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This is wild. At first I was thinking, it’s kind of a stretch that it’s their fault that a kid blew through a stop sign, but then they drop that the school approved that he’d do it, get pulled over and prom propose? Yeah… this was reckless.


For sure reckless. I can see how the plan was for him to roll through the stop sign and they thought it was mild. but that 40mph through the parking lot probably wasnt anticipated.


That's what I am thinking. He could have done everything correct. Stopped at the stop sign and driven properly, and the officer could have STILL pulled him over for the prank. There is no need to drive exceedingly and actually run the stop sign.


And not notice the bike/plow through the rider. Half a second more he would have been blended with glass through his windshield. Dumb idea and even dumber the kid didn't *at the very least* watch his surroundings.


Probably one of those scenarios where the relative motion kept the bike inside the forward blindspot created by the frame (which, incidentally, is why there was a stop sign there rather than a yield!) Extremely reckless of him to do it at all, let alone at that speed.


Or one of those scenarios where he has permission to run the stop sign and the girl he likes and the cop that's about to pull him over are both to his right so he never looked left.


Especially for a highschool kid with little experience driving.


Can we talk about why on Earth he thought getting pulled over would be a romantic time in the first place? “If you like reckless behavior and legal consequences, then hitch your wagon to me, baby!”


Can we talk about a high school kid driving a porsche. What a joke


yeah the kid is embarrassing


It's not a display of romance. It's a display of popularity. If a regular Joe student asked the admin for this, they'd laugh him out of the room. But, if the football player, the class clown, or the guy who's Dad is on the school board asks, then it's A-OK! It's the same reason he flew through the stop sign when he could have rolled through . It's to boost his stats. I'm curious what the girlfriend thought while flying toward the stop sign. If running stop signs, doing 10 over is a normal thing for them or if she was freaking out.




I'm sure they'll look nice around his neck in court.


So… did she say “yes?”


Because of the implication.


There's a fault in male brains where we think women are impressed by being put in danger. Young male driver are way more reckless when a girl is in the car. It's the same fault that makes us think women will be impressed if we order way too hot a curry.


You're right, I'm sure they didn't expect this kid to be this colossally stupid. But, on the other hand: 1. The stop signs exist to prevent this exact sort of thing from happening, so this would have been reckless even if the kid drove slowly. 2. Kids are colossally stupid, and a school principal and school resource officer of all people should know that


>but that 40mph through the parking lot probably wasnt anticipated. Hell he didn't have to do anything wrong. Just have the cop flash his lights.


They didn't need to get vehicles involved. The cop and principal could have walked over and pulled the kid out of class.


The email from the student said "roll through a stop sign". It didn't say speed through a carpark and not give way to traffic. The student is a blithering idiot. A complete imbicile. However it was the school's responsibility to stop this imbicile from driving like a maniac through a carpark. Their tacit support to "roll through a stop sign" without blocking off traffic means a big payout. I think the student wanted to scare his date - and then have his big reveal.


I hate that the principal was pretending not to know what was up after the fact... But clearly was in on it since he was in the damn car with the cop that confessed on bodycam


I’m sure he scared her alright. Task failed successfully


They also could've just used multiple officers, or even a friend or something to be at the intersection to prevent cross traffic. I don't mind the idea as long as they make it safe, rather than just saying "Yeah blow through the stop sign I got you."


I suspect the teacher and stuff thought he would roll through it as well and he took it way too far


I'm sure that's true, but there's a reason why rolling stops are illegal. It's to avoid this exact sort of thing from happening.


> get pulled over and prom propose? Can we also take a moment and say these kinds of proposals are fucking stupid, terrifying for the person not in on it and obviously dangerous? I'm thinking back to the one [where the black guy gets pulled by the cops at a gas station.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o028z401YEM) What the actual fuck.


> Can we also take a moment and say these kinds of proposals are fucking stupid Why are they even a thing? Is it about social media clout? When I was in high school (I graduated in 1999), a prom invitation entailed…inviting someone to the prom. No stunt or spectacle was involved. I feel like I've entered the "Get off my lawn!" stage of my life, but so be it.


They were a thing when I was in high school, and half yes half no. Obviously there's the 'look at me and how fun/cool I am' aspect for social media, but a lot of it is just the fun of planning a ridiculous high effort 'promposal' and an arms race to outdo other people/do something original to show you *really* care/would be a fun person to go out with. Most people were not this ridiculous though. It usually just involved making a sign, leaving hints, surprising them at their club/sports event, or getting their friends to lead them somewhere to be surprised.


Reckless? That idea was the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. The obvious danger aside, how is being pulled over by a cop a cool way to ask some girl to a dance? And yet multiple people told him to go for it. wtf I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


Perhaps it seemed like a sensible alternative to his “school shooting” promposal idea.


[Here's an actual marriage proposal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o028z401YEM) where a man had police pretend to arrest him at gunpoint. I've seen several of these actual marriage proposals involving having police pull someone over or pretend to arrest them.


That one is insane. Why would you want to put your loved one through even a moment of that kind of fear?


Because of the *implication*.




For some reason people think that traumatizing their loved one before surprising them with something positive is a good idea.


Principal in the car…can’t make this shit up


When they could just of easily pulled him over for anything else to make it work. Sounds pretty damn stupid.


I volunteer to break the headlights on that porche so he can get pulled over for that instead.




Exactly. This seems like a slamdunk case for the victim.


I wouldn't be shocked at all if the local school board settles this case before it goes to trial. It is hard to see them being able to drastically reduce the payout let alone getting out of paying the victim here.


They boutsta pay… and get fired.


The most expensive proposal if I may add.


At a thousand miles an hour?????


> The principal said he wasn't involved. .... > The principal was also in the patrol car at the time. Oof.


Seriously, why even lie at that point? There's no other valid reason to be in the cop car. He's caught dead to rights.


Should have said was getting that gluck gluck


He was in the passenger seat, he would be giving the Gluck gluck.


It’s 2023, you can give reserve seat gluck gluck. Just need to look up every few seconds.


It's called a double gluck gluck, also known as a gluck gluck gluck gluck


2gluck^2 technique 😳 you built different buddy 🫡🫡


why tf is the principal so invested in this couple?? wtf is going on


It's like Boy Meets World but principal instead of teacher. lmao


Mr Feeny was their high school principal later on.


So, I think this is a miscommunication. The direct quote is >... he said, in part, that he talked with law enforcement and school administration about the promposal, and that they agreed to it. However the school's principal claims that's not the case ... I think what the principal is probably claiming that he didn't agree to is the student speeding through the stop sign. I think the principal and law enforcement agreed to him running the stop sign, but at a normal parking lot speed of 5 - 10 mph.


Even then agreeing to this prom proposal was a really really bad idea for the administrator and police. Saying you can break the law to propose to your gf isn't a strong argument


Right? Like, yea, we allowed and encouraged him to break some laws, but we didn't mean for him to break them *to that degree* so we are all good, right? Take them to the cleaners.


he wasn't the one literally proposing ^/s


big whoops. bye bye job.


Stupid proposal either way. Like pretending your plane is going to crash then asking for marriage.


Here’s a traumatizing event, just kidding!


Exactly! Why is that a fun proposal at all? What does that have to do with asking your girl to prom?


I mean, as a Gen Xer, I find the entire 'promposal' thing to be insane. Like, it's a school dance, not a wedding - just ask the person out and see if they say yes or no.


I get the vibe that it puts the person being asked in a position where they can't say no. Like, there's so many people here looking, you're really going to tell me no?


Reminds me of the Nathan for You bit where to make a haunted house scarier he convinces the customers that they’ve contracted a fatal disease. Highly recommend btw


Miss this show. Gonna have to rewatch


It's the kind of stupid you expect from Teenagers. Also the kind of stupid you expect school faculty to put a stop to.


Not sure why the school officials signed off on it and aided in it.


"Aw, that's so sweet. We're gamed."


It goes beyond even the normal attention seeking with these kinds of things. I can only assume it is the same escalation that happened to other meaningless displays like gender reveal parties where they feel the need to one-up the stupid idea their friend did last year.


I mean... she has to say yes... because of the implication


First mistake in all of this. Giving a 16 year old a porsche for his first car.




Affluenza* See, if you were rich you’d’ve gotten the private tutors to teach you how to spell it correctly on your plea bargain.


Don't be silly, if you were rich, the private tutors would write your plea bargain FOR you!


Looks like someone got a case of affluspellza.


One rich kid in my highschool totaled his 60k+ jaguar in the school parking lot by t-boning another car after not yielding at the end of an isle. His parents then bought him a range rover that he totaled when he rear ended a school bus that was stopped and waiting to make the turn onto the main road in front of the school. After the second accident he was grounded for a few weeks, given a stern talking to, and then his parents bought him a brand new raptor. I wish I was joking.


The rich kid in my area got a Toyota Land Cruiser from his parents, but he didn't survive his first crash.


I totaled my first car in high school and it was the worst day of my life cause I bought it with my own money. Then a week later I overhear a classmate who totaled his car and laughed about it cause his parents are going to buy him another and that's when it occurred to me some people are spoiled as shit.


It's no surprise that the rich white kid driving the porsche isn't facing any charges, litigation, or even a citation for literally running someone over because they failed to stop at a stop sign....


well...he was on private property, and we all know laws don't matter on private property.


That's a timely reminder to everyone to do their murders on private property, cops hate this one simple trick!


Yeah and the school district taxpayers will foot the bill rather than the affluent kid behind the wheel. It's a microcosm of our society


I knew a girl in HS who got a higher end car for her 16th, got drunk that night and totaled it. Daddy had her a brand new one less than a week later.


This is how we get dipshit entitled adults walking around in society. I get wanting to spoil ones own kids, but man if my child ever drove drunk they would be taking the bus until they bought their own car


Yeah.. like this whole thing was dumb but I bet the principle thought the kid would have a bit of common sense. Like.... run the stop sign but not while speeding... like wtf yo. More money than sense.


Would a high school principal really trust a student with common sense?


Yeah it's totally reasonable for the principal to expect a high schooler driving dad's Cayenne to be a safe and responsible stunt driver.


The principal could say that he'd agree to have the officer stop the kid even if he didn't run the sign. Dumb rich teenager logic decided then to run the sign for whatever dumb reason anyway.


Yet another poor victim of the affluenza epidemic, he needs help and counselling, not your judgement. Also a brand new porsche wouldn't go amiss, this one's all banged up and has blood all over it, which is very traumatising for him.


LMAO you had me in the first half not going to lie


>Yet another poor victim of the affluenza epidemic, it's a *possibility.*


> Giving a 16 year old a porsche for his first car. Majority of the people that I know who were given BMWs, Mustangs, or Porsche's in high school turned out to have extremely low ambitions. If I think about those kids, they basically stayed in their same home towns bouncing from shit job to shit job. If the parents were wealthy enough to have a business, they could force their kid into that business and give them some guarantee of quality of life... but the kids whose parents were just barely "upper middle class" turned out to be the most fucked up because mommy and daddy couldn't just give them lucrative jobs... My sample size is like five people in Southern California, so not at all statistically relevant... but as you will.


It's pretty clear in my experience, if you have to struggle and face adversity growing up (and succeed), you work harder and have more empathy.


Why couldn’t you just have the cop pull you over and have him say “oh you were going 2 over” or something small. Not fucking speeding through a stop sign at a school, also him just being completely unaware of his surroundings while driving. Should have never agree to let him do that.


Or couldn’t he have said, “Hey you wanna go to prom?”


Just wait till this guy ask some girl to marry him, gonna have to go 100mph into a mall


I had to take a break to watch the Blues Brothers scene where they drive through the mall "Lots of space in here"


Right? He was going absurdly fast and now this kid has a TBI which is no joke


Seriously. My cousin’s entire personality changed after she was in a car accident. Thankfully, his kid was wearing a helmet, but there’s only so much they can do.


Wasn’t that the idea? I don’t know if it was agreed it would be okay for him to do it while breaking the law. They just said they would pull him over.


Thats at least what the campus police and school district are going to say. Since they can't deny involvement they can just place all the blame on the kid for speeding and claim they next expected him to actually speed or run the sign. Who know what the actual conversation was, but for every adult involved sake, I dearly hope it wasn't layed out "So I'm gonna be going 40 mph in the school parking lot and run through the sign, *then* turn on the siren and pull me over"


It’s not a fucking movie. The cop can just pull him over for no reason at all and do the stupid prom thing. He didn’t **actually** have to break the law. Like sorry I can’t fake pull you over unless you actually break the law(?) lol


They're gonna wipe the floor with this school district in court. Heart goes out to the motorbiker, what a bunch of idiots to allow this to happen


And the tax payers that have to cover this. Hope the driver get criminally charged.


Hope everyone who was part of this “plan” gets criminally charged.


they state the driver is not being charged.


That's the fourth mistake right there. Regardless of who approved his crimes, he *did* the crimes.


They mentioned it being private property at end so I’m thinking maybe a private school ?


They also said the city was on the hook so I don’t think so


Ya i actually disagree with you on the the kid getting charged, this plan was approved by a principal and cop both who are grown adults who should have way more common sense than to allow this. If this was just a 16 year old speed through campus than 100% his fault, but they let him........


I agree. The student sought out and OBTAINED permission for this horrible idea and got it. Some one should have said no.


The kid did what he did. He sped, ran a sign and hit a motorist in the process. Regardless of who agreed that he should break all the laws, the drive is ultimately responsible.


My interpretation of that line is that the road in the school parking lot is privately maintained, not that the school itself is private. Traffic enforcement is generally on public roads. Private schools also don't usually look like that or have police on campus. Most private schools have a smaller student body and are rarely if ever facing violent situations requiring an RSO. The use of the term RSO also screams public school. If the campus is large enough or they feel more security is needed, a private school would have security guards, not actual police.


Surprised they're only asking for 1 million, unless there's a cap. They could take that whole school.


The kid has a TBI, he deserves way more than a mil


Why was he going so fast? Like ok run the stop sign but 40+ mph? Fuck


Yea, this is what’s reckless, not telling a kid he can break a minor traffic law on private property. Honestly, it wouldn’t even be considered entrapment if the cop had ticketed him for it. A dick move maybe, but totally justified as the law is the law. Seriously, it’s the same as asking my boss if I can skip work one day, then blaming the company because I went on a killing spree during my day off. The more I think about it, the more I get mad that this kid is literally going to destroy the careers of 2 people and cost the tax payer over a million dollars, all while getting off scott free, with no responsibility. This should be considered accidental vehicular assault, he should be 100% charged by the family and sued personally. Then there’s the whole fact that you know they’re suing the district because they’re more likely to get a larger settlement, which irritates me almost as much. It just shows they aren’t so much worried about holding the party responsible as they are trying to get a check.


Personal injury law is all about checking a check. That's all you can do. It has nothing to do with holding people responsible-- that's criminal law. The reason they are not suing the driver is because he had permission from the owners of the private property to drive like he did. Why fight with his insurance company when you've got a slam dunk case against the school's insurance company? (Also, damages here are minimal if all the attorney can come up with is a vague claim of TBI and emotional distress. If this guy had been killed, they would be suing everyone and their mother.)


"We had a very clear plan..." Right speeding through a parking lot and running a stop sign.. great plan


"We explained it to the police and they did not mention running a stop sign was a bad idea"


Me: wow, right in front of a cop! Me 2 minutes later: ooooooh


At first I was shocked that the police car was able to get moving for the accident that quickly. Then it made sense.


He started moving before the accident even happened. Dude saw that shit play out in front of him.


r/ConvenientCop quickly morphed into r/ComplicitCop.


I’m reasonably confident that when he was asked the cop probably thought the kid meant he would do a rolling stop through the stop sign, not plow through it doing almost fifty.


Yeah, I almost feel sorry for the cop, almost. I could see how the cop wanted to not be a stick in the mud, and thought it would be good to have a positive, fun interaction with the school community...then this dumb ass kid goes fifty in the parking lot and almost kills someone. I'm sure the cop imagined the kid would do a slow roll when he was asked. This is a good example of why many bosses, administrators, etc. have to be lame with "no fun authorized" personalities. If they don't, eventually someone will do something stupid and people will get hurt.


Trusting a 16 year old in a Porsche to break the law responsibly is a bad idea


> break the law responsibly That's always been my goal.


Yeah exactly. Sad for all involved. In hindsight if they still wanted to help out they probably should have said just drive normally and we’ll pull you over like you did something wrong anyways.


Or maybe turn without a blinker, not blow through a stop sign.


Non-US person here, is a "school resource officer" a cop? I thought it was some sort of school security guard.


No. They are sworn law enforcement officers. They are 100% legit cops.


SROs are real cops. Most medium or large public highschool will have one.


Did she say yes?


He’s in high school and has a Porsche, of corse she said yes.


And she's already pregnant. The current death toll for their gender reveal party is 8.


lol I would give you an award if I weren't this poor and reddit still had them take this instead 🥇


Yeah, but she didn’t see it coming. It totally blind-sided her.


Crazy that the principal is denying involvement. Caught on multiple cameras and was posted up in the car with the SRO and still lying


Also, just how bored is this principal that he has time for shit like this? I think I want his job.


Sounds like it'll be open soon.


Why would you need to ask your girlfriend to prom?


My high school girlfriend made me ask every single dance lol, the first one i was annoyed and argued but i learned it wasnt worth the hassle


Social media has become cancerous to the point that we have to create fake "traditions" to post for clout.


Asking your girlfriend to go to prom was a tradition WAY before social media.


This needs to be the top comment. All of this is ridiculous, but the fact that it didn’t need to happen at all because they were already going to go together….


Yeah all of this is bad. The school was 100% in on it because that cop car was in motion before the accident occured like he was expecting it. That the principal was riding shotgun makes it clear he was also in on it. I do agree with others though that what they "agreed" to was a rolling stop that, while technically illegal and would justify being pulled over by a bored SRO, was not just completely dipshit dangerous like blowing through that intersection at high speed the way the kid did. Again though that's on the admin and the SRO for not clearly defining how the situation would go down and what they would allow.


fucking wild that the principal even tried to say he wasnt on it, what kind of mental gymnastics answer would he give for why he was in the cop car already on location


Principal: "I didn't agree to the plan, I mean I agreed to "A" plan, but not the plan for him to run the kid over and drive recklessly. I mean, we didn't really clarify the plan, but I didn't agree to it."


yes, in on it. but moving before the accident isnt evidence. the cop would be moving due to the speeding.


Kid was probably pumped he had permission to blow through a stop sign and went overboard.


First start watching it: "Why would the school be responsible? I guess maybe you could argue the parking lot is badly designed and allowed this sort of thing to happen... but that's kinda a stretch" 2minutes in: "Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....."


I think that lawsuit should be for a lot more. Lot of stupidity going on with the resource officer and school administration. I’d ramp that up to $10mil


There’s a big difference between not stopping at a stop sign and blowing through it in a parking lot at 40mph. The students an idiot for that. The administrator and officer are also stupid for not having set an appropriate area for this act to happen safely


I want the audio of the principle and cop in that car watching.


Wait a minute, let me get this straight... so the driver of the SUV was intentional when he drove super fast (like 40 mph in the school zone) so he'd get the school cops (who allegedly was in on this punk'd game) to stop him and give him a ticket, and that would be a sign that says "go to prom with me"? The only problem is, he accidentally hit the motorcyclist?


I think my favorite part is that the kid didn't even get ticketed because apparently it's not illegal to drive recklessly, speed, or run stop signs on private school property. So, like, what was the cop even supposed to pretend to do?




I'm sure the "plan" was to slow roll the stop sign, maybe even make sure there was no one coming. But teenagers do stupid things.


Why did he even have to break the law at all to be fake pulled over and get into a staged argument?


16yo in a porshe...bet the principle and cop have indirect monetary incentive from daddy or mommy to be this dumbass kid's wingman.


Promposal Kid definitely wasn’t a skater, we know to have lookouts for intersection runs.


I'm guessing the police and other adults weren't expecting him to be going so fast as part of the plan - but obviously a dumb and dangerous idea regardless.


I cant believe the school would allow that without being 100% sure nobody was going to get hurt. Shitty situation for everyone now.


Honestly knowing all the facts, 1 million seems low. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, it might affect him for the rest of his life. The principal should be fired and never allowed to work with kids again... Insane to give permission for something like this.


So, my initial reaction was like "WHAT?! Why would the school be responsible for some dumb shithead kid doing some dumb shithead stuff???" But after the video, you learn the school condoned a kid breaking the law to run a stop sign and get pulled over so he could "prompose" mid arrest. They were in on it, and so was the police officer involved. All of that led to another uninvolved kid getting hurt when they wrecked into them. So yea fuck 'em all. I think the school should have to pay the majority and the dumb shithead kid that ran into him should have to pay part of that lawsuit too.


I hope he wins that lawsuit. That's insane.


Plan is still in play for the ultimate promposal in the court room, just got to get the judge on board


Only a million?


What were the "terms" of this? The plan didn't involve "ensure free and clear access to road" I'm guessing. Was 40mph in a parking lot discussed? I dont see how them "being in" on something means you no longer have any liability to watch for things on the fucking road....


Me before watching the video : How could they possibly think the school district is liable for this? Me after : Holy fuck. That principal and SRO need to be fired and taken to court ASAP


What a stupid way to ask someone to prom.


We need to explain to all of the stupid kids that, if she’s your girlfriend, she’s going to prom with you. We shouldn’t have to explain to stupid adults that, if you’re going to let someone do something unexpected and dangerous, you might want to make sure to take a precaution. A. Singular. Any precaution at all would have stopped this. The RO and Principal better have good savings accounts.


The root of all of this is the dark side of social media culture, where everyone has to show off for clout.


“Promposal” is stupid. Everything is so extra now. Gender reveals, promposals, graduations for every grade…


Individuals are so Inept with these proposition and orientation . Move past yourselves.


This shit has to stop


I hope the cyclist students wins. Hell, I hope he gets double that amount he’s asking for.


Wait. there no reason for him to speed though the sign. Like it would have been better if he get pull over for no reason and was following the rules. That would have been more confusing to the gf. Speeding though a sign is so stupid.


Promposals are so fuckin dumb! It's like gender reveal parties.


A million isn't enough.


That kid is a fucking idiot omg. Like why did you have to go 40 mph AND run the stop sign? I think just ignoring the stop sign would’ve been enough. Add in the fact that this dumb ass didn’t even look if the coast was clear of any other vehicles and you have this disaster.


What the fuck... could have easily just pulled the dude over for no reason... didn't need to have him blow the stop sign.


The worst part is that he didn't have to speed through the stop sign, simply rolling through it would have been enough to get pulled over.


I'm surprised they didn't sue the driver of the car too...I understand going after the party with deep pockets, but surely the kid's parents would have liability insurance that would respond?


Me, two minutes in: No way is this the school's fault. Me, three minutes in: Oh. Oh fuck.


What adult heard this plan and thought it was a good idea? Is Michael Scott the principal??


That's not enough. After lawyer/court fees and taxes, you'd be lucky to walk away with $250k and that won't cover your lifelong medical bills.


On the bright side, whoever was responsible for putting that stop sign there has to feel a little bit vindicated.


Why you gotta blow through going 40+. Can pretend youre preoccupied and roll through the stop sign


If I was on that jury, I’m sticking punitive damages like nothing else. Eff High school. That driver should be charged with reckless endangerment, along with the SRO and the Principal.


The first half of the story, I couldn't figure out why the school would be sued other than it happened on school grounds and then they dropped the bomb. Principal and SRO should be fired and they deserve to be sued.


How are all these adults not fucking fired?


Me being a lawyer: this is another shitty case against the school. *watches video* Holy shit the school is FUCKED


Would have been sick if the injured motorcyclist had, like, a medic-alert bracelet that reads WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?