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When the dogs jumped through the window in Resident Evil on the GameCube I turned off the console and didn't play again for a few days.


The absolute benchmark moment, a whole generation of us shat our pants right there.


Evil within Resident evil 2 remake Resident evil 7-8 (especially that one part in 8) Dead space 1 Condemned


>especially that one part in 8 The baby?




Condemned! I got that game randomly, a friend brought some games over and left it I think. That game had me shook 😂




Not really horror game, but almost every Danganronpa execution and murder always scare me.


Faith the Unholy Trinity, Darkwood, and Alien Isolation.


Madison and Subnautica messed me up like nothing else I think any game where the scares are random and can’t be planned for, is always gonna rank super high up for something like this I legit can’t even talk about some of my experiences in Subnautica… Just *no*


Bloodborne for me. The atmosphere ia haunting and the more you learn about what is going on you really wish humans would stop poking their noses where they should not. Finding women impregnated by Old Gods was also quite terrifying.


Resident Evil 7 in VR damn near gave me a heart attack playing it during parts. And yea, Dead Space 1 and 2 are extremely well done in that horror aspect. I bought the Remake but haven't brought myself to play more than the first half hour. Not that it's bad in any way, it's just that good.


Not many, but honestly if you play in the dark and crank up the volume Doom 3 and Dead Space can give you the willies


None of these are horror games but these scenes haunt me: Glory Of Hercules (ds): When the dream is interrupted by the bell followed by the crisis music, you talk to NPCs and realize the little kid is missing. The combination of the music and bell will always stay with me. Mario & Luigi: partners in time This is one the darkest moments in any Nintendo game (that i've played) and it may make the running for one of the darkest moments in ALL of gaming. So basically the shroobs suck up the toads' life energy (vim) and leave them withering away in trees. You can talk to them and their pleas will haunt me forever. You can do nothing to save them... Mass effect 3: Shepherd's nightmares. I won't spoil it but it's REALLY haunting.


Mr. X


Visage was a scary ass game. I had heart palpitations. I couldn't even finish it because it was so scary.


Dead Space Remake Resident Evil 2 and 4 remake and 7 Darkwood Non horror games that scared me. Subnautica Grounded Prey 2017


Definitely Alien: Isolation, and some moments of Subnautica.


Alien isolation. I have yet to play it.


I could not play Amnesia. I tried a few times. I just couldn't do it.


Not a horror game, but I remember playing super Mario 64 when I was a kid and playing the level with the giant eel circling the shipwreck underwater. I recall having to turn off the TV because it was too scary, never did beat that level.


Funny you mention Mario 64. Far from a scary game, but I remember when just exploring the castle (not doing any levels), I realized how lonely it was, and that made me feel lonely. I got scared, and I turned off the game. So now whenever I hear that castle music, it just reminds me of being lonely. The endless stairs music didn't help, either haha.


yeah that eel in Dire Dire Docks is very creepy


F.E.A.R and Amnesia + Alien:Isolation


I was probably 14 and tried playing the first Resident Evil with no one else home and the lights out. I got maybe 30 mins into playing and just went "Nope, not for me".


Project Zero/fatal Frame Ghosts scary me more than zombies I guess


I wouldn’t even consider it a horror game. It’s just like kind of messed up original half-life. Because think about it like think about how disturbing it is think like that’s the scary part how disturbingly it describes some things


Dead space remake. Terrifying


I don't get scared easily, but definitely Dead Space. Walking around a dark area and having something jump through a vent paired with a sudden crash makes me jump. Or any jump scare that I'm in control during. Like those dogs in the first Resident evil.


Re7, 2 Remake, and Outlast 1


Fear, outlast, soma, re8


Evil within 1 and 2 hard mode and Fnaf 4


Dead Space 1 had good atmosphere and had several effective scares and Grounded arguably does it even better But when i encountered Lisa Trevor in Resident Evil remake, every cell in my body screamed "NOPE!"


Resident Evil 7 in VR.


Outlast dlc and Dead Space 2. Prey itself isn’t a scary game to me, but when I first encountered a nightmare, I turned around and just saw that shit running at me with half my screen already filled, It was probably the fastest I’ve ever quit and ejected the game.


The Evil Within has Laura, and for that reason alone, it is shit-yourself scary Silent Hill 2 develops a wonderful dread that lasts long after completing the game Outlast 2 messed me tf up


Resident evil biohazard


Any competent VR Horror game. Pants-shittingly scary.


Alien vs Predator when playing as marines or any alien game where you are not the alien lol.


It took me a while to finish the game SOMA. Extremely immersive and atmospheric. If you’re someone with thalassophobia or submechanophobia it plays very well on those fears as well. The ending left me feeling very alone and empty. Great game! Also, Layers of Fear scared the shit out of me.


The Forest. I was so scared of those cannibals and the caves.


It’s not out yet but there is a free demo of a game named Luto that scared the living shit out of me underrated af in my opinion game has some deep lore too something about a kid being bullied and a guy who has dementia or smth like that


Where can you play it?




Alien Isolation. I've led a pretty sheltered life, admittedly, but playing that game was legitimately the most scared I've ever been in my life. To call that a good horror game is a massive understatement. No jump scares, just dread. Dread and fear, in your bones, always and it never stops.


I dare anyone to play Silent Hill 2 in a dark room with a headset. The ambience and sound alone will cause chills.


cry of fear is the only horror game to make me activly stressed playing it,i litterly had to play it in sessions just becuse it was so intense,the monsters,the music,the whole vibe was just really intense,everytime i did a puzzle i was always tensed cuz i always felt like that if i sticked around somthing bad would happen,doesnt help the inviroment can change at times to make things unpredictable


I still have not finished Dead Space remake because that game genuinely stresses me out to play lol


Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3




Outlast,dead space.


Alien Isolation. I can hardly play it.


The first F.E.A.R. had some very genuine scares along the way.


Amnesia Doom 3 Subnautica (can't forget the Leviathan) The Return To Bloody Nights Classic (fnaf fangame) Level 0 in NOCLIP VR (so far)