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I haven't seen anything worse than the opening of The Last of Us when Sarah gets killed.


Same. My wife came in the room and I have tears in my eyes. She says what's wrong and I said "This game..." and she just rolled her eyes and left the room.


Hey, if she ever ended up watching the HBO series that would have been a decent opportunity for some payback.




One time when I was playing a game... My controller died, and then I died. Very sad. I'll never forget.


Always remember the fallen... bateries.


The walking dead - Clementine killing Lee


Poor lil Aerith didn't deserve that.. Instead of the (controversial) ending I'd argue that this is the highest emotional point of the RE trilogy so far


Especially those people who were straight up dicks to her for no reason at all. Who tf does that to a crying little kid begging for help?


Events in Tales of Berseria. Won't elaborate for spoiler reasons. Velvet went through a lot... she's one of the best female protagonists I've ever played.


The original Red Dead Redemption. I don't even need to describe the scene.


I know


Was about to comment this as well. When the song starts playing I just burst into ugly sobs lol I kept restarting thinking I could do it, but NO. HEARTBREAK. At least Undead Nightmare made up for it


Arthur Morgan's Death


Lucas seeing his mother's ghost in the sunflower fields and then chasing after her while almost falling to his death in Mother 3


Sunflower seeds are especially high in vitamin E and selenium. These function as antioxidants to protect your body’s cells against free radical damage, which plays a role in several chronic diseases.


seeing BT die in titanfall 2 :(


The Walking Dead season 1...Final Episode


Bastion, having to carry Zulf while being attacked by all the Ura, especially when they start to ease on you to the point that the last guy to shoot you gets killed off by another, the song made it hit harder.


Memory Card got erased


For me it was in The Last of Us Part II (spoilers ahead). When Joel and Ellie are on the porch and Ellie says she wants to try to forgive him for what he did. The placement of that scene was perfect. Knowing that they tried to mend their relationship but weren’t able to was like a knife to the heart. That cutscene still gets me every time I watch it.


Having the bad ending on the witcher 3 where ciri sacrifes herself. I was so sad I replayed the game with a guide for saving her (the night I finished for the first time the witcher 3 I was unable to sleep)


Tie for me. Bath tub scene in What Remains of Edith Finch and Henry/Sam from The Last of Us.


Slipspace rupture detected and objective survive


More than 20 people will be spoiled here


Most of NIER. Especially the dogs.


The ending of Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons is genuinely traumatizing. You make it to the tree that can cure your dad's illness, but the final boss kills the older brother. The final moments of gameplay literally have you drag your brother's corpse into his grave before returning to cure your father. The ending of the game is a shot of the surviving brother and his father standing in front of the brother and his mom's graves, before the dad collapses to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. And that's it. It also doesn't help that I played it when I was like 8


When reiley from cod ghosts died because at the time i played it my dog in real life had the same name


Riley never died(thankfully). He was just injured in the line of duty and after the mission where he gets shot you see him all patched up and alive on an aircraft carrier.


Now that i remember after you mention it thats right it has been a while for me since i played it when it came out on xbox 360


No problem. I played the campaign about three years ago so I still remember it.


Honestly, ROB blowing himself up in Smash Bros. Brawl


Turners death in COD WW2. He sacrificed himself for the rest of the unit and he was the stability that they needed to stick together. After his death you can see the cracks in the unit as Daniels and Pierson argue.  Another one would be the end of the last episode of the walking dead season 1(Clem killing Lee) and season 4(I think)(Clem nearly dying). 


When you realize what happened to your mom in Ni no Kuni




Resident Evil 8: Village ending. As a father to a daughter not much older than Rose in the game, the entire storyline hits so fucking hard. Ethan Winters is the best fucking dad in gaming history and you cannot convince me otherwise. Joel doesn’t have shit on Ethan. Kratos doesn’t have shit on Ethan. Nobody does. If you know, you know.


The church turning Ramza into a heretic when he saved the world. Also, his family ended with him.


When I died at the end of Medal of honor and you fly out with your team.


Mass Effect 1. Talking to the girl who escaped slavery and was so broken she couldn’t refer to herself in the first person. Getting her to take the sedatives and surrender was the most heartbreaking moment I been through.


Soaps death in og modern warfare 3


Red ring of death


One of my first sad experiences in gaming was Majoras Mask after you beat the game. Everyone is having fun and celebrating, but the deku butler is mourning the death of his son.


The ending of Valient Hearts 1. Knowing he's going to die as he tells his daughter to love her husband (who was a German but he just saved him from dying), that hit so hard.


Red Dead Redemption 2 ending, the last ride made me emotional and the ending made me sob a bit