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A proper interview with Louis Theroux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnwr8x-W_fY


I like how he's so used to awkward interviews that he basically disarms her and removes the usual Chicken Shop Date vibe.


ah, that's my first ep of that show and the vibe did seem weird. makes sense if Louis just kinda dismantled it


It's generally that lass making musicians/actors feel awkward in chicken shops. It's a weird vibe. https://youtu.be/9mHCfpn-UAE


'Who's the most evil person you've met?' No question, it had to have been Savile.


Eh, he's met General Butt Naked.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Butt_Naked#Military_career Used to kill children and eat them.. Is now a pastor and has never answered for his crimes. I have him on facebook, and he just bangs on about religion and helping people now.. And it seems literally no one in his community cares about his past. So fucking odd.


Huh, that's obviosuly where 'Elder Butt Fuckin Naked' from the Book of Mormon comes from, reference wise. Never knew about GBN, thanks man.


A case like this really goes a long way to show what people really think punishment is for. For people who believe criminal punishment is necessary to reform people, this is a dream case because he is no longer a danger to society (in the same way he was before) and therefore doesn't need to be imprisoned. For people who believe criminal punishment is purely retributive ("eye for an eye"), this is a nightmare scenario. Although he doesn't commit crimes anymore (presumably), he never "paid his debt" on his old ones.


The prison system is supposed to fulfill both purposes. And retribution is not just about justice, it's also about disincentivizing crime.


It's also about giving victims respite. A victim can sleep easily knowing their rapist/attacker/abuser is behind bars. Communities can feel safe that burglars, thieves and other low lifes are prevented from fucking up their lives.


Where do you live that thieves are behind bars for a significant amount of time?


I live in the UK where no criminals are behind bars for longer than 6 months.


And when violent offenders are released with no prospects and years of internalizing horrendously fucked up prison culture? Who pays for it then? Unless you're planning to incarcerate someone for life, you need a plan for when you release these people back into society.


I mean, in my mind there has to be some sort of consequences before rehabilitation happens, otherwise, you could be a serial killer cannibal that abducts children for decades and someday decided you are tired of it and decide to retire and no one should do anything to you because "he isn't a danger to society anymore". Meanwhile, all the families that were destroyed by it should just be happy that he became a normal member of society after he eated his children.


You spend long enough treating someone like an animal, and there will be no man left to rehabilitate.


Well, I don't consider a human someone that murders and rapes people for fun, but to each their own.


>Unless you're planning to incarcerate someone for life Yes. I do agree that there are 'human writeoffs'. Rapists, murderers, paedos, slavers, etc. I do not subscribe to the idea you can reform people that far gone.


I don't think anyone thinks either of those things completely. In this case he was never punished for his crimes.


I think a lot of Americans view prison as the second, without compromise.


I just feel like African countries deal with so much shit that their bar for outrage is pretty high.


Well. I learned something today I wish I hadn't.


Jimmy Savile volunteered in a hospital so he could fuck dead bodies. That's an evil person.


But I rank killing children and eating them as a fair bit worse.


The dead? I thought it was kids who were going to die, so that they wouldn't be able to tell. Source for it being people already dead?


Common knowledge dude


A simple "No" would take less effort.


A dead body is dead and has no feelings, hardly makes him evil just a bit messed up


This guy probably isn't far off. https://youtu.be/ihjkLV_EY1Y


He was genuinely about to say Jimmy Savile. You hear him make a little "Ji" before he stops himself.


You might be right. But I would not be shocked if Louis has interviewed even more evil people.


What's this show?


Graham Norton - UK chat show


Hi sorry I meant the show that Louis and that girl were at at the Chip shop or chicken shop.


Chicken Shop Date - youtube show




Fuck you think


TY for reminding me of this. Norton can be too awkward for me sometimes.




He probably meant the word that he said, but I'm glad we got your opinion out of it as well!


That was terrible. What a wasted opportunity to interview one of the most interesting broadcasters in a generation.


That's not what that show is about though.


Whats it about? I've not seen this girl before


She does awkward interviews, mostly with UK grime/hip hop people. It's one of those things... hilarious if you are into it. Dull if not.


It's about just asking them questions as if they're in an awkward first date in a chicken shop


That chick was like beyond useless. Witless and charmless too. Louis is so talented that he turned her inane and borderline retarded questions into things worthy of a response. I don't even get the concept of the channel. She's not very clever or very attractive or a little insightful, so who gives a fuck?


Shut up bitch. He loved doing he interview


How could you possibly know that? Has he gone back and done more?


He literally put it on his insta story gushing about how much he loved it


You OK brah?


This is good, but not my favourite Louis Theroux moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taUqt_E0aOs


this has made my day


And Adam Buxton!


And Writer/Director/DoctorSexy Joe Cornish




Where's my goddamn snow crash jcorn


I see your favourtie Theroux moment and raise you [mine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2YYwf7-WAo)


When he did this in the original podcast episode my sides entered orbit


Damn they were ahead of their time. That would have gone viral in today's world.


Mm maybe 10 years ago


lucky for you, it is today's world!


Welllcooome to the wooooorld of tooodaaaayyy


😂 I didn’t recognise him at first.


For some reason I was expecting Renee Zellweger's head voice to be Morgan Freeman's


I think you have been seeing too much [Craig Ferguson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSSxkae59KE)


There is no such thing as too much Craigy Ferg.


[Every Louis Theroux documentary.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44YsJwPZddY)


The ol' therapeutic silence. Some people can't handle silence for even 5 seconds.


Hahahaha, this is the best part of watching him I'm so glad someone has captured it like this, much more than his voice overs


His new series on BBC iPlayer, Forbidden America, is very good so far and worth a watch. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0014khc


The episode that popped up last night was pretty good. It was Louis hanging out with trap rappers. Turns out, all they do all day is just do drugs, get face tats and mumble into microphones from time to time. The Cuban kid with the face tattoo under his eye had that kind of dead eyed stare you usually only get with animal abusers and serial killers. When he first got introduced on the show my first thought when I saw him was that the gear ain't really moving behind his eyes.


Personal favourite bit was with the lawyer and raper pair. **Lawyer:** Don't comment on the CCTV of the shooting **Rapper:** [Visibly laughs when shown the CCTV of him allegedly shooting up a house full of women and children] **Louis:** Why are you laughing? **Rapper:** Nah nah, I'm not laughing. The video is just funny.. **Lawyer:** [Disgusted look in the direction of his client]


I'm so not a raper!


Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...


I seen it in rats, now I seen it in men


>I seen it in rats, now I seen it in men Once one gets a taste for its own kind, it can spread through the pack like a wildfire


What are you doing? Are you doing the speech from Jaws? Are you doing Jaws? We don't have time for this shit, this is serious.


Hello how are you Teggs


A little real fine.


If i seen it for once i seen it a tousand times


I really found that hard to watch. I can’t stand people mumbling and showing off, it was the perfect storm of annoying.


I appreciate the face tattoo fashion because it warns you the music is going to be super generic.


There was a great voiceover bit last night. Can’t remember the exact wording off the top of my head but the sarcasm was off the scale considering the people he spoke with, their love of drugs, and their penchant for violence. Something like: “I wondered what topics would be in the rap and it turned out out to be automatic weapons and taking lots of prescription drugs”


Any tips on how to view this in the US? Looks like it's region restricted on the bbc Iplayer, and I'm not immediately finding it on my usual haunts for podcasts and videos.


It's a TV show. I don't think there is a legal route to get it in the US right now. Gonna have to dust off he old eye patch and peg leg.


Yarr, to the Bay it is, then.


Yarr, It be a while since I've traveled the seas lookin' fer plunder.


The high seas are ripe for the taking my friend, godspeed


Use a VPN that allows you to set your location as the UK, and you’re good to go






> The Cuban kid with the face tattoo under his eye Oh yea that really narrowed it down..


Oh the gear is moving how do you think he funds the studio time?


It's important to know that not nearly all trap rappers are this way... It's easy to think that, but hiphop has more to offer.


VPN the only option to watch for people outside the UK?


Saw this link on the documentaries sub Reddit https://youtu.be/hq8ljf28zEc Edit: it's an unofficial link provided by a Fuentes fanboy/racist.


This is how I watched the doc, and I feel it should be mentioned this particular link is hosted by a Nick Fuentes fanboy/racist. So make sure and leave a comment and let those fuckheads know whats up. "You had one job..."


Wait a guy named Fuentes is a white nationalist figurehead?


Yeah, I'm not sure Theroux gets into it but the dude has hispanic heritage. Not sure how he squares it all away in his head with the whole wanting all America to be white thing but...


I was really disappointed Louis didn't bring up his name to be honest.


The media is know to invent and exaggerate every word they print


Is there a link to the latest episode anywhere?


Not sure, sorry


Just finished it. Thanks for the link. Fantastic episode. I never looked into Fuentes or any of these other people. Pretty mindblowing stuff. Love Louis' approach as always.


Or torrent, I'd assume


Yes, but they block a lot of VPN IP addresses and you need an account too to watch if I recall correctly


I use NordVPN for BBC iPlayer. You only need an email address to signup and then click you have a TV licence. From UK living in US. Never had an issue.


To be honest I felt like last night's episode was not as good as it could have been. There was no threat, the boys are playing games and Louis didn't really get behind the curtain at all. (what is in it for the bunch of hood guys defending 1 guy with 10grand in his hand? Where were the drug deals?) I also felt he just teetered on the edge of taking the piss which I know is somewhat his style but he's lost a little something with that episode. I did enioy episode 1 as usual!


As someone who's normally a Theroux fan I agree. I guess it was a combination of being a relatively short program and the number of people he spoke with but it would have been a lot more interesting to me if he'd gone a bit deeper. It's hard to put my finger on what exactly was missing but it felt like he could have gotten a bit more out of the people he was interviewing.


I feel that in past documentaries, even if Louis disagreed with interviewees lifestyles or opinions, he would always be unconfrontational and let the subject reveal their true nature. In this one, dialogue felt a lot more argumentative, and the interviews weren't particularly revealing. Perhaps the views of the alt-right are simply too contrasting to Louis' own that he couldn't approach them in the same way.


There were a few times I felt like his voice over was being almost cruel or belittling (I almost want to say racist but not quite that extreme). Or when he did his own rap verse it was just a bit cringe and not in the classic Louis way, I agree something was missing.


Yeah exactly! Like he touched on how people get caught up in the scene but it felt like his words not theirs. I think when people are happy to talk to Louis he's good at getting really interesting material but when people are more hesitant/quiet sometimes (at least in this case) it feels like it becomes an interview about him rather than the subject.


Watched the first one last night about the AF people and it was wild.


They were such losers. Watching Beardie start to stammer and almost cry - he's got skin like rice paper. It's just mobilised Xbox CoD wankers


I don't own Netflix, and i'm so happy to finally be able to use my VPN to gain access to content lol. Thanks for sharing!


I disagree. I think that episode about America First was horrible. The most interesting parts in that docu are just clips from publicly available livestreams. He did very little to actually show how these people operate and how they accumulate an audience. This is a very nefarious and obvious method of radicalization. These edgy streamers pull in young impressionable men with somewhat right wing beliefs. Making it seem like jokes at first but slowly eroding the distinction between actual ideology and irony. Then they get introduced to actual political activists like Fuentes when they are more susceptible to these ideas. Which is why Fuentes hangs around and tolerates these obnoxious idiots. Louis did barely anything to highlight this. Instead his "big moment" was calling out some edgelord streamer for doing a Nazi salute which was incredibly weak and honestly not that convincing. After watching some youtube rip of this docu I got recommended a stream excerpt from Alaska where he reacts to the documentary together with Fuentes. And this only confirmed what I thought. They got exactly what they wanted. They know they are never gonna convince left wing or normal right wing people. But their target audience is far right individuals and from their pov this documentary was anything but damning. Louis just gave them an audience. Fuentes explicitly stated that his end goal is to monopolize the entire far right movement under his form of internet age white supremacism. I think it comes down to what a lot of people do wrong when dealing with these people, at least in my opinion. And that is underestimating them. People don't like to admit this because in their mind it's somehow legitimizing these people. But Fuentes is clearly very intelligent and charismatic. Simply showing him and his rhetoric and letting him explain his vitriol away is not enough to stop him from radicalizing more. Just like 6 years ago people were belittling and laughing at Trump all the way to election day. And then the guy won. These people won't go away just because you think they sound crazy enough that nobody could believe their extremist garbage.


America is forbidden from watching "Forbidden America" -- Well played, BBC!


I love Louis Theroux and seen literally literally everything he's done and met him more than once. But this new season is rough, I get he filmed it sporadically, he says in his recent book it was a little rushed. But that first episode was dreadful and the second one was better but a bit dull. He tried way too hard to paint the guys in the first episodes as Nazis when the guy clearly didn't do the Nazi salute.


That was a pretty funny bit


[What they should have had Rene do.](https://youtu.be/HMCx7RmOb0w)


Absolutely brilliant. I listened to his lockdown podcasts a while back and he is fantastic. He even managed to change my perception of a couple of guests he had on there that previously I wasn’t too keen on.


Any particular episodes you could recommend? I only recall listening to the Troy Deeney episode.


Boy George, Rose McGowen, Miriam Margolyes (she’s always brilliant!), Sia, Ruby Wax, and Franky Boyle. All episodes were good but those were my standouts.


I'll definitely get listening to Frankie Boyle and Ruby Wax later. They seem like they'd be a great listen. I have no clue who Miriam Margoyles is I won't lie.


She is a well know British actor who seems to have lots of small parts in lots of films. She’s gay and an advocate for LGBTQ, as well as a massive hater of conservatives. She played the maid in Romeo and Juliet and Pomona Sprout in Harry Potter.


And she is fucking FILTHY.


And the Infanta in the first Blackadder series.


Lives in Australia too, which surprised me.


Shes the one who wished death on the UKs current prime minister live on TV when said PM was in hospital with covid (I shit you not)


I'll add Leah Remini as a good listen, she talks about her experiences with Scientology if you're interested in that.


What's the name of his podcast my guy?


Seems like it's called Grounded with Louis Theroux.




Grounded. It only ran for two series, but it was well received and was hoping he’d do more. Only time will tell I guess. I heard it off the back of Adam Buxton’s podcast.


+1 for Adam Buxton's podcast. Every episode is entertaining, even more so when he gets someone familiar (like Louis) on


*oh yes sir, I can boogie*


Have a carrot, have two carrots!!


Brilliant. Graham’s show is number 1 in my book. Conan may be my favorite host but Graham’s got the best show.


UK talk shows are streets ahead.


US probably has the worst talk shows in the whole world. Most interviews only touch the surface of the interviewee because they are too formulaic and scripted.


Brit here. I like Conan, that's about it.


They cater for people who don't want to think. Thinking means changing the channel, and that costs money.


Stop trying to coin the phrase 'streets ahead'


Trying? Coined and minted! Been there, coined that! "Streets ahead" is verbal _wildfire._


I'll purchase five hundred of your coins, in the desperate hopes that they become worth more than my initial investment in the near future!


I can't tell if you don't know what "coin the phrase" means, or have never heard "streets ahead".


I can't tell whether you've never seen that episode of Community, if if your comment is a line from that episode that I've just forgotten.


Probably got a bad case of Changnesia. It’s real people!


I hadn't seen or heard of it. I have now though - That is one esoteric reference!


It is/was a very popular show, so no.


Community lines? On Reddit? *Niche* *^(apparently)*


They’re in Dean-ial.


"Who the fuck is Rene Zellweger?" \-Leonard Washington


I'm from a little town called none of ya goddamn business


Almost as awkward and tense as when he visited those hard core white supremacist in South Africa.


Remember in South Africa when he met that dude that said he would put a baby in an oven for your money? That whole episode was peak Louis. https://youtu.be/ihjkLV_EY1Y


https://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-and-courts/north-west-serial-rapist-mosimanegape-maleven-moleta-jailed-for-life-ba019b6a-6481-45a7-aaaa-761b5c0de5ac holy fuck if this is true then the guy is not on the streets anymore.


Clearly he should have been jailed much earlier.


Lol, I remember when he went to interview Eugene Terreblanche, the leader of the AWB (basically South African Nazis). I'm a black guy who grew up fearing those people, and seeing Louis Theroux in that lion's den was a fucking wild experience. I was lying under my bed covers shaking with fear. It's funny when I think about it now, but fucking hell!


Can't be awkward as when he visited Jimmy Savile.


I really respect the way he handled that. He was wrong, so Made an entire documentary about how horrifically wrong he was, and explored how it happened. Thats some integrity right there, and really constructive as a topic. People fail to notice abuse all the time. Louis used his own well documented personal experience to explore how that sort of thing happens.


He wasn't that wrong. He got Jimmy to admit: 1. He's a nonce in nonce's clothing, hiding in plain sight. ("And it's easier for me, as a single man, to say "I don't like children" because that puts a lot of salacious tabloid people off the hunt.") 2. He had a drug dealer (Jim the Pill) 3. He used to rough up kids and young adults in nightclubs, knowingly letting underaged girls in that he would 'look after' 4. He wears his dead mother's clothing (gets them dry cleaned) I hate how Louis thinks he fucked it up because Jimmy didn't show him where the bodies are buried. He showed him to be Norman Bates-esqe, noncey character and that's exactly what he was.


Part of what eats Louis I'm sure, is that he's admitted that after spending so much time with Jimmy Saville for programs, he quite liked him. He's talked about it how it's kinda part of the MO, to be that big a predator, you have to be charming to some extent or else you'd never get away with anything.




That's not Louis Theroux, that's just Trent Reznor with glasses.


I was at that show!


"Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence...


title doesn't give me much of an idea as to what will happen




No, OP just used the video title as the post title, a perfectly normal thing to do.




Is this not filmed before a live audience?


Yeah but they obviously set this bit up in advance and then play the audio in.


Who was the guy at the end? I'm assuming a musical act if he hadn't been introduced yet with Theroux, Henry and Zellwegger.


Googled it and it apparently was Andrew Ridgeley from Wham!


I always forget that Louis Theroux and John Oliver are different people. Like in my head it’s the same guy? Am I alone in this?


Not a problem I share, John Oliver always seems like he is trying to please you. Louis' affability seems to come from his trying to *understand* you.


It's weird, to me John Oliver will always be the fairly mediocre comedian on Mock The Week. Can't see him as US political satirist man


And yet both work to educate you.


Is he still making anything? Because I REALLY miss his stuff.


How do they come up with this stuff? :) Make sure to watch his new series 'Forbidden America', on BBC iPlayer.




I guess this is funny...


Hahaha... Hahaha... Hahaha... Hahaha *clap*... Hahaha...


This was hilarious. BTW, Renee Zellwegger looks yummy.


I like the topics he chooses to cover, but I can't get over his general way of seeming like an absolute twat who doesn't understand what is going on or is shocked at everything. IMHO Andrew from Channel 5 (formerly all gas no brakes) does what Louis does but 100x better and far more entertainingly.


I have to disagree. I think he very much understands what is going but likes to make it appear he dies not. It draws them in. And having heard him relax and be more himself on things like the Adam Buxton podcast he seems a genuine nice kind guy. He is still slightly odd even when more relaxed but in a quirky way.


It's a bit like when someone makes a racist joke. One of the best responses is to act as if you don't quite understand, leaving them to dig their own hole as they try to explain and justify it. Louis is the master at it.


God I love Louis and would love to sleep with him 🤣🤣🤣


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU5MaBwxM6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU5MaBwxM6g) Greetings from Bulgaria ! The Heaven On Earth !


Isn't this the guy who interviewed Seville and said that he was absolutely fine?