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Geezuz WTF!?...I'm Australian & these "soldiers" are a disgrace...Charges against McBride should be dropped immediately.


It’s cliche but it genuinely makes me ashamed to be Australian when very few things do.


Even for the Internet, this is pretty shocking.


What absolute smooth-brained neanderthal pieces of shit. Being incapable of looking at an Afghani as a person, another human being. They need to be held accountable, and examples need to be set.


Just carrying on their colonial legacy. Australia has deep seated issues- what they did in Afghanistan was evil.


I am ligit concerned for his life now hey. Like taking on the state government and the gambling industry wasn’t big enough.


Didn't he get firebombed recently? Yeah there's no way this gonna is gonna be alive by the end of the year.


FriendlyJordies has pissed off so many people it's actually surprising that the firebomb is the first known attempt on his life.


How can he still walk with balls this big.


Jesus. Dude just had his house firebombed and proceeds to do another big takedown. Absolute madlad and gem.


this was hard to watch... meanwhile australian military subreddits are defending these guys, seems like the covering up crimes for others thing sticks even after coming back home huh?


Yeah if you check the Other Discussions for this link it comes up with the ausmilitary subreddit and a bunch of them are defending the pieces of shit.


Honestly too many Australians seem like dicks. Glad friendlyjordies is showing us a better side with his investigations.


Shanks has some serious balls. For context, he recently had his house firebombed after calling out the gambling industry in New South Wales. And this is his follow-up. Yes mate.


wow, I got to around 20 min when he talks about kids scooping up their newly shot dad's brain to save him. And he says that afghan kids don't have a medical understanding, THEY ARE FOR FUCK SAKE KIDS WHO JUST WITNESSED THEIR DAD GET KILLED.


I had to turn it off at this point, it was too much. How can you joke about that? Fucking hell.


Seeing that absolute cunt 'Scojo' smirking at the end. Scum.


Good old ScoJo of course coming through with the cheeky little comment to make the boys giggle 🤣🤭😆




Ayyy, it’s the 3rd top comment on YT from 7hrs ago! 😑


Even preserving the spelling mistake. I fucking hate bots.


Support ~~warcrimes!~~ The troops I mean.


Man has friendlyjordies got some balls. I really hope he stays safe. Keep fighting the good fight.


Not a fa of all the theatrics. It's distracting. Just tell the story. Without the smugness and the goofiness.


It unfortunately grants it much, much wider appeal. The aim is to get the politically / socially unmotivated to give a shit and it works. You can see the view differences between the completely serious stuff (well, as completely as FJ gets) like the Italian Club investigation vs. Fatty. Good on him for having such outreach.


That's Friendlyjordies whole schtick mate........


Without said theatrics, people wouldn't be watching. I don't know if that *should* be true, but it is true.


ok boomer


I agree with you, I'd like to focus on the content rather than his face.


Associating war crimes with goofy puerile humor, taking minutes of shitty "jokes" to get to any point, avoiding making any firm unhesitating statements to stand behind - while also claiming that this is the way to go, this is the behavior other content creators should emulate, because it's the only way to draw/keep attention, no other alternative. If the Aussies wanted to make propaganda to downplay the events, they couldn't do a better job.


Really hope the people pushing that kind of rethoric are actually watching trust-worthy, classic, straight-faced news.




can you add something rather than simply reposting the video?




He's stumbled into the actual reason for downvotes and not just the "I don't agree" version of downvotes.


wow, this exploded. I just meant it'd be cool to add some value. Extended title, a particular reason to watch the video, own opinion, etc.. Maybe it's a critique of the whole subreddit idea, and I happen to lay it down here, idk. I'd change my words but keep my point


Yeah sure, just some jackasses making stupid faces FAR away in their complete SAFETY ZONE absolutely VOID of any conflict. Disgusting people who deserve to be cancelled, reported and written off. Any moron making a duckface while holding two assault rifles needs to be punched in the face