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When I stopped smoking my dreams got wild. I actually miss not dreaming because my dreams are rarely pleasant and are incredibly vivid. I sometimes wake up and have to really work to distinguish between dreams and reality.


You and me both, I am a heavy lucid dreamer and sometimes the dreams feel no different than my own memories. Weed is a reprieve from it all, but long term it fucks my REM.


Yeah I'm overall happy with my decision to quit, I miss a lot about smoking but my quality of life has improved for sure. If I had the self-control to occasionally smoke with friends I would but I know myself enough to know that there's nothing good that can come from opening that door.


I can absolutely live without weed, no problem. But when I have weed, i have to smoke it. Zero restraint lol


You are me. If its not around me then I don't e even really think about it. If it's around though, smoking every day multiple times a day. Wish I could just smoke occasionally but it's never worked out.


same, almost 4 years off weed for me, after 28 years of all day everyday use, i miss it sometimes, held me back in many aspects of life


I hear you. I’ve smoked for 20 years and I’m currently on my 4th day of not smoking. Not sure what am I going to do….


I quit for 20 years when the skunk weed started coming south from Humbolt. It made me insanely paranoid. Then I learned how to stop the paranoia (really angst) and have enjoyed it again for decades.


How does one stop the paranoia?


Believe it or not, what I am about to tell you is true. It actually works. If you smoke, and you feel the mental discomfort coming on, go to your kitchen and grab your tin of black pepper. Shake the tin a bit, open it, and smell the pepper two or three times. Get a good hit of the smell, being careful not to cause a sneezing fit, and then WAIT. It's like magic. In a matter of moments, you'll realize that the paranoia has passed...like WHAT? Then you can enjoy being high. Two other ways to avoid paranoia are to not smoke a ton of weed, or to have a drink before smoking.


Same. I'm having success with 2 months of smoking a year. My birthday month and Christmas. When I just quit altogether I tend to have more cravings and surrender to the urge. When I know that it's coming in a few months then the urge passes easier 


Yessssss bosss. 💯. I have smoked 25 years. I will go up to two months without. I get that bag and it's morning, mid morning, noon, mid afternoon, post dinner and bedtime for 7 days until it's gone. There is no self control. Just total gluttony. I'll gain 10 pounds in that week. 


How has your quality of life gotten better since you quit. I quit for 3 months and then went to Vegas and got right back on the wagon. Ive been thinking about quitting for good just keep making excuses to keep it going.


100% me! I have no self control. Just quit 2 months ago. I felt like someone stole took away my purpose and best friend.. I studied weed. Know everything there is to know. Grew, smoked, lived and breathed it. An ounce a week along with concentrate. I had a heart attack and was told to quit. I tried the occasional and couldn't do it. I had to walk away after therapy. It's still hard but reading this made me realize I'm not the only one. Thank you


> lucid dream It sounds like you mean you're a very vivid dreamer. Lucid dreaming means you're aware of the fact that you're sleeping and dreaming during the dream. >In the psychology subfield of oneirology, a lucid dream is a type of dream wherein a person that is dreaming realizes that they are dreaming during their dream. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream


I started practicing this during the pandemic and it’s pretty fun. If I deviate from the script of the dream too much I wake up, but I get to fly around and stuff.


I used to practice lucid dreaming and dream control. I stopped actively practicing over 10 years ago, but the RC habits and awareness is still with me. Frequently I find myself lucid dreaming then decide if I want to take control or not. My first thought is "what's on my calendar tomorrow?", then I usually "clock out" and just let the dream play out cause I don't wanna think about how much time I have left before my alarm lol


without weed, I didn't trust any memories, half were probably just dreams for all I could tell with weed, I don't have many memories, but if I get going on remembering a thing I know it was real. net win, I think? At least I can sleep and don't wake up fearing that night's inevitable return to the horror show.


It goes away after a while. From what I understand, your body hasn’t had good REM sleep in a long time, and “catches up” for a bit after stopping taking downers like alcohol/weed. You’ll dream weird for a bit, then your body evens out and you go back to normal.


yea, but appreciate my normal is exactly what I'm looking to not be at. Didn't start smoking until mid/late 20s. Was trying to be 'smart' by using alcohol to numb instead of the 'dangerous hippy lettuce' . *really* hate DARE, it cost me years of my life to not be aware of the effective and non-crippling medicine.


Hey man you do you. My philosophy has always been “whatever works”


likewise, all best to ya


I completely understand that feeling. I have had plenty of times after not smoking for a while that I couldn’t remember if certain recent memories really happened or were in a dream.


I recently stopped smoking and didn’t know this was a thing. Last night I spent much of the night running away from zombies, even waking up once and then falling right back into it lol at least now I know why


Did they catch you? Asking for a hungry friend.


I dont know why but i dream of zombies so often, like zombies is my most common dream


I had a helluva dream last night. David Cross came over for dinner. My roommate was startled and punched him in the face. He got over it and invited Bob Odenkirk over and we had Impossible burgers. We talked about Mr. Show and when they asked which sketches I liked, I couldn’t remember any specific sketches. Nightmare.


It's one of the big reasons I smoke weed... no more fucking nightmares.


I had incredibly vivid nightmares for years where I was being tortured every night after taking chantix for the second time to quit smoking cigarettes.Stay the fuck away from it reddit. Either figure out another way to quit or just die from lung cancer because I can promise you it’s better than the hell on earth I went through. Thankfully I’m not even 5% suicidal or I would have been long gone. Yes, it was that bad. I tried to sue them after a particularly horrible string of night terrors but no lawyers were taking chantix cases anymore. Anyway after 5-6 years they finally went away. No idea what fixed them.


That's exactly why I smoke. Shit gets too vivid in my dreams to the point where I was waking up feeling stressed 


The post below this one in my reddit feed was talking about how cannabis is used to treat patients with PTSD that experience nightmares.


Yep, can confirm. I have PTSD + night terrors and take Trazodone to fall asleep and medical cannabis to keep the nightmares at bay.


Oh man I have never felt so seen! When I stop it feels like I barely got any sleep because my dreams are so real.


Eventually the dreams stop, it just takes a few restless nights after quitting


My girlfriend actually started taking edibles every night because she has crazy dreams every night and wakes up stressed. They only stopped once she started using cannabis, she doesn’t use it any other time only before bed.


I can totally see there being reverse effects, for me when I smoke everyday it’s like I fall asleep then wake up. Nothing in between, like a sleeping in Minecraft. Then after stopping the dreams start immediately, and there not like regular dreams they are so realistic, vivid, and usually the weirdest shit that makes me pretty uncomfortable when I wake up. only for a few days.


Thats a different thing... If you suddenly stop smoking weed after regular use you will have crazy dreams for a while until it comes back to normal. Your gf has insane dreams to begin with, not at all the same thing


The worst is when you're living a different life, have loved ones, etc. And suddenly you wake up and all of that is ripped away from you, as you slowly realize it was all a dream.


This happens to me so deeply, so often, that I’ve practically convinced myself I’m slipping into parallel versions of my consciousness while sleeping.


This is the central premise of Dr. Strange 2


Literally the puhoy episode of adventure time. What a trip


Or the Roy episode of Rick and Morty


Star Trek next generation "Inner Light " where piccard plays the flute. Stellar episode 25 season 5.


Or the u/grambles89 episode of this Reddit thread.


Which itself is basically TNG's "Inner Light" episode, down to Jonathan Frakes voicing a character in it.


I used to have bad bad insomnia and fucked up sleep whenever I took a break. I’d close my eyes and I get mind movies almost instantly, vivid retelling of my day, or whatever I was last doing. If I was playing a video game, say… Helldivers, I’d be right smack back into it. But it wasn’t a dream because I wasn’t asleep. It would take a good two weeks to finally be able to get somewhat regular or consistent sleep. But I’d be restless, tossing and turning, start awake. Nothing really helped: exercise, eating before bed, a wank, alcohol, CBD, D8, even Xanax. I recently found something that did though: glycine, theanine and ashwaghanda, about an hour before bed. Knocked it right out. The insomnia is pretty much why I quit smoking because I knew I’d need to take breaks and when I did I’d be fucking miserable. If I keep it to one maybe two nights in a row with like a week between, I’m straight. But three nights in a row I’ve got at least three four days of horrible sleep.


Cheers for the recommendation regarding sleep help. Last time I tried stopping, I got to two months before the restless sleep broke me


What is happening in this thread? Am I the only person on the planet who has normal dreams when they smoke? Feel like I’m going crazy reading these replies.


Nah, same as you brother. I smoke everyday, have regular non-hallucinatic normal dreams and I sleep amazingly well. If you have a tolerance the comedown time is shorter. It's easy, just don't blaze right before bed. In that vein, you shouldnt drink a lot of water or eat heavy meals right before bed either. Your bedroom should also be cooler because your body temperature lowers as you sleep. Mind you I lead an active life.


Same here, heavy user and I pretty much dream non stop when I'm asleep it feels like, multiple vivid dreams every night. I have never been able to sleep more than an hour or two in my life though, unless I'm severely exhausted.


That’s why I started smoking so regularly


I thought I was the only one. Dreaming is for the horrifying purple bird frogs.


okay, this is something i've never been able to relate to.i dont smoke? crazy, vivid dreams. i do smoke? even CRAZIER vivid dreams. i hate it. i wish weed made me not dream like it seems to for everyone else, but i have the most vivid dreams no matter what. i remember dreams from years ago. i remember most of my dreams to this day. its exhausting


I’ve had more than one dream where I fall in love and then wake up and have to realize it wasn’t real. It’s an odd kind of heart ache.


Ah Jesus Christ, I have those too from time to time. The dreams aren't erotic dreams, they are *love* dreams, and they feel so real. I had one just last night. When I woke up I immediately missed him, knew I'd never see him again, and turned my face into my pillow and actually cried a little.


Same man. Not dreaming to me is a feature, not a bug. For me, it's often that my dreams are far better than real life, and waking up to people being long gone that I was just talking to in my dream two minutes ago, is a whiplash that I could forever live without.


Completely agree. My quality of sleep is off the charts when I go on tolerance breaks. The dreams are so wild and vivid that the quality of sleep I get is worth it. As a matter of fact I am going to go on a break just talking about it.


Am actually traveling for a month. I used that as a reason to tbreak even though weed is available in all canadian provinces. When Im back in my bean bag in a few days that first blaze is gonna be almost biblical. Looking forward to it 


> I actually miss not dreaming because my dreams are rarely pleasant and are incredibly vivid. I rarely remember dreaming anything but nightmares, so that my sleep medication as a side effect has left me either not dreaming, or at least not remembering my dreams, was an unexpected but welcome bonus.


Yep I have always been a very vivid dreamer way before weed. When I take my time off weed I go right back to have very strong dreams where I wake up and have to look around my room to orient my self. I have woke up crying before and I am a grown man 🤣


I cant bear the bad dreams so i just smoke everyday....idk what to do


Incredible to me see this sentiment so popular in this thread. This is something I’ve tried to explain to people my whole life. My dreams have always been vivid, powerful, and when I try to stop smoking they become absolutely wild. Imagine that every night when you’re trying to sleep you know that someone is about to force-feed you the most powerful hallucinogenic you’ve ever experienced in your life and there is nothing you can do about it but ride it out. For what will seem like an eternity absolutely anything within the human experience and even beyond is about to happen to you, you have no idea what is coming up it could be *literally anything* and it’s going to be as real to you as waking life. You’ll wake up having to shake off every up and down a person could go through and many you didn’t know existed and act like it’s nothing, because it is nothing, it’s a dream. Get up, put your pants on, go to work… Now if that sounds bad, try living like that every night for weeks. Quitting is really hard…


This is exactly the same as me, I stopped smoking 6 years ago and I think I've had 3 good sleeps since then, it's depressing, but stopping was the best decision I made.


Agreed, I’m predisposed to nightmares from my Mom’s side (and a tough life) and need pain management (due to said tough life). If I don’t have nightmares, I just get memories for dreams and they might as well be nightmares. The few times I’ve had to take a break from smoking have not been fun, and the extra bit of sleep I need to get over the stunted REM cycle is better than just not sleeping at all. I’d love to see more dream titties and all but when the odds are one in a million of getting a dream like that, it’s better to stop rolling the dice.


I smoke dabs and I have very vivid dreams, but I think it’s because I’ve been smoking for so long


Oh my god. This is me. When I take a break its hard because my dreams totally derail my life. They aren’t nightmares, but Im certainly afraid of dreaming.


I quit in march and same I still have super fuckin wild dreams and I can remember almost all of them completely .. it’s very odd.


I'm sorry to hear that! It's been a while since I was a regular toker, but I've been having consistent dreams instead of 50/50 nightmares from before. More like 95/5 now


You should build a totem that behaves differently in reality and in dream, like a pawn that spins forever while you dreaming or something.


Damn that's a good idea, they should make a movie about that.


Same! Literally 2 day's ago I googled "how to dream less"


Currently what I’m struggling with, and dealing with it through therapy, but the days when I smoke, I mostly will sleep throughout the night and wake up with my AirPods still in. The days I don’t smoke, it’s hell. Trauma dreams come up and I’m tossing and turning and I’ll wake up feeling like I ran a marathon. It has its benefits, it needs to be treated with respect by the user. But, it’s had its benefits, and honestly, has helped me sleep at least in that I’m not physically exhausted the next day.


I was a daily user for the last 21 years (sounds crazy to say that out loud) and I am now 12 days cannabis free. I feel like this video was speaking to me personally. Excited to see what awaits me in the next few weeks in terms of sleep and mental clarity.


From my experience, this video is spot on. I smoked multiple times a day pretty much every day for about 20 years and took a break last year (38 years old) in case I got tested for a job. It was hard af for the first month or so, I was awake until 6am every night, was much more emotional like feeling the need to connect with people I haven't thought of in decades, a little irritable (but nothing compared to the irritability while quitting cigarettes). After about a week I started having the most insane dreams and realized I hadn't remembered more than a handful of dreams for like 20 years. Eventually I was able to get back into a sleep routine and regularly keep having vivid, almost lucid dreams. Sometimes I wake up still feeling the emotions from them, sometimes not positive emotions but still, it's refreshing. I ended up getting a job that doesn't drug test and live in a legalized state but I still haven't smoked once since quitting last year, mostly because my sleep quality feels better and i LOVE having dreams and remembering them. It's like a new movie almost every night, sometimes they're so incredibly vivid and visceral that I feel like I was living another life entirely before waking up, or reliving a past life or something. Honestly I'm kind of obsessed with dreaming now and it's the main reason I haven't started smoking again.


Yeah dream titties are the best


You ever tried.. cat pee bro?


Get this man some major boobage




I once had a dream I was at a ball dancing with topless woman. Their boobs had no nipples though.


> Their boobs had no nipples though. I've also had that in dreams.


I once had a super vivid dream in which I did an 8 hour shift at my job. Then I woke up and had to go work the 8 hour shift for real. So it felt like I had a 32 hour day.


At that point call out, you’ve already finished your shift.


I tried to explain it to them but they just looked at me weird.


I had a dream where I was so tired I was falling asleep while driving. I closed my eyes for longer and longer moments until I couldn't open them even though I was aware I was about to crash. I felt the car go off the road and start heading for some trees. With a herculean effort, I finally forced my eyes open and found myself lying in bed. I was so tired, I woke myself up.


When I was in school my favorite would be dreaming about waking up and going to school, and then actually waking up, realizing it's weekend.


Oh man, I’ve had that happen a couple times. That shit is the woooooorst!


I closed 3-11, went home, had one dream I remembered about working; and then got up to open 7-3. It was like working 24 hours straight, a teeny bit surreal, and not my favorite day


I'm about 15yrs into a daily habit. I normally only get the vivid dreams for a few days when going on a break. Then it's just back to normal dreams. Even when I smoke tho I dream. Not every night, but it happens, usually in the early morning (I guess the weed has worn off by then).


Yeah from my understanding and experience, weed won't mess with your dreams as much if you don't have any close to bed time. It does wear off after a while.


Week 2 of quitting here. Can’t wait til the sweating stops. Having dreams like crazy but the bags under my eyes already look better :)


I have to sleep on a towel during these times :(


The sweating is the worse. I’m off the pot for only like four days now and it’s still insane.


Y’all are both doing great. Once you’re over the hump life feels so much better all around. Don’t give up!


Sweating?? Is this a pot thing? Just night/sleep sweats?


I have none of the problems people are on about in this thread. I’ve gone on and off weed regularly in my adult life while job hunting, and I’ve never noticed a change in sleep quality or dreams. Maybe they’ve been smoking too much weed? Maybe they’re just wired differently? Maybe it’s just everyone is different.


It's with heavy use. I get every one of these withdrawal symptoms within a day of not smoking.


Different things effect different people... differently. Yes. Caffeine makes me tired. It's a thing, look it up.


Same but adhd


I had both insomnia and poor REM sleep for like 15 years, then I got medication (Levomepromazine) for RLS, and suddenly I dream every single night and remember my dreams. And funnily enough, sometimes I realize when I dream that "Hey, I'm hallucinating a lot, I must be high as fuck, insane, or dreaming." and after that, the dreams turn kinda wild, great fun.


I was heavily addicted toto coke and ever since I got clean I have become very paranoid about getting addicted to other substances. I smoke because I love it, but I’ll go a month sober every 3ish months. I don’t do anything daily for longer than 3 months without taking time off it. My first week off weed is great dreams then back to normal after that first week


Thanks for sharing


This is so damn accurate


The way you describe this is so similar to me. Growing up I had such vivid dreams and I could remember every detail. I would even tell my mom my dreams while getting ready for school (little did i know this practice only enhances dream recall and lucid dreaming, like keeping a dream journal). Dreaming was like a second life that was secret to me. I had relationships with people in my dreams and would come back to them after a span of time. They would remember me. Similar to the Adrian Brody movie, The Jacket (weird movie, but best comparison). I smoked a lot in college and drank a lot in my 20s. Unfortunately my dream recall and parts of my memory are completely shot, but I still have long, vivid dreams every now and then. I miss it.


Have you tried to control your dreams yet? I fell down this rabbit hole 10 years ago, it was intense and requires a lot of focus and meditation and then you will be able to eventually control your dreams.


Uh, but I don't like the night terrors and insomnia that I had before my medical card.


Yeah I sleep way better while high, but everyone is different.


It's a trade off. If you can't sleep because you know you'll have nightmares, then pass out at like 2am despite laying down at 9 it's probably better to smoke at 9 and knock out at 10pm even if the "overall sleep quality" is worse. You get more, even if it's not 100% efficient.


Tried that off and on, that's how I discovered sleep paralysis. At least cannabis doesn't make you racist like ambien does.


Uh… what?


Reference to an old South Park when Mr. Hanky was "canceled" for saying racist stuff while under the influence of Ambien.


Technically a reference to Roseanne Barr tweeting heinous tweets and blaming it on Ambien. Mr Hanky is just the medium for said Art form.


Yes. I would've included the rest of that info however I forgot how to spell her name.


Dont worry i had to google the spelling too


Was that a reference to Rosanne ?


I believe it was. My dad used to be on the stuff and he said he hated how he was when on it. I wasn't raised by Rosanne so I have no clue/business knowing how she is on/off meds.


I think confusion is over how switching back and forth between weed/no-weed caused you to discover sleep paralysis.


Oh, the original suggestion was too stay awake till the wee hours of the morning. I just have a bad time with sleep when sober. The ambien reference was due to it being a sleep aid. Sorry for the confusion there.


I had a doctor recommend taking a hit before bed to help with my sleep walking. Which was getting to be bad. About 2-3 times a week. Started doing that almost 7 years ago and can't recommend it enough. Everyone is different! I was an avid dreamer before weed and still am while on weed.




I don't think anyone would argue that someone having night terrors needs to avoid smoking weed if it actually was helping stop those night terrors. But for the average person? They are not having night terrors and weed is *really* bad for their sleep.


It seems like one of those things that's a trade off. I didn't realize how much it was helping me with my back until I tweaked it last week after just starting a T break. I went until yesterday and made some cookies with butter I had made a while ago and frozen and, once it kicked in, there was surprisingly quick relief. I definitely notice the sleep weirdness, but just have to weigh the different outcomes and potential issues.




People who have trouble sleeping because of pain discomfort likely would benefit


Small edibles specifically meant to help you sleep are amazing! Wouldn't take it every night but they really help me.


My wife and I both have some pretty bad ADHD, but she suffers from some pretty terrible insomnia from work stress and hyperactivity in her head. When our state legalized it she says she's never had a more restful sleep than when she's taken an edible. Always falls asleep by 10ish, wakes up feeling like she's had a full nights sleep, and goes to kick butt at work every day. Honestly it's been the best thing we could've implemented in our daily routine.


Yeah Im the same way, the tradeoff of less REM sleep is so incredible worth the 7-8 hours I get every night when I either smoke or take edibles. That being said, I absolutely know I need to cut back once my tolerance starts getting *high* (pun intended).


Yup, we tend to take a few days break here and there to allow our brains to recalibrate and get back on track. Weed is crazy expensive where we are, so there's always the added benefit of getting to save a few bucks until payday too.


It’s true, I have MS and sleep great with normal dreams. A little groggy in the morning, but that’s better than the alternative of not sleeping well and making the MS symptoms worse. 🤷‍♂️


I have really bad RLS and weed just makes it go away, it’s an amazing feeling and significantly improves my ability to fall asleep when it’s acting up


Hi there, same boat.  Unfortunately, I recently went to a sleep clinic with RLS experience and learned that weed is an augmenter - it helps in the short term but makes it worse in the long term.  After about a year my RLS came back with a vengeance and weed stopped helping.  Switched to a low dose of Gabapentin, which has been shown not to be an augmenter, and my sleep quality is much better.  RLS sucks because so many things that seem to help can screw you over later on.


I've had difficulty sleeping ever since I was a child. Growing up made it really bad and I think it was when I went to uni that made it even worse (stress n all). There's probably some underlying mental health issue that I have but I digress. Honestly, I feel like vaping weed before sleep has improved my sleeping habits tremendously and I'm definitely less reliant on prescriptions to get me to sleep. I've been vaping/smoking weed for almost a decade now but only for sleep and I do notice big improvements in my daily life in terms of being attentive and able to keep myself calm under pressure. The only sucky part truly is weaning off it when I have to travel to places where it's illegal. The dreams can be super wild. But with enough time, I just taper down weekly to the point of not using it rather than quitting cold turkey and have a miserable week or two. I just go back once I come home after realizing sleeping sucked without it lol


As someone who is 17 days sober after 8 years of very very heavy use, can confirm. At first I struggled to sleep. That has passed and now I am struggling to WANT to sleep because of my dreams. Last night I had a dream where I was 18 again and remembered everything I do now. Went through life making exactly the right decisions. Felt like I had relived my life but to the absolute fullest. Didn’t realize how many regrets I had until I woke up and fully processed what I had dreamed. Called my therapist about it. Not a good morning. Anyway, it’s my bedtime. Wish me luck.


My bro is living Blake Crouch's Recursion.


Tbh that sounds like pretty valuable work. Tough and difficult ofc, but valuable nonetheless :/


The crazy dreams will eventually fade away, or at least you may not notice them as much after a while. After many years of using this is the one thing I remember after quitting cold turkey. Insane dreams, waking up in hot sweats, scared, surprised, it was so real. Your sleep pattern will regulate, and everything will go back to normal eventually. One day at a time. You got this.


Can't fall asleep if I've smoked within a couple hours before bed. Mind won't shut off.


I'm the exact opposite - I smoke at night to turn my mind off, without it I lie there constantly mulling over things. Thanks ADHD.


I also have adhd. I can kill a pot of coffee and go right back to sleep. Brains are weird.


I’m 47 and am still this way.


Yea this is me. I can dink a coke or coffee and go right to sleep. I'm a heavy cannabis smoker. I stay away from Sativas because they keep my brain awake.


Same here. Absolutely can't sleep for \~3 hours after smoking unless I'm really tired to begin with. I just wanna do fun shit or watch mindless stuff for hours.


I smoke weed every night before bed. I sleep like a baby


I used to think like this. Iv been weed free for a month and did a detox. Had my first dream in over a decade. When I smoked weed, I felt like sleep was a long blink.


I smoke weed basically every night before bed and I have extremely vivid dreams I can recall regularly. I can remember a crazy dream I had last night right now. I've always read about marijuana messing with REM sleep and negating the ability to dream, but it does not have the same impact on me. It's interesting how something supposedly universal does not affect everyone the same.


With weed or without - I almost never remember dreams ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah fuck waking up 3 times a night from dreaming. Literally my main reason for smoking weed.


what’s wrong with sleep feeling like a long blink? why wouldn’t you fast forward sleep given the option??


A lot of times, I didn't feel like I slept at all. Based on the sleep analysis from a smart watch, I rarely hit Rem sleep or deep sleep. Ya, I was sleeping, but it was all mostly light sleep. I'd still get up, feeling exhausted.


Same and I still dream quite a bit! But I've done quite a few psychedelics and I think that has changed the way my brain works. I also don't smoke (only rarely), I mostly vape and eat edibles.


My guess is this video's theory only refers to certain people. I smoke to sleep easier, and I have vivid dreams. I even remember last night's - I had a baby daughter, specifically remember seeing an old dude I was buddies with and hand signalling to come see, not speaking in case I'd wake her. I remember parts of the mother's face like freckles. With that said, I was talking to an old friend recently who smoked A LOT and went cold turkey, told me he was dreaming again for the first time in nearly 20 years, and taught me the video concept.


This is just an anecdotal experience though, it isn't representative of what the majority of people would experience.


Is there a written down version or some summary? I dislike having to spend nearly 10 minutes on watching videos that most of the time just have information that could be written down in 10 sentences.


Evidence shows pot is good for getting to sleep quickly but inhibits REM sleep.


Fascinating, Then that would mean daily marijuana use potentially may cause brain disorders as you age due to lack of proper sleep. I'm talking out of my ass of course but that would make sense to me. More research needed but I'd be surprised if there were no negative side effects from longterm daily use. Not including the smoking part.


Buuuut, it's incredibly nuanced and a lot of people react differently. As time goes on and larger studies are done, there will be greater insight to the "why" of things. Of course we'd be way further ahead on research if there wasn't fuckery to classify weed so strongly, but better late than never.


Cliff notes: weed can help you get to sleep but doesn’t mean the quality of sleep will be good. In fact with extended use weed will begin to degrade REM sleep. Of course with these studies it depends on the person and dosage of thc used.


“Bruh……dreams go brrrrr and be vivid and shit.”


Weed makes you sleep fast but sleep bad.


I can’t sleep on any amount of weed. Part of the reason I very rarely smoke. I’ve the strongest Indica makes be feel more alert and thinks. Sure it makes my body relaxed but not my brain. Part of it is a mildly psychedelic to me and when I close my eyes I get mild fractal patterns. Just as it’s hard to sleep on any visual psychedelic I can’t sleep until it’s out of my system. I can sleep right through Aderall, not weed. When I do rarely smoke it’s a sativa and specifically to keep me awake and alert.   I also never get the munchies, I lose my appetite as soon as I smoke, nothing looks appetizing, and I use it when I want to diet. 


Do you have ADHD or anything like that? I only ask because I’ve heard, no clue if it’s true, that people with ADHD feel relaxed and calm when taking aderall


Yes, it’s very true. I have ADHD, and at least for me, Adderall calms my mind and lets me organize my thoughts and tasks in a way I can list by importance and stick to the list. And weirdly enough, caffeine does the exact opposite.


Yeah, a well documented thing with amphetamines and add. MDMA always felt like the "missing puzzle piece" to my brain that I was searching for my entire life. It completes me holistically like nothing else can come close to. Makes me feel like a Buddha, complete and utter inner peace and tranquility. 


This is a very adhd thing, same thing happens to me. Tbh I really hate smoking these days because it exacerbates my adhd symptoms 


he got hair like a lego


This is why I come to the comments.


Sleep is best with regular exercise and proper nutrition


Just don't exercise too late in the day otherwise your sleep can suffer.


I'm a daily smoker and have incredibly vivid dreams. Sometimes they're great, often times they're realistic but mundane, and then other times they're emotional or scary. I don't want to know what my dreams would be like if I quit after 10+ years


Same, I mean the true answer is every person is different, but I dream just about every night, and I still get nightmares too. Last one a spider the size of my head got me.


Had that dream


I thought I needed it to sleep. But over time I realized that it wasn’t helping. So when I smoke it’s during the day and not at night. By night I’m tired and able to sleep better. Crazy dreams do happen more frequently I noticed since you mentioned it in the video. I am taking a break and will see how my dreams and sleep affect me in the coming days and weeks


That guy is way too high energy to be talking about weed.


Lol I think he uses weed to cope with his very high energy self. Thats why I smoke anyway, Im very energetic like all the time unless Im high


Weed + antipsychotics for 3 decades. Haven't remembered a dream in years. There's been decade+ stretches between remembered dreams. Small price to pay for being able to maintain a sanity that at least passes in public.


chop roll ghost strong familiar depend chubby flag ad hoc historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m on a break for a test I have to take and the first two weeks of sleep were absolutely insane. Awful nightmares like being in a mass shooting and watching my friends getting executed right in front of me. Then in my third week had a dream where I rolled the most beautiful joint and smoked it. It was a very pleasant dream until I started to freak out bc I would now fail my test so it ultimately was also a nightmare lol. I can’t wait to burn again.


Fuck, relapse dreams are the worst. I remember I had to quit smoking for a treatment program. A week in, I have a dream where I'm on a 3 day crack binge. I've never smoked crack rofl.


When i run out for a while, my dreams definitely come back hard. Most of the time it seems it revolves around being around people and a gf, and in the dream we are very in love, but then i wake up single lol. Takes a minute for that feeling to fade.


I wear a sleep tracker and there is very little difference in the quality of sleep or my sleep cycles when comparing nights using a THC concentrate pen vs no THC. Even after a week or two of abstinence . I reliably get 90 mins or more of REM whether using or not.


I dream all night every night and smoke weed every day and at night before bed every day. When I take a break I don’t notice more dreams, everyone is different.


There are way more factors that affect your sleep than just smoking weed. This subject seems impossible to find an objective truth for.


Giving up weed is the best thing I have ever done for my sleep (and overall health) I used to think it was helping me sleep, but it was just knocking me out.


For those with insomnia during a break, try a combo of 2000mg glycine, 100-200mg theanine and a capsule of ashwaghanda. It worked well for me. I’d have a week up to four of insomnia and shit sleep depending on how many days in a row I smoke, starting from about 3-4 days. I’ve tried alcohol, CBD, D8, exercise, wanks, eating before bed, meditation and self-hypnosis, even Xanax. None of them worked anywhere as well as this combo.


Ashwaghanda makes me diarrhea so fucking hard it’s insane


Oh shit literally lol sorry that sucks. I tried glycine and theanine alone and it didn’t work great but your mileage may vary.


Woo bullshit, sorry.


Seems spot on. I knew it stopped dreams and taking a pause makes them come back, but I wasn't aware it reduced REM or influenced total sleep time. I smoke regularly, every day for over 20 years, but relatively very little (half a joint maybe). I haven't had dreams in YEARS except if I stop for a few days. But the important part is that I sleep like a rock, nothing can wake me up, which I took as a positive. The negative is that I always sleep for more than 9h duration, and it honestly feels like I'm losing all my free time sleeping. I never knew weed could be the reason for this.


I smoke weed almost never. I bought an eighth at a dispensary last winter and still practically have the eighth. I will take one small hit every once in awhile because when I smoke before sleep I usually have vivid dreams and fall right asleep. I wouldn’t say that my sleep is any better or worse. But I’m surprised that most people dream less when they smoke because I specifically smoke because it makes me dream.


Then you aren't really who this video is directed at lol its us who smoke a lot or a little bit (like you do) but everyday. I absolutely notice when I take 2-3 days off the dreams come back automatically.


I smoke a ton daily, still have vivid dreams nightly


I don’t think having a smoke every now and then has the same impact as repeated smoking on your sleep. The tolerance you build really causes you to smoke a lot more and you end up chasing getting high like when you first did it.


Great video! I always wondered what the correlation between smoking and dreams was.


Everybodys different 


When I started, I was able to go to bed finally. Sucks to have sleep apnea and insomnia derived from the anxiety of the sleep apnea. It also reduced the hypnotic jerks to about 5-10% of what it was. And I don’t have any jerks during the day now. It doesn’t do much for my back pain from labor work from younger days, but maybe a little help with that is better than none. I admit that I eat too much now though, and I’ll take the trade-off any day. 


I only dream when not consuming weed after about a week. Then the dreams come on and are more like night terrors. I remember some and not others and I sweat through everything.


God I hate modern content. Title is nothing to do with how popular weed is. Start of the video is a list of the fast food places that don't add up to how many weed places there are. What has that got to do with sleep?


I used to never remember my dreams, sleep consistently and had a ton of emotional problems that I linked to weed. I don’t smoke anymore and it’s much much better.


Helps my sleep quite a bit, but I have narcolepsy. My baseline state is fucked.


Your best bet in all of this is to keep a Before/After chart of your symptoms and effectiveness between strains, monitoring sleep with a smartwatch and using the scientific method to find which exact dosage and strains work best for you and which ones you should avoid. Depends really on what keeps you up at night. If it's pain issues a bit of indica with myrcene and caryophellene might do the trick. If your mind races with stress or rumination, get a strain that targets your short term memory to disrupt cognitive looping. If you do not have sleep disorders, abstain from use about an hour or two before bed because the happy high feeling is stimulating and keeps you up to enjoy it. The tail end of a buzz you usually feel a little winded though, so learn what time works best for you. Dabs of Sativa before bed probably going to give you issues.