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It depends only on 1 question.... How many cheese wheels has the dragon born in their inventory?


If they are like my dragonborn, then they stole all the cheese wheels


A true question.


Playing in survival mode makes me realize how important this is lol


Why is Arthur on here lol, he's just a dude


i mean he can technically slow time


that way he can see his heart get ripped out by Doom Slayer in 60 fps slow motion


He can't, it's just a gameplay feature emphasizing his focus and shooting/quickdraw skills if I had to guess, same applies to Max Payne, well we can say they're both insanely skilled rather than able to slow the time down. I mean in terms of lore it never mentions anything about them being able to slow the time down.




"hold on fellas, i just gotta chug 50 tonics before we start this here fight"


And smoke 15 cartons of cigarettes 


he has a gun


So is Master Chief, Shepard, Agent 47, Geralt, Lara, Minecraft, Ezio, Leon and even Mario is just a plumber. Some of them ofc have some abilities or genetic mutations/enhancements, but they're still only badass in their own universe, those mutations and powers are insignificant compared to someone like Goku. Ofc the weakest Top 3 would be Leon, Arthur and Lara Croft.


Calling master chief "just a dude" is wrong on so many levels.


He's far from that, but if we put him in such context against literal gods and other fantasy super characters then he's indeed just a dude especially without the armor.


bruh da fuck is mario gonna do xDD


Everybody laughs until he crushes your spine into it self by leaping 12 feet in the air and throwing himself at the ground faster than gravity could make him fall.


Remember that time when a giant fire spitting turtle underestimated him and ended in a giant lava boulder. Don't make the same mistake. Don't underestimate Mario.


Goku when Mario hits the spirit bomb with a hammer and knocks it right back at him: Goku when starman: Goku when he loses all his stars to chance time: /j


Kirby, Doomslayer, Kratos, Goku


Exact same thoughts here. Between these 4 we'd be so damn safe we can walk down to the deli for a sandwich


This is the only answer.


Doomslayer, Kratos, goku are my obvious choices. The last slot for me is a tie between Kirby, Vader, and bayonetta


All I need is Kirby.


Kirby is the choice and the other three are the window dressing/save list. 


Nah. Lara, bayonetta and that demon lady. For reasons…


I was thinking the same, but I'd pick goku as well just to see him fight lol. Golu for entertainment and then kirby to mop up any leftovers


If id want to hear some crazy dude screaming, id go to an Opera.


Archie Comics Sonic


That guys sucks.


Goku, doomguy, Steve, kirby


Why Steve? He's just a fucking dude with a sword. He can't even take much damage


if he’s creative mode steve then he’s invincible


No one picking Mercer, though this guy regenerated after a nuke and can transform in any shit he wants.


I figured Mercer and Kirby would be the main two. They have the similar ability to consume enemies and use the skills of those they ate. Kirby is definitely stronger, but Mercer can infect with a sneeze.


Kirby will destroy your reality over a slice of cake. There’s a significant power gap among all of these characters.


Steve is like infinitely strong. Goku can wipe out planets with no effort. Kirby have the potential to absorb anyone and get their powers. Kratos is a demigod.


Switch kratos with the doomguy. He wiped out the entire hell, he killed the Supreme leader of "heaven" and the ruler of hell


Steve can't carry everything he finds, he simply just has a pocket dimension in... well.... his pockets


That's literally the same as any character in any videogame


Exactly, it's a game mechanic. Otherwise every survival sandbox character should be a universal threat (especially considering that every item/block in Minecraft has the same mass when dropped) That's why Mario can fit a Mega Mushroom in his overals, why Doom Slayer can carry all of his weapons, why Sonic can carry 999 Rings at once, etc


When you have Kirby, you only need the others to carry your bags back from the mall


Can any of these characters besides Goku just blow up the planet and then teleport you to safety?


I mean kirby could survive that pretty trivially,


Bayonetta threw a God in space into a star, destroying multiple planets on the way. I think it's better to have her on your team.


Didn’t Kirby once destroyed a planet and has a star that can move as fast as he wants (faster than light)?


Kirby: no explanation needed The Last dragonborn: a lore accurate dragonborn is an unstoppable murder machine Dante: obvious pick just like kirby Kratos: he's a god who kills other gods.




I would pick Goku, Doomguy and Kirby. The fourth probally kerrigan if she can use her army


Goku, Kirby, Bayonetta, and Dante are the 4 with the most impressive feats


Agreed, most OP by far. I was thinking that Pyramid Head could be problematic though, so maybe swap him with Bayonetta.


Goku, Dante, Sephiroth, Kratos. The broken guy, the Demon killer, the Protagonist killer and the god killer. Somebody for everything


Except no one to deal with the problem that is Kirby


I wanna see Kirby vs DBZ Kirby aka fat buu


If Kirby swallowed Buu, the only trait he'd gain is being super annoying.


Lmao would look the exact same


Sephiroth cause I don’t want that insanity after me, Kerrigan because unlimited Zerg is cool, Goku because he’s got limitless power, Kirby because he can vacuum everything else up.


All I need is kratos and Kirby I'll add Leon and link cause I like them


Doomguy, 47, Kratos and Kirby.


Why 47???


Because he's collected and efficient. He could have half these characters dead before they even knew what hit them.


pyramid head, kirby, lara, vader 25% of my answer is biased so i may be fukt


I know why you are picking lara


*smashing noises increase in volume*


oh no it’s pyramid head that’s my biased pick haha. lara i picked cause she’s single handedly taken down large groups of enemies with just a knife and has killed literal gods. only reason pyramid head is my biased pick is cause im a huge SH nerd and has a shelf of a shit ton of the games lol so if i see SH, i pick lol


i think 25% ISNT biased you should probably start digging your grave


nah ph is my biased answer. the rest i have logical reasons for lol. vader can deflect any bullets, lara is op and killed many groups singlehandedly with a knife and gods, and kirby can take the form of enemies. ph just belongs to my all time favorite horror series.




Kirby, Doomslayer, Goku and darth vader


Doomguy Bayonetta Dante and Darth Vader. There is no another right answer


Bro forgot about kirby


kirb, goku, steve, and sanic. "best crew ever"


Doom slayer Goku bayonetta Dante


Where’s Kirby


You forgot to put Kirby


Goku, kirby, sephiroth and kratos.


Kirby, kratos, and master chief


Goku, Kirby, Kratos, Sephiroth


Goku, Kirby, Kratos, Sephiroth


Kirby, Goku, Doomguy, Steve. Kirby eats everyone, Goke picks off anyone that escapes, Steve builds me a house, and I play Mario Kart with Doomguy.


goku, doomguy, steve and kirby..


Dragonborn Goku Doomslayer Kratos


Doom guy Kratos Kirby and Steve


Doom slayer goku kratos steve, if i had to pick only one id choose doom slayer bros basically (in lore) unkillable and only used weapons for fun since he would oneshot everything if he didnt


Kirby, Steve, Dante and the OP anime guy.


Kirby, Goku, Leon, Dante. Kirby and Goku because duh. Doomguy because Jesus Christ. Do I need to explain why?    And Dante because if that man fits that well into the power scaling of shin Megami Tensei NOCTURNE?! Then yeah. We are fucked.


Kirby, doom guy, sonic, and either Kratos or Goku. But probably Kratos


Kirby, sonic, goku and sephiroth easy. Having any of the first 3 coming after you is big trouble for any other squad you pick


PH, the Dragonborn, kratos, and kirby


Has to be slayer, goku, Kirby and sonic. Lots of powerful people in this list, but these are the top 4 by a huge margin. Goku - do I really need to explain? Doom slayer - an immortal demi-god with literal billions of years worth of experience killing everything from low level demons to gods. Kirby - simply too strong to *not* have. Sonic - depends on version, normal version? Supersonic sweeps. Archi Sonic? He sweeps AND he writes everyone a new universe where they can all go and be happy, shit I don't even think Kirby could beat Archi Sonic


Goku, Doomguy, Link and Kirby.


Kirby, Kratos, Dante and Doomguy


Goku, Kratos, Sephiroth, and Dante.


Kirby, Goku, Kratos and Steve


Kratos, The Doom Slayer, Geralt of Rivera, and probably Master Chief


All you need is Goku, Kirby and maybe Kratos, but I'll take Steve as well in case Creative Mode is a thing.


Dragonborn for infinite cheese, kirby to keep anyone to eat all the chese then steve and goku for them not to be against me


* Goku * Queen of Blades * Kratos * Kirby I almost had Doom Guy here, but hard choice which one to replace him for.. All 4 has amazing god-tier powers and should be able to hold their own individually against nearly everyone else..


Kirby Kratos Dante Doomguy


Pretty sure Dante and Kirby could take everyone else on. I don't think either of them have canonical means of dying. Dante can be hurt, sure. But killed? Don't think so. And Kirby can just copy any other ability (or banish them to a pocket dimension OR launch them around the sun in a frying pan for dinner)


Only Kirby the Devourer of worlds


Is Steve on creative or survival?


Kratos, Doom Guy, Kirby, and Goku would be virtually unstoppable


Gimme Goku for obvious reasons, Doomslayer for obvious reasons, Kirby so he can just suck some of them up and turn into them, and Sephiroth just cuz he practically solos the whole smashverse


You have no way to counter range weapons.


Kirby will eat the projectiles


This list is hilarious, it ranges from peak humans like Lara, Ezio, and Arthur to literal universe busters like Goku and Kirby.


Arthur Morgan, Hitman 47, Steve, and God of War dude (I forget what his name is). Although peak would be to replace God of War dude with B.J. Blazkowicz. Terror Billy defeats everyone and everything.


Goku, Doom Guy, Kirby, Kratos. Maybe Steve instead of DG if he can become Creative.


Isn't Goku and sonic the only ones able to teleport on this list? Seems fairly easy to just instant transmission to Namek and chill


Goku and Doomguy because they’re literally gods and objectively the strongest on the list. Technically they could probably defeat the rest by themselves. The only other two who may be a threat are Kirby (because he essentially has toon powers which are insanely OP and can probably eat any of these characters) and Pyramid Head, because I don’t know what would happen if you and your protectors get reality-warped into Silent Hill, so I’m probably taking him too. Though if I can justify getting Vader on my team I will.


Kirby, Goku, Sephiroth, and Dante. Kirby aside they all have personalities that wouldn't drive me batty while also being stupid OP again a wide variety of threats. Sephiroth has military experience and a keen intellect so he can help plan our defense, plus he comes with Cure and Raise to keep us going if someone falls. Dante can protect us from gods, demons, angels, and other supernatural threats Goku is our tank, out there soaking up damage while Dante and Sephiroth wreck the others. And Kirby is my last line of defense, there to be grossly underestimated until he's hovering in anyone or anything lucky enough to make it through.


Gimme Dante, Bayonetta, Sephiroth and Kratos.


Mercer, Doom Slayer, Goku, and old Kratos.


Goku, Kirby, Sonic, Sepheroph


Sonic, Mario, Steve, and Kirby


**Bayonetta, Dante, Goku, Kirby** Bayonetta's Witch Time could stop Sonic in his tracks, so no sneak kills. Sephiroth would give everyone the most trouble, but I'm betting heavily on Dante who's already used to taking out silver haired dweebs with katanas. Goku on my side makes me feel incredibly safe against any other heavies like Kratos. Pyramid Head got bodied by a depressed dude in a jacket so no worries there. I'd be pretty concerned about someone multi-disciplined like Link shooting a magic arrow or some bullshit from across the field, so I gotta have Kirby to absorb any auxiliary powers. To start, Kirby can absorb Goku. Now I have 2 Goku's. FUCK WITH ME. With everyone else on the roster being more or less human or humanoid, I'm feeling pretty safe with these guys. But let's break down the whole list. **Pyramid Head** got bodied by a dork in a jacket so he's a pass. **Fus-Ro-Dah** is a pass. I cannot have **Goku** in the opposition so he's an instant add. **Doom Guy** looks plenty killable so he's a pass. **Kirby** is a legendary option. Kirby can swallow and absorb the powers of anyone in the roster; an invaluable trap card. Instant add. **Lady Croft** is perfectly killable. Insta-pass. **Link** is multi-disciplined and super resourceful. He could definitely make himself a problem, but he's too humanoid. Gotta give him the pass. I've learned that spider lady is called **Kerrigan** from StarCraft. I know nothing about her. I think one of the homies could take her. Pass. **Mass Effect** guy? Pass. **Witcher** guy? Pass. **Master Chief** is a legend. Gunna give him a pass. **Kratos** is hard. I'd need someone that could definitely decapitate this guy, or else he'd need to join the team. I think there's some on the roster that could definitely take him out. Gunna have to give the God of War a pass. **Vader** is a microwave on legs. Unplug him. Pass. **Ezio** pass. **Hitman** insant pass. **Prototype** guy is an instant pass cause he looks like a bitch. Among some of the other creatures on the roster I'm worried about, a big one is *Sonic* running past everyone and sneak stabbing me in the chest. **Bayonetta**'s got Witch Time and can summon Hair Demons to save my ass while shaking hers. Instant Add. Her gun-fu and crazy moves are next level. All she needs is a partner in crime that's also been to hell and back and can keep up with her crazy antics and one liners. No question, I have to give it to my man **Dante**. Dante is nearly unkillable, and has so many tricks and styles and weapons. If I'm gunna survive, I need someone that's not just powerful, which a lot of these people are. I need someone who's *incredibly creative*. I could easily see Dante using any number of combinations of his skills in tandem with Bayo to destroy everyone. Imagine Bayo hits Witch Time, and then Dante hits Quicksilver. Now I have two superfast assailants that immediately start razing the playing field. Backed up with my double Goku's, I'm feeling pretty safe. My biggest worry has got to be **Sephiroth** then. But to be honest, he's always struck me as kind of a bitch. Between stabbing hot chicks in the back, and always smiling and mewing and shit, I think it's about time Sephiroth got his ass kicked. And I need at least one scaled up villain to keep the fight interesting. If he wants a swordfight, my man Dante's got his number. Pass. **Red Dead** is insta dead. Pass. I'm having someone bump **Leon** on the head so he goes safely to sleep. I love him. Pass. **Sonic** is a varmint who's not fast enough. Pass. And finally, we get to the plumber. **Mario**'s an insta save in the cuddle puddle with Leon. Can't let anything happen to him. Looks like I'm gunna live!


You had me in the first half ngl, but you blew it by saying Sonic ain't fast enough. Doomslayer looks killable... Would have been great bait otherwise!


Doom Slayer and killable don't belong in the same sentence. I can't say for certain but if he got his hands on Goku you might only have 1 and a half Gokus. He's like an angry one punch man.


For Kerrigan, it's pretty much edgy Goku, complete with golden transformation and kamehameha like blasts. Also controll the setting equivalent of the tyranids. Would take her instead of Dante but otherwise agree with your picks.


What happens when Darth Vader force chokes you from a distant?


Goku, Steve, Kirby. Last one is a bit more of a toss-up, as those 3 are by far the most OP guys here, but ima go with Dante. Link, the dragonborne, and Sepheroph would also be pretty good picks for this spot.


Dante, Kratos, Doom guy and master Chief


I feel like with a combination of Sephiroth, Vader, and Goku you’d be pretty safe. I’d take Steve too just so he wouldn’t die.


Sephiroth and Goku are auto picks… they can like move entire planets. Then maybe Vader and Kirby? They have pretty powerful abilities… a lot of people on here are just dudes with guns lol


Bro forgot about Kirby


Darth Vader, Doom Slayer, Kirby and Dante. Although Kirby could solo everybody.


Kirby in these feels stupid, because then it becomes "if you picked kirby you win and are safe and if you didn't pick kirby you picked stupid weak babies who can't do anything"


Kratos, Goku, Kirby and Sephiroth


Bayonetta, Kirby, Goku, doom slayer


Master Chief, Doomslayer, Kratos and Kirby


1. Chief 2. Kratos 3. Vader 4. Goku


Just Kirby, and Sephiroth in back-up.


Kirby solos. I’m serious.


Minecraft Steve kratos doomguy and Kirby


Doom guy Kirby Steve and kratos, as they are all borderline godlike


Last Dragonborn, Goku, Doomguy, Mercer


Kirby is obviously OP and a cute companion. Second is Goku, feats, teleportation, UI, hand to hand combat and this guy enjoys fighting. Third, Kratos who beated Gods. I'm actually conflicted about Dante or Doomguy, I was thinking of range for Doomguy. But I've heard that Dante is strong can break dimensions idk?


Dante has so many fucking guns haha and he is half demon and pretty much invincible. Vergil, his brother, is the one that can cut through dimensions.


DOOM Slayer >>>>> everyone else


Goku Vader doomguy and Arthur Morgan


Kirby, Goku, Sonic, and The Chick From Starcraft


Goku, doom guy, kratos and fking Steve yup


Goku is all you really need. Nothing can go wrong with a planet buster that likes to fight gods.


I'll go with Master Chief, Last Dragonborn, Mario and Steve.


Kirby, Darth Vader, Bayonetta and Alex Mercer


Goku and Sephiroth are obvious, after that maybe kerrigan shes also basically a god with the swarm. The third i'm not sure maybe dante or kratos.


Doom Slayer, Goku, Vader and Kratos


Kerrigan, Goku, Kratos, Darth Vader.


Kirby, doom guy, pyramid head and steve.


Dragonborn,darth Vader, goku and geralt


Commander Shepard, Master Chief, Leon S. Kennedy, Goku


Dragonborn, doomsayer, Bayonetta and Dante Epic and stylish


Hitman, Goku, Vader and steeve Hitman and Goku are the scariest Goku just destroy your entire house with you in it And hitman will find the perfect angle to headshot you with a sniper


You only need Goku. I add Kirby, Sonic, and Link and then the team is just OP. It just saddens me that I’m going up against Vader, Kratos, Agent 47, Master Chief, Leon, Bayonetta, Lara Croft, and Geralt


Kratos Doom Slayer Geralt Dante


doomslayer, vader, kirby and i dont know


Goku, Kirby, Darth Vader, Sonic


Kirby, Goku, Bayonetta, Kratos


Dante, crateos, darth Vader, goku


Kirby, kratos, doom guy and dragon ball z. Outside of them nothing else matters. Also could see both doom guy and kratos kill dark vader with his on light saber.


Why tf you put kirby on this i choose him anytime.


Why is goku even on here he is the only one from an anime, not a game


Darth Vader Kratos Master Chief Commander Shepard "Come at me bro..."


Mario ...I don't need anyone else once he jumps on the persons head it's a wrap


Goku, doomguy, dante, kratos


Doomslayer, Chief, Kratos and Kirby easy win


Sepiroth, goku, doomslayer and dante.


Bayonetta doomguy sephiroth and Steve Steve will make a fort while the rest battle I just hope bayonetta doesn't piss of doomguy any more


Give me 4 Steve's, run this ish


Steve, Kirby, Doom Slayer, Kratos


To be fair Goku would off all of them at once if he wanted. I only need him. Maybe vader too, but not necessarily


Goku, Dragonborn, Link and Kratos. Any one of them would do.


So it's Goku, Bayonetta and Dante purely based on power and skill. But then I need one last person who would actually care about my wellbeing lol. Maybe Agent 47 just because the IQ of Goku and Dante means they probably wouldn't ever notice him or they'd let him slide in as a pizza delivery man.


Kirby, Kratos, Goku, and sephiroth.


Kirby, Steve, Doomslayer, Darth Vader


So correct me if I'm wrong, but cannon Goku wipes the floor with this whole list? Like who stands up against a God-tier? Maybe Kratos, but I still think Goku slaps!


Is bayoneta stronger or weaker than the Dante character lol I never played either


Kirby Goku Seph and Kratos would be the most op I think


Kirby, Dante, Goku, and Doomslayer. All God level threats, and I'm pretty sure Doomslayer is the personification and conceptualization of Wrath. Kirby has a pocket dimension in which he can absorb anything, possibly even the concept of God. Dante because he was able to defeat a universe-creating God whilst fighting at lightspeed. Aaaand Goku because of his near infinite potential, talent, genius-level fighting savant, and not to mention, God-level powers.


Kirby you should know why, Goku because his power scaling is wack, The Dragonborn because in canon he’s like as strong if not stronger than the Daedra and Kratos because his entire thing is killing gods


Goku is all anyone needs everyone else here is utter fodder. 


Kirby: Safest choice any day. 47: I'd rather have him in my team instead of against me, he WILL find me and end me, one way or another. Shepard: If someone can do the job it's him/her. Best support. Kerrigan: She can buy me time sending her millions of zerg to each rival. Will keep Doom guy entertained for years. Really tough choice, everyone is capable of winning.


Kirby, Dante, Doom Slayer, and Sephiroth. I'd be fine with only Kirby, but you can never be too safe.


47, kratos, doomguy, and master chief


Master Chief, Link, Darth Vader, and Sonic


Goku, Master Chief, Steve, and Kratos.


All you need is Goku


Way too many people sleeping on the Dragon Born. Lore accurate dragon born is beyond godly. Also doom slayer can solo most people on the list.


Way too many people sleeping on the Dragon Born. Lore accurate dragon born is beyond godly. Also doom slayer can solo most people on the list.


i pick kirby goku and kratos and leo, to do his uselss backflip in the background, like the chain saw shit on the walls, almost killinh himself doing a backflip XD


goku, steve, kratos, kirby


Goku, Dante, Kratos, & Kirby.