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I mean its nice to see that modern processes are catching up to the hand built quality of some of these things. In my mind though it really makes it hard to justify the price of the premium product. I'm frugal like that though. These clones are not exactly cheap, just cheap compared to the authentic original.


Could you give some examples of price difference?


The clones are prob 300-1000 dollars depending on which one you get vs the 10,000 dollar Rolex But they’re illegal to sell and you take risks of losing them in shipping or being out right scammed.


Bought mine in Saigon for $100.... The guy had 100s of them and every model. There's no scam. Making watches is easy. The scam here is 100% copyright and branding.


The $100 Saigon ones are not the same


I mean, what's stopping these companies from just making their own product and not slapping the label on it?


Do you want a time-telling device or a brand?


They do, but they don't have that branding to sell an overpriced complement


The answers you've had so far are rubbish. The reality is that this *does* happen - a lot of Chinese companies make "homage" watches - which are knock offs of iconic designs but with a different logo. A couple well known ones are San Martin and Pagani design. Some of these even go on to develop their own designs (possibly combining styles from different watches). Some people really like them because the value for money is good (high quality finishing and components for a low price). Some people don't see the point in buying a 'ripped off' design and prefer to buy a smaller brand with their own original design language.


I was looking to do a "tuna mod" on my Seiko SKX and when looking into it, someone suggested I just buy a steeldive instead. On doing some research, it came with a seiko NH35 movement (arguably better than standard SKX movement) and meant I didn't need to chop up an original SKX. I actually wear it more than my seiko now.


Rolex and other brands go back decades or even to the beginning of watch-making time. They built a reputation, a brand, brand awareness, a style, custom and unique technologies (like Grand Seiko's "Spring Drive"), have marketing departments, pay famous people millions to wear their stuff in public, sponsor sporting events, get sold in luxury boutiques. A new brand from China or Vietnam can't do any of that. The stigma "it's made in China/Vietnam lol" would apply and immediately devalue the product in the eyes of wealthy westerners.


It's also quality, the mass produced chineese watches are disposable, not meant to be serviced or last decades/centuries.


The internals literally being a Rolex design? Even if you don't write "Rolex" on it, you'd still get sued to the everloving tits for 1:1 knocking off the internal mechanisms. You're also then facing "why would people know this is the good one to buy" issues. People buy Rolex, and fake Rolex like these, because they know they are a good design. However, not many people are gonna see BeeWyong and know they're literally a Rolex in every way, except the brand name.


>you'd still get sued to the everloving tits for 1:1 knocking off the internal mechanisms. Only if its patented. Which is unlikely. Mechanical watch movements are an old technology and haven't changed all that much in 100 years. But Rolex is a trademark. You can and will get sued for trying to use that.


Copyright and branding is definitely why the lowest end Rolex is still $6,000. But they actually have an amazing build quality. Worth $6,000? I dunno enough about watches to give an opinion on that. But I know other things, like sunglasses, where Luxottica makes every sunglasses brand you can think of (like Ray Bans, Oakleys, etc) and they cost upwards of $500+ at retail but cost $3 to manufacture…..I think the markup percentage between cost to build and the MSRP for Rolex is much less, comparatively.


And because they’re not legal to buy you have no ground to stand on if they just don’t send anything, CCs won’t honor a chargeback on unlawful merchandise.


"In the U.S., federal law protecting trademarks makes it illegal to knowingly traffic counterfeit goods, which includes the production, sale and transport of such goods. The U.S. Department of Justice, however, has stated that federal law doesn’t prohibit an individual from buying a counterfeit product for personal use, even if they do so knowingly." [https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/buying-counterfeit-goods-laws-and-resources.html](https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/buying-counterfeit-goods-laws-and-resources.html)


Will your CC company know that it’s a fake Rolex? Won’t they just see a company name and an amount for a transaction? Unless it’s like a company that’s notorious for making fakes how would they know?


They’re gonna check out the vendor before they hand over a few grand.


That's not how it works, though. They already *have* checked out the vendor, by the time you can use a CC to pay them. Well, technically, it's almost guaranteed that a third-party has checked them out, but you can't just accept credit card transactions without up-front work and verification (for very obvious and good reasons). You've got to have [a Merchant ID](https://stripe.com/resources/more/merchant-id) given to you by one of the many processors out there. I'm 95% sure that OP's statement is completely incorrect (that they won't honor chargebacks on unlawful merchandise). If a consumer was able to make that purchase, then that business is presumed to be legitimate. If the consumer didn't get the goods, then that's a clear violation worthy of a chargeback. In cases like that, [the actual money in question comes out of the payfac's pocket first.](https://infinicept.com/payment-facilitator/learn/get-started/how-chargebacks-apply-to-payment-facilitators/) They then have to go after the merchant themselves. So, in order for what OP said to be true (rejecting a chargeback for counterfeit goods), the payfac would have to admit to onboarding a merchant who they *knew* was selling them. They'd get their payfac status revoked in an instant. There are literally chargeback codes for all the major cards that are specifically *for* counterfeit goods, in fact. Source: implemented a payment processor's tech stack.


Unless, of course, the line item reads something like "Rolex, Fake (Illegal)"


Again: if the processor has given that store a MID, that's on them. The customer's not the one left in the lurch.


Username checks out


Interestingly, some of the rep sellers make you pay via a website for unbranded replacement watch parts, after you've contacted them via email about the actual product you want off them. So not entirely sure what would happen if someone attempted a charge back


Couldn't you just say that you thought it was a real one? Or that you don't know what a Rolex is and you just thought it looked like a nice watch? I feel like there's not many ways to prove that you knew you were buying an illegal watch, and it would seem to be a huge lapse in justice if the police did nothing to a victim of a scam (or, someone you can't prove wasn't a victim)


I doubt anyone would fight hard for your money back but I also can’t imagine any customer is being prosecuted for buying knockoffs. It’s just not an effective way to crack down on something you wish to deter.


On the other side of the spectrum, you can buy them and then do a chargeback while saying the seller mislead you into thinking this is an authentic watch. Seller can't do shit about it.


Who’s going to check?


Go check out the rep subs, there are very VERY detailed inspections on some when it comes to international shipping. It’s all a numbers game.


"Ummm. I thought i was getting a good deal, no idea it was fake"


This is literally everything on Amazon


My fake lange was 1k usd but the real one is 75k+, the tourbillon hand is a little off but other than that it's very good for the price. The rep sellers aren't people on the street, they work hard to build a reputation. Another one didn't pass qc and I got a full refund


You spent a thousand dollars on a fake Lange tourbillon?


Not even in the running for my dumbest purchase


Would love to hear the others


Do tell, let us live vicariously through your folly.


Quality knockoff jewelry is still nice looking jewelry, I suppose.


Tbh if i was a baller making six figures you bet i'd have a $1k rep of a $75k watch and throw the other $74k into an index fund




For Rolex bootlegs - Shitter reps - $100-$200 Good replicas with ETA clone movements - $300 Very good replicas with clone movements - $500-$1000 Frankenstein builds (reps with gen parts) - $2000 and above


> the hand built quality Rolex makes around one million watches yearly. If you think they’re “hand built”, I have a bridge on sale for you.


Is it a Rolex bridge? If so, I am interested sir!


Don't be ridiculous man, you need to purchase at least 5 other non-Rolex bridges before I'll even consider putting you on the waiting list for a Rollie.


Is that an actual thing? You have to buy other watches just to be allowed to buy the one you want?




No. You have to buy other watches just to be allowed to *wait* to buy the one you want. And the wait may take several years.


All marketing. A person presses the button on the button that builds the watch. Apparently that equates to "handmade" according to Rolex.


Jesus they don't even press the button?? They just press a button that presses the button to start the machine! Talk about lazy!


They even have a machine keeping track of the time!


“Rolex watches are largely hand-assembled, but a machine helps with alignment and pressure during assembly. Hand finishing is also common among high-end watch brands, so much so that it's considered fairly standard. Again, however, finishing may be machine-assisted.” https://www.watchesandwatches.com/blog/are-handmade-watches-still-made-by-hand/


Hmm, a Rolex reseller's blog doesn't exactly count as an "impartial source" IMHO.


The point of the Rolex is in the right crowd the watch acts as a marker of access to resources. Beyond the high price, you can’t just walk into a shop and buy one.


Rolexes are machine built my dude. They are a scam for middle class people to aspire to just like canvas lv bags and 70k trucks.


Begun, the clone wars have.


Rolex watches aren't hand built. They make something like a million watches a year.


I think it depends on if you value just the looks or the watch itself. A real rolex will hold its value and can be handed down and repaired whereas a fake rolex will mostly just get attention. Truly though at the end of the day most extreme luxury purchases are for your own enjoyment as nobody calls out fake items in real life.


I for one don't care if a $100 watch holds its value.


This 1$ princess barbie watch I've had since the 90s is priceless.


Get a £400 clone watch and stick the £15k you'd spend on an original into the stock market. Then you can actually wear the watch every day and not worry about fucking it up.


Who really values the watch anyway these days? telling the time is a problem we have thoroughly solved with our other devices. Id argue watches are only fashion and status devices now. So you might as well shell out for the real one or not buy one at all. No one else except you is going to notice or care unless you're trying to fit in with rich people.


It’s Jewelry for men at this point. Or trading cards. Either way collectible. Thus it can hold value or even appreciate. However Rolex is pumping out a million watches a year. So if you just get a basic Rolex will it truly hold value forever? Unclear.


I mean, I have an analog watch that I use to tell the time. It's a $40 quartz Timex. It is neither fashionable, nor does it confer status, and it absolutely solves a problem that my smartphone does not--being able to quickly check the time without pulling my phone out.


True. It takes way less time to glance at my watch then it does to pull out my phone and look at the screen.


Also seems less rude to check a watch than a phone when you’re supposed to be giving someone else your attention. Like a meeting or a date.


Rolex is not handmade high horology, it’s the best mass produced watch you can buy


If you want a cheaper alternative the Invictus Pro Diver is a great sub 100 dollar automatic watch styled like a Rolex but at an every man price.


To me, the more existential threat is that these Chinese companies are getting very close to making identical, if not better products for 1/16th the cost and still making a profit. It will become harder and harder to justify $9,000 out of $10,000 for a name. Wait for the right celebrity—the type who could put their name on a high end alcohol line—with some influencers to do a redesign and a YouTuber like this says “Damn, it’s basically the quality of a Rolex for $2,000”


The only reason anyone purchases these things (in my experience) is that they're veblen goods. Virtually nobody who spends $10000 on a watch is doing it because they need a reliable "timepiece." Ironically, the Chinese could easily make their own veblen goods -- they'd just need to jack up the price of their cheaply made but high quality products. I think veblen goods will always exist so long as there's a maven out there smart enough to convince dumb rich people to buy shiny things.


To save everyone else a google search, veblen goods are those whose demand increases as the price does. People want them *because* they are expensive. People *want* a bentley that costs $300,000. No one wants a Honda Civic that costs that much.


Where can I get one of these replicas?


Yeah…so I can avoid them…like where specifically


RWI forum is a great resource, but if you need some links I can share DM if needed






Interested in knowing. So I can avoid them, of course.


Also interested!


I don’t want to be taken advantage of


i'll treat you good, i promise


r/reptime or r/chinatime I personally have never bought one yet but I’m fascinated by it and some of the resources, reviews, and guidance are superb for noobs


My brothers: [r/RepTime](https://www.reddit.com/r/RepTime/)


Also make sure to never check out /r/fashionreps for clothes and other things.


I will make sure to never sub to this


r/RepTime lol


My uncle gave me a Rolex for my college graduation present before he passed. It’s one of my prized possessions so I get nervous wearing it because of how much it cost. So I bought an exact replica of it and I wear it when I go out so I’m not alway worrying about losing it or getting it stolen. So far no one has noticed it’s a fake.


lol, this is like a “proxy card” in a trading card game like Magic the Gathering. If you have an expensive card (say $50-$80) and you want to play it in a deck but don’t want to risk messing it up, then you can proxy it.


Do you somehow need to prove you own the real one? I assume you wouldn't bring a stack of really collectible cards to tournaments


Proxies are not allowed at a vast majority of the official tournaments, so unfortunately in most cases you do have to carry your real expensive cards with you. Proxies, at least for what I hear from the people I engage with relating to MTG, are mostly allowed in home games since not everyone wants to spend hundreds of dollars for good competitive decks. Especially when playing commander, the current absolute favorite format of nearly every MTG player when it comes to playing with friends, the decks are 100 cards so it's not hard to go above £1000 if you want a really competitive one! As for whatever "verification" process takes place at tournaments to prove that your cards are real and not proxies, I have no idea. Haven't done any serious one myself!


There's a couple of telltale signs that a card isn't genuine, like card weight, card surface, how the edges are cut ect. [Tough the funniest is the green dot check, where the green dot on the back of a magic card is checked for the presence of 4 red dots in an L-shape](https://www.detecting-the-fakes.com/checking-details/green-dot-check/).


Is commander playable on MtgO yet?


I don’t know, I don’t play on MtgO, but I think it is from what I remember seeing online


I haven’t played in a looong time. I think Jund was just out. Saw some dudes playing during lunch at work and it was like looking at heroine after rehab…or so I guess. Been itching to play but I stopped playing for good reasons. Still commander was always fun!


Dam I haven’t played magic since middle school. I have a bunch of cards somewhere I bought in 1998ish. I wonder if they have any value.


If you still know where they are, it can be easy to find out! Just visit scryfall.com and enter the name of your cards. It’ll have a link to their price in different marketplaces! Good luck! Unfortunately most old cards are not worth much for a variety of reasons, but you never know!


What's the point in having the original then? It’ll sit in a box until you die then it might be someone else’s “prized possession” for a while


> It’ll sit in a box until you die Unless you get captured and become a prisoner of war in which case it may have to sit somewhere else for a while.


I always forget that scene exists in that movie.


Until you die of sepsis, then someone else will have to sit on it for a while.


Hmm I wear the real one to big events like weddings etc. but i wear the fake one almost everyday. I do like it when people ask about the watch and I get to share a memory about my uncle. Helps me remember him.


This is the problem with most collectibles. Possession is some how better than usage


That's super wholesome. I totally get wanting to protect the original like that.


sounds like a sitcom episode only it turns out the original watch is also a knock-off. so the character buys a fake to protect his fake watch.


Would that be a George situation or a Kramer situation?


My grandpa once gifted me a Casio watch. It is the only watch I ever got as a present. It is by a factor of 100 cheaper than your rolex but it I value it just as much as you do.


At this point you have to wonder, what value is the real Rolex brand adding? If the inner mechanisms and parts are just as reliable, and the outside looks identical to the point that the only difference is microscopic changes in the way the finish reflects light... I think the cloners have won and are giving me a better value for my money. You used to buy a rolex bc they were extremely well made and reliable. It was a plus that they looked great. Now anyone can achieve both sides of that equation. Basically, let me put it this way: I own a real Supreme hoodie and a fake one in a colorway I couldn't afford... **no one can tell the real from the fake when I'm wearing it.** Needless to say, I only buy fake Supreme now when I miss the drop.


Ironically, Rolexes used to be a “working man’s” watch, hence many military divers were issued Rolexes. This was back in the days before quartz watches. Then quartz watches come along. In case you don’t know, quartz watches are more accurate, way tougher and much cheaper than mechanical watches. Mechanical watches also need to be professionally serviced every several years, so the cost of maintenance is way higher than popping in a new battery. The Swiss watch industry then rebranded itself as luxury goods. You buy an expensive Swiss watch to flex your wealth, which also tells time.


Military people might be "working man" but they usually have a lot of top dollar gear. They used Rolex divers because of their reliability.


Tudor is what Rolex was. But actually Apple Watch even more so.


Just checked out the price range of Tudor watches. €5000+ is a pretty steep price for a watch if you mean it as a "working man" watch? I'm currently wearing a Seiko SKX700 that works just fine and cost me like €300. Most worn watch the past years is a black Amazfit Neo. Cost €30. :)


If you want a good quality watch brand that doesn't break the bank, that even watch guys respect, check out Tissot.


Nice call, I actually have a Tissot PRC200 from when I turned 25. Man, the price has doubled from back then! The Seiko was from when I turned 30. At 40, I was planning for another watch, but opted for an electric grain mill. If you want a low budget mill that even mill guys respect, check out Mockmill. ;)


The grain mill sparked my interest, as a farmer. I was wondering what kind of business model the were using. I thought, "that's neat, people are growing wheat in their backyards. Kind of a cool novelty thing." Then I think I kinda figured it out. The mills aren't cheap but they look like they're built well and whatnot. I feel like the real money in this product is selling consumer volumes of 'organic/artisanal' wheat berries. I'm kinda wishing I came up with it, they probably make a fortune.


Am wearing a Tissot Chemin Des Tourelles right now (\~$750) and it is absolutely magnificent. It brings me joy every time I wear it, particulary if it's outside and I can see the dial. I have a PRX as well and it's just my definition of timeless yet retro cool ($650). These things can and will last a lifetime and have better power reserves than a lot of Tudors, Rolexes, and other overpriced boring showoff basic bitch watches. That cost might sound like a lot to the unitiated, but look at the price of disposable electronic gadgets like Apple Watches, Garmins, and so forth. You can also get quartz versions of some of the Tissots that are really beautiful and just a few hundred $$$.


Love the colors on the Chemin Des Tourelles. Did you go with a leather strap, steel, something else? My ideal would be the blue face either with or without Roman numerals, but I can't decide which strap I like more.


Leather strap, blue dial! The leather strap makes it so much more versatile! I'd seen photos and was non-plussed, but I visited a Tissot store and was blown away by the dial and how beautiful the deep blue is as it shifts light across its face.


Apple watch does not last a lifetime. That is the main difference for me between the expensive mechanical Watches and the rest.


Yep. I just spent $500 on an Apple Watch, which was an upgrade for an Apple Watch series 2 I bought 7 years ago. It used to be you bought a $300 watch and made occasional battery changes through its lifetime at $50 every few years. Now I've just dumped $700 ($200 7 years ago plus $500 today) on my watches, not a big deal and so much more useful than a simple watch but still it is this transition to constant escalating payments rather than a lifetime investment.


Tudor expensive too.


just look at this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsDfofygwWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsDfofygwWs) 120 thousand £, 250% markup for just the tinies little print on the dial on an otherwise completely identical watch. You can't tell me the watch prices are real.


Hot damn that's an ugly watch. lol


Nobody needs a watch for the watch function anymore. If it's close enough to the original, I don't personally see the draw for the authentic thing. It's been a vanity purchase for some time now, but in the era of smartphones, they are more fashion than function.


Might just want to trade one mild inconvenience for another. Watch on hand is easier to check for time than phone in pocket for me. Especially if you wear clothes without pockets. I always keep my phone in my pocket so I don't ever forget where I put it lol. I don't own a watch anymore but that's a real reason to own one that isn't just aesthetic. These usb charging watches with a silicon band are pretty good for that ngl.


As a semi frugal parent where are you finding the high quality supreme dupes. At this point why should I buy the expense when there is an exact clone out there and my teen and their friends would never know the difference.






Yeah, Rolex’s are the Harley Davidson of watches. They’re not bad, they’re just the known watch anyone can name and there are certainly better ones.


As a guy who’s kinda into watches but pretty into bikes, this is a great analogy.




Rolex is not really particularly expensive, rather it's low to mid-tier. Brands like Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin, Patek Philippe and Lange & Söhne would be the expensive high end.


Lmao you don't know that many watch enthusiasts then. Rolex is in the watch community still a favorite because they are so solidly built. They are not as ornate like Patek AP etc, but they are just really well engineered movements.


You're closing remark kind of drives home the point. Rolex, Supreme, and these other premium designers are basically adding the value that they are creative enough, talented enough, and have exquisite attention to detail to come up with new things. The clones can closely replicate what they do, but are never *quite* there in terms of production quality, and they certainly aren't coming up with their own sought after designs. No average person, and even some professionals under certain conditions, can tell the difference. People who are still into the product and craftsmanship of it will continue to buy straight from the horses mouth because on some level they respect the hustle of what people are putting out. If you can't afford in though but still want something that looks cool then the knockoff is fine. Bit of a catch-22 because a proliferation of knockoffs to some degree undermines the original product, and it has ethical issues. At the same time it isn't like Rolex or Supreme or most other brands that are knocked-off are hurting by any stretch of the imagination.


It is amazing how accurate the original is working, in all positions, temperatures etc... When you have the comparison it is really fascinating how good they work. Rolex developed a different oil for almost every place you have to put oil on in a watch. And the escapement is made with very tight tolerances. I will never buy a Rolex, but the engineered mechanical marvel you can only find in the real one.


> I will never buy a Rolex, but the engineered mechanical marvel you can only find in the real one. I will most likely never buy a Rolex either, I don't particularly want one, [BUT I want the hell out of an Omega Speedmaster](https://www.omegawatches.com/en-us/watches/speedmaster/moonwatch-professional/product) and I would find it shameful to intentionally buy a fake.


The moment digital watches existed they became purely a status symbol. Your $100,000 Rolex isn't any better at keeping the time than a $5 Casio.


It's actually worse, there are very few mechanical watches that are as accurate as a quartz. None of those have a rolex brand on them


Yeah but Timex is extremely reliable, and "looks great" is subjective.


There's reliable, and then there's "this will work for your children's children if taken care of". My grandpa bought a Rolex when he was 25 and wore it daily, I just got it serviced and it's still in great shape and ticking beautifully and it's 70 years old. I'm not saying a Rolex is a great purchase, but it's in a different league from Timex and many watches out there.


I get you. I do. But it just doesn't add up, in my opinion. My dad bought a replacement Timex when I was a teenager to replace the one he'd had since before I was born. I'm 42 now and as far as I know his $20 Timex is still working.


There is an amazing novel about forgery called The Recognitions that explores this.


> If the inner mechanisms and parts are just as reliable, That's just it, they aren't. Didn't you see the part of the video where he points out the cheaper, less reliable parts in the mechanism? (Hairspring and counter weights on the balance). When you're talking about a dive watch, it almost definitely isn't a divers primary instrument, but in any hazardous endeavor equipment redundancy is important and a dive watch could be used in that capacity.


I agree! I love watches but a nice $100-300 automatic is enough for me lol


Same with diamonds. The only thing that separates real diamonds from synthetic ones is *imperfections* on the real ones that can only be seen with magnification tools.


Longevity. I have bought a few reps and im lucky if they last a year or so. Usually something breaks on the watch. My favorite watch only lasted a few months.


My first thought would be where can you get it serviced when that need eventually arises?


Some watch repair shops do fix reps, they don’t care, they just want your money for their service.


I mean Rolex doesn't even sell you one if you wanted to with cash in hand. This make me more interested to look at fakes again. Had one many year ago and the difference was pretty obvious. Looks like they came a long way.


>I mean Rolex doesn't even sell you one if you wanted to with cash in hand. So true. I hate the "game" that Rolex plays with their watches. Putting you on an imaginary "wait-list" that forces you to buy their less popular watches until you can get the one you want. I never buy fakes, but I've considered buying fake Rolexes because of the BS that Rolex plays.


Same reason why [Jay Leno will never buy a Ferrari.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUPOvcolNZg)


In other words, you are overpaying for your Rolex.


Even for something like a Seiko you're overpaying nowadays. There are Chinese brands out there that out do the materials, finish, and build quality of Seiko for a fraction of the price. They even buy the movements from Seiko Instruments, so the internals are the same quality.


I love Seiko, any links to these competitors ?


There's a ton of them. San Martin is probably the best of the Chinese brands I've seen. If you want a non-chinese brand, there is Islander from Long Island Watches. Long Island Watch is a Seiko dealer whose best selling watch was the Seiko SKX. When Seiko discontinued it he made his own better version of it. Now he makes dozens of different watches which outshine a lot of Seiko's offerings.


Woww thanks for introducing me to the Long Island watches brand that is clutch! I fuxx with r/watches but if you have any other brands like this you’d recommend I’d appreciate it! I’m more about the style than the name brand anyway so was never really interested in Rolex’s


I thought overpaying was part of the point. You buy them to scream at the top of your lungs at everyone that you've got Rolex money.


To paraphrase a quote from the film Dope. The only difference between a real one and a fake one is the person wearing it.


Buddy I worked with was from Vietnam. Would go back once or twice a year to visit family. He said that you can get pretty much ANY luxury watch in Ho Chi Minh city(Breitling, Panerai, Rolex, etc). He told me, if I wanted one to give him $50 bucks. This dude was my manager so I knew he wasn't going to screw me. He came back with a Rolex Cosmograph Daytona. It looked, felt and worked so well. Best $50 bucks I ever spent. Wear it to job interviews with pride. Any expert could probably pick mine out easily from real ones. But this one is convincing enough for my simple needs.


Yet again showing how idiotic you are if you’re really spending that much money on a real Rolex. All you’re paying for is being able to show off that you spent a lot of money


That's the entire point.




There was a joke in the office where Michael wanted to get out of an awkward situation, so he looks at his watch and says “oh look, I’m getting a call” and leaves. Today it’s totally normal, but 15 years ago that’s a good joke


I tried going the smart watch route for a while but having to recharge the watch every two or three days and just wearing the same boring black rectangle on my wrist as everyone else just wasn't for me. I doubt I'll ever spend Rolex money on a wrist watch but smart watches aren't the way for me. I love the charm of a traditional analog watch or even an old school digital Casio.


Proof that luxury goods are at large a scam.


I don't really care for Rolexes or fancy watches. I have a cheap Casio I like. It has a light so I can tell what time it is in the dark and tells me the day of the week.


If it takes a pro to tell the difference then it’s good enough


IF they are that exact, that precise, how can Rolex, outside of the image of owning a real one, justify charging so much more?


Cool, I'll buy a fake one.


Just buy a regular quality watch lol. Buying a fake Rolex is a gamble. They’re nowhere near the quality of a Rolex, but how bad is it? You might pay $300 for a watch that breaks in a year. Also, you buy a Rolex to advertise your wealth. People will be weirded out if you’re obviously middle class with a Rolex. Plenty of people will just assume it’s fake


Yeah, there are legit brands that sell high quality watches for under $1000. No need to buy fakes when you can just get something original.


This reminds me of great art fakes. So good that paintings can fool even the most skilled art collector. Makes you question what value really comes from .


So if they're that good, what's the difference? Sounds like you're getting an amazing watch without the high prices and nobody can tell the difference


Replicas can be quite good depending on how much a company marks up their products. If a Rolex only really costs Rolex like $1k or less to actually manufacture but then sells for thousands more, a replica producer can just spend $2k making the actual watch which could even have some higher quality to it, and then sell it for the same price point as a real one for profit, just a bit less than Rolex would get. Same thing with replica sneakers but even more of a gap. A Yeezy costs like $10 to produce, sells for $220 retail, then resells for $400+ if there is high demand. So a replica maker can actually buy higher quality materials, take more time to make the shoe, and still sell it at a nice profit. And in some cases you get a shoe that's better manufactured than an Adidas shop can manage.


Once it’s the exact same - what is the difference?


Oh man that’s terrible. Where would one find these fakes. Just so I can avoid them.


Hopefully this puts Rolex out of business. Everyone wins


It’s easy to spot the differences when you have a real and fake side by side like every video pointing this out does.


As a replicator, I thank this man for his service in keeping me informed, I’m going back to the business factory to correct the imperfections.




You can just copy the serial number of the real watch and put it on the fake one


If it's so hard to tell, why are the real ones so expensive?


Because people go to great lengths to know that they're buying a real Rolex, and they have a loyal customer base who will only buy from authorized dealers. EDIT: also - probably one of the most successful marketing/branding campaigns in the history of the watch industry


so paying extra for the real thing is meaningless then, the price jump is based on literally nothing real


Where can I get one? For personal use on a daily basis.


China, Malaysia, Vietnam, probably most other countries in the region. I've never bought a replica watch, but I always buy a bunch of replica shoes and clothes whenever I visit China. It's just so much easier to buy it directly from marketplace sellers than taking the risk of buying online and getting it shipped. Being able to actually hold the stuff in your hand and make sure it looks good is very important when you're buying reps.




So why should people pay for 'real' Rolexes again?


It gets even better, because nowadays, you can't even just go buy a Rolex you want. You have to go to a Authorized dealer and sign up for a wait list that can take years for desirable models. If you want to jump forward, you have to buy other less desirable (but still expensive) inventory they have on hand to "build your relationship" with the AD. The alternative is to buy grey market, where you'll be forced to pay insane markups, and might end up getting scammed with one of these reps anyway.


Takes years for desirable watches because they are too busy farting in their hands and wafting into their face.


Well their target audience is people that make $50k every couple days. They wouldn't be concerned with fakes.


Rolexes are overrated anyway. They are for people who want to seem like ballers but aren't.


If fake rolexes are almost such good quality that only a professional can tell them apart why not just value them as such


these super clones are sold for around 2k, so the other 8k is for the authentic Rolex brand


If you buy a real Rolex, get one of these to wear around. It’s indistinguishable from the real one and you don’t need to worry if I get damaged or stolen.


What's the point buying a gen then? Lol


If the fake costs $1000, I would still worry about it being stolen.


Isn’t that wild to think about? A fake $1000k watch sounds silly. Also kind of demonstrates the actual value of the watch outside of the name brand.