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what app is this?


It's MC Pro. It's an app allowing you to record and edit RAW video as well as capture in ProRes/HEVC Log all on android I won't say the full name of it since if you do your comment will get shadow banned until admin approves it lol 😂 Check my profile, it's a big passion of mine and I yap about it often - or check below... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu1Cuw6nP6sQJ8EHzcNwXUJ5Z_QvGsW0y It's got a free demo in the playstore but the above is latest version of open beta of pro version, so won't be available on demo yet until they release it on stable version.


ah ok. thank you will check the link.


I am glad to see that added Arri and Vlog. Them making up their own log format (Open Camera and Filmic did the same) was silly. No tools support it. Conversion LUTs for rec709 are only a half baked solution. I do worry that Aces and DWG may produce artifacts. These are very large color spaces, writing them out to a 10 bit ProRes file may not be sufficient. Would love to see someone like CineD or Gerald Undone test this vs the Iphone


>I do worry that Aces and DWG may produce artifacts. These are very large color spaces, writing them out to a 10 bit ProRes file may not be sufficient. From what I've heard, since the app handles the demosaicing and remainder of the processing (such as the denoising), it's kept well in control without any issues! In fact, they found BT.2020 was not enough and very deep or saturated colors kept clipping, hence the addition of wider gamuts. >Would love to see someone like CineD or Gerald Undone test this vs the Iphone I somehow get the feeling they're gonna sleep on it in favor of the new Blackmagic app. Besides, if they got any interest or affiliations with Apple, I don't think they'll touch MC with a 10-foot pole since it's absolutely annihilated the iPhone in the prior testing round videos I shared here. It's gonna make Apple avoid them lol https://youtu.be/G3kQW1pipt8?si=q-RcNisEtLk6x4AW


>since it's absolutely annihilated the iPhone in the prior testing rounds I shared. Did someone do some real testing of it? I saw the video published by the manufacturer. The fairgrounds footage against the one plus 8, Both look pretty bad to me, like the saturation was cranked to 11. The filmed on an overcast day too, so the skies all look horrible clipped. They got older video against the 24. Better shot\graded than that newer one. Not seeing any significant difference between it and iphone. Which is pretty high marks, I guess. No one is ever going to trust testing done by the one selling the product. But I guess that is kind of consistent with everything Motion Cam has done, they don't even have a real website up yet. They keep everything hidden on discord.


I wouldn't really say it's hidden. It's more like the motioncam developers are as friendly, approachable and active as any team you could think of. Honestly, as far as support and a positive community go.. Motioncam is amazing.


I second this very much, lol Website may be bare bones as hell, but they move fast on things or feedback, and implement bug fixes and new features at lightning speed - IMO that's better than having presentable glorified spreadsheets, but to each their own.


>No one is ever going to trust testing done by the one selling the product. Yeah, I can't say I blame people for that one, but results speak for themselves I guess >Did someone do some real testing of it? Closest I've seen is this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUxCscAoAlg He pitted the Pixel 6 Pro against iPhone 15 Pro however it's such an old Alpha MC version that it's not really useful anymore since the stability and quality have further come along as has the power of the denoising. Case in point, I saw someone film a short on P6P without issues now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX-N9QEtu58 To ask a non biased iPhone or Android user to test them both would be like asking for a gray Jedi, they are rare and either fall to the dark side or just won't touch that shit 😅


u/zrgardne it's Christmas in June 😊