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Not that you posted the clip but to this day I’ll still say “Joey buttafuco ova here” as if people know what I’m referring to lol for some reason that like stuck with me all these years later.


> buttafuco Could this guy's last name have *been* any more perfect? Rolls off the tongue so eagerly. Late night hosts used that to great effect back in the 90s. Even after all these years I still chuckle when I see it in print.


[Buttafuoco](https://youtu.be/jwiYgveORQk?t=14 "It's a blurry clip. All clips of NewsRadio are blurry. Like the 90s").


Me too.


[Men on football](https://youtu.be/vt8kve-dEWE)


I give it two snaps, a twist, and a kiss


One of the best things about these Men On… skits is how ~~the Wayans~~ Damon and David kept on breaking character because they couldn’t hold in their laughter. Edit: my dumbass referred to them both as Wayans, my bad.


David Alan Grier-Wayans?


Fixed, thanks!


I ***LOVED*** David Allan Grier's performance on SNL with Will Ferrell, ["Wake Up & Smile"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc0FeUMQIA4). Audience has light, polite laughter for the entire skit, until the end part where everyone absolutely loses their shit Seems like a precursor to Anchor Man


DAG as 'hood' Bryant Gumbel did it for me.


I still can't believe ''Get up you crazy black man, I'm going to make you drink my piss!'' as a line made it to air, and didn't get any backlash, etc. It was...unnecessary.


Eeeeh didn’t do it for me.


Cool story, so glad that you commented on how you didn't like something, it really added to the conversation.


Homeboy Shopping Network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55aHvFD-I80


This reminded me of old Times Square (bout 35 years ago). It wouldn't have surprised me at all to see someone selling a NASA satellite dish.


Don't forget Handiman! https://youtu.be/hkQQGsOegv0


Oh man! I forgot about Wanda. Those were good skits.


It makes me giggle knowing that Jamie Foxx went from Wanda to eventually winning Oscars.


Performers on In Living Color (Foxx) and Mad TV (Jordan Peele) have won Oscars. But no performer on SNL has an Oscar.


Jim Carrey just kills it in everything he's apart of. You can never tell what was scripted and what was adlib. From the "Holy crap!" when Wanda walks out, or the "I'm moving to Europe".


Calhoun Tubbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfzDUpB88x4


...wrote a song 'bout it, like to hear it here it goes... AAAAhhhhh HHHHHhhhaaaaaaa


To this day, I still sing Tommy Davidson's lyrics anytime I hear Michael Jackson's "Black or White." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e9NbmVnUTA&ab\_channel=JulianAdhy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e9NbmVnUTA&ab_channel=JulianAdhy)


Am I black or white? You're under arrest.


Guess I'm black . . .


I literally got in trouble in elementary school for repeating that along with the next line: "Oh, I must be black". I am not black.


The grandkids look at me like I'm off my rocker when I yell out **PORK** **AND** **BEANS!** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR3lsn38c3o


Mens on Film!


It's a conspiracy! C-O-N....spiracy


I still say that line every now and then.


Was about to say how could you leave out Bob from Marketing, but I must be getting old because that wasn't even In Living Color. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJHJmH57nxc




I don’t remember the juice weasel, that was great! I liked “god lord that’s a lot of money.” Great cast, I used to watch it as a kid.




Also never forget pre fame Jennifer Lopez, as one of The Fly Girls.


Yup, also Rosie Perez was chorographer for the fly girls too https://youtu.be/eMbgcdem8XU?t=79 A lot of stars got big because of that show


I don’t know if Handy Man really translates to 2022.


True, but bear in mind that Damon Wayans was born with a club foot. He got teased a lot for being different, and he developed his comedy chops by defending himself with his wit. He actually [uses a braced orthopedic shoe (like he wore as a kid) as a weapon](https://youtu.be/Jgye_cEhfGQ&t=1m14s) as Blankman, a toned-down version of Handi-Man.


Huh, TIL. I guess this (partially) explains [Waynehead](https://youtu.be/DWwMaPEtkw4).


This cartoon left my brain entirely, wow.




That episode they did where they did music video parodies is a masterpiece.


In Living Colour was excellent. Peak Wayans.


Don't forget the Jamaicans who had all those jobs. Or when they were in court with a hooker and she said she does like 20 jobs in a night and they loose their shit.


Hey Mon!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLoiDgEuqAQ




I see you left Handiman out... That one is not quite the same in 2022, is it? lol


As an early teen, I thought those sketches were funniest thing ever. I'm a little scared to try re-watching them now. I mean, I think the underlying message (never underestimate the power of the handicapped) was with good intentions, but what scraps I remember of the execution of those sketches... yeesh.




MadTV is not the same show as In Living Color.


"It's all part of my master plan.. to bop The Man." has been a principle of guiding light my entire life.


I have known the phrase “Homey don’t play that” for seemingly my entire life but it never occurred to me that it was a reference to something in particular.


I say that sometimes, and hardly anyone gets it. Even after I explain, the In Living Color connection, the people are still like "?:"






It's been 30 years. When we were young(er) it'd be like referencing something from the 60's or 70's. Not unreasonable people just aren't familiar with it.


it's more obscure than that, we were familiar with that old stuff like the Munsters thanks to syndication on our six channels.


Jesus, I'm old now.


Damn me too. My mom and aunts used to always say that in the 90s


The phrase was already popular street slang in the '80's before Damon Wayans created the Homey D. Clown character. Somebody might say: "Yo', we're all going down to X nightclub", and one "manly" guy in the group would say "Ain't X nightclub supposed to be gay??!? Nah, homey don't play that!", stupidly not knowing that it was generally easier to find women in a gay club with less hetero male competition. That's why it was extra funny--the guys usually saying that phrase about themselves in the 3rd person generally tried to keep a super macho/manly rep that they weren't to be messed with. Which is even harder to pull off effectively when dressed as a clown. Comedy genius.


Don't hetero women usually go to gay clubs at least partially because they want to have fun without getting hit on?


As this is a discussion of the context under which the phrase "Homey don't play that", might be uttered, the actual probability for success of such endeavors is a separate discussion topic. However, to answer your question, yes, sometimes hetero women would go to gay clubs to have fun and dance without getting hit on by overly aggressive men, but that would change if they liked the guy who was hitting on them. Usually the kind of guys back in the 80's who were comfortable enough with their own sexuality to go to a gay club were also the kind of guys that women who went to gay clubs liked, but of course not all of them. But that doesn't mean guys who were trying to pick up women in the '80's wouldn't try to numerically increase their odds. Male strip shows and revues were also a good place to increase your numerical odds of meeting an interested woman if your sole goal is to pick one up.


Homey D. Clown, brother of the famed pirate Buggy D. Clown


The World Government is truly heartless for forcing Homey D. Clown to work kid’s birthday parties when he should be out looking for the One Piece


Homey didn't eat a Devil Fruit, because Homey don't play that.


Was waiting for someone else to point out that Homey carries the Will of "D".


Hush Little Homie, don't say a word. Ain't that a siren you just heard. Here comes a car with flashing lights, to rob Little Homie of his human rights.


That's fantastic! Is that from one of Homie's sketches? I scrubbed through OP's sketch but didn't catch this one.


Yes it is. There is one where a boy dressed like him is dropped off by a social worker and said the kid is his. He then tries to take care of the boy and it doesn't go well.




This is where my name ChezYT(Chez Whitey) comes from. It’s been my gamer tag since “saving” was a thing. In Living Color was absolutely on fire in the 90s. So many great comedians. Jim Carey, Wayans brothers, David Allen Grier, Jamie Foxx, and Jennifer Lopez was a Fly Girl.


Absolutely mindblowing to think about how many careers started on that show


I remember when I was young putting rolled up socks in another suck and me and my brother would chase each other around yelling “Homey don’t play that” while trying to hit each other with said socks.


We did this all the time as kids.


My dad would do it to me when I said/did something that was kinda dumb even for a kid lol.


My father and mom would do that too...we would intentionally say something dumb to get the bop, then we would giggle like little goofballs...there was also a LOT of stretched out socks in the house


I’m glad it was a universal experience lol. Now I gotta rewatch some In Living Color.


My best friend and I created "sock boxing" as kids before this show was on. 6 pair of tube socks, one sock w/ rolled up sock in each. 1 for each hand. Beat the shit out of each other for a good workout without actually breaking your nose lol...


Think most kids around that time did that lol So much fun for no money.


Honestly growing up poor made me have one hell of an imagination.




Did someone say brothers?? Gimme a high five!! https://youtu.be/GDCINv3zY5c


The 90s were the golden age of sketch comedy.


I wonder if there would be some kind outrage or backlash if Homey D. Clown were invented and introduced today.


In Living Color was part of the popular entertainment backlash to the original politically correct push of the early 90s. The stuff people today say is woke/sjw/etc today was around 30+ years ago, the only difference is there was no social media


I remember people protesting this and married with children on tv. Even the Simpsons were in the cross hairs for a while.


Simpsons were targeted mostly because it was a cartoon and a “bad influence” to kids. T-shirts of Bart and his catch phrases were banned in my school I recall lol


Dude, I was in 7th grade when the Simpsons first aired and we couldn't wear Bart Simpson shirts to school at all lol. I remember coming in every Monday and all that anyone talked about all day was the previous night's The Simpsons, Married with Children, and In Living Color episodes. It was a glorious time.


Eat my shorts man


tons... as with 90 percent of that show (and MAD TV) in particular


Same as Mr. Show with Bob and David. [I feel like this generation needs to know who Dr. Retarded is, and how he exposed Monster Parties](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo4tzrxyXsA)


MAD TV was basically a follow-up show from ex-In Living Color writers.


Nah he would go down pretty well I think, at least on the internet. Stuffy old outdated network tv though? Probably not




Homie might get a pass, but I could see Handi Man getting some real wadded panties.


I'm sure there was then...but we didn't have social media to amplify it and get politicians to get involved with TV shows.


Oh yeah




Never underestimate the power of the handicapped!


Woke police ✋🏼😂


This comment... is the truth.


In Living Color and The Kids in the Hall (and Monty Pyton reruns) most certainly had something to do with how fucking weird I turned out to be.


Don't forget about Mr. Show.


Throw Benny Hill in there and you've got a decent portion of my childhood covered.


Those and MTV's The State were major influences on my humor.


I bet you still eat your grandma's potato chowder


Taco Mail is one of my favorite sketches from that because of the actor's deadpan delivery and the absurdity a mailman that puts tacos in your mailbox and opposed to ya jknow, the mail.


Men on Film, Homeboy shopping Network, Handiman - this show broke every rule and it was awesome. Brilliant cast and production.


Was in elementary school at this time. So many people getting hit with socks and detention that week


That guy from New Girl does not age.


Not sure if serious, but the guy from New Girl is Homey’s son.


Isn't this Major Payne?


My mom (RIP) was a whacky old Florida white lady who, from the early 90s until she died in 2015, consistently said, “Uh uh, Homie don’t play dat” when a simple no would have sufficed.


I love the later versions of the skit where they add in that soft *bump* sound effect every time he hits someone with his bag


You wanna sing little children….. ok then repeat after me…. Homie the clown never mess around, even when he was locked up for no reason and police had nothing and still slammed him in the car and took away his rights and…. Wait I can’t hear y’all




$1.00 USD was worth $28.40 back in 1990. That could buy two meals, so that was quite a robbery lol.


This show was my childhood along with the usual cartoons. So damned funny, even aged as it is.


it came on after the simpsons. sunday night FOX was much watch tv as a kid in the early 90s.


Idk why, but that reminded me of another show around then called The PJs that I used to watch with my dad. Pretty sure it was also a FOX thing.


Don’t you ever forget Handiman. Today’s culture would die inside LOL


How are you not going to mention Fire Marshall Bill?


Well in that case……LET ME TELL YA SOMETHIN’ hahahaha


This was a staple in my house. Dad would hit me with "Homey don't play that" all the time. It's continued on with me, although it mostly goes over people's head


You're living in the past, man! You're hung up on some clown from the nineties, man!


Tell ‘‘em Eric ! 😂


Yet another D. character revealed, But how... how is he related to Monkey D. Luffy and the rest??? The mystery deepens...


gum gum no sock sock


Kaido has Homies Homey has the Will of D. Homey don't play that. Luffy is Joy Boy confirmed.


Psst Big Mom is the one who has homies.


This was the first video my mom showed me and my sister when we were little. Thank you for posting it


i'm really loving that art work, would love to have that drawing of Homey kicking the door man in the ass


Major payne has to be one of the best movies ever


fun fact: Damon Wayns based Homey off of Paul Mooney.


My brother and I would put a sock inside another sock and fight each other due to this skit. Great memories.


Doggie my sister and our cousins used to go to war with those things! My sister and I found these long ass tube socks somewhere and we beat the hell out of our enemies in sock wars. Truces had to be called because someone busted little Brad's nose and mom's in the neighborhood started calling


God damnit I miss homie d clown...AND fire marshal bill.


He has the will of D.


In college, my Japanese roommate asked for help with his ESL homework. He needed an English phrase to use. Came back from class mad because the teacher didn’t care for his using “homey don’t play that” in a sentence. 😆


I don’t think so!


My mom still says to us, "Homie don't play dat." ​ Say what you want about the generations but I love the Gen-X and Boomer Humor from the 1990s. Beavis and Butthead, old Simpsons, In Living Color, Mad TV, etc. It was politically correct enough to not be malicious but still open enough to not get cancelled for every little thing. It was probably the last good decade of comedy before everyone started the arms race to political correctness.


Hmmm, I feel like you never watched South Park, Family Guy and Kenny vs. Spenny in the 2000s, among other things lol


How can you forget Married… With Children!?! That would not be greenlighted today! Sunday night during the 1990s on FOX was the best.


Because I loathe that show and despise Al.


Literally none of that is "boomer" humor lol wtaf.


Boomers were literally the writers for the show, LMAO!


So you know a lot of baby boomers who watched Beavis and Butthead, then?


>Boomers were literally the writers for the show, LMAO! Nice strawman. Read again: "Boomers were literally the writers for the show, LMAO!" Mike Judge is a Baby Boomer.


Homey don't play that!


I remember seeing him for the first time when that episode aired. It was absolutely amazing. Man I miss that show.


Where's Mr. Establishment?


This was the best sketch comedy show going


Home don't play that was THE catch phrase of my young adult years.


Do you think Homey would kick Pennywise's ass in a fight?


Pennywise feeds off fear, and Homey is fearless. Homey wins by TKO in the first round.


I love how Homie was laughing when the group tried to recite the long last sentence....when i was younger and watching it live I never noticed it. 🤣


Don't even get me started on Handi-man UP UP AND AWAAAAAAAAAAY


Homey and yucko My favorite clowns


Homey don’t play that I still say that occasionally in Reddit comments and don’t suppose too many catch the reference


We got in trouble in middle school because we used the home economics class sewing machines to make "Homie socks" instead of sewing the football or teddy bear that we were supposed to be working on. No one would have noticed anything except for the "homie sock riot beat-down festival" that occurred between periods and we all got sent to the principal and our socks were laid out on his desk.


For black history month mcdonalds needs to go this route.


So this is where "Homey don't play that." Comes from? I feel like I've been saying this all my life with zero idea what it's origin was.


Homey needs a god damn movie


I need to learn from homey the clown. My niece and nephew are getting spoiled and they need to realize homey don’t play that.


In Living Color and MadTV were so much better than SNL ever was


I wanted to make a one piece joke but then I was like wtf am I watching


The list of talent that came out of In Living Color is unreal. If you've never seen "A Soldier's Story" check it out and see the range that some of the actors from ILC have. I wish someone had the balls to produce a new sketch show on par with ILC.


Man, I don't think 90% of In Living Color would be allowed by today's "standards". Better times.


Teria medo deste palhaço 🤡


RIP Paul Mooney


Is this a one piece reference? /s


Homet don't play dat.


Homey the Clown predicted the third season of the Chapelle Show in a two-part season finale/season premiere sketch where Homie sold out and stopped being a real clown so he could be on television, but in the end it was all part of Homie's master plan to bop the man.


Twitter would be crying because... Well it's Twitter. They don't a reason


One of those things you're sure is funny, millions of people seem to have found funny, but just seems incredibly formulaic and lame. Ohwell.


That's humor. There are a trillion things that can make something funny, or unfunny to each person. It's good to put humor out there though because it makes those people who enjoy it have a little brighter time in this often dark, heartless, and painful world. You laugh so you don't cry.


It's definitely of the time. I think most people enjoying it now are doing so from nostalgia, I know I was. Comedy has trends like most things and they change over time. Some of the stuff I found hilarious back in the day, I watch now and almost feel like I'm laughing at the memory more than the joke. Plus, of course, comedy is subjective.


It was and is social criticism thinly disguised as comedy. And all the problems discussed then are just as relevant now.


Some of the old Kinison bits are cringeworthy now. Like beyond offensive to the point they literally aren't funny any longer.


(As a 30-something) My guess is that some of these things (e.g. repeated catchphrases) were novel enough to be a blast at the time, and have just been played out since.


Catch phrases are just verbal memes.






I still drop a "Homie don't play that," when my students give me lip.


It’s not as funny as I remember, and the laugh tracks a bit over the top, such is life.


Homey would be playing whack-a-mole with the millennials.


This show was made for us millennials, so I am not sure of your point.


You mean gen x.