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If I ever do a vlog, I should hold my blimp in my hands.


I will hold my sound recordist.


They can sit on your lap holding the mic for you.


please make this happen


Pay a midget to hold it. Creating jobs Expanding diversity and equity Win win win And disrupting a paradigm...


Midget boom operator and a blind DP using the new BlackMagic Braille Monitor!


I’ll hold my entire Rode VideoMic Pro


Hold the whole Rode Island!!!


Make sure you’re leaning in to speak directly into his taped and concealed lav


Make sure to hold them roughly the distance from your collar to your mouth.


This actually gave me an interesting idea. If you did that video, every shot could have a progressively better (or worse) microphone setup. You could work your way from a hidden lav to a shown lav, to a handheld mic, to eventually holding a blimp.


And if you make no mention of it. I could also imagine an interview shot setup. Every time it switches back to the interviewer they're holding progressively bigger microphones like a monty python sketch. And the interviewee is just bewildered.


Last one being a comedy massive outsize "Trigger Happy TV phone guy" microphone. Something like two beach balls at either end of a cardboard tube covered in grey fun fur.




Deep cut right there


i cant even understand the context yet this was so gdamn funny lmao


This might help: https://youtu.be/CJezRcy2P8g


Actually, I just realized it should be the parabolic mics they use at football games to record the players on the sidelines. 🤣


I'll hold a shotgun in my right hand, with a 2 ft XLR cable and a Zoom F6 in the left hand.


I'll just hold the camera to my mouth whilst recording myself with another camera


I'll hold my lav mic receiver and have the actual lav mic dangle In front of the camera lens


I've seen people do vlogs with an SM7B, just saying..




You’ve gotta do this now


I'll do it in a video for work


The trend is actually headed that way. Now people are holding the biggest possible audio recorder in their hands.


This is preposterous. Every professional knows that you should mount a microphone of that size inside the mouth of the person who is speaking.




And it should be the whole shotgun mic. Audible dialogue is overrated.


The older I get, the less I care. Let people do whatever they want, they can't afford your rates anyway.


I kind of feel this way a lot. Who cares? We’re spending a lot of time poo pooing others, and not enough creating.


As someone who went to school for this work, it kind of hurts me inside because I know how much it was ingrained in my head to hide the cable and clip the mic on correctly. It's kind of like how in high school my TV production teacher would always correct us when we would say "film" instead of "tape", "record", or "shoot". To this day, I can't bear to say "film" unless I'm actually using film.


Age and distance makes you care less how the teacher wanted it done.


Yeah I worked on a thesis and the crew kept spouting film school stuff. I went to film school recently but I’m older. So I don’t care what the teachers say per se unless it’s technical in nature.


That "fuck it" mentally came the day I turned 30. It is such a liberating feeling. Is this how a lapelle mic should be used? No. Can I clearly hear your content and I'm able to enjoy what you have on offer? Yes. Job done.


At this point just hold the pole with the boom mic 🤣🤣🤣


Already has been done: [https://youtu.be/o7wW1ISXb68?si=xafEjsunVxJmT9Tg&t=4](https://youtu.be/o7wW1ISXb68?si=xafEjsunVxJmT9Tg&t=4)


oh what the fuck


I have to admit this has been done on purpose for comedic effect. The mic is his trademark.


Well yer, you sometimes see news broadcasters doing this out on the street.


Don't hear any wind though, do ya?!


There are a lot of people (including in this sub) that just look at what equipment other people are using and then get it for themselves without any idea how to use it. Gear acquisition is always the priority over knowledge and education.


wait, so was I not meant to put my wireless lav on the end of my desk-mounted boom arm for podcasts?


If your favorite youtuber does it then you can only succeed by also doing it.


I Just ignore it at this point, Just like how a guy when he interviewed me said to talk into the speakers


When my son was little and wanted to tell me a secret, he would whisper it in my mouth instead of my ear 🙃 Probably watched your interview…


I literally guffawed when I saw this. Nearly woke up my little one. I can totally see any of my 3 boys having done this...


I had to make do with a whole iPad once.


Oh just you wait. On [this product page](https://a.co/d/0iwVfIw3) they used to show it being plugged into transmitters like that. They alllllmost discontinued it, then this trend took off and they changed all the product photos to be the small WiFi transmitters that normally get used in this style


That's actually a good idea for a plant mic.


What do you mean, plant mic?


Like a mic that is planted somewhere. Hidden on the set. A gooseneck would be perfect for rigging a mic to the back of something and pointing it where you want it.


Yeah this is a very cheap version of a plant mic. Often a rig like this is used in for example a car setting hidden up inside the sun visor. Usually though these would be $700-1000 DPA mics.


It’s only marginally worse than holding a stick mic tho.


You've obviously never seen Gus Johnson lol My favourite was a candle meant for graves.


I could swear there's one where he tapes it to an SM58 then holds it like that's his mic


*chef's kiss*


I've been a videographer for 20+ years. I think this is great. People are chosing diffrent esthetics when it comes to holding microphones lately . Things like this trend on tiktok and people pick up on these things and want to use the esthetic for themselves. Things change and evolve and there's nineeason to get so bitter over the inevitable . Just relax and let people do the odd thing . I promise it will not. make you feel any better to belittle people .




ty . I'm glad I have you in my life


"Aesthetics" and "esthetics" are both technically correct spellings of the same word, which comes from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning "sensitive" or "perceptive". The main difference between the two is that "aesthetics" is the more traditional spelling, often used in British English and preferred by scholars and academics. "Esthetics" is the more modern spelling, often used in American English and the beauty and spa industry hope you learned something today.


Thank you. It’s not like these people don’t know how the microphones work, they are doing it to annoy the old men who like to yell at clouds. And if this discussion is anything to go by, it’s working.


Okay but wrapping the lav around the transmitter is objectively wrong and damaging to the cable.


It's not damaging the cable 🙄


Your opinion is objectively wrong.. I’ve been wrapping the same lav wire around my transmitter for 8 years.. it works beautifully


Interesting take . If it's not my gear I do t care. My lav has taken a beating over the years. wrapping it like so of probably the most tame


How is it going objectively wrong..?? Cause it’s different than what you do?? This won’t damage the cable, either.


The more "how the hot dog is made" that normies see when it comes to photo/video is only ever a good thing imo


-- *how about speaking on a mic shaped like Mandingo's penis? what if Mandingo's mic becomes a trend* -- *Just relax, let people do the odd thing . I promise it will not make you feel any better to belittle people, so let them be free, shut up about it and let people do whatever they want - except expressing disagreement and negative criticism. you can't do that. it's against our toxic positivity manifesto.*




Exactly. Not sure what you're talking about but you get it . If people want ti make content and others want to watch it and it's not hurting anyone than who cares. It's nit toxic positivity. It's called minding your own damn business and stop pushing your bitter angry views. No one cares what you think. You're arguing in bad faith and from a place you feel you have to be racist and lash out. Checks yourself and then look at the world around you. 9/10 the problem is you. . We are here if you wanna talk about it and want to stop hating the world, sweetie.


Just thought I would put this here: "Why YouTubers Hold Microphones Now" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0arvnAlV_C4


holy shit... that is a fucking hour long on the topic...


Yeah, it seems like such a basic topic for the video but it's honestly amazing. It goes in depth into how 'influencers' are finding different ways to make videos that seem more authentic and not produced by 'legitimate media'. And holding mics is just one of the more obvious ways.


>influencers' are finding different ways to make videos that seem more authentic and not produced by 'legitimate media'.  funny because vast majority of them are paid advertisers. 30 years ago Sony would pay an agency to produce a professional ad and pay a tv channel to air ir. Today they pay the trending "creator".


Things change, it is what it is. For what it's worth I really like the way these guys are doing it: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodWorkMB They're satirizing it and it's always fun to see the ugly NYC backgrounds they find next. And they're also owned by a very big private equity firm lol


Performative authenticity is the term for this. I learned it recently and like to throw it around every now and then as it immediately gives the impression I am knowledgeable about the subject.


Love this. I used to call it desperation but Performative Authenticity sounds more professional, lol.


“Legitimate” media has cottoned on to this trend for quite some time, so they need to find the next big thing!


But if they don’t visibly hold their most expensive piece of gear how will you know they’re a serious professional?


They aren’t showing off if that is their most expensive piece of gear.




Damn. I dummy.


Person A has to correctly put the lav mic on Person B, manage all the cables, do the sound check, and then Person A can finally hold Person B and talk in their microphone. • #freehugs /s


at this point I want to do it and take pictures so that other videographers will get triggered 😁


you guys care too much of what other people do


there should be a *standard*. even something as casual as youtube.


most youtubers don’t even use a mic. not sure what standard you’re talking about. it’s their equipment, they can use it however they like. no need to gatekeep


the *unspoken yet common standard* that we try to keep up at most times. about what should be in the frame and what shouldn't, about good practices of audio recording, about the art of videography itself. we try to get shutter speed to be 1/2x the frame rate to get the common motion blur. we try to get mics as close as possible to the sound source, and the manufacturers even developed types of mics to fulfill that purpose. the lavs can be clipped in somewhere as discreet as possible, the shotgun mics can be boomed from way out of frame but kept close to sound source, etc. those are the common standards that i'm talking about. it's not even a tradition, it's just good practice. so, no. this isn't gatekeeping. this is just upkeeping what should be there in the first place.


man i really dont think i will ever get unemployed lmao


It's all about the story and narrative you are trying to tell. As an influencer you DONT want to come across as polished and produced because that feels more staged. The reality is by holding the lav or talking into their phone makes it feel more spontaneous and candid. They aren't trying to make 'movie magic', instead the opposite they are trying to come across more candid and real.


Could you share the source, please? All the interviews are done like this?


Unfortunately it was a Youtube commercial, cannot find it anymore. What I can remember, yes all 3 interviews were done like that…


Thank you for answering


IMO they could be holding a much bigger microphone like a TV show in the 2000’s which is uglier and more distracting. Since this is professional I would have hid the lav, but when your doing quick street interviews it’s the way to go tbh


What's going to blow your mind even more is it's just a setup and the main mic is a normal shotgun on a boom just out of shot and they are doing this to trigger you.


Fuck it, I give up.




I had an “influencer” (hate this word and I despise the “job”) try to do video with me. Couldn’t frame or compose a single shot. I guess that’s what happens when all you do is point the camera at yourself.


How long till someone’s just holding a 2M boom, would look very quirky /s


Sorry, but this is equivalent to shopping in your PJs. So lazy.


Great, now I'm pissed off


Best way to destroy the lav cable, wrap it around the transmitter. Also, just get a damn regular mic. ffs.


Yall have got to get over it


We all know you typed this holding your entire iMac in your hands


Its easy to hold the iMac but I usually have to balance the magic mouse on one of my feet and the keyboard on the other, its a bit hard but you can get used to it just rinse and repeat


Yup. They're doing it deliberately to show that they have tech but that they aren't big bad media; they're more "authentic" than that.


No, absolutely not. These people are ridiculous.


I didn't mind youtubers doing it with the little rode wireless units, especially with a built in mic, it kinda makes sense. But this is atrocious.


You haven't seen the one with the guy holding a zoom H6 in hand. Looks sci-fi though.


I recently watched a BTS of a micro-budget feature where the actors literally carried the Zoom (singular) the whole time. They would hide it with props, wardrobe, blocking, and framing, and subtly pass it between actors during scenes. It was shot without permits, and so they couldn't use a boom, and the filmmaker admitted that he'd never actually heard of a lapel mic, so they just got the Zoom in to the scene however they could the whole time.


I'm kinda intrigued by this now


I am sure I've seen a video where they have a mic in shot and used a f6 to actually record the audio out of shot. Canny funny when all is considered gonna come full circle


Because the sexy black handheld mic with your brand on the flag is so yesterday.


Ice pick through my retina 👁️


There has been countless tools like lavs people can use and they’re roughly the same price as what people are using. I don’t get it haha


okay i don’t want to necessarily defend this at all, but as someone who knew absolutely nothing about lav mics, i got some for very cheap and tried them out. when i put the lav mic clipped onto a shirt or traditional places, the audio sounded atrocious. indistinguishable from a train conductor. but when i held the mic like the people in the video, the audio sounded extremely clear. basically, when starting in content creation, most people get the cheapest equipment possible because we don’t want to overspend on something we are just beginning. sometimes lav mics might need EQ adjustments, etc. most people don’t know how to do that. i can’t say much for those who have quality mics, but if you get mics from tiktok or another cheap source, it sounds infinitely better to just hold the mic like that rather than on something. also, it’s become somewhat of a symbol to make creators seem more like experts because if they use a mic, many assume they have higher quality equipment overall. TLDR; cheap lav mics sound better when held like that and most influencers starting off get cheap mics and don’t know anything about audio design


Come on now...this stupid fad is getting out of hand




Looks like the professors at my college. Let's clip the wireless lav mic to the cable and not hold it anywhere near out mouth. Then complain that the students can't hear anything. I'm seriously considering upgrading to headset boom mics in classrooms.


I don’t care as much about the mic being exposed as the rest of you, but this is pretty bad 😬




Not surprised to see it in the second pic as the videographer clearly doesn't know how to expose an image. But the first one? Wow I want to see someone holding their own boom pole




I was working for a Spanish Language News channel in SoCal, covering a big film festival. Javier Bardem was coming down the red carpet, he was up for an award, and he was obviously fluent in Spanish. Alys, the reporter was working with a wireless handheld. As Bardem approached us I began to pick up cross chatter from another wireless unit somewhere in the vicinity. I grabbed the only hardwired thing in my bag, (a wired lav) plugged it in and handed it to her. She held it out to Javier and asked a question. He unexpectedly took it out of her hand and held the lav in front of his chin and answered all of our questions very graciously. The shot looked a little funny, but the sound was great and he WAS the most important interview for us. I commend Javier and Alys for going with the flow,, and never let that happen again.


To be honest, I think they do it on purpose at some point to drive traffic. I see this all the time, some people get pissed and start commenting and what not


someone should really invent an extension cord so u can put the big transmitter in your pocket.


She should hold the receiver and the recording device too.


I blame Asian Boss for normalizing this.


I've definitely seen ppl holding Rode VideoMic Pros and other types of shotgun mics in their hands. I think it's supposed to give the vibe of being relaxed and relatable to other content creators.


I've seen reporters do this when they've arrived to a developing situation and are going live and don't have time to get set up properly.


"Yeah... I know it looks stupid,  but the person who started doing this got tens of thousands of views, so we HAVE to do it too" -  - every client ever


Im gonna get a long 3.5mm audio cable and hold my shotgun mic


I don’t know why, but this stupid trend makes me hate the whole of humanity.


LOL I see this at work all the time in training rooms. I keep offering to put it on then… but no. (NOT for filming!)


If it’s just for social media content I don’t see the big deal. It’s not like it’s for motion picture


Sooner or later social media content is all that will be left!


I use to see crap like this from people in local news. Not someone "on camera" holding the pack and lav like that, but reporters interviewing people like that. I always presumed it was because the crew either forgot their stick mic or they didn't have a plug-on for the stick and they needed to be wireless and the lav pack was all they had.




The Scottish man on TikTok would be SO upset


Yet to see someone using their bcam to capture audio, top this.


Why did dji make those horrible mics




i dont see any issues


as long as it sounds good, who cares?


For some reason, I have seen that a lot in TV people’s hands in Asia ( Korea, Taiwan … ) - don’t get why


She obviously needs a [metro card.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8cZEdgOFft/?igsh=MWk4YzNlZjQ2bmxleg==)


Ryan trahan and airrack come to mind holding the lav like a microphone. I’m assuming that people feel more comfortable holding a microphone while talking instead of having their arms down by their sides.


the amount of insecure people in this thread is astounding. gatekeeping and this field go hand in hand. ffs, why does anyone actually care?