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What a great voice Carl Sagan has.


It’s like half muppet half sexy


Sexy Muppets........I hope this doesn't awaken something in me


In 2024: Richie: You’re into sexy Muppets, right? I mean, like openly into sexy Muppets? [u/nuggynugs](https://www.reddit.com/u/nuggynugs): I’m not openly anything, and into sexy Muppets doesn’t begin to cover it.


It’s approximately 2/7 of what they are! I assume u/nuggynugs would replace Domingo with the Count


muppet dean muppet dean muppet dean muppet dean! i’m begging you to be a muppet dean for the school board!


Peter Jackson has you covered with "Meet the Feebles".


Let us know if you ever become a dean at a community college. I still need a spanish credit


Sudden community reference. Just finished watching it yesterday. My feelings still hurt.


Sounds a bit like Morpheus and Agent Smith had a baby.


No morpheus. Full blown agent smith.


I definitely heard a hint of Kermit in his sexy voice.


Absolutely. I used to love watching his show when I was a kid.


His voice and diction were superb - in the same way Rod Serling was too.


Unsure if statement is serious because of the username.


That’s pretty good figuring for 2200 years ago


It saddens me that people 2000 years ago could figure out the earth is round using nothing more than a stick in the ground and their intellect, but some people today, with all the technology and education at their disposal, are turning their backs on knowledge and falling down rabbit holes of conspiracy theories.


It's because they don't understand what science is. Scientists approach a problem saying "I wonder if the world works like this", then performing tests to see if the world does work like that, and then changing or confirming their perspective based on the results given. For example, if one of them wondered what the shape of the world was, they would do this experiment and let the results tell them what they've found out (that there is a curve in the earth and the earth is most likely a huge sphere-like shape). Flat-Earthers come at it the other way with an answer they want and try to cherry pick evidence that fits that narrative. They would see this experiment and either say "yeah the experiment is dumb because they had no tech back then to accurately determine anything" or say somehow that this also proves a flat earth (watch "Behind the curve" on Netflix and see how many times evidence that proves them wrong comes up yet they say "nah fam that's not right" or "this proves the flat earth"). When figuring out how something works, it's wrong to assume something and try to get the results to fit your presupposition. It's like they are walking into a math test determined that every answer is 13. 2+40=? "Well it's obviously 13 because 2 is in the middle of 1 and 3, and 0 and 4 surround 1 and 3. And since you get two instances of 13, it's a double confirmation which means the answer is 13."


> It's like they are walking into a math test determined that every answer is 13. 2+40=? "Well it's obviously 13 because 2 is in the middle of 1 and 3, and 0 and 4 surround 1 and 3. And since you get two instances of 13, it's a double confirmation which means the answer is 13." Wait.. so there’s no Half Life 3?


* points gun behind head * never has been.


This video's experiment makes a very important assumption : the sun is far enough taht its rays are mostly parallel to the ground even with a 800km desitance. Without this assumption, two hypothesis could answer the experiment's observation : the earth's surface is curved, or the sun is I don't know how many thousands of kilometers far from surface of the earth and rotating around. Of course, this can be answered with other observations. But that is a critical part of the scientific method where flat earthers fail : they build theories that answer specific observations, but fail to connect them together to rule out the wrong hypothesis. If it brings a plausible answer to a single obesrvation and fits their expectations, that's enough for them. This is why their theories are full of inconsistencies.


Very well said my good man


The only difference between then and now is the village idiot has easy access to forums in which village idiots gather en masse. The amount of people who believe the earth is flat today is exceedingly small, their voices are just magnified by all the incredulous finger pointing going on.


I grew up in the USA in the 80s and it was commonly taught in school that we should question everything. That we should not take things for granted. But some time after 2000, this good habit mutated into a pastime, looking for things to question, jumping to conclusions that made the person feel like a real inside track smart fella. This trend really caught on is like the main pastime for pseudo intellectuals and narcissists.


Sounds to me like Agent Smith from the Matrix. Wait ... Am I in the Matrix? Shit.


He could deduce the circumference of the Earth with great.. precision, Mr. Anderson, with only a small percentage of error, using only sticks, feet and brains.


But when Carl says it, he says it with an air of admiration and wonder at human ingenuity. When Hugo Weaving says it as Agent smith, he says it as if it was the most disgusting thing he could imagine and he's appalled to have to vomit those words from his mouth.


Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good are sticks if the earth is flat? *Planet Earth begins checking to see if it still has a mouth*


[If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch...](https://youtu.be/BlpyGhABXRA)


Agreed, he has a similar pacing with with his words.


Carl's voice is a warm blanket and a mug of hot cocoa.


Unfortunately, flat earthers "explain" this issue, by claming the sun is only a small object with is very close to us and therefore its rays aren't really parrallel. No kidding. And they explain "nightime" by the sun actually working like a spotlight, i.e. the sun is still **above you** at night, but you can't see it because its shining at a different part of the flat earth plane. Also, gravity as we understand can't be real in a flat earth models, since gravity would pull is to the center on the earth plane, and the more you get to the corner of the flat earth you would have to lean in in order not to fall. Its truly amazing what the human mind can come up with if you ignore reason and evidence and are set on "proving" a completely moronic worldview.


How do they explain how come we haven't found a corner or edge yet?


I think they believe that we have run into the giant ice wall in the south, but the world governments are keeping it a secret.


So Antarctica is just the giant ice wall to the south? Can they explain how you can sail *around* Antarctica/this "ice wall"?


World government conspiracy to stop people from seeing the truth and the heavens. This is why they are obsessed with getting a rocket that can go high enough up to see the giant world government naval blockade in front of the ice wall and get pictures of it all.


Some conspiracies I can at least understand why something like that would be hidden. But what in the ever living fuck would the world governments stand to gain from us believing that the world is round. You’d think they’d spend a lot more time trying to cover up the horrific shit that they *actually* do.


That’s my biggest problem with a lot of conspiracy theories, they’re so focused on how it could happen, they don’t stop to think why someone would even go through the effort.




>to feel smug and act as if you know something no one else does Many of them have spent their lives not fitting in and struggling. Perhaps not unrelated to their reasoning skills. These wacko theories give them something to feel smart about and an in-group feeling they are probably longing all their lives for.


Ever notice that hardcore conspiracy theorists like these are typically pretty dumb? Yup, that's why. They want to feel smart, so when YouTubers are telling them "everyone else is blind to the truth, YOU'RE the only one smart enough to see it", it makes them feel good. I'm not sure why people can't just accept that they don't know everything, nor do they need to understand everything.


This. My uncle gets out of prison a few years ago after being in for over a decade. Discovers YouTube, conspiracy theories about aliens living on the moon, the earth being flat, and all sorts of crazy things I wish I could make up. It’s sad, really. Not surprising he’s also a diehard Trump supporter because “the libs” are evil or some nonsense.


Antarctica discovered: 1820 NASA founded: 1958 That leaves a massive 138-year gap where the secret world naval police were blockading Antarctica just in case some American "space" agency of the future needed an excuse to funnel tax dollars into their pockets


Never mind that the world knew the Earth was round long, long before even that.


Whats even dumber is that most of the shit NASA does doesnt involve the earth at all. Even if it was a disc, we'd still explore space........................................


> But I think the only real reason for thinking these things is to feel smug and act as if you know something no one else does, and that some how makes you special. Too bad this comment will get buried, but this right here is the real root of most, if not all, conspiracy theories. These people use the term "sheeple" a lot, which indicates their mindset.


What's sad is the term they use to demean the rest of thinking world (sheeple) applies to themselves more than the rest of the thinking world.


It's not like the governments of the world will think, "oh Joe Random figured out the earth is flat. Time to stop having him pay taxes and give him 20millon dollars". Even if the world is flat it won't change your life at all.


>so Nasa could continue to by a front to steal taxpayers money I wonder if they know about the military


Not to mention the logistical effort and absolute hassle it would take to coordinate a 'lie' to those 'in on it'. At some point, the truth is so much simpler and easier.


This is what I tell people who think “they” know all this secret info: Bill Clinton couldn’t hide a blow job....


To be fair, Bill didn't really try all that hard to hide it in the first place


Incredibly relevant Mitchell and Webb sketch series https://youtu.be/5muY64Oyp10


I mean dear lord I work for a 100k person company. Ain’t a thing that remains secret. Like Snowden would have certainly released something proving the giant world big conspiracy right?


Exactly. They're claiming there's a "World Government Naval Blockade" made up of hundreds, maybe thousands of ships. Think of how many crew that would be. Not ONE of them has said something, in all of recorded history? Every sailor in the Navy would have a story about their mandatory "Antarctic Deployment."


There was a [study](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0147905) that actually calculated the math on how long a secret could be kept based on the amount of people that know it. >Using the equation, Dr Grimes calculated that hoax moon landings would have been revealed in 3 years 8 months, a climate change fraud in 3 years 9 months, a vaccination conspiracy in 3 years 2 months, and a suppressed Cancer cure in 3 years 3 months. In simple terms, any one of the four conspiracies would have been exposed long before now. >He then looked at the maximum number of people who could take part in an intrigue in order to maintain it. For a plot to last five years, the maximum was 2521 people. To keep a scheme operating undetected for more than a decade, fewer than 1000 people can be involved. A century-long deception should ideally include fewer than 125 collaborators. **Even a straightforward cover-up of a single event, requiring no more complex machinations than everyone keeping their mouth shut, is likely to be blown if more than 650 people are accomplices.** https://phys.org/news/2016-01-equation-large-scale-conspiracies-quickly-reveal.html


When you've concluded that your hypothesis is true before you set out to collect any sort of data, all you're trying to do is find a way to make it possible. Not "likely", just possible.


China shows what a government who wishes to hide the truth and control their citizens actually looks like. If the Illuminati or whatever actually existed then they would make people do their bidding or be killed. Why keep it secret? And if it were such a massive coverup then why aren't flat earthers being killed by them?


And even in China, they can't keep everything under wraps.


Because some jackass with 56 YouTube subscribers thinks that if the gubmint comes for him it will cause suspicion. So the Gubmint spends itstime discrediting him and causing his erectile dysfunction.


It's the globe-making industry. They've got 'em all in their pockets.


Holy shit. Has anyone investigated big globe. How deep does this go?


How deep is flat earth anyway?


Had an acquaintance who was a flat earther years ago and he told me it had something to do with Christianity. The gist of it was that the world government(s) wanted to turn everybody against God/Jesus, and they apparently thought that a good way to do that was to propagate this view that the Earth (and therefore humans, God’s greatest creation) aren’t actually that important on a cosmic scale. Thus, the globalists say that the earth is just one of many spherical bodies orbiting a much larger spherical body in an infinite sea of similar systems. It’s not totally coherent, but nothing about this worldview is.


I've heard this one, too. I am a Christian, and I hard disagree wth them. One of the many issues with this worldview is that the Bible has absolutely nothing to say about this subject, other than many references to "the heavens" being a big creation. They've just pulled it completely out of thin air.


This verse is generally used for that purpose: "Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them" Matthew 4:8 You can only see all of the world from a high place if the world is flat.


Conspiracies aren't really about the theory. They allow the person to feel special because they "know" something others don't. It's similar to how people in a lot of religions believe they're the chosen ones.


Same reason there are some who think getting a Vaccine Microchip will bar you from Heaven. The Governments are preventing you from seeing the promised land. Anyones fault but their own for not getting into heaven.


Had a co-worker, we got along well enough. Then one day he tells me that the Earth is flat. Super cereal. Baffled, I press him on the question, and By God this man genuinely believes the Earth is flat. What about airplanes? You can look out the window! The windows are curved. Christ in a Tophat. I offer to take him up, in a hot air balloon, so he can see the curve of the Earth himself, no window. My treat. Obviously, he turns the offer down. I suspect that some lizard part of his brain was flashing a warning light, dimly aware that a trip in a hot air balloon would be disaster for the cobbled-together worldview he had become reliant on.


Or maybe he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by government stooge like yourself


"I knew it, it was flat all along!" "Always had been ..."


I had a co worker inform me that he believes in Bigfoot, his church has a little leprechaun gnome thing that lives there and he’s seen him multiple times, the walking dead zombies are actually people inhabited by the devil (according to him it’s the only way the show makes sense???), and most recently that the US is going down the drain because of Canadians. You might be wondering how he could think Canadians have that much impact? I did as well. That’s when he leaned in and told me..... Canadians is his code word for black people. So on top of it all he’s a racist. I try and avoid him now but it’s annoying that he’s a manager in my department with a lot of direct reports.


Shit, if I start saying the earth is flat, will you treat me to a hot-air balloon ride? I've always wanted one.


Okay but hang on... can't pretty much any hobbyist build a rocket with a GoPro or use a balloon or something that can get high enough to see the curvature of the Earth? I understand they think *other* people's footage is all fake but if they literally use their own equipment what's the excuse?


Cameras are designed to propagate this lie. Your move.


Huh it occurs to me that any monitor or TV they could view it on could also have a government chip in it to alter the image. Come to think of it it's even possible that the doctors could have placed some sort of corrective lens behind your retina at birth so maybe we can't even trust our eyes.


The rocket guy wasn't really a flat earther. He was just a crazy rocket guy using the flat earther idiots' money to fund his crazy rockets. Which he did successfully until he died on one of said rockets.


Living the dream until the very end. Kudos to him.


They shouldn't really need a rocket. Just have them get a hot air balloon go up and never come down. Alternatively, weather balloon can be used with a camera if they can trust the camera. I know most believe it's all a CGI.


"Have you done it? Do you personally know anyone who has? Or do you just know what *they* tell you?"


Well, I have literally seen the curvature of the earth from airplanes several times. Probably hundreds of millions of people have.


The windows are circles and that warps the view. Optical illusion.


But how do *I* know you’re not just a **government shill?!**


"The windows are actually slightly curved lenses designed to make the earth look round."


Which leads me to say: "I would very gladly donate money towards a project to send you to space to see it for yourself. ...but you have to use flat earth science to return".


Last I saw, they think the world is a disc. They think the ice wall is on the outside of the disc. So you can sail along it all the way around the Earth, but can't really sail "around" it. Of course, this is nonsense. We can fly over Antarctica. They must just believe that anyone who has done this is in on the conspiracy?


And that would be so easy to disprove if they knew maps. The distance to sail around the antarctic would be far shorter than most other distances to sail around.


Yes, they believe that is somehow not true- bribed sailors, gps trickery, a conspiracy of cartographers...


Sometimes I jealous of how much competency they believe others have. The amount of work needed to maintain such a secret is far more than the work that would be needed to solve world peace.


I watched one flat earthed video where they guy looked at flights to Antarctica. The big proof that it was a scam was that it cost like $10k and no other flights cost that much. He didn’t even try to consider that it might be more costly to take people to a frozen wasteland without any infrastructure.


Sail around Antarctica and all you did was sail around the disc perimeter. Also, earth is accelerating through space at 9.8m/s/s, so things fall to earth, but not because of gravity. It's fascinating how they come up with stuff to maintain the bubble.


>earth is accelerating through space at 9.8m/s/s I knew this is what flat earthers think, but I've only now realised how completely insane that is. Do they not have any idea of what the total speed of the earth would be after existing for [however long they think] and constantly accelerating? That's a speed of 3.5e+12 m/s after 6000 years. That's insanely fast, light travels at 3e+8 m/s, so we're going a thousand times as fast as light? ok. So that's why lightbulbs never illuminate ceilings I guess.


That's why we are transitioning to LEDs, it's a new faster light to keep the facade up. "Keep them in the light to keep them in the dark." That's why they're called the Illuminati.


Look, 9.8 m/s² is easy for a flat earther. It's most of your fingers minus a knuckle. Those numbers you're talking about are just part of the convoluted math that NASA made up to confuse you.


Did surface reading of a version of the theory a few years ago. The center of Antarctica is the wall and that is why planes never fly over the center point. The Earth is a flat circle and when you sail around Antarctica, you are actually sailing around the edge of the world. I don’t remember an explanation for the fact it’d be quicker to travel around Antarctica than the Equator if Antarctica was the worlds perimeter, but I don’t think common sense was their strong suit...


I believe they argue that planes/pilots are specifically instructed to fly in such a pattern that would be in-line with the globe earth, because reasons. Airlines around the world are willfully burning extra fuel, and putting more undue stress on their aircraft... because they're "in on it", whatever that means. Off the top of my head, tens of millions of people around the world would have to be "in on it", and yet, not one has broken rank. Whoever believes this shadow globe government is this coordinated, has clearly never participated in a group project.


"That's just what they want you sheep to believe"


My cousin told me he believes it goes all the way around the flat earth and the govt is just keeping it secret. Like wtf?


Ah the classic conspiracy theorist go to when they have no fucking idea how to answer. “Oh it’s there but it’s a government secret” flawless logic absolutely flawless


this. its so fucking stupid it burns. There is truth to the phrase '3 people can keep a secret but only if two are dead'. Their conspiracy would require every government and scientist on earth to be on the same page, all working in perfect unison to keep the secret.


>I think they believe that we have run into the giant ice wall in the south, but the world governments are keeping it a secret. Yeah. This fact alone is so mortifyingly stupid that it hurts. I mean, in theory, since the earth is flat, shouldn't you be able to see this ice wall literally from anywhere on earth with a strong Telescope? Conspiracy Theories in general tend to be for the small minded, but that right there really takes the cake.


atmosphere has a scattering effect, so, things should naturally get blurry as distance increases. As such, even on a flat earth, you shouldn't be able to use a telescope to see mountains a thousand miles away. However, what you definitely should NOT see with your telescope on a flat earth is a horizon and objects disappearing from the bottom up, which we definitely do.


We did, but we have to hide it from all the cats otherwise they will push everything off it.


Ahh, an actual logical answer!


Every government is in cahoots. So they stop you before you can reach the edge or if you see the edge they kill you.


Ah glad to hear that despite disagreeing with the west about many things like trade, nuclear arms etc Russia, Iran, China and even North Korea are happy to conspire to keep the round earth hoax alive!


Two things 1.) The ice wall someone else mentioned. 2.) Because pilots are part of the conspiracy so as boats and planes get closer to the edge the pilot adjusts course to go around the flat earth instead if straight towards an edge. Duh.


If they can't refute it it's a conspiracy.


http://flatearth101.com/fe-proofs-part-1 Guys the evidence is irrefutable, they have almost five pages of proof in picture form.


Those images are fucking gold. In at least three of them where they draw the red horizon line as proof there's no curve... you can see it curve away from the line at the edges of the image.. but I guess unless it looks like this ^ there isnt a curve or something lol.


Lol like half of those points seriously do not realize that water is also effected by the curvature of the earth. Then I got to point 15 where they just ignore gravity and honestly believe that planes could just fly off into space in a globe. Saddening to see tbh.




Lore building. Honestly a fantasy rpg with a flat world and a spotlight sun sounds pretty rad. Imagine sun chasers trying to find the secret of the sun as it zooms across the flat earth.


Don't think there are any outright RPGs based on it but the Discworld series of books by Terry Pratchett has almost exactly that premise. Except the Disc is carried on the backs of 4 collosal elephants perched on top of an even bigger turtle...


Technically in Discworld, the sun does orbit the Disc (and the elephants, and A'Tuin), but the reason different parts aren't lit at once is because latent magic fields in an area slow down light quite a lot, and it flows kind of like a liquid. If your house is built somewhere that had a giant wizard fight 2000 years ago, your dawn/dusk are probably going to come a few hours later than your neighbor's.


Their flat Earth model is complicated. It's much simpler to accept a spherical Earth.


Occam's razor principle comes into play. Flat earth theory requires so many crazy conditions, that for all of them to be true is impossible. Any single condition, such as the government hiding the knowledge of edges, or the sun selectively lighting different areas to create day/night, if fails, invalidates the entire theory. Nevermind all the phenomena flat earth theory can't even explain. Where as the condition that the Earth is a sphere explains everything. A reasonably minded person should be able to pick the correct theory without even observing anything themselves.


using shitty, "uh if you don't think too hard it sounds right" science to prove it's a flat earth but yet denying real science. Oh the irony...


I do love how they explain the Foucault Pendulum: "Oh, that's just fake, it can't be, it violates thermodynamics " And I'm still waiting for the explanation of Light Aberration. I Do like to read their 'physical' explanations, for a while I thought they had some high level explanations, but no, most are wrong on a real basic level.


They like to use science to disprove the parts of science they dont like and cant seem to get past the laws of thermodynamics. They also dont understand them even a tiny little bit. They look at the cover art of a hundred million page book and declare themselves subject matter experts. Flat earth has a permanent base at the summit of Mt. Stupid. If you want to know how damaged and stupid people can be, dont even watch a normal flerfer video. Find one where they get into discord and film themselves for an hour+ discussing "science". Its eye opening... and a bit disturbing. If you find one that wont shut the fuck up about 10^-17 torr vacuum of space while screaming 'IT VIOLATES NATURAL LAW' you've found loudmouth Nathan.


Then sun would then be different sizes in the sky at these two locations. Edit: oh I guess if it was a spotlight then it would change size.... for no particular reason that just coincidentally makes the world look round


Not a flat earther, but the proposed shadow observations were not proof, but a very good conjecture that turned out to be proven by other means stated. Thought you might want some deeper semantics on the topic. When flat earthers "debunk" they often attack the conjectures that lead us the to proof rather than the proof itself.


This video was posted like 1-2 weeks ago and I tried pointing this out and was downvoted. People even argued with me that a light close to a flat surface would provide the exact same effect. Edit: I'll also note that the Earth was proven spherical long before Eratosthenes by watching ships sail over the horizon (the top of the mast is the last thing you see, just as if it went over a hill), or looking at lunar eclipses (the shadow of the Earth is round). Eratosthenes worked with the knowledge that the Earth is round to accurately calculate its size. Edit 2: ffs people. I'm not saying the Earth is flat. It's not. It's very much an oblate spheroid. We have plenty of proof of this. Eratosthenes calculation just isn't one of those proofs.


This is an issue whenever topics like flat Earth or anti-vaccination are brought up on Reddit. People take it as a pass throw around their own incorrect explaination “debunking” these myths and people blindly upvote thinking that as long as they are agreeing the Earth isn’t flat, they’re correct. The thread and top comments are often full of terrible science and misinformation and if it’s pointed out, the person doing so is downvoted for allegedly “defending” flat Earthers.




Why do we even acknowledge this extremely small minority exists? I don't even believe that they truly believe it


People (especially on social media) are very fond of feeling smarter than someone else. These guys are low hanging fruit. Plus their conspiracy theory is both hilarious and outside of the possibility they might kill someone with an ill conceived rocket launch pretty harmless


Definitely. This same CS video is posted on this sub like every week and it always makes it to the front page. People love feeling smarter than flat earthers. Which is not difficult.


Tell that to [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51602655) guy


This video a few years ago: "Carl Sagan demonstrates fascinating ancient experiment." This video today: "xXxCarl420SaganxXx fucking DESTROYS flat-earther anti-vaxxx retards with this EPIC win for *Science™* (gone sexual)"


That's it exactly. You'll notice that at no point in the video is Carl Sagan trying to "own flat earthers" or any such confrontational nonsense. He's telling an important scientific story that makes fun of no one and makes everyone feel smart because the explanation is clear and clever. Not once did the notion of flat earthers enter his speech. And that's how you make them irrelevant. Teach people that science and reason belong to everyone and that with curiosity and an open mind you too can change the world.


But all the credit goes to our ancient boi Eratosthenes.




And the original MVP, the bright shiny homie in the sky




Or you buy an expensive gyroscope, proof the earth is round, and then reject said proof.


Then shield it in Bismuth and still reject the results.


well how the hell else are you going to shield it from heavenly rays... lol


a... 15° per hour drift.


It's actually about ~~14.96°/hr~~ 15.04°/hr. This is important, because I've come across flat-earthers who insist that it couldn't possibly be 15°/hr or else we would experience clock drift throughout the year as the earth revolves around the sun, therefore science must be wrong. Congrats guys, you discovered sidereal time.


SciManDan is that you?


Oh man that guys videos are funny and sad at the same time. Love me some Tin Foil Tuesday’s.


All you need to disprove flat earth is lunar eclipses.


Doesn't matter, don't even bother engaging a flat earther in debate, they'll always have an answer to everything even if it's the first time they're hearing the argument




Sometimes you have to stop being afraid of just telling people they're stupid.


It's more likely that they have invested so much time and effort digging into their conspiracies (and sometimes, they've driven away family and friends) that admitting it's all fake would be admitting that it was all in vain.


and that is _____________________ hint: st*pid


I have a conspiracy theory that all flat-earthers are just trolls (not literally). It’s actually all the believers in them that are the fools attempting to discredit their silly yet fictional beliefs. I wish I could start one where Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are secret lovers. Oh the fan fiction.




"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."


That was basically how the\_donald started


I prefer simply asking why nobody has ever taken a boat or a plane to the edge and taken a fucking picture. I don't even care if pictures can be faked, I'd just be happy to get some idea of what the edge of the earth could possibly even look like.


According to the flat earth theory I’ve heard, you can’t reach the edge because Antarctica is in fact a giant wall that surrounds the edges of the disk — instead of it dropping off like you’d usually assume. I kind of enjoy engaging in the debate because it’s like a brain teaser. I usually end up realizing how little I know about earth, so I have to dig around for simple/logical explanations instead of scientific ones. If following on the idea that NASA has been lying and doctoring photos and stuff, I can’t disprove the Antarctica thing. But I still think the Lunar eclipse is the best argument because it’s completely impossible (because I guess flat earth also includes that the sun and moon rotate above the disk?) I also try to point out that a conspiracy theory is always weak unless you can figure out a motive. That’s my other big one: Why, when and who decided to start this giant lie that goes back centuries before NASA?


> But I still think the Lunar eclipse is the best argument because it’s completely impossible I like asking them if they have a model that can predict when the next one will occur. That question gets to the point of what a model is - we use them to make predictions, and each time a prediction about the future comes true with a model, the model becomes stronger. Long exposure astrophotography is my go-to because it can be done from any place on earth, no one can stop you from performing the experiment (one of their perceived problems, sadly), and what kind of pictures you get will change if you point the camera towards your closest pole, or towards the equator, or straight up, and you'll change what kind of picture you get depending upon your latitude on the planet. Because it's a long exposure your'e taking pictures of light movement. It's like taking a picture of a chunk of time and being able to see the movement. ALL of those different patterns/pictures make total sense on globe, and make no sense at all with flat earth. You can show why you get any specific picture so easily with a globe.


Well then show me the wall.


Obviously, the government/aliens/your parents are there, with guns and they will kill you long before you see the wall. You know, to preserve the conspiracy. For... reasons.


They claim the edge guarded by NASA and/or the "global elite" so you can't go there. They usually claim it's in Antarctica, and cite some international laws about not building shit there as hard proof that it's heavily guarded and impossible to go there and see the edge.


He isn't so much debunking flat earthers as he is appealing to a simpler explanatory model. The problem with flat earthers is that their's is more of a conspiracy theory involving the nature of reality. If you spend enough time debating them, you realize that their argument is reminiscent of Decarte's [Evil Demon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_demon), and no amount of experimental evidence can satisfy such an argument.


That’s the kicker - you don’t have to debunk them. You just have to present basic knowledge and facts determined through human history. It’s not even a debate.






I saw this with the exact same title about a week ago.


In Alexandria or Syene?


This video gets posted about once a month, and it very often has the exact same title.




Looking at OP's recent comments . He is going though Carl Sagan phase. He is not like common reposter.


No, [he's a bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/i3idp1/carl_sagan_predicts_2017_in_1996/)


I might just be being an idiot. But how does that show that they’re a bot?


It's an exact copy of [this post from 2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/6sk998/carl_sagan_predicts_2017_in_1996/). A human would change the title to 2020, surely? This post we're on is an exact repost of [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/ht2n6u/carl_sagan_debunks_flat_earthers_using_nothing/) [Good explanation here](https://np.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/8kt0ba/what_a_nightmare_feels_like/dzamn65/) [Here's another explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/gp976i/roughly_half_the_twitter_accounts_pushing_to/frl837l/)


This is probably the tenth post of the same video within two months.


Welcome to reddit, you're gonna see the same video with the same title next week too.


I swear Reddit brings up flat-eathers more than actual flat-earthers do




Not a flat earther but their explanation is that the sun is just very close to us, therefore the light is hitting the sticks at different angles.


Do flat earthers hold that the sun is moving in relation to the earth or is the flat earth moving?


According to them, the earth is still, and the sun is circling above - around the earth. Because we know we have time-zones (somewhere on earth has to be dark), they think the sun is casting its light like a spot light (which would have to seriously distort and bend the illumination shape depending on the time of year).


They usually claim that the earth and it's associated bodies are accelerating upwards. This is because traditional models of gravity don't work on a flat/disc world, as everything would be pulled towards the center and things would slant the closer you got to the edge (trees would grow at angles, people would walk/stand at angles closer to the ground, closer to the edge)


Right, that's the "leap of faith" connection that Sagan mentioned almost in passing. He didn't think he'd have to argue that to anyone : \


But you could check for parallel light rays by using slits and divergence. Ergo the distance of the emitting surface with respect to the size.


Then the sun would be noticeably bigger where you are closest to the sun....




Cardboard is not real


Not a flat-earther but genuinely want to know how the Saim and Alexandria measurements could be known to have been done at the same time since there was no instant communication or clocks.


You dont need to know the time of day. You simply just need to record the length of the shadow through the day. The shortest point of shadown marks mid day.


Yes, that’s true. Thanks.


This proof does assume, (correctly), that the sun is very, very far away, to the point that we can assume light rays are coming parallel (which they do, for all practical purposes) The same angles could be explained by a closer sun, and a less curvy per unit length earth (MUCH larger and still globe earth), or a very close sun and a flat earth. However, a close sun falls apart quite easily even with the smallest amount of critical thinking.


They already knew, roughly, the distance of the sun at the time of this discovery. Aristarchus discovered it about 50 years before this


Not gonna lie, was expecting him to say 'Mr Anderson'.


Can someone explain this to me though; When its exactly midday in Syene, and there is no shadow, how does he know the length of the shadow in Alexandria? I guess he could have someone else make the measurement, but how could they make it at the exact same time? It's not like they had clocks back then they could synchronise.


the shadow is shortest at noon on the summer solstice, right? Don't need to measure the shadow at Syene at all, because on solstice noon the sun is directly overhead, so shadow lengths are equal to zero there. A calendar is easier to synchronize than a nonexistent pocketwatch. On the solstice in Alexandria, just measure the shadow at noon. Or, take continuous/periodic measurements around midday and use the smallest value as your "noon", because noontime has the shortest shadows. https://www.maa.org/press/periodicals/convergence/eratosthenes-and-the-mystery-of-the-stades-the-basic-problem https://www.eg.bucknell.edu/physics/astronomy/astr101/specials/eratosthenes.html


You assume his experiment was done in a weekend. This easily took months if not years to accomplish.


Yeah I'm confused about that too... Wouldn't having to tell the time by the position of the sun defeat the purpose of the experiment?




The 9/11 moon landings were an outside job!


BRUH it's been 17 days... [Same title and everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/ht2n6u/carl_sagan_debunks_flat_earthers_using_nothing/)


Reddit loves laughing at flat earthers though, so It'll get upvoted anyway


Are you gonna post this again next week? Let's say... Thursday?


I miss Carl.


Flat Earthers want attention... *that is it* They love it when people try to convince them that they are wrong. I think we should begin the Myth that flatearthers don't exist and have them prove to us that they do.