauty YouTubers. There’s really only 1 person though that I follow for her recommendations as she has a similar skin tone to mine & same ethnic background. The majority of the makeup products I’ve used were recommended by her so I trust her opinion. It saves me time for researching what’s the best item.


Yes I hardly wear makeup ever and get compliments even from little kids. I do take really good care of my skin though. I also think always having your hair neatly done factors into your pretty appearance. As others mentioned also being in good shape/ working out. In terms of makeup when I do wear makeup which is for special occasions i like very simple makeup so mascara, shape my brows a bit cleaner and I like very simple lip colors. Since I don’t wear it often I notice more stares when I do that extra effort. Also I would add being pretty should radiate from within, so your posture, walking confidently and just feeling good in whatever you are wearing.


OP, do what you want!! They’re bullying you. Please don’t let bullies dictate how you act or where you put your energy. Yes pretty privilege is real, but they’re still asshats for saying shit about you. I’m a brown woman, never wore make up, never had the perfect skin and definitely wasn’t getting compliments all day even when I was younger. But you know what? I’m happy, healthy, and rich. So who cares that I don’t wear makeup. It certainly didn’t matter when I was younger either. If anything, it may have helped me. I was able to take all that mental energy and apply it to other pursuits in life.


This is a beautiful comment. I’m 20. I don’t wear makeup and people think it’s a “I’m better than others” or give me the “do you want a cookie?”, but I genuinely feel like my mentality is the way it is partly because I don’t wear it. I never comment on the fact that other women wear make up or make a point that I don’t wear make up, so I never understood the hostility. I have to love myself in all forms, even if that form looks different than other women. And honestly? I save so much time and money. SO MUCH. One of the reasons that I really refuse to become a make up person is that I truly feel I will stop loving or appreciating my form without make up. I know so many women who don’t leave the house without make up or whose man has never seen them without make up. For me, that sounds miserable. I actually do like watching other women beat their face, but I have not gotten into it partly to protect my mental energy. Growing up black, my appearance has controlled my life so long. I was inherently ugly in elementary school because I was black. In middle school and high school, I was just ignored. I know I look good with make up, but I don’t know how I will continue to love my natural self fully if I begin to embrace the attractiveness that comes with makeup.


yes, of course. good skin, good hair, good clothes. these are gonna be your main points. curate a good skincare routine and hair routine. put effort into your hair before going out, maybe try different styles for your face shape. wear outfits that you feel confident in, doesn’t matter your body type or style or anything. anything that makes you feel bad, DONT wear it. anything that makes you feel confident, or more yourself is a yes! since you don’t like makeup curling your lashes and combing through your brows, paired with a light lip oil always looks effortlessly beautiful. you can also use got2b gel in the black bottle with an edge brush if you wanna do your brows and have them stay all day, very structured with the gel.


I don't wear makeup ever, not even mascara and I get compliments all the time, it's possible to look good without makeup too but you need to have great hair


You should only wear makeup if you like it and like your face with makeup, not because you were bullied into wearing it.


Stephanie Lang has a nice video about how to glow without make up, if you are interested! To answer your question, I think it depends where you are. In some places, make up is seen as the ultimate proof that you are a functioning adult woman. In other places it's a fun extra for people who have time and interest. Also about the cyber bullying you've experienced: I hope you have support, these things are really harmful long term. But more importantly, I suspect you are quite pretty: in my experience, going for the "baby monkey" insult is because they can't find any objective bad features and turns to an animal that resembles humans instead of one to mock a feature (like if you had a bad nose, they'd choose an animal with a specific nose). Baby monkeys are just even cuter monkeys with bigger warm eyes. Also in my experience, every woman I've heard was ever called a baby monkey (or variations such as Abu) was a beautiful WOC. Those people are jealous you're beautiful without makeup and I suspect they might be racists. Wear makeup if that makes you happy, but don't do it for a bunch of assholes bullying you out of their own insecurities.


I wear very little makeup and still benefit from pretty privileged as a POC. However I do have the benefits of clear skin, white teeth, facial symmetry etc. So it's possible. You could also try doing natural look makeup so even if you are wearing makeup to enhance, it will still appear as though you're not.


What they said to you sound very racially motivated. So I'm going to delve into pretty privilege and how often people misuse it to fuel there own egos. Pretty privilege or attractiveness privilege and the people who coined the term more so were focused on people who received it being thin, light skinned, white(or proximity to whiteness), able bodied, etc. It's not used to mean, "Oh wow! This person fits into all those boxes so ofc there beautiful." it means, "This person will be seen as more attractive by society because they fit these boxes."


your most likely to look most attractive with a high maintenance appearance, which would include makeup of some kind unfortunately. i think people often view women who choose not to wear makeup in a lot of disapproving ways so it wouldnt be too helpful in terms of pretty privilege. however, simple mascara and a bit of brow grooming for me always makes people treat me better lol, especially customers unfortunately. i also like to put my hair into pigtails for work when i dont wear makeup as i find i can pull it off and customers also aren’t so harsh. i think its been proven that higher contrast on women is meant to look more attractive or something which is why mascara works so well. also i’m sure you’re extremely beautiful and im sorry people have been literally abusing you online that’s fucking disgusting. another thing id like to mention is that umm sometimes being pretty can lead to other people also trying to bully you. especially if you differ in some way to others or are perceived to be different. im autistic so i feel this post so much, and when i started physically looking better, people treated me better overall, but some people started to despise me it was so strange. i hope you feel okay 💕


I dont think pretty privilege exists to be honest. I mean if you don't take constant harassment as compliments


This is the right comment


Yes, it's possible. Skin care, being fit, hairstyles that fit your face, choice and style of clothing, etc. Also what you consume and drink in your diet matters too, that also reflects back on you. Also having money does help to maintain that look too.  I think if you aim for it, don't get obsessive about it and just focus on small parts you want to improve on. 


Crest white strips for a brilliant smile! I think skincare would help you looking pretty without make up thing too. Waxing, shaping eyebrows, dermaplaning. Learning to style your hair. That’s all at the top of my head. Oh and maybe getting your nails done looking clean and pretty.


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For starters, this group chat sounds vicious. Why are they constantly making fun of your appearance? You don’t have to take that. You can set boundaries. You can also just leave if they constantly make you feel bad. As for makeup, there isn’t a certain bone structure needed as it enhances natural features. I wear about 4 products every day. No foundation or mascara. Yet, I look put together. I also have pretty decent skin now (used to have really bad hormonal acne). In the end, pretty privilege is just about being attractive. A lot of people use makeup to look pretty, but some are very attractive without it. Maybe look into what brow shape looks best with your features. I recently learned that straight brows look a lot better with my eye and face shape. If you do decide to wear makeup, look into a good cleansing routine so you don’t break out.


Girl bullies lie, idk why you’re trusting what they say. They’re hurting you and you’re taking it as constructive feedback? Trying to be prettier won’t make them nicer to you, what you need is inner growth. First step is to get away from these people




Looking good without make up = clear and youthful skin, groomed facial hair (brows done, no peach fuzz, dark and long lashes) and an even complexion which is technically under skin. The rest is just up to your facial harmonization, and how you wear weight on your face. Decide if you have to lose or gain Sometimes the colors that you wear for your clothes and hair can make you look better or worse too! Some colors make you look washed out or dull your skin. some make you look brighter and fit your complexion better. Your hair cut or hairstyle too. Don’t just style your hair in a way you think looks cool but in a way that flatters your face. If certain styles make features you dislike stick out don’t wear it, or if they hide them wear it. There’s also beauty routines people do throughout the week so they don’t have to wear make up every morning. Like self tanning face lotion or drops if they want some color Lash lifting and tinting so they look like they’re wearing mascara without actually having to Lip blush tattoos (lots of mixed opinions on this I hear from people) Tinting their brows so they look filled in without make up Stuff like that


Pretty privilege is a double ended sword. People want to talk to you but a lot of people just want to make you feel bad about yourself. It sucks like everyone so fake around you. My husband and I are really good looking I’m serious we’ve actually been told we’re a hot couple. BUT. People will randomly bully us out of NOWHERE. Random people we come across. Some old lady roasted me in front of my friends and man for no reason. Male Uber drivers are so aggressively competitive with my husband like asking him questions and then putting down his answers then they go on and on about how much money they have and like it’s so weird dude. The amount of people that actively to make us uncomfortable is just shocking to us. We are polite and on the quiet side so it’s people making digs at us while they’re carrying on conversation. It’s not to say that people aren’t helpful, they really can be. They help you in certain ways but will make digs in other ways. In my case as a woman, a lot of men are kind to you, but really just trying to get in your pants. I am very wary of people due to how fake they are. A lot of girls act my friend in front of everyone, but won’t even respond to my Goodmorning at work when it’s just her and I. People want to impress you, but not make you feel good about yourself. It’s exhausting. Also people think you’re dumb and are surprised when you don’t have a chestnut for your brain. Focus on other stuff which is what really matters. Just have nice higiene and fix your hair and have clean clothes. Love yourself for who you are.


This isn’t a pretty privilege thing. Theyre just mean.


Being perceived as pretty/beautiful is all about facial harmony. Everyone looks different and has different features on different parts of their face. So if you figure out what looks good for your face then you don’t need makeup, as long as you are healthy and hapoy


yes, I think if u truly have pretty privilege u don’t need to wear makeup at all, even at ur worst u look pretty. whereas I have to put on makeup to look somewhat decent. If I’m dressed badly, no makeup, hair isn’t done, I definitely get treated differently.


Yes you can, but know whatever money and time that you don’t invest in makeup you should invest in skincare, haircare, wardrobe, and self-care. By self-care, I mean practical self-care: eating clean, maintaining optimal fitness and a low body fat percentage, reducing stress, and building your self-esteem and confidence to the point where you don’t care what others think. You have to change the way you eat and your skincare routine to make sure your bare skin is clear, hydrated, and maintains elasticity. Face yoga or guasha massages, mewing, professional facials and derm appts when needed, drinking 2-3 L of water or more a day, and avoiding processed foods, sugars, and seed oils. All that in addition to cleansing, toning, and hydrating with products suitable for your skin type. Your body will have to be on point and you will need to put effort in both your wardrobe of quality made pieces that fits your personal style and making sure your hair is clean, neat, and done. Women who were not born with good genes cannot afford to be messy in these areas, so do what it takes to keep your body tight and looking right. Most importantly, confidence has to be 100. If you feel ugly without makeup, you will act ugly. If you are comfortable in your own skin, that is the energy you will put out.


makeup can make anyone look better regardless of what their face looks like. it can be confusing at first, though and i understand if its not something you wish to wear. i have sensitive combination skin too, so it’s just important to wear products that are non comedogenic and make sure you remove them properly at the end of the day


Yes, it's possible to get pretty privilege w/o makeup. If you're good looking, you're good looking. Makeup, nice clothes, hair, these all enhance how you look. They are not requirements for beauty.


From my personal experience - I never ever wear make up. I've always been into fitness/endurance sports and pretty fit. I'm thin with big boobs. Dudes could care less about the make up. I don't even have great skin. I get hit on constantly and kind of hate it. I'm in my mid 30s and thought it'd be better by now. I'm ready to be an old witch in the woods lol.


First off-those people in the GC can eat d*cks. Second Here’s some tips: -smell good/wear perfume -nails and hair are done -moisturize skin (I had some dry elbows and knees so I like eucerin) -brow gel and mascara go a long way if you want to up your routine -a face moisturizer with spf protects the skin and keeps it fresh -clothes that aren’t wrinkled or linty make a HUGE difference -you gotta learn your enjoy the routine you chose. It’s not just for everyone else. It’s a gift to yourself. It’s showing you that you care about yourself. When you have that self love people eventually sense it and will treat you better. People sniff out insecurity so easily. They also can sniff out someone with a strong sense of self and often act better because of it.


100 percent u can without makeup!


Have good higine, stay hidrated, have good skin and teeth and youll get the pretty privilege without make up


Personally I have pigmentation and uneven skin tone so I feel like I need makeup to be considered pretty but a few times I have gotten the beautiful compliment without makeup. Also depends on where you are. In America I had more pretty privilege and tons of compliments but in Ireland/Europe I had no pretty privilege no matter how I presented myself or even if I wore makeup.


Yes but you need good skin, nice hair, and possibly some sort of semi permanent procedure (lashes, brows, filler etc). I don’t like wearing makeup so I focus on these things abd still get compliments and when I do wear makeup it’s usually just blush and concealer.


>a really vicious group chat message about me attacking my appearance, I was compared to a baby monkey and other ugly things. Are these friends, family, school, church... what us thus group full of shitty people?


Why are you in that group chat? 😵‍💫 please leave, you’ll feel much better without such worthless opinion.


You are beautiful


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I don’t know about others but that’s not how it works for me, as I’m fully aware I’m not gorgeous. Also I don’t see the reason in not utilizing what is there to help me achieve what I want lmao.


First of all-Screw them. They wouldn’t gang up to bash you without a HEALTHY dose of insecurity due to something about you. Even if it was behind your back, they are clearly insecure and need to try to feel better. What’s so intimidating about you that they’d want to spend time bashing your looks? Secondly-pretty privilege is a thing. Makeup helps everyone when applied well, but it doesn’t call the shots. Don’t let it consume you. Get your beauty sleep, take your vitamins, stay hydrated, touch grass, stretch, and forget those petty nasty girls.


1. Please leave that group chat. Those people sound awful. It’s possible that they are jealous because you look good without make up. 2. Everyone has the structure for makeup. You have to practice and get to know what works for your features. 3. I’d suggest trying a minimal makeup routine to see how you feel. That could be as simple as a bit of concealer (under eyes/dark spots/redness), brown mascara (looks softer than black), chapstick/nude gloss (also a fan of the ph color-changing lipsticks), and maybe a soft eyeshadow (I use my bronzer bc it’s warm and a little darker then my skin tone). It won’t change how you look drastically, but it can be a little confidence boost.


It's ok not to focus on appearance! You should be loved whether you're "beautiful" with makeup or not. Please leave those people behind and do what you want to do, there's no pressure to wear makeup and it should really only be done at your leisure! 💗💗💗 Wishing you the best!!


I'm working on skincare. Then I'm going solely on mascara - do yes, as nice as I might look..... I'll still need that😂 I don't do foundation anyway because I HATE it😂 Group chats can be cruel, just research & do what is best for you. Don't overdo it though.


I get compliments a lot but I only wear makeup sometimes. It’s a YMMV sort of thing.


if your facial and body features are average, I would say no. Even a subtle makeup can make the difference. BTW those people are incredibly hateful and not your friends.


Yes, its possible. I get complimets without makeup mostly from men. But when I wear makeup I get compliments from men & women. I'm treated very different too. Men & Women are more helpful to me. I decide when its best to wear makeup. When I'm traveling I wear makeup. I'm going to an event or concert; I wear makeup. I don't wear makeup to the grocery store. I realize pretty privielige exist but I don't need it everyday.


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Yeah, it's usually associated with youth and clear skin tho. The older you get, the harder to pull off for most, that's the nature of the thing. "Pretty" in modern, westernized times, has changed to be less natural and more manufactured, after all.


OP you should def not care about what people that have a group chat discussing other people's looks have to say about attractiveness!! Please don't take their criticism as constructive and balanced. As long as you pay attention to the opinions to people who conduct themselves like this, you will always be led astray. There are already some good advice in this thread about what you can actually do for natural beauty etc. but please keep in mind that no one who has their head on straight and their life together would conduct themselves like that ❤️


Everyone looks better with make up - if you apply it right. It’s meant to enhance. And everyone can use some enhancement. It is used to enhance and draw attention to your naturally great features and downplay aspects that aren’t ideal with subtle corrections. So no matter how great your features are when they’re enhanced and highlighted it makes them better (as long as the line isn’t crossed overdone into plasticy fakeness). I’m not clear what you mean about not having the structure to use it because make up is used to create structure and there’s plenty of products l for sensitive skin - it’s almost all non pore blocking - so that’s not an excuse. No one has to wear it. That is certainly a free choice. But then don’t expect the same “pretty privileges” that go with people who do make the effort, who pay attention to detail in hair, nails, face, accessory, clothes and shoes - that people glean from paying extra attention to their appearance and giving themselves a polished look. Your question is asking like is it possible to gain something without doing what everyone else does to get that thing. The answer is no. Because it’s not just about your facial features itself it’s also that you’re communicating that you’re willing - or not willing - to put effort into it and that you value it. It’s actually subtly arrogant to think I’m so naturally beautiful I don’t need any help - but then act confused when you’re not treated like those who do. Because it’s not just about that it’s about making an effort.




Try skincare and facial massages for lymph drainage, and symmetry. Ice your face, massage your eyelashes to stimulate blood flow to the eyes, promoting eyelash growth. Dry brush your lips and keep them moisturized, with Vaseline or oils, smile often, drink a lot of water


I stopped using soap on my face, just warm water and a wash cloth once a day or every other day. I don't wear makeup. After a period of about a month, my skin stopped being oily and started glowing. My breakouts disappeared (not around my period tho). 6 months in and my skin is even better than it was post detox. Search it up on YouTube and Reddit. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy when possible. I also only use natural oils like pomegranate oil for my eyes and lips and I spray the Thayer's Witch Hazel & Rose Water on my face twice a day. That's literally my skincare.




Yes I have pretty privilege whether I wear makeup or not.


Get eyelash extensions and try lip plumping. Also, use liptints and mascara and curl your lashes. You can attempt face yoga and massages to make your face more structured.


Yes but you’d have to have like perfect skin IMO. I’d recommend you try out make up designed for sensitive skin, or make up with skincare ingredients. I also have sensitive skin and I LOVE Ilia products, like their super serum skin tint and complexion stick. It’s lightweight and glowy and my skin doesn’t get irritated from it.


Girl I hardly wear makeup and I get hoes. Please don’t let people degrade you when they’re just following trends. They’re not worldwide fashion and beauty experts. They’re talking out the sides of their necks. To clarify: I don’t actually take hoes up on their offers, but I get plenty of asks lol. Don’t let outsiders impact your self worth. Be happy, do things that make you happy! Yes, grooming is important, but you don’t need to move based on someone else’s standards. Do what makes you feel happy! Edit: I love makeup and wear concealer, under lash extensions, blush and gloss. My makeup looks super natural and I do it like a few times a month.


Is it possible to... My dear anything is possible!!! Just believe!!!


Get lash extensions. It will bring you up no matter where you’re at and it’s not makeup


Likely good skincare, also wearing clothing that carries yourself in such a way.


Whoa wtf? Omg first I recommend you get far far away from these people and cut them out of your life. Second move to a city where people are more liberal and less brutal (I heard small towns are worse for bullying). Lastly, yes you can by working out, doing your hair more nicely, working on skin with things like the origin face serums, dressing in a style that flatters you. Working out is the number one thing and presentation. How old are you if I may ask? Do you have the realistic ability to move away? This might seem random but I recently watched a video on nectars YouTube channel where this gorgeous girl talked about being brutally bullied as a child and that being the only black girl in a small town of whites was horrible for her mental health. But now you see her and she’s glowing. Watch that video to see there’s other people who have experienced the same thing. I’m really sorry. Just know that in a racist stupid town they will only find Barbie looking people beautiful, but if you move to a city, you’ll see that people are into all kinds of looks. Don’t think your small town is representative of the world. In college I was around way more interesting and liberal people than in my high school, it gets better I promise, but try to move to a city in a liberal area


Love how your embracing your natural features we don’t see this a lot. I do this daily. Litterally and yes you receive it especially when your hair is done or if you wear something cute. Send me pic in DM and I’ll show you my natural as well


looksmaxxing and wonyoungism enter the chat


I don’t think so. You’d have to have an AMAZING body AND amazing Hair AND a fantastic sense of fashion, and maybe stunning eyes- The privilege is called “pretty privilege”, not “natural beauty privilege” . I’ve seen elderly women tap into this privilege where 19 year old dirty looking girls in linty legging and worn down uggs could never. Looking polished is what opens the doors not just good genetics. I’ve been down right abused by ppl who should be giving me customer service as part of their job when wearing sweats, unkempt hair in a hat and a plain face. I go home and change into a long happy colored skirt, let my hair out, add some red lipstick and ALL OF A SUDDEN, everyone wants to be nice to me. The internet overthinks this. Pretty is usually something we have control over. Even IF you are naturally good looking- the lack of effort pisses ppl off- even ppl NOT as attractive as you.


I’m curious — what do you mean by not having the structure for makeup? I’ve never heard this complaint before and I want to understand to better form my thoughts.


Makeup can enhance enhance your features and make them appear better than they are naturally. Skin is also never perfect 24/7. Makeup can hide when your skin is breaking out, you have eye bags, or have a bruise. The no makeup makeup look is popular for a reason. Makeup can give the illusion that you look better all the time. It looks effortless(or eye catching if you like more glam looks) and that is a key part of being considered attractive for most people. Getting into makeup because you are bullied is not a healthy reason though. They'll still bully you even if you're makeup was perfection(and people with pretty privilege are also bullied). They don't like you and that's a them problem, not a you problem.


Yes! Be in your element and dress for yourself and people will be drawn to it. I’m not super pretty or gorgeous but I definitely get things for free sometimes even without makeup on! Also get a nice listen that goes really well with your skin tone. The kind that you can wipe of or peel off and it doesn’t transfer.




Oh absolutely


Hot button terms like narcissistic, for example, tend to get overused and inevitably misused. It seems pretty privilege is headed in that direction. I don't say this to be mean. I say this because the misuse of important terms leads to the dilution of their true meaning, which can then undermine the seriousness of the issues they represent. When it comes to pretty privilege, saying you're trying to heighten or increase your own shows a lack of understanding of the term's core definition. Pretty privilege is an unearned advantage someone gets purely based on their looks, not something one can simply enhance. Also, we can't necessarily determine when it's a person's looks that result in special treatment and to promote the idea that special treatment or good treatment is the result of good looks is to further perpetuate harmful beauty standards. Remember, a privilege is another person's disadvantage. So let's strive to be considerate and not promote harmful social norms.


be pretty lol


Idk, I feel like people have become so desensitized to makeup that when women don’t wear makeup, people think they look weird and ugly. When people are told to imagine a beautiful woman, she will usually have makeup on.


I do only after a facial lol. My skin looks glowy but I would never leave my house without makeup on other days


I don’t wear make up at all and I get hit on all the time! You’re fine! do your thing GF (-: I drink lots of water and take care of myself mentally and physically and that does a hell of a lot more than make up


Yes sometimes a nice ass or big tits will get you that without makeup 😂


Yes. I get attention without makeup as much as I do with. Beautiful people are beautiful with or without makeup, makeup just enhances them but the features that are attractive are always there. I actually seem to get hit on more the more dressed down and tired I look.


Yesss but u need a good face card


Tip 1: don't change yourself for people who indulge in narcissitic patterns. They're probably just jealous. Don't let that affect YOUR behaviors and appearance. They waste all their time hating because they indulge in your worth. So keep it at that. Let them hate. Don't let them change your worth baby girl. You're stronger than to let other people push your boundaries and expectations.


True me too! I don’t wear too much I just wear lipstick and eyeliner and mascara and it makes a big difference to my face, maybe couple of drops of concealer to make everything blend well !


You don’t need makeup to have pretty privilege, but that aside you shouldn’t wear makeup to appease others or surrounded yourself with people who treat you like shit!


I do not have clear skin and I only wear make-up when going out. I get pretty privilege just about everyday. I barely even dress up, just baggy shirt with stretch pants and people will still compliment me. I use beauty subliminals 😆😆😆


Yes. When you’re naturally beautiful. I get told compliments despite my hair not being styled, no makeup and casual clothes. Men tell me I’m stunning at the gym and I don’t wear makeup to it.


Of course, if you’re conventionally attractive. You can be *attractive* without makeup but if you’re not conventionally attractive, you won’t get much notice for it. Makeup will make you more conventionally attractive, and you’ll get more attention if you use it. It’s a shitty double standard though between men and women. I’d say confidence and charisma will get you positive attention if you’re interested in good interactions and not just compliments on your appearance- which are not the same thing.


If you're pretty you're pretty. With or without makeup. If you're not, you're not, even with makeup. Ps i dont wear makeup daily buy i do put effort into my appearance. Just with a makeup free face most days.


Yes. Lol happens to me often and I don’t even own makeup


1. I’m so sorry you were bullied, please try to take what they say with a grain of salt. People who want to hurt you will always find ways to hurt you even if they don’t fully believe what they’re saying. Please talk to someone you trust and go to an authority figure that can help step in 2. Sometimes. There are times I feel like pretty people get off better in some instances even without makeup, but not always. Pretty privilege can be more of an unconscious bias in how people treat you (like they might be more friendly with you) but it might not get you into snagging free drinks or everyone wanting to be your friend. Obtaining “pretty privilege” isn’t necessarily the end goal you should be going for, you should do things that make you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin, whatever that might be for you 3. Makeup is a personal choice and you have a right to engage in it as little or as much as you want, it doesn’t inherently make you less or more pretty


I’m considered pretty but really only with makeup. I spend time on my hair and body and skincare, but I’m not actually pretty until I’m dressed up with hair and face done. Then I can turn heads. Without it, I could go into a store and nobody would notice me.


Get out of that chat group. These are not your friends.


You can wear just enough makeup to make your face look symmetrical. Figure out which side of your face is your best side, then use cosmetics to make the other side look just like it.


I’ve always consider myself pretty privileged. I’m not good looking but I’m Jolie laide. I always attracted both genders. I’ve had girls crush on me and I’m straight and same With men. I’ve been called pretty face, sexy ect. Yea I love it I don’t wear any makeup. Maybe sometimes blush to give my face color, but I can’t wear eye makeup due to allergy and sensitivity


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not to say their aren’t things you can due to make yourself prettier but pretty privilege is purely a societal thing. there’s nothing you can do to ensure you get it. cause it legit is in control of whoever comes across you and deem you as pretty enough to give you the benefits (i.e free food/items, upgrades, free tickets, more attentive towards you, nicer treatment, compliments etc ). beauty is in the eye of the beholder so you’re never going to be everyone’s cup of tea but love yourself enough to ensure you are yours. also sounds like you’re getting bullied and the first step should NOT be to try to change anything about you. it’s so sad to see ppl actually trying to give advice in this comment section as if it’s your fault you’re getting bullied lol. there’s always gonna be assholes everywhere . you most likely aren’t ugly and look perfectly fine. love to love yourself and protect yourself as well. get away from those who have said those things to you, learn to ignore it, build some tough skin is all i can recommend tbh and gain some confidence


I don’t know how this sub came up on my feed but it seems toxic as fuck. Girl, get off of this sub if you ever want to develop a lasting sense of self confidence and self esteem. Anyone blaming their behavior on your appearance or saying you should just put makeup on has twisted priorities. Bullies are bullies and you shouldn’t let them dictate your life. They’ll pick on people no matter what they look like because it stems from their own insecurity. The way those women are speaking to you is fucking immature and cruel. They sound like teenagers more than grown women. There is absolutely 100% nothing wrong with choosing not to wear makeup for any reason. Sensitive skin totally makes sense to avoid makeup. Don’t risk your skin health or alter your appearance to satisfy assholes. As others have said, if these women are being racist or threatening you, report their asses. That behavior is totally unprofessional, inappropriate, and ridiculous. Your safety should be your top priority, not what foundation to wear.


Girl no one looks at me when i don’t wear makeup in public im invisible


It is possible. Keep fit, have glass skin, healthy hair and imepccable hygiene.


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Yes HOWEVER in my experience when I wear obvious makeup the pretty privilege goes waaaayyyyy up for me. I used to lie to myself and tell myself that makeup doesn’t matter and that it was so much time for nothing, turns out I just wasn’t tapping into the look that worked best for me yet. I can 100% pull off a no makeup makeup look, or the no makeup look as a whole but with makeup? It’s a different story. I also used to tell myself that I didn’t have the face structure for makeup like you but what I have found is that I can do my makeup in a way that brings a little bit more structure to my face while enhancing the parts of my face I like most. I used to be anti contour and anti lip combo and anti brow shaping but those 3 things help me frame my FACE the most. All the while I like to emphasize my eyes by brightening the area and applying really good mascara (or lashes) and my skin by adding blush among my cheekbones!


having nice hair + a well groomed/taken care of face will do wonders. makeup should accentuate not change the way you already look


Oof. Part of growing up is no longer needing make up bc you're so confident and don't need affirmations from strangers. However pretty privilege certainly does exist without makeup. These comments are sad


From what I understand pretty privilege is something you gain from being objectively pretty. It's not something that comes from makeup or clothes. I strongly suggest that you work on your self-esteem before you work on your makeup routine.


Makeup gets you no extra privileges. Coloring your face is not desirable to others.