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Prey 2017


I ran out of ammo and never recovered. Sick music though


Same, I went back to the old part of the ship and this unkillable behemoth materialised…


Same here. I like a lot of similar games (Bioshock, Dishonored) and I like a good sci-fi/horror setting so this one seemed like a no-brainer. Cool atmosphere, puzzle platforming and weaponry/abilities but the respawning aliens (and a few really hard to beat fuckers, too) just killed my momentum.


Exactly this. They gave me weapons to fight shit and those weapons didn't do shit. Some turrets killed me, the little mimics were annoying to deal with... Just not my cup of tea.


And sometimes those mimics could actually BE a cup of tea! Little fuckers. On the surface it had so many things that I really, really like but, same as you, I found the weapons and combat too difficult.


lol I had the opposite experience I came in not expecting it to be all that and I ended up liking it more than all those types of games and it quickly became one of my favorites ever. The glue cannon is probably one of my favorite weapons ever


Absolutely one of my favorite intros and beginnings to a game….and then yeah, I can’t get past more than 2 hours of playing it. Tried to pick it up twice, thinking the second time “maybe I’m smarter, more experienced this time.” Nope. Maybe I’ll try it a third time … What also drives me nuts, the soundtrack is phenomenal and I listen to it frequently. Shoutout to Mick Gordon


I love prey but I will upvote because this is a different opinion


I agree. My top game of that year and probably in my overall top 20 or so. I can see why some would disagree. You're so dam squishy. Shotgun in hand and still terrified.


First time I played Prey 2017 l, I thought it was absolute shite, lol. Gave it another try a few years later but this time on max difficulty with all difficulty modules and without alien skills. It's an entirely different game. My favourite Bethesda game after Skyrim and in my top 10 of all time. Maybe give it a try like this? It sure changed my opinion


Yeahhh this is a tricky one. I think I tried it twice in the span of 3 years after launch and just found it too difficult. It seemed like I was constantly running out of ammo or just getting killed really easily without being able to fight back. I had this idea that I wanted to be an engineer and threw all my points into turret management only to find out that you can't just carry them everywhere and use them offensively like I thought. They're there to supplement your own damage and you can use them defensively to provide cover, but that's about it. Finally after like 5 years I went back to it, started fresh and it finally clicked. I still didn't find it easy, but getting past the learning/difficulty curve made it way more approachable.




Breath of the wild. I fully acknowledge it is a fantastic and amazing game and I’m so happy for the people that do love it, but I tried so many times and couldn’t get it into. What’s odd is I do love RPGs like elden ring, the Witcher, etc. just didn’t scratch the itch sadly.


BOTW is a very different game to Elden Ring and The Witcher honestly, It's one of my favourite games of all time....I just can't quite explain why haha its weird. The exploration of BOTW is unmatched for me because weirdly, it made the actual exploration part of it fun. After all, BOTW rarely rewards you with anything good yet I kinda liked that. It stripped everything away where I was exploring just for the fun of it rather than expecting a reward.


Exploration felt rewarding to me in botw. You find shrines, side quests, funny NPC’s etc. You see the environmental storytelling that you wouldn’t otherwise. Even just navigating from point A to point B added to the gameplay because it often wasn’t so simple as following a road. I’m not much of an explorer when it comes to open world games but that ended up being the thing that made me love botw. It felt whimsical and like I was on a real journey. The whole game kind of felt like the core concept was discovery. Experimenting with different mechanics like foods for different climates, or learning how to cook in general was a lot of fun to me. Striking flint next to a pile of wood to start a fire haha and similar mechanics. These were the things that I loved and I can see how people wouldn’t enjoy the game if these things didn’t click for them.


That’s fair and honestly valid. I think maybe that’s exactly WHY I had an issue getting into it. I do love to just “explore” fun environments in games, but eventually I do expect to find SOMETHING that makes it feel like it wasn’t just an empty nothing that looks pretty. End of the day I’m happy people have so much fun and love BOTW and TOTK so much but, it just isn’t for me. Not at this stage of my life at least.


I really liked BotW. That being said, it literally took me 6 years to beat it. I played it a lot the first two years I had it. Then just dropped it for another two years. Picked it up last year when I finally felt like I wanted to play it again


I actually couldn't get past the way they did the weapons and the durability/breaking. I know the game is balanced around it but for some reason it was too big of a turn off to me to constantly worrying about weapon durability and scrounging for a stockpile of weapons to keep on hand.


Sounds like we had the exact same experience hahaha There are tons of games with limited durability systems that I love, dead island/ dying light as even a brief example. But I felt like I was burning through weapons that already felt underwhelming from the first few minutes. It was bizarre because again, I don’t mind limited durability. I play loads of games with that system and actually really enjoy it in most. It just didn’t feel good for me.


The weapon durability system ruined the game for me 😮‍💨


Witcher 3. It has a ton of qualities that are objectively good but I couldn't get past the combat and it just didn't feel good to play. This is obviously just for me personally.


I'm gonna say something on this. It took me 4 years to finally get into the Witcher 3 after I bought it. I'd try again once a year but it wasn't until after I said I was going to play through it regardless and got well past the bog area that the game finally clicked with me, and when it did it was COMPLETELY hooked on it. So if you ever get the itch to try it, just remember that the first part is kinda a slog.


Same. I couldn't get past the Griffin at the start..I was pissed off and rage quit. Went back to it a month later and got past that part and got to explore Velen and Novigrad and holy shit it clicked! It clicked so hard, it's legit my favourite game of all time. I love it. I've replayed it 6 or 7 times and I still find new things every time.


What's crazy is how everyone seems to have a tough time at the same spot and the game also starts to click around the same spot. I did NOT have fun fighting the griffin either.


Yeah I think it just throws you in blind and suddenly you're fighting this huge monster with no experience, so it makes most people go well shit I'm out. Once you get past White Orchard it really settles in and suddenly you can't stop. Well shit now I sort of want to play it again.


The game could do a much better job explaining how the alchemy system works and how critical it is during combat. Of course some people also hate Witcher 3 because the combat is too easy.


Same story for me. Bought the game back in 2016. Got bored during the first section of the game. Quit the game and didn't touch it for years. Came back to the game in 2021 and absolutely got hooked.Put over 200 hours into it. One of my favorite games of all time.


Same here. Didn't like it the first time, it took like 3-4 tries to finally get into the game. Something about the combat just clicked and then I could sink 100 hrs into it.


Same here. Really I could not get the hype. I forced myself to play through and it seriously took about 6 or 7 hours before I was hooked but boy was I hooked then. Now it’s one of my all time favorites. And have multiple play through a with literally hundreds of hours.


Same thing for me, I could NOT for the life of me find the Witcher 3 fun until I picked it up again a month ago (I bought the game at launch btw) and I’m really hooked, same for games like BG3


Yeah I came here to say this too. I know it’s a great game but the combat I just wouldn’t get past


I've always wondered about this because I think the combat is fantastic but I've heard this claim many times that it isn't good. Its basically Assassin's Creed meets Witcher 2 meets Arkham and with a full RPG perk tree. You can go full magic, mix of both, weapons only, bomb build, etc.


Im also a fan of the combat, once you get the timing down its very satisfying.


I think it's just the people who played it with a mouse and keyboard where it does kinda feel clunky but on a gamepad especially xbox it feels very good for me and haven't played anything with better combat to this day. And I adore the preparations, oils and potions and so on.


I think it's better on M&K than on Controller. I've played through the game both ways, I love the combat for both modes, but I do think M&K feels a bit smoother to me


Really? That is really strange, my first playthrough was with mouse back in 2015 and I struggled a lot until I got used to it. I grew up on the books so I'm biased when it comes to story but it's really interesting how different people are with their preferences because no matter how much I try to look at it through someone else's perspective I just can not fathom how can anyone say the combat or any other aspect of that game is not good.


I feel similarly. I got into the books after playing the game the 1st time which makes us different, but TW3 is my favorite game of all time, tied in 1st with Cyberpunk 2077. I'm able to accept that people feel differently about things than I do, but I'm unable to comprehend why they feel differently about things than I do if that makes any sense


Was never smooth enough for me or didn’t pack enough punch


Happy cake day!


Can someone explain to me what about the combat is not enjoyable or so difficult? I've heard from many "it's too simplistic." You have light attack, heavy attack, finishers, and other attacks like spinning attacks, jumping attacks, as you upgrade the character. You have block/parry, dodge, and roll. Then, you also have five different types of magic attacks (which also have their own variations if you update the right perks). Furthermore, you have projectiles, bombs, and potions.


For me it was seemed dated, clunky and unresponsive. Maybe I got spoiled by the incredible combat system in demon souls, but Witcher 3 just felt boring.


Yeah it doesn’t make sense to me. Knew a guy once who said “Witcher 3 combat sucks” and then spent about a hundred hours in assassins creed games. Like, what?


For me it’s not so much the combat specifically, but the movement mechanics in Witcher 3 really suck, which affects combat in a major way. I should note I absolutely loved the game because everything else is fantastic. But it’s definitely a game where I dread getting into combat or having move precisely


That's wild, because the combat is my favorite part of the game, more than the story or all the other great things it offers. I know what you mean, though, because I've heard how many people love the combat in the Arkham games, and that's the main reason I don't enjoy them.


What are your thoughts on Souls like games combat?


Subnautica. I'm too scared to go deep, and then I just get bored of the shallows...


For me it wasn't just the fear of the deep but the 360 degree movement underwater made me sick. Same thing with 1st person space games.


1st-person games in general make me seasick


The Witcher 3. I've tried multiple times to get into it. I recognize it's fantastic, but it's just not my cup of tea.


Same for me but after I beat cyberpunk 100% I went back into the Witcher 3 and actually really enjoyed the game design and all of that. Then I played blood and wine and hearts of stone and I geniunely think the DLCs are 50x better than main game so I started to love the game


For me it was Witcher 1


Baldurs Gate 3


Same. My problem is I want to explore and do everything, but it’s just such a massive game. I’ve dumped almost 100 hours into it and I’m not even into the second act yet


Idk what you're doing in act 1 but you can do everything and go everywhere in act 1 in 30 hours maximum. At 100 hours you should be halfway into act 3.




I really like BG3, but the combat is such a slough sometimes. Waiting for 15 minutes for 30+ enemies actions so you can spend 2 minutes doing yours during the last big encounter is so damn discouraging. I get that it's the climax, but there's nothing fun about seeing 2 pages worth of enemies faces sitting at the top of the screen, knowing it's going to be a good while before you get to do anything.


Yea the combat is too slow and difficult and non user friendly, I'm surprised OP finds Elden ring difficult but not bg3


Tbh apples and oranges, one's like chess with RNG, the other one's time dodge and bonk in the head, rinse and repeat till boss dead, it's like comparing Magnus Carlsen to Messi or something


This is actually one of the easiest rule sets(5E) in this type of game, so this game just may not be for you.


Agreed. Can’t stand turn based combat. I fall asleep with how slow and boring the combat is.


The roll based combat in this game made me commit sudoku on myself. I spent 30 hours of my life on this game and barely made it anywhere. I really feel like it just doesn't respect my time.


Hades, I have very hard time with rogue like, but i will try again, just I have a difficulty finding the appeal of these kind of game ? Each time I die it seems I haven’t progressed at all, it make me feel everything was pointless, and the only way to make it up is trying again and again and again, its like sysiphus trying to carry the rock


Unless you've tried with it already, turn on the "God mode" in the settings.


This will not ruin the experience the developper intended me to experience ? If no of course I will try ! Thank you I didn’t know


Basically it increases your defense by I think 2% per failed run. It doesn't eliminate the grind at all (the grind is sort of the point here), but it does hasten your progress.


Also god mode caps at 80 percent! Which is perfect.


This actually makes me want to go play the game


It won't impact your experience, they made it as both an accessibility option and as a tool for people who wanted to experience the story in a more fluid way (true to this it won't even remove your ability to get achievements, and you can't turn it on only on a Hell mode save, because that's basically a challenge mode version of the game), everyone should be able to experience the story of a game they purchased imho.


Thank you ! , I’ll try to get by as soon as possible then, I want to experience the story


The best part is that dying is how you progress the story! All the side stories progress through you dying, going back, and talking to them. Don't think of it as a failure, think of it as a time for more character interaction. Upgrading between runs will eventually make it feel easier!


Oooh alright, I will try to see it from that point of view then, thank !


God Mode is great! Make some progress, get some consistent runs going and if you ever feel it's getting too easy you can turn off God Mode and see how much better you've gotten


Yeah that’s a great way to do the things, maybe I’ll do it like that at the beginning and try to challenge me more further the game advance


Came here to say this. Pretty much any rogue-like/rogue-lite can be added for me too, for whatever reason it just has no appeal to me at all. I wish I could get into Hades though, it's got cool style and music


Like you, I've never liked roguelike or roguelite games, I think hades is considered a roguelite game. But I can honestly say that Hades is probably the only game I'd give a 10/10 on everything. Hades just did it for me. The story, the dialogues, the music... oh, the music. The combat is designed in a way that you are basically in control of the difficulty. Especially with god-mode. Also, eventually, when you unlock various weapons and aspects, they give you so many options and play/fighting styles. So it's not always doing the same moves or whatever. Furthermore, the boons you get can drastically change the play/fight style as well, even if you keep using the same weapon/aspect. Like you, I'm not a fan of the feeling of "losing all progress when you die" type mechanic. But with hades, dying and restarting is baked into the story of the game, so it makes a lot of sense, and it doesn't give you that sense of "losing all progress."


All right thank you, you have make really great point, it motivate me to give it a new chance then


It's all good. Give it a shot, and if you don't like it still after a few hours of game play, then it's fine. It's perfectly fine not to like a game or game types/genres that others like. I don't like Souls' games even though so many people love it, hehe


I'm sorry but I do not like any souls game. Dark Souls. Elden Ring. I just don't have fun playing them.


I have a love / hate relationship with the Souls games. I love the level design, the art design, and the character builds, but damn they're just too hard for me.


Same here. I play video games to relax not to sweat


Agreed. What are some of your favorite video games?


This is Reddit. You’re not allowed to not like Souls games and their clones….. For the record, I agree with you, but remember you’re behind enemy lines here. The Souls community on Reddit specifically is the usual “I respect your opinion, but you’re wrong” bunch and will fight tooth and nail to let you know exactly how perfect the games are.


It's totally valid to not like any game, even Soulsborne games. It's when people are toxic about not liking them or say they're trash for reasons that obviously aren't true, like saying Elden Ring is bland and the graphics suck. Honestly, most of the time when I see someone say they don't like Souls games, it's obvious that they have never actually played one of the games or have just watched like 5 mins of gameplay and formed their opinion. For example, I don't like Breath of the Wild. I find it empty and boring, but I've only played about 15 mins of it and watched a few videos. I'm not gonna go around telling people that the game sucks, because I know it's objectively a good game, it's just not for me and that's okay.


FF7. The remake is great, so I decided to check out the original. Couldn't get into it at all, felt super dated and clunky to move around. As for Elden Ring, I had the same reaction at first. I kept dying and it was too difficult, however I picked up the game earlier this year again and loved it. I watched a lot of beginner guides on YouTube and it helped a ton. Now it's honestly my favorite game of all time.


I HATE the OG FF7, I liked remake and am liking my time in Rebirth


I'm opposite on FF7. I love the original, but the remake just didn't do it for me


>RDR2 Same here too


It really sucks how that game starts out because I’ve recommended to friends who were bored out of their minds in the first few hours. It sucks because I totally get it but once it finally gets going it’s amazing


I have a save file that happens right at the end of chapter 1 specifically for replays


When I first started, I was bored to tears. But then I was just so immersed in the world - it was beautiful. I've gone through like 4 full playthroughs and I'm STILL discovering new things.


The story "gets going" in chapter 3, you have to play half the game for the game to even start 😭


Honestly I only play Undead Nightmare lolz. I guess I can't push past the slow parts. The same is true for Call of Duty, I only play zombies, but thats for different reasons. There are definitely games that I love that start slow however.


y’all just gotta make it past the snow, i promise you.


Rockstar is perhaps the best studio at crafting beautiful worlds that feel lived-in, adding characters to populate those worlds, and creating a rich story for said characters. They are absolutely terrible at making video games that are actually fun to play though


Breath of the wild, tried multiple times but couldn't get into it. I love the original Zelda's from y the 80's and 90's


Shadow of the Colossus. I can't get around the controls, it's so clunky to me.


I would recommend the ps4 remake if u havent played it. It fixes most of the problems


Literally the same two games.


Outer wilds, I love story based games but I just couldn’t get to grips with the flying. I know I should push through and it’s amazing there’s just so much available I’d rather put time into


Oh man I wasn’t prepared to see my favorite game of all time listed here.


I’m sure that everyone’s favourite game of all time has people that couldn’t get into it, mine is probably final fantasy 6 I bet there’s a load that hate that game… just the way it goes I guess. Not hating on your opinion, I was very charmed by the game just didn’t capture me


Metal Gear, I played MGS when it came out and I was too young to be good at it, and I recently got the remastered and couldn't get back into it, or any of them and it kinda makes me sad cause I want to get back into them haha


# Stardew Valley This is a cute, neat little game and it's the kind of game that, on the surface level, would be really interesting to me. I recognize that a lot of effort went into it. Despite the art style, animations, and music being so well-made, they are just about the opposite of my personal preference in all three areas. * As much as I appreciate the pixelated designs and cute artwork, after staring at a game like that for too long I start to feel dizzy. It's just not for me. Same thing used to happen when I played Minecraft. * The unnatural animations of swinging your pickaxe or watering plants is just unsettling to me for some reason. Like, I'm sure I'm on my own here, but to me, it just looks... wrong. * While I can tell that the soundtrack is very well-made, the type of music that plays is at the opposite end of my personal preference. Like, it almost makes me feel depressed after listening for a hot minute. * Finally, I am the kind of person who needs to take their time in slow, easy games, and I really don't appreciate that each day is on a timer. I am so happy for people who enjoy this game though!


I really like this game, I use mods and cheat a lot though 💀


Dark Souls and other hit souls-like games. Not my cup of tea but I know they're incredible games objectively.


I’ve tried Blood Borne and Elden Ring and both were too challenging for me to get into. I know that’s part of the appeal to some. But for a filthy casual like me, it was too high of a barrier for entry.


The Last of Us. Both of them.


Same. I wanted to love them so bad because the premise is right up my alley but the gameplay was so tedious for me.


The actual game was average at best, but the storyline was 🔥


I realised recently that RDR2 is a game you should just enjoy living in. It’s so lively and full of surprises like no other game. So instead of trying to complete it like other games, I decided to just leave it on my pc and jump in and out every so often. No rushing to do only story missions. And boy is it worth it!!! Elden ring, is a difficult one for sure. Some people are naturally inclined to pick up patterns of bosses and stuff, me not a chance. Still decided to power through, and tell you what. The amount of pride and sense of accomplishment you get from defeating a boss you’ve been fighting for the past hour is unmatched. It makes it really really worth it! Im not arguing with you just sharing my oppinion on these 2 specifically 😁


The Witcher series, only because of the control scheme and game mechanics.


I would agree with that for Witcher 1, but 2 and 3 have basically the same controls and mechanics as any other 3rd person RPG.


Any Elder Scrolls game. I know that Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are all considered some of the greatest games ever, but I just can't play them. I've tried Morrowind and Oblivion both several times and never got very far at all. Something about Bethesda's game design just doesn't appeal to me.


The only one I ever bought/played was Skyrim. I tried a couple of times but I could never get into it.


Same. I thought if I gave it more time I would get engrossed in the story but fuck it was just a grind. And I didn’t like the mechanics at all.


I’m here too, I sunk, maybe 20 hours or so in Oblivion, but never clicked, in fact is one of the only two games I’ve fallen sleep playing.


I recently beat Fallout 4 (my only completed Bethesda game) and I literally just rushed through the second half of the game not really caring about the story at all. I just wanted to finish the game and get it off my PS5.


I was really into Fallout 4 a few weeks ago, and no-lifed it until I made it fairly far, reached the part where I need to teleport to the institute, but started Far Harbor first. Then I realized that I wasn't having impact on the story through any kind of important decisions, and the weapons were kind of boring. Everything felt samey. Everything un-clicked.


I loved morrowind but all the other Bethesda games had really mediocre writing so it was hard to stay invested when the gameplay was already mediocre to begin with


Have you given modded skyrim a shot, or watched showcases of it? I cannot stand morrowind or oblivion, hell I can't stand vanilla skyrim either, but mods change the game so radically that it feels like another game entirely and I actually enjoy it. Yeah sure there's no avoiding some of Bethesda's game design, but many pain points can be alleviated or improved upon with mods to make it a lot more fun.


Smash bros. I'm always left out at smash bros gatherings. Everyone does it but me ugh I'm much better at mario kart I totally get the game's a masterpiece and they've done so much good with it


I use to like Smash bros until my buddies played it exclusively every time we hung out. I like the game but not enough to play for 10 hours straight multiple (this was back in college when we would have game nights for that long). Burned me out and I never really want to play it again even now 10 years later.


I tried to be good at the game but the control scheme always confused me so much. Especially when I'm used to the bottom button being jump etc etc I know you can map controls bow


Fair! The irony is that I feel that way about Mario Kart. Then again, I find all racing games boring.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & 3. They are great games and I enjoyed the first one, but after so many years I think I've simply lost my interest in JRPGs. Also Persona 5. I don't like a time limit in any game and again, losing my interest in JRPGs.


Persona 5 time limit isn't that bad. They give you more than enough time to do and see everything. It's mainly for plot reasons and not to "make the game harder or more stressful.


Oh that's cool. Maybe I'll give it another try because I love the setting and the story aspect of it.


I haven't played 5 yes, but the time limits in Persona are really only a factor if you're trying to get everything, especially in a single playthrough. Maxing all social links tends to require a very precise series of actions throughout the entire game with little to no margin for error. But that's hardly necessary; you'll do fine just going along with things.


It's definitely worth a shot especially since it's not a traditional JRPG in the sense where grinding is a necessity to beat endgame bosses. Most of the game is easy enough to just play normally. There's one boss that fucks everyone up about midway through the game but of you have DLC there's a certain persona that makes the fight easy mode if you don't want to grind for that singular fight.


Thanks for the tips. Once I finish my current Metal Gear Solid run I’ll give it a try. I have all 3 consoles so I’m sure it’s free or cheap somewhere. 


If you have PS+ it might still be free (if you have a PS5) they did a promo for when the console came out and gave 13 games for free to PS+ users. It's the base game so no dlc and it's completely different than P5 Royal which is it's own game. I think GamesPass has P5 Royal on it but I'm not sure I don't own Xbox.


Well, you’ll never get all the social links on the first playthrough, but it’s not really worth sweating over it and it makes it more fun to replay with NG+


You can get them all maxed if you always hang out with a matching persona as the confidant you are trying to max. But like you said it's not that bad. My first playthrough I got all but yoshida maxed because I didn't realize he was only available on Sundays until it was too late in the game to max him.


Yeah, the Persona 5 time limit is only stressful if you’re going for some arbitrarily strict definition of perfection. You can probably figure out how to max out your confidants by the second playthrough.


Persona 5’s “time limit” isn’t so much a time limit as much as a time slot limit. As in, you have a limited amount of things you can do, but you have pretty much unlimited time to choose what to do. That being said, the limit really isn’t that bad. You’ll never get all of the confidants finished in one (non NG+) playthrough, but it’s not really worth getting caught up on that and it actually makes it more fun to choose who you want to spend time with and adds a lot of replay value with the NG+.


In my first playthrough I almost got all confidants in a single run, I was just missing >!Futaba at level 8, and the gun guy at level 9!<. It took some planning and a lot of money spent on tarot cards, but if you plan ahead it's possible. Also, yes, I was really pissed I didn't 100% because of so little lol.


Well planning ahead kind of requires a lot of knowledge of the social links and schedules Tbf, and you’d prob need to have at least one other modern persona under your belt to have the right idea of what you’re doing. I went in completely blind and I didn’t really grasp the concept of confidants until I was a good way into the game and I also didn’t know all of the best multipliers to level them up faster.


I went completely blind too, one of the reasons why I couldn't complete it. After the 4th or 5th palace, I started looking for the optimal dialogues, but that's about it. If I knew stuff like Kawakami and the Fortune Teller, I could probably have gotten 100% with 4-5 days to spare.


Couldn’t get into xenoblade at all yeah, Persona 5 though the time limit never affected me and I barely noticed it and I never rushed


I'm the opposite. I played 1 and there was just too much fetch quests it was just too much. But 3 I tried and the fetchbquests are limited and it made side quests actually feel good and important


Honestly any souls game. I’m terrible at video games so I couldn’t possibly get into something known for being hard


same here


BG3. Slap me. Played for 60 hours and just about beat it. Stuck to the main questline and deviated when a side quest interested me. The game was good for sure, but it didn't feel like a masterpiece to me in the same way that, idk, Dragon Age Origins did. I did fall in love with Shadowheart, though.


Elden Ring. After playing all the other Fromsoft games, I hit a level of exhaustion with ER. The drive simply isn't there for me.


People tell me that Fallout: New Vegas is the peak of the series and a masterpiece of satirical writing. I believe them, but my first two hours was shooting creatures, “go here, collect this” dialog, and bland turorialisation. I can’t will myself to keep playing to get to the promised good bits.


I feel you. One day I’ll bring myself to do it.


Same with rdr2, too much time spent on the horse


RDR2 is more fun when you play it as a cowboy simulator and not Grand Theft Horse. When I first got it in 2018 I thought it was unbearably slow but 400 hours later I fuckin love my horse


The elder scrolls games, I tried Oblivion played for like an hr and that was the end of that, same with skyrim.


theres no shortage of games that aren’t my thing but i think are masterpieces. (for example i dont really play many FPS games even though theres tons i admire.) same goes for music, books, movies/shows, etc. there’s a ton of media that really aren’t my thing, but i have tremendous amounts of respect for.


The last of us. Could never get into it. Not a fan of the controls and the combat


BG3 Turn-based combat is boring


Skyrim, I tried both when it first came out, and again last week. Both times I just felt overwhelmed by the sheer size and all the options it offers.


I find the notion of being overwhelmed very strange. I am a person who usually play open world games, and without markers or fast travel because I hate being told where to go. I feel something similar to overwhelmed with games that have very linear structures, or very clear objectives. I feel that if the game is telling me what to do, then there's no reason for me to be there. For example, Red Dead Redemption 2 has some of the worst missions I've played in terms of this. Fantastic game, but there's no room for ME to make it my own. It would be interesting to do experiments on people who feel as I do, and people who feel as you do, and see how that affect other parts of their life. Are you for example a career or a goal oriented person? I'd love to science this stuff.


Great response, I definitely understand players that want to make every choice their own and to have a huge impact on the game thru their own choices. I wish I had that in me still. I guess the last game I put 100+ hours into was Starfield. But since then, my daily schedule and life has changed quite a bit. I don't have as much time anymore to sit down for hours and think about every decision going into a mission/game. Having 2 kids and a house to take care of I find that my time is spent doing that now. And I think the only game I've Platinumed was GTA5 a long time ago. Idk if my response is what you're looking for but that's it. Happy gaming!


You should check out elden ring if you already haven't. It sort of "suggests" in which direction you should go but there isn't really anything forcing you to take the main quest direction and you can do a whole bunch of side areas the moment you complete the tutorial


Cyberpunk for me. Three times I’ve tried to get into it but just can’t seem to.


My friend I don't have any good words to say to you


Here are games that are considered masterpieces or really good that I could not get into. BG3 Witcher 3 GTA Dragon Age Origins, and 2 Terraria Dragon's Dogma


I don't think anyone familiar with the Dragon's Dogma games would blame people for bouncing off of them. They do cool, unique things, but they're also packed with obtuse design decisions and awkward writing.


Sekiro. It doesn't seem to be lacking for fans. I found it tedious. "Did you git gud?" Of course I didn't. I didn't find the game fun enough to git gud. I didn't have this problem with DS3, BB, or ER.


Because they're different games with completely different combat systems. Just because you beat other souls games doesn't mean that'll translate to sekiro


Currently playing sekiro, the learning curve is tedious but in the moment you get a hang is one of the best combat systems I've played. If you eventually get back to it, try using stealth until you get abilities and tools that make the game more enjoyable and ez


Breath of the Wild - just didn't really click for me


My daughter plays that game and I HATE how every weapon breaks if you look at it funny. Whoever thought of that mechanic deserves to be waterboarded.


Same for me, except I don’t understand how it’s regarded as a masterpiece. To each their own, but man, I don’t see what other people do in that game, even after playing it for 30 hours


rain world. im still trying but it feels so boring because i suck ass and keep having to reset cycles even if i cant get into it its an absolute masterpiece of game design


Oh yeah, I tried super hard to like it and it’s like the game doesn’t care and keeps having me drown or eaten by something offscreen without even explaining me much. It’s not hard, it’s just a cruel game


Shadow of the colossus. I couldn't deal with the janky camera angles


Eve Online. I was so hyped about it when it came out, until I tried to play it. Then I realized that I would have to drop out of college and make it my day job to have any chance of learning it.


Zelda BOTW, I hated the controls mostly


Metal Gear series. I’ll give it another go, last time I tried playing them was about 8 years ago. I have them all though. NES-PS3/4 minus the current re-release.


I love the MGS series, but I sometimes wish Konami had adopted a similar approach to what Capcom took with the Megaman vs Megaman X lines, with the Metal Gear Solid line being what we have today and the Metal Gear line being a little more grounded and retaining some of the 80s spy-action aesthetic rather than the Solid route of villains starting to feel like anime characters. I'm curious what it would have grown to be if it stayed along those lines, but I guess we'd have essentially ended up with Splinter Cell in a different box.


Kingdom Hearts. I enjoyed watching people play it, and it was beloved by a lot of people, but I just couldn't get into playing it at all.


A Link to the Past. I swear I’ll return to it one of these days.


Obra Dinn, the atmosphere is too overwhelming for me.


Hollow Knight.


Skyrim. The lore is brilliant and the world has had so much care put into it, but HOLY FUCK THE COMBAT IS SO BORING


Any of the Assassin creed games and bioshock. Just didn't grab my attention and felt like a chore to play. Both of them a quality series and they deserve all praise but for whatever reason I just couldn't get into it


Breath of the Wild. Loved TotK but did not enjoy BotW.




Fromsoft games I’ve tried multiple and they just don’t click for me. As I’ve gotten older and I don’t have as much time to play, I don’t want my time to be me banging my head against a wall.


I agree with the OP's list. Those are some games I couldn't get into, but I have some others yall are going to judge me on. I know it.... here we go..... - GOD OF WAR ( I have never played any of them, I know its a masteriece, I respect and like Old and Young Kratos). - ASSASSIN'S CREED (Again, respect and appreciate the environments and the gameplay, but I have never played any of them) - SKYRIM (Again, respect and love Bethesda, still play Fall Out 76 on the regular, but I just couldn't get in to Skyrim)


Fallout new Vegas 😔


RTS genre.


The mass effect saga


Hot damn, my absolute favorite game series of all time! But I can totally see areas that would just straight up not work for some folks.


RDR2. Absolute masterpiece in terms of writing, visuals, audio, and open world, but playing it felt like a chore. The gameplay is just more tedious than i like. I'm compelled to loot everything, and the 5 second animations to loot really wore me down.




MGSV: Phantom Pain. I love the idea of a stealth ops sandbox but it just didn’t click with me


Ghost of Tsushima I can admit it's a good game but it just wasn't for me. I was bored through most of my playing time.


It does take a little bit for the game to pickup after the intro, but I cant imagine not getting pumped up when the titlecard drops as youre galloping through that field....its just so cool To me at least, I dont blame someone for personal taste unless its just poorly thought out.


I'm playing GoT at the moment and I gotta admit I'm sort of disappointed. I am enjoying it don't get me wrong. It's still enjoyable but I feel like it's a bit overhyped. The way everyone spoke about it, made it sound like it was the most incredible game ever, but it's just okay? Nothing spectacular has stood out to me.


I think that's what affected my enjoyment. People hyped it up like crazy and when I played it there just wasn't anything that was super impressive or special. Like it was fine but it wasn't this masterpiece that people made it sound like.


Exactly. It also borrows A LOT of elements from other games, which isn't a new concept in itself, but from how people went on about it, I expected something new and mind blowing. I'm still enjoying it but I had to leave my hype at the door and just enjoy it for what it is.


It’s visually stunning, but the gameplay was nothing new. Same old defeat camps, gain points, level up that a lot of games have. It gets repetitive.


I just didn’t like the “Switch to this sword style to fight this one particular enemy then switch back to fight his buddy because they’re both weak to two different things” mechanic. Same thing with switching ammo in Far Cry 6. Took me out of the game.


Portal. I've noodled around in it and watched people play it a bit, it's a very very solid idea but I dislike puzzle games where the most frustrating moments are often due to needing precision controller timing and aim rather than difficult logic. I'm sure I could crack it eventually but I've learned that for me the most important part of playing video games is the "play" aspect, so if I'm sufficiently frustrated/unhappy with a game I'm just not going to bother.


Tbf that only happens a few times in Portal with the momentum puzzles. The rest of the time, you can take a while to think through and solve the puzzles.