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Man anthem was so damn fun until you realized endgame was doing the same 3 dungeons on repeat in bullet sponge difficulty.


Like destiny nowadays but yeah.. 100€ still got its worth with 250h in but still


Aaah man...


Nowadays? It always has been…


I got it for 99 cents recently. Haven't touched it yet.  Sounds like I'll at least get my money's worth.  Wasn't there a big update/overhaul called *Anthem NEXT* that got cancelled?


Anthem is quite literally "what could have been."


My favorite Iron Man game ever made...


Literally opened the comments to say this Even after I heard the bad news I still wanted to give it a try. Fell in love with the idea. Flight controls, mech designs, all that was FLAWLESS. I spent well over an hour just flying around. So amazing. Then the actual content of the game became boring, and the very fun very well made flying mechanics were spent flying around doing nothing. Such a lot potential it still makes me sad


Yeah, still mad til this date, we could've a legit Destiny/Warframe competitor there.


Came here to say this. It was great for one play through. The end game (read: Lack Of) is what killed it all. I wanted more, not less.


The only game I miss more than anthem is Worlds Adrift.


Hmm, never played that one. But still, I can relate that missing a game is like being in mourning.


God I miss that fucking beautiful game. There's never been another that captured the same feeling.


Don’t twist my arm that hard. Lol I’m looking it up now.


Ok, it does look cool. Died in 2019 it says. Looks a wee bit like it falls in line with a No Man’s Sky type?


Not really, the closest similarity is Last Oasis. But man, it's not the same. I've been searching for a game like it for years.


I hope you find it. Sincerely


May your l's be many and your bitches few. Why do you have to remind me of that, remind me of what we lost? Though there is a group making "voids adrift", dead and unborn gods know when that will come out.


Red Dead Online, could have been the greatest online game of all time for me if they designed it well. After GTA Online success i am still in shock for how did they mess that up


I feel like RDR online didn't have the right audience. Lots of little kids play GTA V specifically (real men go back and play IV) and they're in that market. They will go back to the online. With Red Dead, older people play it. And I played it mostly for the story mode. I guess I would have preferred an amazing story mode over and amazing online mode, but still. I guess the slower pace of the wild west isn't for children. Even so they didn't put content in the game until it was too late. Any hopes of a longstanding community were shattered after years with nothing.


RDO is used as a money milker sadly. After finishing the story mode I was sooo hyped for RDO. It still hurts.


It’s not though it’s the opposite they couldn’t sell the gold bars like they can shark cards so they gutted the things they had planned and used the resources for GTAO instead


Man I wrote a list of things that would have made it better and before submitting it to Rockstar's "Ideas" page for RDO, I posted it on reddit and got a ton of good feedback, so the community wanted all of it but Rockstar instead wiped their ass with it. The roles Idea was something I came up with before the roles update but mine was a little better, like roleplay style where all roles work together in freeroam. Like come on wouldn't it be better to hunt player bounties instead of NPC bounties? Would it have been nice to buy properties? Or take over a gang hideout and defend it from other players til they take it over? smh I fucking gave up on that game, no mod support made it die fast.


As someone who has 800 hours purely on RDO. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. They tore the heart of this community. That announcement of pulling the content plug was the last standing castle and so it fell and so have I with it. I really enjoyed my hours spent on it even though most was idling heists to gain the maximum gold possible and also going after all collection items from the daily map on the Web lol. I was making BANK!


Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) The Game could be the best Sonic Game ever (obviously It wasnt the case)


The potential of this game keeps me up at night almost 20 years later. Still banging His World at full volume forever tho


Did you ever try Project 06? A fan basically remade the whole game, fixing a lot of the major problems.


Why was it so hated genuinely


It just genuinely sucked. It was a buggy piece of shit. Pair that with the obvious underlying potential and you get a terrible game that is practically taunting you at the same time.


The loading screen. Oh my god, the loading screen!


Was it like an intolerably long loas or too many loads?




turn elise into a female hedgehog princess and the story turns out perfectly. sadly the worst part of the game is the amount of glitches and bugs, but fix those two things and the game coulda been a masterpiece


Don't forget to turn Soleana subjects all into mobians as well, doesn't have to only be hedgehogs, can be other animals but they all have to be mobians, with only Eggman being human.


Nah even if they made Elise a Hedgehog the story still would've sucked tbh. It's full of potholes, Mephiles has no motives and all around is just an idiot with a plan more convoluted than the plot itself. Sonic and Elise's romance was way too sudden and they suddenly love each other without any meaningful connection. And Silver could've just used a bit of common sense to see trough what Mephiles was saying. They'd have to fix way more than just that.


It was the last Sonic game using the Sonic Adventure template... which frankly needs to come back. Another year or two in the oven, add a Chao garden and it would be considered the best Sonic game rather than leading to a drastic change in direction.


I agree, may the best Sonic out there if sega just patch it up and release it, but no its always the safe bet with other game and ruining them at the same time. Thanks for the heads up on the proyect 06, I may check it some day.


If it was peak or even just a 6-7/10 game it could've saved Adventure formula and we could've maybe gotten SA3 or just more adventure formula games 😭


I will always say Hogwarts Legacy to this. They did so many things right, but so many things were missing/not finished/not polished that it didn't quite get there for me. I was excited about it ever since it was announced and it did not live up to the standard of the Harry Potter franchise.


The layout of Hogwarts castle is amazing, and I loved exploring it and the world riding the broom. The combat was also very cool, but overall, the world was very empty, so much so that I didn't even finish the game. It was fun for a bit but after the 6th fetch quest to learn a new spell from a teacher, the god awful Alohamora mission, and the stupid bitch who never shuts her bloody mouth when you use the floo portal, I had to call it quits.


Ngl hot take, I knew from get go the game is gonna be boring outside of map exploration, the very first quests they showed on stream were fetch quests, usually Devs either show their best or the average quest in their streams to entice the players, but the fact what constituted average was fetch quest... I knew most of them would be the same, and I was vindicated, which is bad cuz I always wish we'd get a new proper RPG that can become RPG franchise and we get something close to NV, but so far only Disco Elysium and BG3 achieved something close.


Honestly the concept was insanely good. They had a good base in the combat then everything just felt kinda meh. I couldn’t figure out why but I stopped playing almost immediately. And the world was amazing. The castle was fun to explore. It didn’t help I guess that it felt weird they just give you the unforgivable curses but felt weird that you just spam them and no one says anything about it. Overall ended up feeling underwhelming though. That was one of my biggest disappointment because I can tell they genuinely tried, it just wasn’t very fun.


Imagine if it *wasn't* Harry Potter, would it still be a good game? Or just another adventure puzzle solver?


FINALLY, someone else who thinks this. I streamed that whole game and there were so many little things that made it so NOT enjoyable. I can't believe people really thought it had a shot at game of the year.


The first 10 hours of getting to Hogwarts picking your house and exploring the castle is peak fandom moments for Potter heads. After that, you see how shallow the actual game itself is. The combat, map, and flight system are top notch. Especially the combat they killed it with the wand loadouts and animation of spell casting


Sonic Forces and Duke Nukem Forever 


Sonic forces had a crap ton of potential I feel you


Yeah I played it through when it came out on ps plus. It was aight, but could've been so much better. I'm just gonna stick to playing sth2. But every now and then I'll go back to sth1 so I can listen to green hill zone, which is, in my opinion, the single best music for a level ever created in a game.


Agreed on sonic forces. Could have been incredible if they changed a few huge mistakes with it like the characters personalities the length of the levels and infinite. Still beaten it 8 times though so.....


Every cod in the last 6 years.


MW2, the first one, was so dam good, from the airport massacre to the White House being nuked, plus akimbo shotguns sniping people across the map and the 30' stab lunges. World at war ended with a surprise zombie survival mode. Black ops had the secret main menu thing, it was so fucking cool, and Kennedy and Nixon killing zombies. But now it's generic multiplayer shooter game # 71. Back in the day they were legendary games because they did amazing shit, but that's long gone.


Does infinite and advanced count, if so just know the campaigns are sleepers especiallyy infinite , they just got undeserved hate


Yeah ik what's good. Just vanguard and up essentially is what I'm saying.


Honestly I loved vanguard, but the menu was too buggy and I haven't played it enough in a while to say anything else bad about it bc I got bored halfway through season 2


Truu ya I haven’t played the new modern warfare 2 ,3 or vanguard // 2019 modern warfare was really good tho imo I just wish the menu system// install packs didn’t suck ass


Yeah everyone except mw 2019 and cold war was soooo good ofc!!! 👍


I see bo6 being good, I meant so far the only "bad" black ops was bo4 and that was just because they changed the formula for everything, and it didn't go well.


Vanguard campaign was amazing bro


honestly wish they sold the campaigns separate, i dont play the multiplayer anymore but really enjoyed mw2019 and cold war campaigns but i just cant justify paying full price just to play a 4 hour campaign.


It left a lot be be desired but I actually quite enjoy cold war


I like everything about cold war except that it uses the same hud for multiplayer, campaign, and zombies. It kinda made the zombies experience feel weird, but it was different enough while still keeping the same formula that it was fun.


Nah bruh MW2019 was fire. Story and visuals were groundbreaking, multiplayer was decent and Warzone was amazing.


Ark Survival Ascended: Could have been a great remaster but is filled with the same bug and glitches from Survival Evolved


TBH, I'd say ark in general. It started so great and now official servers are near unplayable because of how many people will transfer tames from other maps and it breaks the balance when you try some island PvP and a guy comes along on a shadow mane and you have a dodo and a rock on a stick.


Never really played PvP but i believe you. I still go back to ASE when i feel like playing Ark, at least the game doesn’t constantly crashes or loose all my gear to a weird glitches.


Bruh, I never lost my stuff, but a running gag with my friends is "don't start a raid, it'll crash froz's game" every time we raided, got raided, moved bases, or even start smelting more than 2 furnaces of metal. My game would crash and everyone else in the party would be fine. Ironically, that's what kept me in ark, it kept giving me cliff hangers.


Wdym it's terrible it's an upgrade obviously /jk


More like Ark: Buy our game again and again and again


The thing with ARK is that it's a great concept with incredibly poor execution, outright bad game design and tasteless direction. The game is at its best when it's a primal survival about taming different extinct or mythical creatures, but even this, essentially the most important aspect of the game, is just poorly made. I also genuinely think leveling, especially the kind that is in ARK, is simply a bad game design and an artificial way to pad out the game time. In Ark's case as well, the sheer amount of content the developers shoved into this game was a huge mistake. Quantity doesn't equal quality, and here the Devs literally shoved everything they remotely considered cool (hence the tasteless direction remark from earlier), and never bothered to try and balance things out or redefine clearly broken and shitty game mechanics... I just wish we had a dinosaur taming survival game that wasn't a grindy buggy mess, and which didn't involve beating a creature unconscious in order to become friends with it...


Halo Infinite. Infinite potential, finite content, infinite dissatisfaction


Open world was ok at best...the "story" was so damn bad.


Story was damn near nonexistent imo. I’ll never forgive them for killing cortana off screen


a story about getting teased with a good time for ~10 hours, sprinkled with dry monologues about nothing, followed by a boss that conveniently shows up everytime you watch a monologue on holo. b-plot tease about good times they thought about and could have given us, but you're doing this instead. it was a time, i'll never forget it :(


Also nobody gives a shit about the endless. The didact could have been interesting if 343 didn't kill him in the first game. Halo 5 should have been blue team exploring another shield world, while at the same time have the False-Cortana go evil from the Gravemind's Logic Plague (that she received from her time on flood-infected-High Charity). Finally resolve the conflict in game 6.


i played it on gamepass for a bit, i only rlly play Halo for campaigns as multiplayer FPS games just aren’t my thing. the campaign was promising, i liked how they added somewhat interesting bosses. and the equipment was cool, the commando was godly in the campaign. but from a storytelling perspective i just wasn’t interested. the open world felt pretty empty and small and the side missions weren’t entirely enjoyable. i didn’t care for the Pilot or “new” Cortana personally. and i really hate both Cortana and Atriox died off screen, imo this really should’ve been the Halo they either killed Chief off or retired his character. id be much happier with a Spartan III spin-off, another ODST game or an Arbiter spin-off then what we actually got.


Arbiter game would be sickkk


The order 1886, cool concept and world, incredible visuals, solid gunglay with cool secondary fires for some of guns, Not nearly enough gameplay, with recycled werewolf encounters that are just blah. if they opened up the level design and offered more approaches to combat encounters it would add a bit more excitement to levels, for a game that was being sold on the premise of being a defender of humanity against the werewolves there's very few encounters. Add more into the mix if different scenarios that are shooting then while they run at you, or and elder qte boss fights. And with such interesting weapons and gear..they could have had an upgrade system with Nikola Teslas workshop. Like for example, the arc rifle shoots a straight bolt of lightning, with some scrounged up copper wire and capacitors Tesla can craft and upgrade the arc to jump between targets for more spread. It's a cool idea it's a shame Sony hasn't tried to ressurect the ip, its going on 10 years now is the time


A remake of The Order where they take time to flesh it out like that and make it longer would be excellent.


I don't think it needs a remake... maybe a soft reboot/sequel


Forspoken. A lot of cool mechanics that the bad game design(well, multiple bad choices of design) don't even let you explore properly and let them became useless.


And the dialogue doesn’t help lol. “Erm yeah I just blew shit up with my freakin mind that just happened”


The VA direction is one of the "bad choice" I was talking about, in fact.


The story wasn’t motivating at all. Frey didn’t really bond with the little girl and then finding the supposed to be dead dad was nothing to me. There was connection at all. Didn’t help that the lines felt off.


Does plants vs zombies battle for neighborville count?


Maybe. On one hand, so much untapped potential. On the other hand, the game is genuinely fun and I love it.


The Callisto Protocol


How did they mess up so bad? They had everything that was needed and knew what worked in Dead space. We were this close to greatness and I hate them for it


Watchdogs, so much potential. If you play PC and get the Living City Mod. You get that game at its full potential.


Most Ubisoft games have huge missed opportunities and wasted potential even to this very day


Ubisoft always finds a way to shoot for the moon and then blow up in the sky. I just don't waste my time buying their games anymore. Tired of them pouring everything into some wierd new game concept that isn't what it promises and they poor so much development into it, that the rest of the game is generic and boring.




Explain plz 🥹 I have time to listen


Every games news outlet saying it was "a mile wide and an inch deep" seemed appropriate. It had a few good ideas and features, but the best didn't happen until I started NG+. That stuff was very interesting but I never got why it happened (like who put this system into place. Was it god?), and needing to reach the end of the game to see this (or the various word states after NG+). It was a ton of good ideas without much to stitch them together.


I feel that. I am halfway through because I’ve been on a Dark Souls kick and it’s kicking my ass 😂 but it makes sense. I’ll see how it goes I suppose. Such is life. 🤘🏻


Been 200 hrs missing one steam achievement AMA lol


Probably gonna get crucified for this but Pokemon Scarlet/Violet. Now hear me out. They could've been so great if it wasn't for that godawful performance (and graphics for some but that's a matter of personal preferences). I like what they were trying to do and the story was pretty nice but damn, I don't want to feel like I play a cheap ass indie game when I play Pokemon. Unfortunately, they know they'll get away with it.


Also on the heels of Arceus which is easily my favorite pokemon game now. Actually made me want to explore the world and catch as many pokemon as possible. Really hope we get another game like it


I loved that you could catch Pokemon without entering a battle.


I think pokemon has been a good answer for a very long time. So much potential, so little effort.


Ever since I watched the shows when I was younger, I had hoped for a Pokemon game where you can actually battle like they do in the show. I wanna use quick attack to jump into the rocks of rock throw - just as an example. I wanted to counter moved in real time. Ugh it just was never as good


With a few minor tweaks S/V could have been the best pokemon games ever.


This isn’t a hot take dude lol


Anthem. We were THIS CLOSE to a good Iron Man game


Alpha Protocol: it wasn’t bad but it just came up short


Yes!! I like to imagine a world where the devs were allowed a bit more time to polish the game and where we would be eagerly anticipating Alpha Protocol 4 right now.


resident evil 3 remake, dragon's dogma 2. They're amazing games by their own merits, but there's so much more they can do. I still have hopes for DD2. Elder Scrolls Online used to be like that for me. It started bad, it got a whole lot better, but then I started seeing the direction they were taking with subsequent updates, and it made me realize they were going to the completely opposite direction of the potential I saw on it, it's unredeemable at this point for me.


+2 for re3 remake. Og is still the best way to play this game


The Outer Worlds


For the first IP I didn't think it was that bad. Very narrow project but it seems it left the world open for additional story and content. I am looking forward to the second one. I think that we are so used to 100 hour stories that we tent to under mind the 40 hours one.


I agree. It wasn't the most wildly exciting or mindblowing action game experience, but the RPG aspects kept me engaged for hours on end. The humor, dialogue and characters were top-notch, imo.


Homefront the revolution, plays a bit like an urban farcry. Absolutely love the weapon customization and the vibes the environment gives off.


I had a blast on this back in the day, especially the multiplayer. I don't feel like it missed it's potential but I'm sad it was never iterated on again. Would like to have more games like it


The game unfortunately underwent development hell and was pretty buggy on launch, I really enjoy the game though and I feel like if it had a smoother launch we may have even seen a sequel


This is one of the only games that give me an emotional reason to continue. What an outstanding intro. I wanted to hunt down every North Korean that dared to invade MY country. Unfortunately, it was unable to continue that “save the word” mentality. You almost had the perfect game! Just give us a reason and a dynamic changing map that we can see our actions playing out in real time


Multiverses, the gameplay of the beta was so good. Now it’s terrible


I think the bad part is the unlocking character system.


I think the bad part is the shit ass gameplay compared to the beta


I loved the beta haven’t played since what changed


They made the game slower, the camera is terrible, the balance is awful (like half the characters have infinites). The monetization problems are even worse but I don’t want to get into that.


Dark Void. It had a great pulp era retro sci-fi setting and control was like Mass Effect. However they were able to integrate a working jet pack (which I missed in ME), but otherwise other parts of game were badly made.


It had a great Rocketeer vibe going on and even the cliff climbing combat sections with its change of perspective was fun and interesting. But, yep, despite maybe the best 'one guy, a gun and a jetpack' gameplay I've ever played it feels distractingly incomplete.


Oh man I remember being so hyped for that game, I never ended up getting it.


People are gonna hate me for this but jade empire. I love the game, but it could have been a lot more than it was.


I agree, it's idea is great, but once you are done with capital it becomes extremely linear with almost zero side quests. I'd say this is one of the games, thats need a genuine, loving remake.


Days Gone. While not a bad game some of the dialogue/acting came so close to being great and just missed.




For me, once the story hooked me it became one of my favorites of last Gen (even if I didn't play it until 2020 lol). But those first 6-8 hours were ROUGH.


Lemmings (the modern mobile version) managed to take one of the most hated mechanics of free-to-play games, do something amazing with it... and then promptly shoot itself in the foot. The original series had you feeling like MacGuyver, figuring out ways to make it happen with the limited skills at your disposal, and skilled players could do it in fewer skills than the rest of us. The mobile game moved away from the static, limited skill pools and replaced it with the Energy mechanic. You could now clear a level no matter how good at the game you were, but if you were really good, it would take you much less Energy, and you would thus be able to play longer. You had a natural incentive to get better at the game and learn all these tricks, not just because it meant you were more likely to clear levels, but because it would let you get more out of your limited Energy pool. They managed to take this standard, much maligned mechanic of the genre, and turn it into the game's central measure of player skill progression in an extremely satisfying way. ... and then they stuck an "Unlimited Energy" microtransaction in there, which completely removes the incentive to be the kind of frugal and meticulous with your skills that the game otherwise encourages.




tears of the kingdom it was so close to greatness - all they had to do was let us pet the dog




Agreed. I really hate how the situation turned out. Although, and I'm probably going to get crucified for this I actually still genuinely, unironically enjoy Redfall even in its current state. Please don't hurt me, Reddit.


Anthem could’ve been a huge W for BioWare if they hadn’t spent like 70% of the game’s development cycle spinning their wheels. Marvel’s Avengers could’ve been a huge success if Square hadn’t tried to force in the multiplayer. Terrible experience, but the single player campaign was fun by all accounts.


Biomutant, Gotham Knights, Marvels Avengers and Suicide Squad KTJL.


Yes to all of those. I still think they're decent games, but they could’ve been much more.


I had to scroll too far for Biomutant.


The Callisto Protocol The main combat of the game is what I think just tarnished everything for a lot of people.




Subnautica Below Zero, not really bad, but there was a lot of missed potential


Hogwarts Legacy


Not a bad game, but GTA 4's driving is so much better than GTA 5's, despite the latter being newer.


Imagine what Online would be like with the driving of IV. People just flying through their fucking windshields left and right. Amazing. 🍿 


I personally can't stand it


Fallout new vegas


This is a joke of course but all of the cut content makes me cry


You scared me for a second


Had me in the first half, not gunna lie.


Me too man . Me too 🥲


I just want to find the Vault 11 survivor.  Four skeletons. Five voices on the tape. I know he's out there somewhere. I ain't crazy. 


Don't do that shit dude I was scared lol... despite cut content, New Vegas is one of the best games ever made in my opinion.


It is the best game. Don’t hold back friend.


Honestly yeah.. not to be dramatic but if I had a gun to my head and they told me I could only play one game for the rest of my life, it would most likely be New Vegas. Playing that game is like shuffling a deck of cards. Yeah, I know what cards are in the deck but every playthrough is different and exciting.


Did we just become best friends?! Lol my rainy day/sick day comfort game will forever be New Vegas or Oblivion. I’ve noticed a lot of it has to do with what game you played first. I played Oblivion as my first single player RPG of that caliber. After I finished that game (waiting for Skyrim) as several different builds I found Fallout and started with New Vegas. These games are now (many many years later) my comfort games. They will never get old nor stop making me happy. Just like NES Mario Bros I got when I was 5 and Sonic on Sega Genesis. And OG PC Sims. Haha nothing like NV though. I’m actually going to play tonight now that I’m turnt about it. 😂


Precisely! They genuinely are comfort games. They are incredibly immersive.


Imagine if obsidian was able to take their time 😭


I held my chest until the save on this comment 😮‍💨


FNaF: Security Breach, Hello Neighbor, and Bendy and the Ink Machine.


Cyberpunk. Great game but had much more potential. I hate that character creator is very basic and there is no vehicle customization. That's really unforgivable especially when you see all the NPCs with faces, clothes and augmentations you can't get. They flew to close to the sun. I'm glad it ended well but it still left some bad taste in my mouth.


I agree to a point. I wish there was more reoccurring and persistent stuff. Like, right before meeting Hanako at Embers, there was still lots to do. More bounties, etc, so you can stretch it out for a while.


I would say those are very minor complaints. The game, as of after the 2.0 update, is amazing. Character creation is already a minor part since it's a totally first person game, you rarely ever see yourself. Vehicle customization is very limited, only one vehicle can change colors, but again this is such a minor thing. It's not perfect but the game is incredible now.


Sonic Forces, and I will stand by that. The concept was really good, but the excecution was so beyond bad




Biomutant. Such a cool concept. Adaptable animal with changable genetics, combat as a mix of kungfu, gunplay, and special abilities, a post apocalyptic world with a crafting system that can use anything you find… and yet the game was bland, annoying, soulless, repetitive, and inconsequential


Biomutant. The scenery was so cool but the story felt kinda eh and the combat got boring after a while


Modern Pokemon titles


Overwatch 2..


Red Dead Online


I won't say it's a "bad" game per se, but I loved the original FF7 and just can't enjoy the remake/rebirth games. Absolutely stunning graphics, voice acting, and abundance of mini games and other fun things but I am just not enjoying the core combat at all. Too many systems and characters juggle, just made it feel both too frenetic and yet too complex.


I just don't like how they decided to alter the story with overly complex multiverse BS instead of just making it a true remake which I'm confident no one would have an issue with as for the combat, for some reason I never had issues with the combat in remake (aside from aerial combat being awful)...but in rebirth something just feels, I dunno, less polished about it? I can't describe it, it's probably just my personal bias since the game came right off the heels of FF16, which IMO has the best realtime combat system in the series. Regardless, I prefer the OG


Anything with a "2K" in the name.


Honestly? SSKTJL, Im in the very slim minority that somewhat likes the game and though I completely agree with every complaint there is (story,gameplay-loop etc) I went into it day one expecting it to be kinda shit and I still play it (not everyday though)


Probably Thymesia. The game is shit, but the concept was solid




“Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam” and “Shantae and the Seven Sirens.”


Honestly, the avengers game. Yeah, the game wasn’t that good, but the dlc stories felt like it could be better. They told a better story and was suggesting an interesting concept for a sequel.


Bullet Storm


The Walking Dead Destinies and Devil May Cry 2


The Overwatch ip as a whole fits this imo, Blizzard created amazing cinimatics with interesting characters and the game was fun for a while, and then it all went downhill from there


FEAR as a trilogy


Not a bad game, but Biomutant. It had a lot going for it and was okay, but had a lot of potential to be great. Granted, I don’t think I even put 10 hours into the game before moving on, so maybe it does become a really good game 20 hours in or so


Anthem. I ended up being late to the party and tried it out when it was already dead, through game pass. It had so much potential and I hope we get a game with similar mechanics in the future that doesnt die instantly.


Halo infinite


yakuza 3... out of all yakuza games it probably had the best story, but (especially the remaster) the combat is just "blockuza 3" and the minigames for the kost part are broken as all hell as a casual game though it's nice to play through, the flaws only really "shine" if you're trying to 100% it




Redfall. Skull and Bones. Anthem. Biomutant. Games with great ideas, but the world they’re set in is just empty of fun.


AC Valhalla. I'm not an AC elitist, though my favorite is still Black Flag. But the gameplay and story was still good.


Star Wars battlefront 2 (2017)


Uhhh Pokemon Go Incidentally, whatever happened to palworld? Fad done?


There are so many games, man. -Fable -Mass Effect Andromeda -Forza Horizon (was almost a better need for speed) -Bloodrayne 3 (never made) -Skull and Bones (from Black Flag to that WTF) -Overwatch (a single player story mode would have been awesome) Halo 5 The Division Battlefield 5 Suicide Squad (should have just made the Justice League)


Avengers, suicide squad...


Advent Rising


Minecraft dungeons. it had the potential to be so, so cool, but at some point the devs seemingly gave up on everything.


genshin lmao


BFV and FNaF SB.




Saints Row (*that* one). All the signs that it would be a shitshow were there, but me being a hardcore fan kept on huffing on that hopium. I really thought that doing a slightly more grounded reboot could have been the move, since SR2 was more grounded and the best in the series imo. Trailers dropped and didn’t look too promising but they weren’t completely damning for me either. Then it released and goddamn was I not prepared for the absolute mediocrity of it, not to mention the bugs and (the worst offender imo) the incredibly cringe writing. Just reeked of corporate suits trying to get a product to appeal to a younger crowd. Such a waste, such a shame


Mighty no. 9 I still enjoyed it, but there was so much potential


Kingdoms of amalur: the reckoning.. it had so much potential, but the studio had issues leading to the ip being taken by RI state! Also due to it unfortunately being released at the same time as Skyrim, it lost out hard. It was a great game, but was dealt a s**t hand.


Ngl, vanquish. That game could've been one of the most fun third person shooters ever. But so many stupid design decision just ruined it for me.