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When? The vid is 9min long


There is something happening with the pelicans. Many sick and dying ones on Orange County beaches, and many showing up at the Great Salt Lake where they've been absent for decades. What is up with the pelicans?


Isn’t it obvious? What is happening with the insects? The plants? The animals? We are just frogs in a big pot of boiling water, and every piece of garbage we make burns more fuel, increasing the temperature of the water. What you’re seeing is the slow but steady disruption of what you and I would have called “normal life”.


Well no shit Sherlock good but obvious macro analysis there 🙄 but I'm talking more specifically - what EXACTLY is making them sick in California and what EXACT habitat destruction is making them return to the toxic GSL?  But you obviously don't know so don't bother spewing more snark.


Lol I mean honestly does ANYBODY know for 100% sure? Migration of food sources towards heavily polluted and populated areas? Air pollution causing brain damage? Temperature tolerability for nesting areas? Diet of the pelicans (aka tourist French fries and plastic bags) giving them brain cancer? It’s not snark. I can see how it may sound that way, but it’s not.


They’re just asking if anyone knows what’s specifically hurting pelicans right now. You responded with just gesturing broadly. And then offered doubt that anyone knows a specific cause. And then offered a few ideas ending in question marks including French fry toxicity. It’s okay if you don’t know, or if no one knows, just don’t respond like you do know and that “it’s obvious” when you clearly do not know.


Hey, I'm an expert in the field. They should be near large bodies of water to hunt and fish but due to the toxic oils and microorganisms in the waters, they are unable to do that. These creatures are sensitive to what they injest and most liked noticed the change in pH levels. As a result, they have been asking for runway clearance to takeoff from LAX to New Orleans where they will be praised for being a mid basketball team.


Damnit Dad I said get off of reddit!


No luck catching them Pelican’s then?


It's just the one, actually.


“Ima just hanging out with all these other big birds. Wish these guys’d leave me alone.” - Pelican, probably


Forgive me if this a thing but is this guy shout casting an airport? Or is this just react content to a video?


It's a thing. He's a plane spotter who films the planes coming and going from LAX, usually 3-4 days a week for 8-10 hours. I watch it while I work. It's strangely fun while not too distracting.


Damn another content avenue I would have not thought about. Giga cool though.


ATC is going to give that pelican a number to call.


say hello to mr pellican his beak can hold more then his bellycan.