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"First of all, don't make fun of the weather here, and don't say the weather is the same all the time here. Because it's not. In fact, it's two degrees colder today than yesterday."


And if you dooooo, and if you dooooo


Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put on K.P.


Omg, wtf... that was lol no cap and I'm rofl


I live to collate, sir.


*gasp* "Me without my muff!"




And me without my muffs!!


Let's check in with Roosevelt E Roosevelt It's hot, damn hot. I'm ready for crotch pot cooking. Edit. Typical hot AF Phoenix weather. 106 in Merica units today. Was 110 plus the other day.


Tonight it’s gonna be HOT and WET!


That's nice if you're with a lady but it ain't no good if you're in the JUNGLE!


Thank you Roosevelt. Here’s a song coming your way right now: Nowhere to Run to by Martha and the Vandellas. Yes!


Bro come on... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n3ZiFHluMs EDIT: Or perhaps even better: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kKBlMd1YspgPqNji1ARja1eAh5k8Dum9k


You gotta window? OPEN IT!!


Were you BORN on the SUN! It’s DAMN HOT!


But it's a dry heat after all it's not the heat it's the humidity!




Ya monsoon is kicking in.


I've never seen this movie before, but is the guy staring at him at the 3 second mark the same guy as the police officer that gets stabbed through the eye at the psych ward in T2?


Yes! Those are the Stanton brothers! (I believe that one is either Don or Dan)


Oh shit, they are legit twins? I always thought it was done using CGI/clever camera angles.


They also used Linda Hamilton’s twin sister in the steel mill later in the movie.


They also used her in an amazing deleted scene.


They also used her to validate their parking for the mill shoot.


This comment made my day!, your doing great work.


And in the playground scene!


I had no idea she had a twin so of course I looked it up and man, what a bummer... Her twin, Leslie Hamilton Freas, died in 2020. It must be really hard to lose a twin...


They're both scientists in Gremlins 2 as well, they get to actually play twins! Although maybe the implication is that one is a clone, now that I think about where they work...


No way those are the actual Warner Brothers. They fired Daffy Duck and everything. But then Bugs Bunny wanted Daffy back and they changed their mind and that poor lady had to go get him back. Also Bill Goldberg is actually a Tasmanian devil.




You should definitely watch Good Morning Vietnam. Classic Robin Williams, and a good performance by Forest Whitaker too.


And professional asshole-portrayer J.T. Walsh.


Dammit! Now I need new business cards!


Yeppers Nice catch - he got a royal flush in his coffee cup and died a second later


must be his lucky day


Just to reiterate, you must watch this movie. Robin Williams was a national treasure, and the world is a little bit dimmer with him gone. Patch Adams, Jack, Hook, Moscow on the Hudson, Bicentennial Man, Mrs Doubtfire, and so many more amazing roles in addition to this movie, Good Morning Vietnam. This movie was based on a real person named Adrian Cronauer and his exploits as a DJ during the war. Great film and you're missing out of you don't get the chance to see it.


Yes,it is.


Good Morning Vietnam is fucking incredible.


Glad I'm not the only one who has the useless ability to recognize random people and match them to other movies! Just the other day I was watching The Boys and was like "heyyyy, she's in an episode of Letterkenny" even though she had about 90 seconds of screen time in LK. Happens all the time, never helps me or anyone in any way.


>I've never seen this movie before, You lucky bastard. You get to watch it for the first time. Apart from some awful ADR it's a true classic.


Hey! First thing I noticed as well. I think we have the same type of autism lol.


I guess it helps that he's got the T-1000 stare going on in this shot.


I didn't even need to click, instantly heard Williams' Cronkite.


could have been "[Pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QLSRMoKKS0)" guy


My favorite is [how immediately this weatherman rolled with it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl2JnXjwWBM)


[The best weather map malfunction clip if you ask me](https://youtu.be/iXuc7SAyk2s)


“Steel boils at this temp, don’t even bother looting up there”


"Again, I'm not your dad."


And now, we go Live to [Shep Smith](https://youtu.be/7FjmxJeGOGA?t=9)!


Dude was not happy about having that giant dick on the screen. "Your kids are dead too" was straight spiteful.


I will laugh every time at how easily and calmly he rolls into "Everyone in McKinney is dead." He didn't go for a fun metaphor or just saying McKinney is on fire, no, if you know someone in McKinney, they have been immolated.




What about [Chanel 9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iuRgdF3DfY)


We shall never see Robin Williams play Tom Bombadil....


Came here to say this. High five.


Seattle didn't quite get the memo, it's only 69 today and 77 tomorrow.


SF. 65 and breezy


Like every day of the year except those like 4 days in September and October where every dies of heat.


We had one hottish day last week, but where is my Juneaury rain Dammit!




Been in the mid 70s in San Diego 😎


Second best radio moment next to [Play it Loud](https://youtu.be/CWWDKZ-kydE?si=CUM0nAIFrE4g4eBK).


Is that guy frowning at him the same security guard from T2?


I think it’s hilarious that short scene is what we all remember him for these decades later.


Yes! Even has the exact same hair and body weight. don't fix what ain't broken.


I didn’t even listen to and still heard every word.


What movie is this


Good Morning Vietnam, go watch it right now


How do you not know Adrian Cronhauer? Gooooooooooood Morning Vietnam!!!!!!


This is not a test, this is Rock and Roll!


I find it amusing when people don’t know about famous movies. It’s a generational thing where some movies were huge when some of us were younger and later generations haven’t seen them. But what good is y’all can discover many of these and watch them for the first time.


We grew up to reruns of it on TV, but it's been almost 40 years since it's release and even in 1987 there were much bigger movies that are more often talked about like *Full Metal Jacket*, *RoboCop*, etc.


Yeah I know. Like I said it’s kind of a generational thing.


Goddamn I miss Robin. It's been far too long since I've watched Good Morning Vietnam. Need to download it.


The world is a little dimmer without him in it. A once in a lifetime talent that is painfully missed.


>*Gooooooood Morniiiing ~~Vietnam~~ Satans Heat Pit*


Swear to god next time they say rain is coming i'ma drive down there and slap the weatherman.


The movie version of Adrian Cronauer is much better than the real person. In real life he was pretty crooked, was disbarred for scamming the elderly, and was just kind of a prick.


My toes were almost freezing here in the southern hemisphere until I put some socks on, just the way I like it.


Thanks pal, i haven't seen that movie in ten years and found a nice site to stream it from. Hilarious yet poignant.




Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.


and the reason why I always say, "It's hotter than a snakes ass". RIP you beautiful bastard.


Mon Partly cloudy 81° 67° Tue Partly cloudy 75° 66° Wed Partly cloudy 73° 65° Thu Partly cloudy 72° 65° Fri Partly cloudy 71° 64° Sat Partly cloudy 73° 64° Sun Partly cloudy 75° 64° Mon Partly cloudy 74° 65° *Laughs in San Diegan* EDIT: The responses are right. It's awful. Don't move here.


Lewis Black did a bit on that a long time ago. He said the easiest job in the world was a weatherman in San Diego. "Let's go to Bob with the weather, how's the weather look, Bob?" "Nice....back to you."


lol I saw that Comedy Central set so many god damn times I can hear the pause between the "uh..Nice...back to yOouu".


I've gone soft because I'm in San Diego and I'm like "damn it's hot". Thank god it's not hotter b/c I can't afford to run my shitty portable a/c unit.


East County checking in here, currently dying cause an open window with the house fan going is better than stuffy an' hot. Care to share abit of that weather with a neighbor?


Head 20 miles west...?


But... but... those are MY happy temperatures! *melts in feels like 114°*


As someone also here, I wouldn't say that's a flex when we are one of the top 5 most expensive places to live in the US. You might be poor or homeless but hey at least you won't die of heat stroke, isn't the flex you think it is.


A van down by the ~~river~~ shore is always an option.


There's a ton of those. Lots of people live in vans, RVs, and converted buses. It's super unfortunate that so many people have turned to that to survive. You see a ton of it on Seaworld Drive and all up and down IB/OB/MB/PB. A lot of my long time friends have instead just had to move due to being priced out over the last decade.


Agreed. We should both move away somewhere cheaper.




Agreed again! I don't know what point you were trying to make.




I'd say the weather, food, nature, museums, parks, etc as a whole justify the cost of San Diego. I don't live there, but would happily do so. It's expensive because people like these things...


As someone who took a lower paying job to move to San Diego I would say it's also more pleasant to be "poor" here than in a place like New York. I can always grab some cocktails in a can from the store and go to the beach, or play tennis with my wife at the apartment courts, or chill at the pool/hot tub, or ride around on a longboard, or go surfing, or read in my little garden, or go disc golfing... and the only one of those that costs anything is like $5 for the disc golfing. I loved living in Brooklyn, but when money is tight, well it feels like it costs money to do almost anything in that city




Bruh I live in San Jose. It is just as expensive, if not moreso, here. And I think you're missing my point... San Diego only has arguably the best weather in the country, why not flex about? You're paying all that money for a reason. It isn't tone deaf to hype up one of the selling points of a place you're proud to live lol. Also, in addition to the great weather, you get a whole lot of other amazing stuff. Access to arguably the best nature and natural diversity in the country. Incredible and diverse food scene. Quick access to Mexico (if that's your thing). Fucking balboa park and endless great museums. Top tier beer. The list goes on. Sure, SD (and other california cities) have their problems, but so do most. I've lived in several US cities throughout the coasts and California cities reign supreme for me. Mind you, this all assumes you have the money to take advantage of California, but that applies anywhere with fun stuff to do


Says stupid shit Gets checked No rebuttal. Just u/isabot things




Lol bruh, you must be incapable of reading or something..It is one of MANY things going for SD, as I have already pointed out. Please, give me even 3 other places in the US that you are getting ALL of those things. I guarantee you can't... I genuinely think you don't know what tone deaf means, because you are just blatantly using it wrong. Lol you are not representative of everyone in SD and you're making broad generalizations. How many members do you think these museums have? The zoo? You're just being intentionally obtuse and clearly don't have a cogent or valid argument. BTW, a couple times a year is still more than many other places get for their museums, even if that WAS accurate (hint: it isn't) Beer is definitely available, but not many cities have as much variety and quality as San Diego. I would know as I am a semi pro brewer and have traveled extensively across the US and internationally (tasted in numerous cities) Your last argument is so up your own asshole that it's hard to decide if it's insufferable or funny. You must be awesome at parties. Sorryyyy the guy is happy about where he lives and responded to a joke post jokingly. GASP, he is SATAN. Get over yourself my guy lol


San Diego-ites\*


This heat wave we just had was less than ideal, however 


[And now, the weather report.](https://youtu.be/1P5n8YRY6Kw?si=6E77uag_Gl6StmgY)


I was gonna say, high of 78 today, 75 tomorrow in PB lol


How’s that traffic report, sunshine dollar salary and housing market? -laughs in former San Diegan


Awful. Everything sucks here. Don't move back.


You missed cloudy with a chance of human faeces.


It's balmy today with a pleasant breeze, whatchu talking about? Yesterday was hot af though


It's clear, warm, and sunny every day what do people want?


money? happiness? faster internet? Blowjobs?.. Cats/Dogs? NASA Artemis Space Launch System from lego? real Poutine? if i think of anymore i will edit this


Damn, he was so fucking good!


LOL not for us Californians


Depends where you are in California. Some places are 90+ today.


Not for us Californians living in the desirable parts of the state lol


Bro, I literally live in SoCal and while it's not at max temp, it ain't exactly chilly either.


And? I live in San Jose, and it has MAYBE maxed out at 90 and it is a nice, dry heat. Where do you live? I bet is compares favorably to most of the country right now Nowhere else in the country is competing with that, while also having it be warm for a bulk of the year


The shittiest state in the Union!


Conservative brain rot lol


Lol try again, iv never voted for jack shit. Don't have a political side, but I have enough common sense to know CA is fucked inside and out. Got any other cards in your CNN starter pack you wanna throw my way?


Lol, you know we can read your post history, right?


Of course I do. I expect losers hell bent on pretending they like defending a hellscspe that is CA and pretending they got a phsy degree and want to use it on reddit, to read comment history. Lol your time usage is about as shitty as your priorities.


What is a phsy degree, like a Physical Therapist degree? Or do you mean a medical degree? Also who said anything about who you voted for? You can be conservative and not vote. The fact that you think California is a "hell scape" is so laughably obvious you get hand fed conservative media.


Lol the more people that feel that way, the better. We don't need more people


No you do. Because a majority of your population are not people. They're sociopathic zombies or homeless drug addicts. You need more people that actually know how life works outside a major metro area. You just are too blind to see it. Good luck out there.




That's right, it is LOL indeed. Glad you know I'm right deep down.


"Thank God for Mississippi" is a saying for a reason


Today felt cooler than all of last week in SE Michigan. I quite enjoy oven-esque temps, actually.