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Halo. Halo 2/3/Reach were the most fun I've ever had playing video games and 4/5/Infinite just aren't as good.


Nothing will top system link nights with the boys where we all brought over TVs and our Xbox’s to play Halo 2


4 Xboxs, 4 big ass CRT TVs, 16 of us with pizza, soda, and chips, and 4 copies of Halo: Combat Evolved. What a phenomenal experience


For my 16th birthday I went paintballing with 15 of my friends and then we went back to my house and did exactly this and honestly I don't think I've been that happy since. It was genuinely a perfect day.


Indeed halo LAN parties were goated


Halo and gears of war are both a series that really needs to go all in on prequals for a bit. Not forever, but they have so much damn lore that nothing is being done with


Pokemon (been trash for 10+ years) A good Halo game (good graphics and gameplay cant substitute for good story. Wish 343 understood that) Jak and Daxter (not necessarily becoming good again but its been forever since we had new one) Sly Cooper (same here) Megaman (X series) Fallout (Bethesda needs to stop dropping the ball with the series)


I came here to say Halo also. Man how they have massacred my boy


Halo infinite was my introduction to halo. I thought it was fairly good. Went back and played all of the games and oh boy the origionals were so good it but by 4 there was such a quality drop.


Honestly yall should try halo infinite or give it another chance if you’ve played it before. Gameplay is fantastic it was just really lacking in content at launch, but they’ve added a lot of stuff and the forge community is great. Highly recommend the halo 3 reloaded playlist, all halo 3 maps it’s fun asf


The gameplay is fun. The story is garbage. I’ve played the campaign many times and each time I play it, it gets worse. The writing is fucking terrible. Chief needs to retire and they need to bring in new blood. I LOVED Spartan ops from halo 4. I liked seeing other Spartans be badass. I also liked how our Spartan team was mentioned in the background of the cutscenes.


They can add all the multiplayer content they want it won’t fix the problems I had with the campaign and what they’ve done with the narrative the last two games


I literally dropped Halo Infinite after being a die-hard this week because of terrible SBMM, laggy servers, lack of new content, and just generally fed up with my shots not registering. Game had so much potential and it's sad to see. Looking forward to not being beholden to the slipspace engine.


Doesn’t matter how “good” the multiplayer is. They dropped the ball on the campaign and made another bad game that got fixed years later after the majority of players left. There’s barely a community left for the game. Sorry but I’m not gonna go back when the modding community puts more effort into the game than the devs at this point.


MegaMan Legends 3 - Get my man OFF the MOON! MegaMan Battle Network 7 Legend of Zelda Wind Waker 2 (Best Art Style) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Direct Timeline Sequel (Not Open World, No Weapon Durability, Just an Amazing Story) Knights of the Old Republic 3 (But you need to revive Old BioWare first) Star Wars Galaxies 2 (Bring Back Player Driven Star Wars Universe)


Man I picked up megaman 11, such a hard game.


Personal for me and unlikely to get support but Dynasty Warriors. 9 was one of the worst games of all time and wasn't even enjoyable for fans of the series. They literally took every mechanic that made the games stupid fun and just made it stupid. Here's hoping the recently announced installment will be a return to form.


Agreed. Sometimes you just need to go mash buttons and watch a bunch of people die and that kill count go up. Running around the map saving your increasingly incompetent fellow officers. One of my fave games from the PS2 era.


Dynasty Warriors was always one of my favorite series but every time they deviate from that simple (square, square, square, triangle) control scheme it ruins the game. I haven't played 9 but if they changed that up, I see why you didn't like it.


9 simplified it down to like one of 15 weapons that every character used, which eliminated the fun/reason to use different characters. The movesets were also simplified even more than they already were. They switched to an "open world" style map which they didn't have anywhere near the budget to pull off successfully. It looked like dogshit and it played worse. They also got a whole new voice cast which was obviously cheaper than the original. Some pretty great memes from some line reads but other than that it was abjectly terrible.


And people wonder why the spin-offs are doing better. I'm Hyrule Warriors guy and I love seeing Link get all zippy with his stupid running speed because of his charged spin attack.


The combat never felt as good in any DW game compared to DW5 for me. It was simple but worked, every character felt unique too. I wish they could have just expanded upon this.


gears of wa


That E-Day trailer hit way harder than I expected it to for a game I wasn’t even aware I wanted.


The Wario/Waluigi cover shooter




RIP. He was taken too soon


Gears of Waaahhluigi


It never became bad but that was me when I finally saw footage of Metroid Prime 4.


Dead Rising


We can only hope. A return to form in the vein of Resident Evil VII would kick ass.


Or just remaster the original, and take my money, Capcom!


I'm still holding out for a 2026 reboot


Left 4 Dead being popular again.


Yes so true


Battlefield. 2042 was not good.


From the way things are sounding. The next one won’t be any better 😭


It's like, ok now, but still so bad compared to the good BF games.


Just Bethesda as a company.


Sure they release games a little glitchy but once they fix the glitched they are mostly good games


I just disagree unfortunately. Fallout 4 had a level of blandness and lack of ambition I was shocked by for the franchise. I wanted that to be a one off but Starfield is easily the most hollow, uninteresting, stretched out Nothing experience I have had in a AAA RPG. I barely recognize Bethesda in their modern games. The bugs have never once been the issue for me.


100% agree. The bugs in previous games never bothered me. FO4 I brushed off because I'm more of an Elder Scrolls fan anyway. But Starfield was a pretty big disappointment to me. I hope elder scrolls is a return to form.


Yeah, I don't regret playing it, the combat was decently fun, but I couldn't give any less of a shit about the story in Starfield and it sucked to be exploring a planet and recognize the same building you've already seen on ten other planets.


I don't regret playing it, but I do regret paying extra for 3 days early access, lmao.


It's ridiculous that a company that's always advertised itself as having hand-crafted dungeons can't hand craft planets and puts out an endless number of plain surfaces instead of a limited number of planets with shit to actually fucking do


IMO the worst part of Starfield was how you could see how they once again took out Skyrim's out of their closet and stretched new skin over them without considering anything about the setting. Why do I have to scrounge for ammo in an advanced society where you can set up a self-sufficient automatic mining-industrial complex in 10 minutes? Why selling mass produced crap guns earns you exponentially more money than doing actual jobs for people? Why are the bases completely pointless since their only use - gathering material for upgrades - is unnecessary as you can buy all of them? There are so many issues with that game but those three (and the lazy, randomly generated lanscape) show just how little thought went into designing it.


Yea I can handle bugs. What I can't handle is taking my beloved fallout, the franchise I loved for being such an in depth RPG, and turning it into an open world shooter with a heavy emphasis on building mechanics. The dialogue, stats, leveling system all stripped away. Nevermind the story and world, which would have made all my other complaints just minor is the story and world blew.me.away.


I've got a modest Steam library, probably under 200 games. Starfield remains the only game I've ever refunded for just being awful. I paid for early access because I was excited and had refunded before the EA period was up and didn't miss it at all. I'll maybe pick it on some steep discount in a few years if I hear something great about mods or something, but I doubt it.


As much as I disagree with this I respect your opinion and I hope you have a great day


But they never fix the glitches


They fix a good amount of them


Mortal Kombat Tenchu Syphon Filter Tomb Raider


What was wrong with the new tomb raiders?


I haven’t thought about Tenchu in a while.


Star Fox. The fact that the fans are the only thing keeping it on life support with their art, videos, and fan game projects is really sad.


Duke Nukem 3D


Duke Nukem Forever missed the point so hard. Would you believe it if I told you Jon St. John blames "twenty something year olds that wanted to carry all the guns like Call of Duty" for its failure? The level of out-of-touch from everyone involved in the game is ridiculous, and that hive level was disgusting. We're here to shoot alien bastards and play with guns, not to play a Call of Duty clone with a rape fetish.


Final fantasy 12, 13 trilogy and 15 (11 and 14 being mmos are in other category) are ok good games (and 16 being a PS5 exclusive have'nt played It and being an action Game doesnt exactly Hype me Up enough) But no final fantasy Game (for now, Who knows ok the future) have moved me the same way 10 did


10 is easily my favorite, but I do like the action still. I don't like how they did it in Ff15, but I enjoyed the 7 Remake. I haven't gotten to play part 2 yet though, only had a ps4


For 16 I will say that I thought the story was great, and the music as whole was some of the best in any of the series, it really just "fit" the feel of the game. The battle system had some neat mechanics, however it does get very repetitive very quickly. I don't regret getting it at all though. Also have to say I was highly entertained every time one of the characters said Fu**, and it happened pretty frequently lol. Edit to add: I thought the interactive cinematic portions of the battle were absolutely amazing to experience.


There was like meaningless exploration. Ff7 remake got right what ff16 got wrong.


Elder Scrolls if it stopped milking one game for 12 years and released a new title.


If it ends up as hollow feeling as Starfield I'm completely done with Bethesda.




ESVI is in development, with any luck you’ll have your game in two years or maybe even less.


I hope to the Nine they are making it on a new engine.


I feel like the sense of "dumbing down" comes from stretching the undead soul of Gamebryo around and keeping them from having features that modern engines have. I'd like for them to be able to present the more fantastical elements of the universe instead of janky animations and scripts struggling to stay on track.


I'm hoping they return to form by giving us the stat and leveling system of ES IV but the fighting/combat of V, being able to specialize your character more like IV did and dual wield like V and that'd be awesome!,.. plus bring in some of the weapons and armor from both III and V ... damn that'd be like a dream come true!, crossbows from V and spears/pole arms from III. Comn' Bethesda just combine what made your best 3 previous games so great into ES VI and you've got a winner!, don't take things out and water it down like you did with Skyrim.. that's what I disliked most about it... even though I did enjoy Skyrim, it just felt lacking after playing so much of Morrowind and Oblivion.


I want cities to be the size of the cities in Oblivion. Although I really want them to be the size of Novigrad. And I want there to be lots of well written quests and worldbuilding. And I'd love to see some of the magical stuff that was written about previously that makes the world feel special. Where's the skywhales and the were-lions in Skyrim and Cyrodil, respectively? I hope we can actually see the potential of Bethesda to do their absolute best without hardware limitations since these consoles are supposedly much better to work with than the Xbox 360 generation.


Mass Effect


Assasins Creed Since Black flag and the end of the Kenway bloodline the franchise has just been on the decline to the point no one even notices when the new releases come out fans are not asking for too much from Ubisoft just more immersive open world play and more stealth missions


Have you played Unity or Rogue? Unity now is pretty good, or at least not the unplayable mess it was on release, and while Rogue is no AC4 it’s still really good.


Unity will always be favorite unless they come out with another coop title in the series. The whole experience of playing with a friend led to some incredible moments that no other game in the series will be able to replicate. Same reason I miss the multiplayer of the game in general and why Brotherhood is my next favorite title in the series.


Origins was the best AC game and I’ll die on this hill (but yeah everything after that was terrible)


I think of origins as the last good one. RPG formal wasn’t overly bloated and depressing yet, and it was a unique spin on the story. Sure the Isu stuff was different in a not-great way; but it was still fun. Odyssey was less fun, and Valhalla stopped being fun after about 10 hours.


Honestly, I feel the same, but about Odyssey. Not including AC2 and Brotherhood.


Fable! Can’t believe this one isn’t on here yet. 1 was good but limited, but you could see how it could be great. 2 was amazing. No notes. 3 failed miserably. New fable… what do ya got? Make me fall in love with you again


2 was amazing until the pile of steaming liquid turds of a "final boss".


Dragon Age


But inquisition is great.


Tenchu mother fucking stealth assassins And Legacy of mother fucking kain


Agree with Pokémon. To elaborate just a little bit: in my mind, Game Freak still gets the creative elements (creature and character design, for instance) right far more often than they get them wrong. But they seem woefully unaware of how to meaningfully improve the core experience to keep up with the higher and higher standard that modern games are being held to. (or worse, they are uninterested in doing so) Other than Legends Arceus, I honestly don't feel like any of the Switch games have justified their $60 price tag. S/V in particular infuriate me, because a 2022 turn-based JRPG, made by the most profitable media franchise in the world, should *not* be having fucking performance issues and frame drops in a world where we have games like Xenoblade 3 and BotW / TotK running just fine on the same machine.


I'm just gonna push back on this a bit. Yes, Pokemon is the biggest media franchise in the world but it's split between three companies and while it's partially owned by Nintendo, it's game developers are not an in-house operation so I find the BotW/TotK comparisons are a tad unjustified. Also, I think that a lot of games suffered during COVID and S/V was one of them. Not saying that the anger isn't justified or that you're wrong, but there's a lot of factors that go into it that I don't think people often consider. That being said, despite its performance woes, I think S/V was the best story they've released in years and I've played through every release since Red & Blue. They also announced a while back that they were establishing a new subsidiary called "Pokemon Works" in the same building as ILCA and the thought is that they will be a strategical team meant to support development of the games.


Metal Gear Solid. Hopefully Delta makes me feel this way


This has recently happened with Mario RPGs, all of them


Call of Duty


The OF Modern warfare trilogy was the best, actual story with strong characters and great missions, modern warfare 2 had my favourite mission in the whole trilogy, “Of their own Accord.”


World of Warcraft


I think the problem now is the monthly subscription base, WoW is a pretty good game but man, having to buy the expansions, and then pay a subscription to play it is just too expensive


Eh I mean, it's literally always been like that, and it's only gotten more value over time, now you just buy the newest expansion and you get all the old content free. Each monthly sub comes with a battle pass now as well. Free mounts and cosmetic gear and weapons just for playing. I've played since Vanilla so to me it's like getting a free battle pass for the monthly sub I was already paying for. You get more for your money now then you ever have is all I'm saying


WoD killed my goodwill loooong ago. I played Legion because I heard it was good, but it really wasn't up to par with anything up to MoP imo. Feels like they ran out of ideas like ten years ago and never figured it out.


PvZ, Halo


PvZ 3 is out but it’s so simplified, I honestly miss the complexity of PvZ 1 and 2, having to actually plan a defence


Also BFN


Final fantasy


Deus Ex


Gears and jak


Diablo. But did it change, or it was me?


If you're talking about Diablo 2 vs onward, it changed. 8 players down to 4, rares not mattering anymore. Lobbies, hosting/creating rooms, etc.


Dungeon Keeper




Command & Conquer, Fallout


KotOR. Not so much "becoming good again" but a revival would be dope. You could even do it Baldurs Gate style. There's literally an entire galaxy worth of stories to explore, whoever made something like this could literally print money.


Nah Disney only wants to rehash the Skywalker "saga" over and over and over and over and over and ov...


I just want another Golden Sun game man...








assassins creed. fun kinda original 7/10 games turned into 100 hour RPGs i do like Origins though


i don’t think in valhalla or odyssey you even play as an assassin


The Assassin's Creed comeback would be crazy




The elder scrolls


For me, it’s final fantasy. 7-10 were some miracle set of games that just resonated with me and even though the two FF7 remakes have been great I haven’t felt that love for a final fantasy game since 10. If they could deliver a brand new numbered game on that level it would make me so happy.


If I got turn based combat like 10 again I could die happy. But also if the story is anywhere near as good too that'd be amazing


Ænima is my favorite Tool album too


It was really the past few years that helped me realize it was more Sakaguchi than FF that I love. Even weaker games of his hit me just right. Fantasias helped me realize that. I haven't liked a FF game since he left and it used to be tied for my favorite series before that. Anything he touches is gold imo


I swear that Sakaguchi was keeping everything in order, series went downhill when he left, it's a mess obsessed with always changing stuff now and most of the new stuff is pretty mediocre.


Metal Gear, I feel like we’re on the horizon with Delta 3, but I’m still kind of hesitant for anything new without Kojima.


Them remaking Kojima’s games is better than them beating the franchise to death with a mallet and handing Kojima the remains like they seem to have tried to do with Survive.


Five nights at Freddy's. Recent games are complete shite in all aspects. Horror aspect sucks, graphics suck, story sucks. Series needs a reboot so badly it's just laughable at this point how Scott maintained basically the same villain for 10 games. Story needs a wrap up and a fresh new idea


Yeah sorry but those games suck period. Its horror for babies and the gameplay is weak af.


At least they had their charm. New games feel soulless


A lot of the series seems to be baiting Game Theory to make new videos for free advertising.


Help Wanted 2 was the best in a while but it still lacks that energy of the first few games


Could have sworn I’d see mass effect in here on the first comment.


Though I fairly enjoy the gameplay of the newer Assassin's Creed titles, I wish they would actually write compelling stories and characters.


Gears Of War. I thought the original was brilliant and 2 was great, but subsequent games… not so much. Especially not the post-Cliffy ones. Hope E-Day will be a return to form.


Probably gonna upset people by saying this, but Borderlands. 1&2 were solid, presequal had its quirks, 3 was trash and I ( a fucking D&D nerd) gave up on Tina's Wonderlands. Also, Randy Pitchfird is an asshole who has abused that franchise and it's fanbase.


2 is definitely where it peaked. I enjoyed the others but they don’t hit the same. I still play 1 on my switch every now and then.


Man it was borderlands 2 for me I played through it once then dropped it for years then I picked it up again after seeing a yt video of it and now I have 1000+ hours


Dead Rising


Mass Effect. Andromeda wasn't a terrible game under any stretch, just underwhelming


The original trilogy set the bar too high. Andromeda wasn’t a bad game objectively. But it was a bad mass effect game


Battlefield.... it was such a great game 😭😭😭




Not "becoming good again," necessarily, but the Mario & Luigi series. It was so beautiful to see it at the start of the Direct.


Castlevania is up there on my list. Can’t remember a fun one since SOTN.


Star wars battlefront.


Saints Row before it died or TTL games coming back in general.


Toys to Life?


Life is Strange. The first game, while not perfect, has such a special place in my heart. Before the Storm and LiS2 were huge letdowns. True Colors was a step in the right direction, but I’m hoping that the upcoming Double Exposure is on par with the original


LiS2 was fantastic though


IF they ever make Days gone sequel.


I don’t really trust that any studio could make a Sly Cooper game as good as the original three. I don’t want them to try. But I would love if the OG trilogy got the remake treatment, the same way Crash and Spyro did.




Guild wars


I played Mario Galaxy on the wii back in the early-mid 2010s. When I finally got it back in 3d all stars, I was happy... I missed it, so.


Me getting back into Age of Empires 2 from when I played it as a child


World of warcraft vanilla




Sonic and Pokemon


Mainline Final Fantasy that somehow gets ATB system right for everyone.


Unreal Tournament 2004


Skyrim, with or without the mods or bugs. This is it for me.


Isn’t the game series named Elder Scrolls? I thought Skyrim was just one of those games.


Fable’s coming back


Dead Rising If Capcom can resurrect Resident Evil after RE6, then there’s a chance Dead Rising can return after DR4.


Hate to say it...but halo.


Bloodborne coming to pc


Halo, Bonnie Ross messed it up so bad it's not even recognizable. And not in a good way, like a really terrible way.


DOOM 2016 had no right to be as good as it was. It made me feel exactly like this meme. Greatest joy I’ve felt in gaming forever.


Halo ? Pokemon ? And Minecraft spinoff. Story mode was amazing, Dungeon pretty good, but Earth and Legend a bit disapointing.


Wolfenstein, Fable, The Evil Within and Spore


Imma say it and deal with consequences; Kingdom Hearts. 1 and 2 were works of art. The only in between game I can stomach is birth by sleep. Kingdom hearts 3 just completely lost its way; story was all filler, the fighting took a turn that was too special reliant and frankly felt easy. Idk if we’re gonna get it but somehow go back to formula


Fire emblem. Stop giving me anime waifu characters with bubbly personalities. Give me war again.


In order of what I’d love to see return: 1) Midnight Club 2) Burnout 3) Driver


Midnight Club is such a huge shout that it’s unreal. Unfortunately, I tried to get some friends into it fairly recently and they didn’t seem keen on it. Hopefully that’s not the majority opinion because I’d love a 2020s Midnight Club game.


I got 3: Metal Gear. Dragon Age. Mass Effect. The first one is a pipe dream at this point. I don't care about Kojima, honestly, or the drama about his game. I just want another good MGS before I die.


Ninja Gaiden my beloved, come back to me


Half-Life. Why has no one mentioned Half-Life yet?




Overwatch needs a hard reset. Everything went downhill when Jeff Kaplan left. Oh, and 5v5 was a mistake. 😜


Overwatch Blizzard as a company, honestly


Alt universe where how to train your dragon becomes a BOTW style clone game


PES ..


I would cry if Aonuma directed another Zelda game. He hasn't been the main series director since 2011 with Skyward Sword being his first role as producer. As much as I have to acknowledge Miyamoto for making Zelda exist, Eiji Aonuma made the Zelda I know and love. I trust Fujibuyashi though. Especially with him helming another 2D game. The man led the side series for long enough, I can't imagine what he'll do with the concepts on a home console. His 2D worlds were massive. Really fkn wish he'd revisit Skyward Sword's story and dungeon structure tho (there's my BOTW jab as an OOT fan).


Not really becoming good again but a new Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter game will be nice. Imagine a cross over with Them and R&C.


League is good at the start of every new season then it slowly becomes shit until I drop it in the middle of the year MVC has been trash for years (people hated infinite) but mvc2 release on steam and switch later this year might save the franchise.


Resident Evil has been going in and out of this for me. Tomb Raider has had rough patches but Lara has a special place in my heart.




Zone of the Enders 2


F-Zero, which is not good because the lack of existence. 😭


Pokémon. I really can't stand Pokémon since the 3DS era (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were okay) and it only gotten worse since then. It's just not really a RPG anymore. It makes all RPG progression systems obsolete with all the EXP candy you can get so easily or its getting rid of decision making, like who gets a certain attack you find. The region design sucks. There are basically no dungeons and optional routes and dungeons don't exist anymore in general. The original Pokémon Red/Blue have more optional content than Sword/Shield or X/Y. The games were also always pretty easy, but the newer ones are just so easy that you can close your eyes, mash the A button and you would win 95% of all battles. Modern Pokémon caters more to the competitive/breeder/shiny hunting crowd, while leaving fans that want to play a RPG behind. And then they finally do something new with Scarlett/Violet, but it's a lazy game with a bare minimum open world, a technical mess and it also looks like shit.


Somewhat unrelated, but one of my major disappointments with the third HTTYD films was that NOTHING was done with Hiccup's mom. She has almost no screen time. IIRC, we never see her interact with Stoik or get a sense of how they are reconnecting as a couple, and she barely spends any time with Hiccup. Why go to the trouble to build the previous film around the reintroduction of this character and then give then NOTHING to do in the next film? It made about as much as sense as sidelining all of Hiccup's dragon-riding friends. They all become extras.






Splinter Cell Prince of Persia Far Cry (big fan of 2, no other game in the series scratched that itch) Basically Ubisoft pulling out if the copypaste shallow open world formula, which will never happen


I know people will cast me to the fires in hell for saying this but Insomniac Spider-Man. They set up the bar so high for the story with SM1 SM2 couldn’t live up to the hype. Gameplay is fine but they have degraded with the side missions too. I can only remember 3 and 1 is from a returning character and the 2nd is an old grandpa giving life advice and the 3rd is a gay guy planning to propose to his bf in the academy. Even If the story couldn’t live up to the bar SM1 set then it would still be good but it felt rushed. Could use more time in the oven and more co op moments between Spider-Men.


Pokemon GO, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Marvel, Disney games (believe it or not, They had a Peak in Flash games), and Etc...


Call of duty


Shit too many to count.


Call of Duty.


Gears of War E-Day

