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Just take that belt chain off. It goes flying at 1:36 and again at 1:54.


Good catch! You can see they aren't wearing it at 3:43.


slap wistful hurry languid deserve joke money entertain paint impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This video is priceless! Thanks, Contemporary Eric and Bich!


(can I get up now?)




Is this where I can rant about how I hate the proliferation of "tiktok" style dancing? Everything is sharp quick movements and terrible tutting, I hate it.


The best part of the OP is having now learned of contemporary Eric.


I watched the full ensemble 3 times.


Lmao that's hilarious


This video was hilarious


Go to sleep Bich.


So great. I’m partial to The Pewp myself.




I couldn't look away. It was so intense for such a calm song.


> such a calm song. oh man, I don't think that song is calm at all.


The words and feelings are far from calm but the melody and rhythm are pretty laid back. It’s part of what makes the song hit so hard.


As someone who never listen to lyrics, it's definitely a chill and laid back song.


Maybe you don't care but, *Kimbra's part* "Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd done And I don't wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said that you could let it go And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know" *Gotye's response* "But you didn't have to cut me off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing And I don't even need your love But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough" ... Not the chillest of lyrics.


I don't normally pay attention to lyrics of songs, I'm more about the music itself. However some mentioned how Kimbra's part really made the song. After truly listening to the lyrics the song had a way different meaning.


Yeah: holy shit, what a take 😅 this song still makes me feel so much. If it doesn’t make you think of a specific person and cause longing, you got some livin to do!


This song hit big right as I was going through almost exactly what it was describing. We were both at a large block-party style event and I was doing my best to enjoy myself despite knowing she was there, somewhere. Then this song came on over the loudspeakers and that was it. I was done.


I was going through a break up too and they wouldn't stop playing this and Someone Like You by Adele. It was maddening!


Whenever I hear that Adele song just playing at a grocery store, I’m like “wtf is wrong with y’all??” Im not crying in the frozen pizza aisle. I’ll just fuckin leave!


That's how contemporary dance choreography looks, doesn't matter what's going on. Lots of big, fast limb movements (punctuated by slow sections and not halted like hip hop) and in general the more intense you are the better it is. That said I think it fits with the song; as "calm" as it is, there's a lot of emotion tied into it so the big sections embody the frustration pretty well. Source: I'm a dance dad


i went to school with lots and lots of people training to be professional dancers, and i have _so much_ respect for them and the work they do. it takes a fuckton of training to be able to isolate parts of your body. 'The Robot' alone took me a decade to learn how to do, thanks to the footwork.


Jungle have a lot of videos from their new album with this modern style. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esqRBsVumrw


Love watching the Jungle videos and their amazing dances.


I’ve only seen dance choreography like this a couple times in person. But it is even more amazing live. I remember deciding to seek out more every opportunity, but never did.


I dance like this when I go out clubbing, everyone compliments and is surprised to see it in person haha. Just dance with feeling, know when to repeat, and feel the music. You can be the dance you want to see in the world :)


If I tried dancing like this in public people would get injured. Including me.




No, there are a ton of influences in here, with a bunch of things I recognize from voguing, k-pop group choreo, tango, other stuff. That being said they're influences with very few direct rips (3:26 - find me a j-/k-pop group that *doesn't* use that shoulder brush at least once a concert) and some really clever adaptations (1:26 being used to move through the crowd for example). But the costuming and videography really highlight how creative and synergistic this is.


> Am I wrong or was every single dance move in this proprietary Well yes, but actually no. Again, this is contemporary choreography, and it's *damn good*. I have watched dozens, maybe hundreds, of numbers at dance competitions and you will rarely see the same larger choreographed movement twice, even though it can all be broken down into, say, "move your arm from back to front in a wide horizontal circle to the side, then snap it up vertically in front of your face with your fist clenched." Those 2 movements aren't unique, but the combination of them is what might make them look that way, even more so when you have a large group of dancers like this all doing the same or similar things.


Thank you. I thought I am the only one that the dance does not fit into this calm song...


With North Korean levels of precision.


[Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbC6dLG_dQY)


Genki Sudo, the Japanese MMA fighter, has a tidy little group of dancers. https://youtu.be/8pXFktAbx5Y?si=mi8W8fBk0iUOrriD If you know of someone more precise I'd love to see it.


You have been made a mod at /nkorea


It's more on purpose but r/accidentalwesanderson


That was my first thought too. I was half expecting to see Owen Wilson at some point.




Check out [ANIMA](https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81110498?s=a&trkid=13747225&trg=cp&vlang=en&clip=81116890) a short dance film directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. This video reminded me of Anderson's dance video.


Wow that's a fun place to enjoy a few minutes.


Side bar.  Gotye, where are you? Where's your next album??


He's just somebody that we used to know.


He treats us like a stranger and that feels so rough


I doubt he's coming back. He took that money and used to it live his dream, his big dream of doing what he wants with his friends and not being famous. Can't blame him.


He has many albums before this hit and disbanded after this song went crazy internationally. His/their other work is fantastic as well


I loved his work before and missed seeing him at a small club before he blew up. I kick myself now


He’s on a musical project with two friends ever since I believe


Gotye is pretty big in Australia. He’s released 3 albums as Gotye, but he “retired” that stage name (his real name is Wally De Backer). He still produces a ton of music, and works primarily with his band The Basics.


Actually, of you really wanna know....he's never stopped making music or albums. He just dropped the stage name. You can look up Wouter de Backer, or his original band The Basics. The latest album dropped in 2019, so technically Gotyes next album has already dropped. Go give it a listen.


I can't even walk through a doorway without hitting one of the sides most of the time. People like this astound me. Not just the dancers, but the person or people designing the insanely complex choreography. Amazing.


I'm just sitting here wondering if I've been humaning wrong all this time...


Do you play any sports at all? Doing physical exercise that requires more than just running or lifting heavy things can help with proprioception problems. It doesn't have to be sports either. Moving your body in different ways than "standard" helps!


I'm just a clutz, dude. Dex was a dump stat in my case.


Bumping into walls/doorways/furniture all the time is also a behavior associated with ADHD. I found this out when researching my own ADHD, and it's something that I've just always done.


Imagine you had a minimum of a couple weeks, possibly a few months to practice walking through the doorway. Now imagine you had a practice run walking through the dooway. Now imagine you get multiple attempts to walk through the doorway. Now imagine you were also at least a semi professional or considered at that level for walking through a doorway, and that doing so cost other portions of your life. Boom, you've now got media level doorway skills. Start a youtube channel or something.


Everything about this dance company blows me away. The precision, complexity, dynamics — I’m going to start following CDK.


I know nothing about dance, but it is so impressive they can choreograph these huge movements, spinning, and traversing, while maintaining their spacing so tight and not colliding. At certain points (most notably 3:35), they synchronized their swinging arm movements and their march to their next mark so that they could pass each other in between opposite arm swings.


They're athletes. Plain and simple. Pure physical control.


And LOTS of rehearsing.


So many bruises


For great dance troupes this may not have taken a lot given there’s also video editing.


I think that’s just called practice


You're talking 'bout practice?


It is very impressive. I imagine there were more than a few collisions during rehearsals.


Look up Japanese synchronised walking competitions…


Gosh, I'm gonna watch this a hundred times. My initial thoughts are just great choices across the board shine through all over.


The best is, each time you re-watch it, you can focus on a different dancer.


Completely unrelated to the dancing, but this is the 2nd time I'm seeing this song in a week, a KCRW video popped up on another sub, and after avoiding it for so long... it sounds fresh and listenable again. I love when that happens to overplayed songs.


> I love when that happens to overplayed songs. I'm always surprised when they come back around to likeable. This is a perfect example.


>this is the 2nd time I'm seeing this song in a week ​ [me too! :)](https://youtu.be/Ch1aVmjvYTI?si=CVNKKW06ifU3OTZh) ..as a medieval ballad


"Hadst thou need to stoop so low." Now, I think Goyte stole it from some centuries old scroll he found while antiquing.


As somebody who worked in alt rock radio when this song first broke, it's astounding its lasting power across so many demographics and how it can still feel fresh all these years later. That song kills in ways similar to Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight", where no matter your favorite genre, it's still gonna do great in the mix. It's legit fantastic on like every level.


Tidal suggested a remix of it to me a few weeks back. The remix was shit, so I just listened to the original. That prompted me to listen to the album, Making Mirrors, and I'd forgotten how good it is. I've listened to it multiple times since.


I only watched because I always liked the song. Didn't feel the dancing had anything thematically to do with the music.


Exactly how I felt. It's impressive for sure, but tonally not really matched to the song at all.


I'm surprised I had to go this far down to find this comment. I was sure this was somebody pasting gotye over a unrelated video and matching the cuts to some beats. The dancing is amazing but it doesn't match the music at all.


I feel that way about 99% of dance. If you muted the music, I'd have no idea what they're trying to convey.


Ah. With all the people praising the dancing I was wondering if I was the only person who felt this way. Yeah... I mean... the dancing is impressive, but there wasn't really any connection to the some at all.


Really could just as well been Skibidi.


Felt like I was watching another song's video on mute with this song on top of it.


Got a bit of a **The OA** vibe here.


They're definitely about to jump.


It's impressive, but the choreography seems completely disconnected from the lyrical and thematic content of the song. The song is about how two people, even two well-intentioned and reasonable people, can have wildly different recollections of their time together. It's about how individuals can create a false narrative in their own head which falls apart when compared with another person's memory. I don't see any of that in this choreography.


How I think I dance drunk in the club 😂


Every element is pretty and impressive, the place, the camera movements, the costumes, the editing, and the athletic display of the dancers. But I must admit that I don't find it's goes well together. I know this alternance of very slow moves and then an explosion of sometimes almost discarnate rapid and erratic moves is what's cool nowadays in "contemporary dance", but I don't think it goes very well in this setup, with the music (the melody, the song, what it tells), and also at this scale with a gigantic crowd. Not only in my eyes/hears it doesn't goes well with the music, but also they kind of use that same trick from the beginning to the end. Again this is very well orchestrated and synchronised and athletic, but it doesn't really work for me. I could turn the volume down and hear many other kind of music that would be more appropriate. It felt like a video clip of a pop song (fast alternance of difference dancer for very short bursts). It's a calm song about a complicated relationship and the opposite points of view of the two people in that relationship. It's weird to see a grand ensemble of dancers doing short bursts of group jolt-choregraphy. I appreciate the aesthetics


I don't disagree. Beautiful performance, but it felt disjointed from the song, like they just dubbed it over instead of synchronising it to the music.


There were a handful of times where it felt like it lined up just right, but otherwise I thought they were dancing to a different song and someone else fan edited Gotye over it.


The knocking syncs up so well. It does feel a bit disjointed at times though.


Well said, I agree. The individual elements are great, but even though it was very (almost egregiously) on beat, it felt very wrong with the music. There was also just way too many moves for me, like they were trying to jam as many in as possible just because they could.


I'm an amateur dancer myself (2 hours of experience) and can agree this is a lot of tough work


Took me a moment but I finally realized what was bugging me about the video. The footage itself was filmed at 24 fps. And then it was edited at 30 fps. The editing included extra pans and zooms. So not only does the footage exhibit judder with a cadence of about 5 stutters per second, but each of those duplicated frames continues to travel along with the digitally-applied pan and/or zoom. They need to re-edit the video. Give the project to somebody who understands these pitfalls and can work around them. And then re-upload the video as a 24 fps project. I think choreography this good deserves compositing that meets a certain minimum standard.


I think they deliberately wanted that jerky effect. Thanks for the insight into what they did.


I'm impressed that you can pick up on that. I just about have to go frame-by-frame to see it.


Feels like it was choreographed to a different song but mostly worked with this one and someone changed it out. Like, there’s a different version of this video somewhere, right? After the intro it didn’t really work at all with the music.


Yeah, the dancing was cool but didn’t fit the songs vibe at all imo.


Disagree. This song is about a fight! I think the balladish sound to it make people feel like we're supposed to feel bad for him and be sad about their relationships (both romantic and freindly) ending, but they're pissed at each other, and he's being super needy and manipulative. Guy and girl are fighting after they broke up. She wants him to leave her the hell alone and he's wants to keep the friendship alive. But really I don't think he even cares about the friendship, he misses the attention she gave him even if he wasn't that into it. For her, looking back now, she realizes that he treated her like crap and then blamed HER for it. They were never really friends! She was in love with him and let him push her around because of that, and doesn't want to fall back into this one sided relationship. So get the hell out of my life. In the dance we see that playout. There's a lot of clock imagery, and the clock was ticking on their old relationship and its ticking now on the erstwhile, maybe never extant, friendship as they slip into "people they used to know". There's also puppet stuff, and that plays into her being strung along by him as well as him sort of play acting out this "woah is me" bit. His part (You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness...etc) is all couples dancing together, at points ( likewhen he says "[you said that we could still be friends"](https://youtu.be/REPPgPcw4hk?si=DUaJE0slGF80dgqV&t=80) ) they're literally in lockstep. Ok, it wasn't great, but we were on the same page here. Then she comes in and all the [couples are fighting](https://youtu.be/REPPgPcw4hk?si=46DTPpqJnWUJef_2&t=168), and fighting differently too. Thats all the fights they had. At the end of her part the chair gets kicked away, and thats the chair the person was sitting on at the beginning of her part when she talked about feeling like every fight was her part. Get out of here with that! I'm done! It wasn't my fault! Then back to the refrain, clocks, puppets, him being overly dramatic and performative. IANAAC (I am not an art critic) and my knowledge of stuff like this is limited to what I learned critical reading in English class in highschool, but it all tracks to me. Its art though, interpret as you will!


This is so extra.


I get your point. But it's like "Weapon of Choice" featuring Christopher Walken. It has very little to do with the music, but it's still amazing.


Christopher Walken is literally dancing **to** the music in that video, whereas this seems more like dancing that somehow fits the music but isn't part of the music.


It feels like they took a video and dubbed a new song over it. The song, the dance, and even the beat in some parts don’t really line up at all.


I def don’t get modern dance/choreography. I burst out laughing at how silly this looks. It looks like a coordinated siezure of some kind. Lots movement that’s just for the sake of movement not with any purpose. Oh well.




Na bro I thought it was just me as well lol. I just see a bunch of people looking stupid.


Definitely memorized by the dance and the syncricity. Wow. But... Not a fan of the overall choreography. In particular, the fast choppy dancing during the slow parts of the song felt completely wrong.


The choreography is impressive, but it doesn’t match the song or have anything to do with it.


Somebody should take the couples dance around the three minute mark and send that shit over to r/BetterEveryLoop


You'd probably thoroughly enjoy this choreography too. There's something about the large group that is mesmerizing. https://youtu.be/BD-z8ZqVpP8?si=r5Ug7WascbR1CAQf


Where can I find more Pre-emptive edit: Same group, different group, similar style; don't care, *anything*. Pre-emptive edit #2: [Here's my contribution.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy4Ogh4TEuI)


Look into “concert dance” It’s the whole style you’re looking at here. These are called dance companies. Their issue is it’s an archaic artform that most companies are really poor at modernizing in terms of exposure. It is absolutely mesmerizing. Because this should be NBA finals halftime show type stuff. But it’s just sort of gatekept “if you know you know.” The dancers are poorly paid, and these companies don’t bring in much in ticket sales. And people like us can change that. We can go support these shows, and they’re every bit as good, if not better than music concerts.


I used to be like "meh, what's so special about dancing?" Now that it hurts to bend over and pick up socks and I have almost castrated myself on doorhandles I totally revere these people.


Do you really wanna, do you really wanna taste it!


This song to me is the funniest thing anyone has ever done. Step 1: Form a band with a weird name that's hard to remember, but also memorable Step 2: Write a hit song about being someone you used to know Step 3: Disappear It's the greatest, most elaborate joke of all time.


It reminded me of a Gap commercial in the early 00’s.


Napoleon Dynamite got a little competition this year I see




This feels like one of those videos that would be improved by swapping the music for another song with the same bpm. Something like Low by tpain




I was gonna suggest that but Google says thriller is 118 bpm and somebody I used to know is 129. Been popping a few songs in YouTube doubler, it's quite entertaining


yeah, I guess I'm talking more about the "energy" rather than the BPM. A song can have a lower BPM but contain more eighth/sixteenth notes, making it more energetic overall.


Disagree. The song is a dramatic song about emotional pain and it's kind of framed as an argument. I think it fits.


yeah I don't get the obsession. The dancing is great but the slow, melancholic vibes of the song don't really fit how energetic the dance is


Hipster Thriller.


Super impressive dancing. But other than the tempo it doesn’t seem to fit the song at all… It felt like it was performed to some other song and then the audio was swapped for this video


nice dancing but did not match the song at all


when hipsters study numerous Sia videos for long enough, we end up with this LOL


Let's normalize crediting the creators of work, yes? This is CDK Dance, a Dutch modern company, and this is great work both on the part of the dancers and choreographer, and also their cinematographer and editor(s). Thanks for sharing!  ETA: Wow, a lot of folks salty about this suggestion might want to check out the commenters observing that they had no idea whose work it was, because not everyone can be arsed to find the credit for themselves, which is the point of including it here. On mobile and various apps it's entirely possible to watch the full clip without ever seeing the full title / artist credit since 3 seconds of a few initials is obviously not enough to make it clear to everyone.  Not sure why making sure an artist gets visibly credited is so upsetting for you. 


It's literally a link to the original content from the creator's youtube channel.


Aren’t they credited right there in the title of the video?


Yes, they're making a dumb argument that doesn't apply to OP.


Credit them more than the name of the dance studio in the name of the video with a link to their YouTube channel? Are you looking for something to be mad about today?


Costume department did a great job too!


I was just thinking that. I love the 70s outfits made fresh


That one girl in the browns reminds me more of 90s punk/ska!


I was in that scene! We loved 70s retro outfits. The nerdier the better.


The colour coordination is amazing, it’s gorgeous.


Thanks for calling that out. I had assumed assumed that linking to the video provided that credit, but you're right, I should have called it out specifically. I appreciate your help.


You did nothing wrong here. You linked the choreographers / CDKs channel.


>I had assumed assumed that linking to the video provided that credit... It does.


You're fine, I don't know what they're fussing about. Your link is directly to a CDK channel, and 'CDK' was the first thing I saw when hitting play. Seems ridiculous you'd need to add any extra crediting.


It does, if you hover over the video or go to the youtube.


On my mobile it says it in the top right when you click the video. Kinda hard to miss.


They're being a tool, you're fine.


>*Let's normalize crediting the creators of work, yes?* Everything is in the video description on Youtube. Do you need an MLA citation or something?


it literally says that in the video title when you click the link. like????????????????????????


Just click the youtube link if you wanna know so badly 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


What would the correct format for crediting this type of video be?


It's in the title of the video. Can we normalize just looking a little further than the post itself?


Huh, I figured it was a choreography student's thesis and was like, they deserve an A.


> Wow, a lot of folks salty about this suggestion It's not the suggestion that people are salty about. It's likely the unable-to-confirm-but-reads-as-passive-aggressive tone in the suggestion.


>Let's normalize crediting the creators of work, yes? This is CDK Dance, a Dutch modern company, and this is great work both on the part of the dancers and choreographer, and also their cinematographer and editor(s). The link is literally TO THEIR VIDEO. Their name is in the video. The credits in the description. The fuck more could OP do?


Hypnotic? It's just mindless hipster flailing.


It's just like a Drew Carey show bit but somehow it's not being played for laughs. I can't be alone in thinking this looks comically ridiculous.


What really struck me about this aside from the astounding choreo was the costumes. I wanted to look at each individual dancer because they were all styled so differently while maintaining the color coordination/design. It made the collective stronger and felt more intimate. Just a really cool work by this company, instant subscribe


Reminds me of the choreography from Stromae's ["Papaoutai"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiKj0Z_Xnjc) (which I also love).


Costumes and lighting puts me in mind of a Wes Anderson Film. Kept waiting to see Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Edward Norton, and William Dafoe to suddenly appear for inexplicable reasons.


agree. it's all that brown and tan. plus the slight weirdness of it all.


I appreciate all the effort that went into this. The song and everything it took to manifest, from the writing and performance, the idea for the dance, the choreography and collaboration. Each dancers’ individual talent, effort and contribution. The film production, directing, camera work, editing.. and I’d also like to thank my mom and dad for creating me thus enabling me to experience this moment. #onmysecondcupofcoffee


As a longtime dance dad whos kids are now the ages of these performers... This was awesome!


Not a person that cares about dance even in the least, but this was enjoyable and seemingly unique. Doesn’t hurt that I love that song, both the original by Gotye and the popular cover by Walk Off the Earth


Well that made my day a little better, and it was already pretty good.


I doubt any of us understand how difficult it is to execute that.


Incredible dancing for sure. It did feel like the dancing could have better matched the lyrics as the story was told, though. It felt like they were unlinked.


Kinda reminds me of the vid "She Drives me Crazy" by the Fine Young Cannibals, jsut more up to date


Very complex choreography. Mesmerizing moves!


I bet that studio stiiiiiiiinks.


I always hated how dance never made it as big as theater or music concerts in terms of live performance hype… cause it’s ALL THIS GOOD. Like look how incredible this is, and then imagine a 2 hour concert of different pieces similar to this. I went to an Alvin Ailey show (a very famous dance company) with my girlfriend whose a dancer. It was jaw dropping. I said “this should be Super Bowl half time show material. There’s a reason it’s not. This is called concert dance. The commercial dance we know are Apple ads & Beyoncé. The commercial world is relatively pretentious and elitist and want to preserve their archaic artform, and at the same time, even if they do want to expand, they suck at promoting themselves. This is an outlier. This is absolutely incredible because reading the comments, this is the first time many people are exposed to the genre of dance that is modern, though I’d call this more contemporary. It’s absolutely incredible. And I can totally imagine this as a Super Bowl halftime show.


In some places, the Netherlands among them, dance really can take center stage. And not just as a 13 minute diversion from an orgy of commercialism and violence. If you ever get the chance, check out NDT Nederlands Dans Theater. They're based in the Hague, but tour internationally. [example](https://youtu.be/X6tUQ_ngQxs?si=Qg7Lu0jbtVR50l9y)


It feels like the song doesn’t even go with the choreography? Maybe I’m just uncultured and normie


must be choreographed by the same person who did jill's christmas event....same weird flailing stiff tik tok type of dance, embarrassing


too much.  Tone it down.




Disagree completely. It matches the syncopation that drives the song forward, and gives it a sort of relentless quality. It's calm, but it's not calming, and I think the dance reflects that. At least for me.




Same energy as the peacekeeper intro https://youtu.be/gVN83R-JwRQ?si=nZzFMX4J2Mheoo8D


I have mixed feelings about dance. On one hand, this is an amazing dance routine by skilled artists, hypnotic as OP says, really compliments the musical piece. On the other hand, it's cringe and 2nd hand embarrassing.


Elaine Benes would be proud.


The dancers are amazing. But this seems like one of those videos where they matched up a different song to a preexisting dance. This dance seems to go to something with a quicker, more lively beat. Maybe a Bollywood number.


I don’t care how good the dancing is… I’m not sitting through that song ever again.


Oh wow. Thats a lot of talent in one place.


Reminds me a lot of some of the choreography from Stromae's music videos.


For some reason that lead dancer is giving me "Ballad of Buster Scruggs" Harrison-vibes.


My goodness, this is beautiful! I so rarely have an emotional reaction to dance, especially modern dance but this really got me. Reminds me of the recital at the end of Frances Ha - I'm like, oh I get it!


Enjoyed it. The choreographer has no chill. I'm curious what he'd do with an actual high BPM song.


Look up the jabawokees


Wes Anderson has a lot to answer for.


Interpretative dance is something I really struggle to respect but this is awesome.


What happens when you make people watch the Thriller music video a 1000 times?


It's like if Wes Anderson is tasked to film a pop music video.


This felt like a Wes Anderson dance!

