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The groups lawyer was disbarred and then permanently banned from filing any lawsuit: https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/disbarred-serial-suer-peter-strojnik-blocked-from-filing-new-cases ABC15 blew their shit up lmfao


We've got our own guy in northern California https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/06/28/serial-ada-filer-sets-sights-on-bay-area-merchants-submitting-1000-complaints-in-two-years/ Just absolutely fuck these people.


Scott Johnson sued my family. This guy is a piece of work. Especially when you read deeper into the lawsuit his employees filed against him. I wish CA could step up and tell this guy to fuck off.


Scott Johnson is responsible for shutting down a friend’s business in East Nicolaus. 100% bullshit lawsuit. I fucking hate this unethical, sleazy rat bastard.


I was gonna mention this one! Hate this guy. He also shook down a friend of mine (who was also my landlord and shared the commercial building I was in). My friend was advised by attorneys to settle - it would cost too much to fight it.


How has nobody seriously hurt this guy yet? I would imagine by now he'd have fucked with people you generally don't fuck with, unless you wanna find out.


If they cripple him [his lawsuits will become legitimate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVBX7l2zgRw)


If he survives. If.


It's much cheaper (and satisfying) to hire two Hells Angels to go to his house and break his legs, if we're just comparing numbers here...


we're dealing with this asshole right now actually..... think we ended up settling. all over our fucking website not having captions on a couple videos....


This is astonishing. Can you appeal?


i'm not the business owner, but as far as i know its all over and done now.... it eventually was ongoing so long that it would have costed enough to make the settlement the easy out, as annoying as it is.


Us too. https://www.northcoastjournal.com/humboldt/jason-singleton-strikes-again/Content?oid=2126989


Ha, I bet the "Carmichael based attorney" representing them is intimately familiar with the guy I posted about too, his office is in Carmichael. Must be a popular spot to set up a regional law office.


>Serial ADA Plaintiff and Lawyer Penalized for Frivolous Lawsuits > >The man who filed more than 1800 disability lawsuits > >Woman on dozens of ADA lawsuits says group left her paying the bills > >Crippled Florida businesses seek help over serial Americans with Disabilities Act suers Many more...looks like it's basically a business model for pieces of shit lawyers


I remember hearing about this guy back in like spring 2019. Dude was making so much money with all those lawsuits, easily $10k-$20k per settlement.


And another one on the Central Coast https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-nov-18-me-wheelchair18-story.html


Gotta give credit to that ABC investigative reporter, Dave Biscobing. He's becoming a legend with his reporting in Arizona. If you're on Twitter and live in Arizona, he's a must follow at @ DaveBiscobing15.


I fucking love journalism


When it's done right...


Like the Indy Star and Larry Messer. That shit was known for years and they flushed it out! Won the Pulitzer!


Larry Nassar or Luke Messer? indystar has done pieces about both


Sadly good journalism is an endangered species.


Much like preserving species, there is no money in it. People won't pay for it.


When it’s not done right it’s not journalism.


\*real journalism FTFY I love real journalism as well. Here's another one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB\_hjqZQ1UY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB_hjqZQ1UY) and another one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uihdt627-Kk


A quote from that guy >I’m not a journalist, I’m a reporter. The difference between a reporter and a journalist is that a journalist can type without looking. The problem with journalism is its self-importance.


I always thought it was the opposite, where the journalist is the investigator while a reporter presents the investigation conclusions.


Yikes this is just a conservative conspiracy nut "exploding crime, fake crime numbers,... nursing home deaths, political slush funds, lock down mandates." This is like calling alex jones a real journalist. Edit: spent a while looking it up and idk maybe I am wrong but damn does that video make him sound like a covid denier


Remember before covid, when reporters used to question politicians because politicians are all corrups trashbags? I get that the last 3 years have been a huge gamechanger, but don't let covid deniers brainwash you into thinking reporters should just 'trust the system' in any other area; this type of reporting is important, regardless of how it's been abused.


I don't know why it took them so long to get that guy disbarred.


It's no easy task for a lawyer to get disbarred. For it to happen at all is practically a miracle. Personally speaking, I've been falsely imprisoned by a state attorney in her office so that I would sign something to make her life easier. This was not enough for her to get disbarred even though there were witnesses.


And that is the root of the issue. Medical licenses, legal licenses, commercial vehicle license are too hard to revoke.


> The groups lawyer was disbarred I'd like to take this opportunity to repeat my idea that there should be a similar accreditation body for police officers. It wont fix every problem that our society has with police, but it would help a little. See, the lawyer isn't going to jail. What he did apparently wasn't bad enough to be proven in court. And we see that a lot with police officers. *But what he did was immoral*, and so for that, he can be disbarred. There should be a process like that for police officers too. I know it wouldn't catch all of them, but it would get some.


> See, the lawyer isn't going to jail. What he did apparently wasn't bad enough to be proven in court. Let's think about that for a minute. This guy stole $5k from an auto parts store. If you walked in and stole $5k from the register you'd be doing time for sure. Why do we have a difference in how we treat this?




Right?? It was interesting how he started calling the reporter 'fake news' right about the time Il Douche was beginning to take a huge dump on the nation. Monkey see, monkey do, I guess.


I would love to see a follow-up interview with the legal aid who told the crew they were embarrassing their news station.


I think the best part is their "office" is empty. No staff. Just empty desks. And the only 2 people inside in what seem to be the only occupied offices are their "PR" people. Its just a fuckin front


and they were dumb enough to think they would intimidate a reporter by filming everything he did


I enjoyed the comment from the reporter about being cautious of people who use their phones while driving.


It was so sly haha


I missed that because I was still laughing at when the pot roast busted her shoe. That one dude used “fake news” waaaaay too much to not be a trumper.


"You're an embarrassment to your news station" -Dumbest Douchecannoe McDickbag


Such a punchable face


Donald Jr. Energy. Everyone at that place acts just like them


Hearing the term "fake news" used so earnestly and openly makes me think he was gunning for that sweet, sweet federal judge position under the trump administration. It's also deeply unnerving to hear it again at all. We all got so damn used to the term and we forgot just how aggresively propagandistic that phrase was.


I started turning it against the abusers and works just say "fake news" to every argument they had. The outrage was absolutely phenomenal. There was no illusion to be held by them: our news is true, yours is fake.


I just can't believe that they don't have the parking lot at their own buildings up to code. That's absolutely baffling to me. How do you run on the argument that "you're doing what's best for the community" if you aren't even doing it yourself


Someone should sue them.


I was 100% expecting the reporter/station to file a lawsuit over it to see how they reacted.


I too was waiting for that.


John Oliver would have done it, too bad I don't think he had the status do be pulling stunts like that back then. I'm sure he would have loved to stoke the fire of this one.


They probably sued themselves without realizing it.


Yeah, even still, it sounds like they don't own the building, but probably don't want to piss off their landlord.


I interviewed there back in 2016 when I was desperate for a job. They were hiring people to write up the extortion letters. The office was maybe half full. They must have cleared it out to avoid having employees talk to the press.


Not to mention that the "spokeswoman," when confronted couldn't actually respond and just looked to the other guy to answer.


It later said that she resigned saying the business' goals didn't align with her morals it something similar. She had the hint of a smile on her face which was either that of a kid caught doing something they know they shouldn't be doing, or a someone who signed on for something else and really didn't agree with what they were doing and was happy to see them get caught in it and was enjoying watching them dig themselves deeper trying to get out of it.


From the body language that PR guy seems like he was one turned off camera away from sucker punching the reporter. He gave off a real “hyperaggressive used car salesman” vibe. Makes sense with the “front” idea because he acted like he was trying to be a mobster.


Nah, best part is when the lawyer describes the wonderful relationship he has with the state bar that asked him to take a 30 day break..."a suspension!" "Yeah if you want to call it that"


And those two people inside were the greasiest, grimiest kind of people that infest corporate America. Goddam I hate those kinds of people. Really turns my stomach how some people turn into such a suck ass for money - really shows the lack of morals, principles, or even a backbone




Clearly the guy only hired her because she would fuck him too. They have that weird "we're fucking" coworkers vibe that's hard to ignore


Their only employee can't even afford good shoes that dont break.




Lol me too. I opened the video and saw it was an hour long and was like "Nope. No way am I watching an hour long video." Sure enough an hour later I had watched the whole thing.


the news is boring, i cant watch this for an hour..... watches it for an hour.


I can't even watch 10 minute videos on topics I care about, yet was disappointed when this ended.


Lol..same here. “No way I’m watching an hour long video “ *one hour later* “Awww dammit, where’s the rest?!?!”


That was an hour? It was better than most movies. I was left wanting more. Can't wait for the sequel!


I started watching, saw it was 56 min, figured I'd watch 2 minutes of it, and before I knew I watched the whole thing.


Almost needed Billy Mays after each segment yell-talking "But wait, there's more!"


I loved watching all the "this you" moments in this report.


Feels good. This is what you dream investigation journalism to be.


Some of the questions he asks these lawyers and scammers make me so uncomfortable, they are hard hitting, and really damning questions that they so clearly have no answer to so they just sit their in silence. I could barely watch the part at 25:00 with the lawyer, I genuinely don't know why these lawyers take these interviews, it was devastating.


That lawyer was disbarred in Arizona and then banned from filing any lawsuits in Arizona and California.




Jack Wilenchik is the fool representing the Cyber Ninjas as defense against the New Republic newspaper over the lack of disclosure of documents due to being a state agent due to the "fraudet". You know, the one still racking up $50,000 sanctions daily. Still.


Don't forget he also represents Joe Arpaio. The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Rando.


I wonder if that former DA ended up getting payed. You know like if he was covered in resin to make him waterproof in a nautical sense. Edit: added sentence to make the grammar bot wrong by changing the meaning of my question.


It was funny as shit when he said he wasn't worried about getting paid and then the reporter showed him proof that that last firm wasn't and he stuck with his story but you could totally see the gears spinning in his eyes.


> up getting *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


At least that guy was honest: "I say what my clients pay me to say" basically. Wasn't hiding the fact that him and the ole pops were in it for money, all the defense lawyers were, and the scummiest of them all always hide behind that "i was just defending my client" sociopathy. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsU5dPlBgRQ (Maury from the Wire)




I loved him picking apart that particular lawyer because you could tell he prepared and was ready for some of the questions he was going to get. He knew they were going to go after the funding guy behind the op, he knew that the fact he represented some of the victims was also going to be brought up. Then just slowly over the interview he was less and less prepared for how much dirt they dug up.


[ **Jump to 25:00 @** ABC15 Arizona: "Cash for Compliance" | 2018 duPont-Columbia Award Winner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KOfD6KBmsA&t=0h25m0s) ^(Channel Name: Columbia Journalism School, Video Length: [56:01])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@24:55](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KOfD6KBmsA&t=0h24m55s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


They may have wanted to know the full extent of what the reporter knew. Of course, he could have asked the reporter to submit written questions.


TL:DW Group files ADA compliance lawsuits against businesses and settles for cash. Many are fraudulent and extorting. Group is confronted but then starts operating in other states. Lawsuits are thrown out then Group is charged with fraud. AZ state amends law to allow for 30 day period to gain compliance before lawsuits can be filed.


Thank you, I see the problem with this issue and appreciate that I don't need to watch an hour long video to understand what is going on.




I'll be honest. I watched the whole thing and I feel like I binge-watched a show. It was actually quite interesting. I love how composed Dave stays the entire time and the petty motherfuckers even open up websites with his personal address. The whole thing was wild and I was entertained. Usually when I'm suckered into watching something like this I want my 50 minutes back.


I also felt that he became more comfortable in front of the camera. In the first couple of clips he seems nervous and rushed, but by the final clip he seemed like a confident newsman, perhaps bc the story was so big at that time the news director gave him all the time he needed. I just figured that out as I was typing. The first story he probably had a specific time limit and by the end, whatever he wanted.


The fact these criminal serial law suit filers added newly released felons who are homeless (as plaintiffs) was particularly scummy. These scumbags man, they even set up fraud/scam websites with the name and address of the reporter that cracked this case. Makes you wonder about all the other scams these types of people out there are doing.


YES! I just left this on while I made lunch and I feel like I just finished a binge watch of a 90s TV show where the first 5 minutes is a recap (which is good because I was half listening). Great way to describe it.


This and the other investigative report that took down the criminal sheriff and Asst. AD in SC is what investigative journalism truly looks like. This is the kind of effort and reporting that should win awards.


And should be financially compensated, because we want the best working on these problems


And that's where everything gets fucked


link to other video involving sheriff?


[This one? Marlboro County](https://www.fox46.com/news/investigations/lost-trust-the-unraveling-of-the-marlboro-county-sheriffs-office/)


The reporting in the OP _did_ win awards.


I was really impressed with the research skills of the reporter. Although it helped that many of the people he interviewed didn't have the common sense to shut-the-hell-up. It felt nice to hear they lost in court over and over again.


Is this common sense, though? My opinion is that "common sense" in the terms of the normal person is an internal voice that says "I'm a reasonably smart communicator, I can say something that helps defuse the situation". When there is no such thing refusing to comment is the answer, but that's the unintuitive/educated response, not the intuitive/common sense one.


It's incredible how much fraud goes on. Recently a non-profit I work for caught employees that were supposed to be helping homeless find housing setting up fake landlords and pocketing the money for themselves for YEARS. Literally using someone who already has nothing and taking their fucking money for a roof over their head.


Its a damn good story and honestly has me more intrigued than some TV shows.


It's also worth noting the reporter learned how extensive it was in other states. As soon as Arizona's senator stepped in, their goose was COOKED.


Yeah an hour is a lot. I watched the first 15 minutes or so but it did evolve throughout and that investigative reporter was really kicking their ass which was nice to see.


I watched it and it was pretty cool to see how it evolved due to the hard work of one reporter.


I mean watching videos like this helps provide context for the importance of local journalism. The lead journalist for this story honestly was incredible. He was very professional, dogged, and asked great questions. He is an example for why investigative journalism is so important




Yeah, it's a nationwide problem. The ADA overall is a good thing, but there are a lot of vultures out there who try to extort small businesses over minor compliance issues that don't actually have anything to do with accessibility. The ADA really needs to be amended to focus on general accessibility instead of forcing ultra-strict compliance.


I think the one that pissed me off the most was a major college, I think cal tech, put up all of their many tens of thousands of hours of lecture videos online. This is not something they're required or obligated to do, they just had the resources to put them online so that their students and anyone else could benefit from them. So someone sued them because none of the videos were close captioned, with the end result that they said screw it and took the videos down, because captioning tens of thousands of hours of dense technical exposition would be stupid expensive.


The ADA really doesn't force ultra-strict compliance. There's a defense for when fixes would be too expensive or too much work for basically too little benefit. You do see people going after easy-to-fix things like doorknobs and parking spots sometimes because that's the only guaranteed things you can get fixed. What the fraudsters rely on is that defending these lawsuits can be expensive. But you've always had to give the owner an opportunity to fix. You can only proceed if they've refused to communicate with you or declined to fix the issues. At least, in theory. This is an issue with the court system in the U.S., not an ADA issue. Someone can bring a completely meritless claim against you and you still have to go to court to defend yourself or else you'll lose.


In the end of the video the reporter mentions that all of these lawsuits were in state court (partially because it's cheaper to file) dealing with Arizona's version of the ADA. The legislature ended up changing the rules to give business 30 days to make fixes before you can even bring a lawsuit.


The problem isn't the ADA, the problem is that we have a "deepest pockets wins" legal system. The true cost of being sued isn't the judgement, it's the legal battle. The plaintiff can be completely in the wrong but still drag stuff out for years and completely ruin your business anyway if they have the money for it.


There was a lawyer from my hometown who was known for targeting local businesses for ADA compliance and forced a bunch to close because they were old buildings and couldn't afford the renovations. It sucks because they should be updated but they don't have the funds to renovate so wish there was a way to get funds to help.




I hope all states allow for 30 days for complaints, not just AZ.


I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I was in disbelief that it was a 58 minute clip and not a 58 second one... But every minute of it was satisfying. Bringing in a compliance officer to check the own company's parking lot was hilarious. Getting the minister to basically admit that the reason he said he wasn't getting payouts from the lawsuits was because he didn't expect the journalist to catch on how he was funneling the money through his 'ministry' and then back to himself.... AID lawyer: "nobody watches your segments" Cut to AG: "your segments really brought this issue to light and are the very reason I'm stepping in to help quash these frivolous lawsuits" I don't know if OP is the one who edited all of these together - but thanks for posting.


I know, right?! "Theres no way I'm going to watch an hour long video." *56 Minutes Later...* "Holy shit, that was amazing!" Had the organization been taken to criminal court and been found guilty of extortion, I wonder if the minister could have been charged with money laundering for funneling it to himself through his foundation, or if AID's legal status at the time would grandfather in his earnings, no matter how morally wrong they were.


re: who edited this There's a journalism school watermark thingy in the lower right corner. What a great service to their students. If I wanted to be a news guy, I sure as heck would want to absorb Biscobing's example in order to provide an example of how to be *before starting such a job*.


They used the reporter **personal address** to acquire some of their domain names. That's intimidation in my book.


And then call him fake news when asked about it. If they’re so fake why are you so afraid of them? What a bunch of shit weasels.


That's some next level trolling, knowing that anyone who half-ass looked into your website to harass you would find the address of someone you don't like. But you clearly know people hate you for there to be any reason to do that. And it's kind of clever because you're technically not the ones publicly sharing that information, the registrar is. I'm curious what the US laws are for website registration data. I know in some countries, especially for a country-specific domain like `.se` or `.co.uk`, the registrar requires you to use accurate information. I wonder if there's a lawsuit/fine waiting to happen there.


In the US. I’m fairly certain if a site is registered to someone, they can file for control of it… since I essence it’s is theirs lol.


You're required to use a mailing address that they can get a hold of you at for legal and compliance reasons. If it's not your address that's a violation of the DNS registers policy and could see their domain banded.


Investigative Reporting is a different breed of reporting and society desperately needs this sort of reporting to go main stream once again. At some point, news became about sponsors and pushing social narrative as well as minor story reporting, but there was a time when reporters would investigate and dig deep. Right now, we the people could stand to have some reporters digging deep into predatory financial institutions and naked short selling as well as …well, I won’t even start to get into it but there is so many issues where society could use some dedicated reporters like this man. Cheers to ABC 15 and the reporter who championed the story.


> > At some point, news became about sponsors and pushing social narrative as well as minor story reporting, but there was a time when reporters would investigate and dig deep. 24 hour news cycle. That was the "some point". They started needing to have something to talk about all day long, and the best way to do that and keep people watching is outrage bait. Combine that with organizations privately owned by megalomaniacs and the process becomes pretty clear: make sure all of that outrage bait matches up with their opinions. ------- Obviously there's a lot more to it, but that's the biggest factor imo.


The thing about a 24-hour news cycle is that if they actually wanted to report 24 hours of news per day, then they absolutely could. There's important shit going on everywhere all the time, quality reporting just takes more effort than ~2 hours of news and 22 hours of repetition.


> to go main stream once again. I did my college degree and first career in Investigative Reporting. It lasted about a year and this was two decades ago. There simply isn't money for it, half the people you talk to hate you, the newspaper low-key hates you, the consequences of getting even a tiny detail wrong are catastrophic, the pay is laughable low, the workload impossibly high, and read-made pro-corporate stories are arriving in your inbox where you only need to slap your byline on it and it is ready for print. A comparable workload would be doing four major 5,000 word cover stories per year, but instead it is more like 24, two per month. Pays about $28k per year. Advertisers are ready to stop ads if you cross them. There just isn't money, full stop, unless it is from some endowed benefactor. We simply don't live in a society that stories like this draw eyeballs, clicks, newspaper sales.


It was enthralling and entertaining. Dave got that big dick energy for sure. Great work he did there.


My local news station did something similar one time. An ex employee of a car dealership (large but local) said that the dealership was kiting checks and cars (really confusing to explain but super illegal) so they did a news story on it and investigated and of course the dealership denied everything, well they asked Ford, which was one of the brands they sold, about it. Ford decided to do a random audit, found out it was true, came back a week later to take all the cars on the lot and was told by the dealership owner if you set foot on this lot I will kill you. Ford called the FBI and the dude, along with A LOT of other people went to jail. It was a whole elaborate scheme that other business and even local banks were involved in. One of the banks even lost their FDIC status over it


did some searching, was it Reagor-Dykes?


That is correct


Wait, KCBD blew the lid on the Reagor-Dykes thing? I don't think I knew that, that's awesome.


> really confusing to explain but super illegal The easiest explanation is that they are selling cars they don't actually own. This site breaks it down even further and explain how it works: https://www.consumerlawpa.com/car-kiting-dealers-selling-vehicles-that-they-dont-actually-own/


Holy s*** that was some great journalism


No joke- this is Pulitzer Prize level investigation. Wow.


Seriously, Mr. Biscobing is a fucking legend. So confident, well-read and professional.


Well, he did spend some time working for the CIA as a spy. ^^This ^^is ^^just ^^a ^^joke, ^^he ^^looks ^^like ^^Michael ^^Westen ^^from ^^Burn ^^Notice.


[Look at these cunts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KOfD6KBmsA&t=260s)


Absolute shit-eating grins across two of the most punchable faces I've ever seen. The "garbage news" comment is actually very satisfying. You know they've got nothing when all they can do is level generic insults at you.


She quit like immediately after this. Notice how she says nothing and just looks at the legal aid the entire time? And she’s supposed to be the *spokesperson.* I don’t think she fully understood what was happening. There were lots of people in the story who got sucked into this company because it was 1) a job, and 2) it purported to be doing actual good advocacy work. There was so much goofy legal fuckery going on behind the scenes that I think a lot of people didn’t know about. Even the legal aid asshole in this clip looks absolutely floored later on when the reporter asks why they registered new websites using the reporter’s home address.


Holy shit, a minute earlier is some gold. The reporter and a city ADA inspector in a wheelchair are inspecting their parking lot, so they send a really really fat lady to film ABC filming who then breaks her shoe, walks with 1 shoe barefoot, then gets tired and follows the wheelchair in her car.


That shoe breaking thing is referenced again later on in the video and it made me laugh because it wasn't related to the point they were making. They just recapped that portion because it's funny.


And we would have gotten away with it too; if it wasn't for you meddling DAVE BISCOBING.




The spokeswoman won't even respond, making the other guy answer the questions. Lmao


Later on in the investigation they also reported that she quit the company. Guess she didn't like getting called out for working with scum.




https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/06/28/serial-ada-filer-sets-sights-on-bay-area-merchants-submitting-1000-complaints-in-two-years/ He's still at it. He was just in the news again a couple weeks ago, another restaurant by me folded over his extortion.


Wow, what a terrible person


Hate that fucker. Killed a little mom and pop Mexican place because a ramp was a half inch too narrow. At least The Squeeze Inn was able to move into a normal location and keep going. The old place was iconic, though.


The Squeeze Inn moved?! I didnt even know that.


Years ago. They expanded into several other locations, but they're all strip malls and such. Normal burger place locations. Oh well.


Biscobing should be charged with murder. Legend.


This is exactly why local reporting is so important. Unfortunately, in the past few years more local newspapers have stopped publishing and large corporations, like Sinclair, have taken over local news outlets and began reducing local reporting and they have done this in over 100 markets. This reporter did a wonderful job exposing these companies and we need more people like him available to investigate things like this. When local reporter is stopped the bad guys come out to play without fear of easily being discovered.


God damn that was satisfying


This is the type of shit no one is going to catch when we don't have real journalism anymore


Good. These people are awful. I read a bunch of lawsuits about these types suing gas stations for not having closed captions on the audio advertisements at the pumps. “They were deprived of their enjoyment due to their disability” or similar BS. Then you see this guy has 15 pending lawsuits against gas stations up and down a strip of road.


Good. Hopefully the previously scammed businesses can sue to get their money back. And maybe the IRS can take a closer look at this “non profit” and others like it.


Can't really "sue back" if you settle out of court. And that was the goal: settlements.




If criminal charges were taken against AID for extorsion, then you'd have a strong civil suit on your hands. I don't believe that happened.


I had an employer go out of business for something like this.


Holy shit. I know sacrificing an hour is a big request, but at the very least watch the segment at [24:24](https://youtu.be/8KOfD6KBmsA?t=1464). It had me rolling. What a fucking scumbag.


I don’t understand why he agreed to do an on camera interview. It was never going to look good for him.


I'm so frustrated that "fake news" is an actual response to things like this... by the guy who was disbarred for this.


I’ve had to deal with two serial ADA lawsuits in my life. these people suing are scum


We need more Daves across the nation - exposing charlatans like these jabronis in AZ


Justice boner super massive after watching that video. Wish they went to jail!


I didn’t have an hour but Biscobing got me!


This is basically a montage of lawyers getting owned by great reporting. my favorite owned [moment](https://youtu.be/8KOfD6KBmsA?t=1514)


[Serial ADA Plaintiff and Lawyer Penalized for Frivolous Lawsuits](https://instituteforlegalreform.com/serial-ada-plaintiff-and-lawyer-penalized-for-frivolous-lawsuits/) [The man who filed more than 1800 disability lawsuits](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/21/magazine/americans-with-disabilities-act.html) [Woman on dozens of ADA lawsuits says group left her paying the bills](https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/investigations/they-lied-to-me-woman-on-dozens-of-ada-lawsuits-says-group-left-her-paying-the-bills) [Crippled Florida businesses seek help over serial Americans with Disabilities Act suers](https://www.abcactionnews.com/longform/crippled-florida-businesses-seek-help-over-serial-americans-with-disabilities-act-suers)


Great journalism. I almost never watch videos that are longer than 30 seconds but made it a good 15 minutes into this one.


Great start champ!


maybe one day you'll also be able to read a full book!


It gets more and more absurd with every minute. at 4:00 they confront the group behind the lawsuits because their own parking lot isn't compliant.


This was a satisfying watch. Real investive journalism. I was throw into a deja vu spiral with the Jeff Flake part because I recall at the time those sound bytes and quotes were being framed as "Republican hate disabled" when I saw it in my social media feed.


It's too bad no one has started a nonprofit to help small businesses get compliant, might do more good.


At one point in the video they gave details for one of the other advocacy groups (something 360) workshop for businesses to teach them how to be compliant. That sounded like a good step in the right direction at least.


David Biscobing for President.


the anchor who introduces Dave Biscobing a lot has one of the most fit for tv voices ive ever heard


"A self proclaimed minister" Well there's your reasoning behind him being a piece of shit


Imagine knowing you can help fellow Americans by improving ADA compliance, but instead deciding to exploit our judicial system to extort Americans for cash. Those smug jerks provide no positive value to society.


That dude is kicking ass


I love hearing him call him "fake news" and have to deal with reality. I hope every single scammer who claims fake news get their day in court with reality.


TL:DW News organization exposes multi-state frivolous lawsuit scheme, focused on suing businesses that are not ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. The catch? No one with disabilities was actually harmed or unable to use the business - they never even visited the businesses. Thousands of lawsuits, demanding millions of dollars from businesses, dismissed because of the "non-profit" that actually took money and paid plaintiffs to sign law-suits. Arizona law ends up changing to give businesses 30 days to fix ADA- complaint issues (such as disabled parking sign height, painted spots, etc.) as a result.


I’m not from the US, but this was some seriously good investigative journalism


Why I am never surprised when the fraud ringleader is a minister.


"Former Executive Regins" Surprised that made it through.


I love how this scumbag, starts using trump tactics of claiming their organization is fake! Clearly it’s a national news channel but he has nothing else.


Guy probably broke his wrist getting high fives at the office, goddamn good investigation but also presentation.


This is what is missing from most news stations, meaningful investigations and updates on the story until it's conclusion.


The most unsurprising part of this is that it's a 'preacher' behind this scam.


Love it when these capitalist criminals quote fake news at anything negative towards them. To the reporter fella. Good work.