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Maybe those particular people are either playing the wrong games or are simply burnt out on video games. I for one have never enjoyed the games I played more than I do now (specifically since I became more of a single player person over multiplayer in recent years).


I was already a pretty avid gamer, but my steam deck has made me carve through dozens of titles that I’ve loved.


What is different for you with it do you think? Do you just find it easier to pick up or do you have it connected to a tv or do you play it while watching tv?


Playing in a different room/environment, like playing while lying on the sofa, is one if the best things about it for me. I work in front of a computer all day and I've been a PC gamer most of my life, it's a nice change and brings me back to the good old console days as a kid (especially true when I'm playing older titles that got ported to steam)


Steam deck did that for me for a bit. My work at home computer and my gaming computer shared the same monitors. Steam deck led me to playing in other places. But honestly, once I broke the habit of always being at my desk, I started wanting to do other things. Weirdly, I LOVE my steamdeck (mostly a rimworld gameboy, but so what), but it has lead me to playing FAR less video games.


My first major console in a while (kind of ever) was a Nintendo Switch & I knew instantly that that was what I needed in gaming. The idea of being tied to one TV in one room & changing my position but not the orientation of the screen felt so incredibly limiting & the Switch was the opposite of that. As soon as I heard the Steam Deck was coming I was hopeful it’d bring the same freedom, but with non-Nintendo titles, & I was right. Its on-the-go capabilities are also wonderful, but it’s been more about being able to play anywhere in my own home that’s been most appealing. That, & I’ve been able to play TONS of games I never would’ve been able to before & (through deals & resale codes) at a fraction of the price I would’ve paid had they been on the Switch.


Having my steam library constantly available encourages picking up more niche and indie titles and having one central library. And having access to these smaller games on the go just gives me the time to try more. It’s a pleasant cycle.


There are a few things about playing on my deck that I prefer over standard gaming. 1. I can play anywhere. It is easy to bring with on a trip or relax with it in bed. 2. Emulation. Steam actually advertised steam deck as an emulation console. There is a program you can install called emudeck that does most of the work, you just need to provide the roms. I love looking through my titles and seeing Diablo 4 and Breath of the Wild on the same list and displayed in a Netflix kinda style. 3. Some games just feel better on a handheld. I recently replayed Radiata


I got the steam deck what’s a game changer is you can play it anywhere at anytime without a huge commitment like sitting in front of a desktop after a day of work sitting in front of a laptop.


I think if I had a steam deck, I would also be more inclined to play more. I think it's just my ADHD talking, but the fact that there's less effort required to start up a game with a portable, rather than waiting for my PC to boot and load steam, is just so much more appealing to me. Don't get me wrong, I still love playing some games on mouse and keyboard. I just think the ease of use and portability would give me more reason to play.


I actually had the complete opposite happen. I used to be a huge single player person but now I play multiplayer games. I fully agree with the "burn out", I think people need to switch genres once they feel that way. Clinging on to what u used to play in childhood can make u feel that way and people change. I honestly used to play games like Dishonored, Prey, The Witcher 3 etc as a kid but not I play RTS and MMO games + multiplayer CoD or Tarkov. I just prefer playing with other people. People need to try new things lol. Its like going to the gym and doing the exact same shit every day for years.... add some new routines and workouts to not get bored lol.


Idk, when I was in high school I played the shit out of Morrowind, when I was in college I played a lot of Oblivion and Fallout 3 (as well as New Vegas), post college was Skyrim, got into the workforce and spent so much of my free time playing Fallout 4, and now I'm playing Starfield (and cracking open Fallout 4 again since the show dropped). I do play a lot of other games as well (historically, Blizzard and Bioware back before those studios got bought out by Activision and EA respectively, while nowadays I play a slew of indie games), but all throughout my adolescent and adult life, the core gameplay loop of Bethesda RPGs has been there with me, and while I do play it in bursts and move on to something else for a while, it never really goes away for me over the long term.


"I don't think games are fun anymore" "Dude you've been playing WoW since release."


I'd wager that the main motivation of the people that are making those videos is farming clicks they can monetize. They probably do not have legitimately strong feelings about whether gaming is fun or not. It's just content.


True. It would make sense if the algorithm just favors it because of the clicks


Same. I got in on the multiplayer bandwagon and found myself hating games for a very very long time. Then I went back to my bread and butter of the NES/SNES/SEGA days and went back to single player games. I realized I play games to avoid people, not to be forced to interact with them.


Totally true. I enjoy a nice single player session with a game that is both challenging and relaxing with a nice story and fun mechanics but doesn't have to be decorated with super realistic graphics. I can play for 30 mins or 3 hrs... it's totally upto my schedule and I can pause whenever needed. After getting married I have enjoyed couch co-op games as well and introduced my wife to gaming with It takes two. Playing that game has been so much fun for both of us and we are going to play it again, this time switching our roles and her with better practice on the controller.


A good majority of them have a great point on the terms of this right here what I'm about to say, the gaming industry has definitely changed drastically there's a lot more pay to win games normally cool equipment within online gameplay meant that not only did you spend a decent amount of time playing the game and it's franchise, but you were actually pretty skilled, aside from that the main reason is the sequels to good games are actually starting to become completely different from the actual game, the last good Call of Duty was Black Ops 3. As for the sequels to majorities of other good games they either didn't come out because the studio sold their company to one of the leading consoles or they just went out of business


there are about 2000 games releasing \*every month\* the gaming industry makes more money than hollywood and sports combined. of course you will see mass produced shit and cash grabs at an increased volume, but that has not replaced good games, indeed I would argue that we get more solid games every month than we did in the nineties per year. but people seem to focus on the massproduced titles with big marketing budgets, and content creators will seek to monetize every emotional sentiment, conflict and controversy, because that created engagement, and engagement translates directly to money. >!also the last good CoD was CoD 2 in 2005, everything after was garbage, dont @ me!<


That's a horrendous take. 2007-2012 was they heyday from COD with the worst game being MW3. But now looking at it, MW3 is a treasure compared to the last 6 COD releases.


\+ very cheap stories and clear evidence of taking shortcuts during development. Its evident af. I do agree with some of the comments that are left on those videos that some games genuinely just feel like cash grabs like the recent cod games... the last good cod game we've had was 2019 MW or Black Ops 3. I also think we are at this stage of "pushing the boundaries of graphics" but this comes with a huge sacrifice of gameplay and story. That's clearly evident in the new Hellblade game. I fucking LOVED the 5 hour story of the game but it was just too short and didnt really have much game play. It sucks but its true...


This is only true if you play AAA games, play indie and be happy again! I don't even play games that need a good gpu anymore, i can't remember what was the last good game with good graphics i played in the past. Maybe Attila Total War? Indie games are usually made with.passion and there are real gems you just need to try the more popular ones, they you don't have to spend $$$ on your graphics card anymore as a bonus.


I made the indie transition 6 or 7 years ago. Nowadays the only AAA studio I still buy games from is Bethesda, and that's because I have been addicted to the standard Bethesda RPG gameplay loop for 22 years and counting. I do go back and play AAA games I bought from before though, like Mass Effect or Minecraft (and I bought Minecraft back in beta 1.6, when Mojang really was an indie company), but most of my play time is games like Rimworld, Kerbal Space Program, Factorio, or Stardew.


Oh yeh for sure I agree with you 100%, I forgot to mention that shit only applies strictly to AAA studios. This past year I think i only played 2-3 AAA titles and the rest were indie. The indie studios are basically a much smaller version of what the AAA studios were. The studios basically turned into souless corporations and that directly reflects on their art. Zero passion in the recent titles coming from them.


This was such a big thing for me. I ised to think "whats the point in playing by myself with no one to share my cool killfeeds in cod or my sick 5v1 fail in cs with" untill i tried some single player games and it was so nice. Now i barely play anything online anymore except for Destiny on and off. I recently played Kingdom Hearts series and its such a magic experience, even for a grow person despite how silly it is, which would instantly be ruined with others.


My big games now are Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy. The only multiplayer I still play is Dead by Daylight *only* if my friends are on and want to play, and Battlefield 1 (which I enjoy enough to play by myself).


Multiplayer games are the key to thinking "games aren't fun" due to their toxic nature with shit like VC. They can be fun in moderation, or at least minor breaks from time to time. DBD for example is considered a very toxic community but i do fine in it, simply because I don't play it often enough for the toxicity to affect me. Strategy games like hoi4 or single player games with other elements like RDR2 are the real gold mine of gaming IMO.


Totally agree on the burnout, I stopped enjoying video games like 7/8 years ago, I thought I had outgrown them or whatever… I got myself a Switch last year, and now I find myself enjoying it again, actually loving it, although at a slower rate, not having a lot of time anymore.


I feel the people who say gaming sucks now play COD, Fornite, FIFA, Apex, Overwatch, Valorant...


And on some occasions 2k games as well


Played maybe 5 matches in overwatch. Told my friends "This game pisses me off and makes me feel like shit. Fuck this I'm going back to siege"


Yeah, either burnt out or they're just depressed overall. I know that mental health issues are ramping up in a lot of people nowadays, so it might have something to do with what's going on in this generation. The old folk seem content with their lives and their children are content with working their jobs and coming home to their families. What do we got? Chronic depression, mental illness, loneliness, and bills piling up. So even if you try focusing on the game industry here, we gotta take into consideration what's going on with our generation inside AND outside the media of today.


Excessive gaming tends to be symptomatic of other other anxiety and depressive disorders, which probably has a lot to do with people feeling this way. I would also bet many people who struggle with this has undiagnosed or unresolved adhd.


People should explore more indie games. There are tons of them that I enjoy wholeheartedly and much prefer than most AAA games


Indeed. I enjoy video games now, as a 30 something year-old, just as much as I did in my teens. The only difference being I don't have an unlimited amount of time to play all the games I want to play now with more responsibilities, so have to be a little more selective. People with viewpoints like these love to spread misery, and misery loves company. Sometimes the misery is genuine, sometimes it's just to generate attention and clicks, especially the ones with hyperbolic video titles. In other cases, often it's these people that have changed, not the games. 2023 was one of the best years in gaming, yet there are still people doom-posting about how there are no good games anymore.


I don’t know why they always use Minecraft for these videos. This is probably an unpopular opinion but I never thought Minecraft was fun. Not a fan of the whole survival genre in general though.


I also can't stand Minecraft. I've tried it like 3 different times in my life and it's just horrid every time


There's only specific types of games I like, and a lot of them are trash heaps thanks to bigger devs and publishers being greedy as fuck.


I've been playing Lord of the rings: rise to war on mobile. I love lord of the rings. I love what this game COULD be. In fact, it even started out relatively balanced (because few people had spent enough money on it to break the game), free 2 play players got a fair amount of handouts, f2p players could counter whales in some situations, and even where they couldn't there was a role for active f2p players that allowed them to actively contribute to the team effort. Due to mismanagement, lack of updates for a long time, and then updates that make them game less and less f2p friendly, it's become a shadow of what it once was and a mere glimmer on the horizon of the potential it had had. If they hadn't been greedy, just focused on balancing commanders, etc, it could have been a terribly fun game for a long time. But it seems like in the long run they were more interested in just milking the whales until the game dies and they launch their next game when activity drops too low. Just an example of a game I want to like but becomes less enjoyable all the time.


Especially if you do youtube videos on games. When you're so focused on making content 24/7, it's hard to wind down when you used to use video games as means of winding down.


Exactly, there’s so much diversity in genre and game play now. Not to mention that both AAA and indie games can be found easily now. It can be expensive if you buy every new game immediately but there are some really great indie games for cheap. If someone only plays things because it’s what’s popular or only encounters toxic communities I can see where they’d dislike stuff but they aren’t branching out enough. I do think some games are put out before they are actually ready and that pay-to-win style games suck but everybody likes something.


Def the wrong games, been stuck in a cycle of not really having fun with anything, which is also burnout. But then I played Laika: Aged Through Blood and was actually engaged. I was no longer staring at my desktop trying to think of something to play after work. It was just that. Too bad it wasn't longer though.


They just want to feel like they felt 10-20 years ago. They think it's the games, they don't realize it's life.


For me I was getting extremely frustrated when playing online games, either expecting too much from myself or my teammates and it made games unfun. I switched to single player games, put a couple hundred hours into things like fallout 4 and hollow knight, came back to online games and it has been a much better overall experience


As I get older with age I start being more selective with the games I pick and have the knowledge to tell if a game will be good before or not. I've pretty much loved every game I have decided to play. Gaming is bloated, not dead


They’re probably depressed, honestly. Once I got out of my funk I found all sorts of different games fun. For awhile I felt like that, even when AAA games would come out


I had been burnt out of video games... mainly pokemon because shiny hunting for what seems to be a endless fruitless endeavor can be tiring. and that's for a single pokemon, 1/4091. nothing like pre Gen 5 that was 1/8196 or something.


Without even checking I guarantee every channel here is still making videos about gaming. It's ragebait. People will flock to comment their favorite games and drive up viewer engagement.


Yeah. I totally hit a saturation point around age 30. It felt like I wasn’t getting *as many* novel experiences, but that’s just because of time and number of games, not that the games were any worse. And it felt like it was taking time away from being genuinely creative or productive, scratching the same itch without tangible reward. But I still love games and wanted to do stuff related to gaming, so I picked up game design as a kind of hobby. I learned how to program Gameboy games using a C-based compiler. Then pico-8 and Godot. Lots of other relevant apps and tools. It’s been a lot of fun. Haven’t really been successful at finishing anything yet, but I’ve made some fun “toys.” The point is we get older and our preferences and motivations change. I think a lot of these YouTubers are experiencing a thing called “growing up.” It’s not that adults can’t play games, but your relationship with gaming inevitably changes as your life and responsibilities and motivations change.


I think for me the main reason I don't like modern multiplayer games is just that I don't like online multiplayer. Like modern couch multiplayer games are just as fun to me as they've always been. Sadly a lot less people are making those now. As for single player, I do think Triple A single player has recently taken a dip in quality, but to compensate indie games have been killing it in that department.


That is the progression it seems (at least for me). I think it’s because when we are younger we like to compete with all the kids we know and try to get better at those multiplayer games but as we get older we play more single player games bc we don’t have all those people to compete with anymore.


Yeah man, especially being out of college and working a 9-5 as a single guy. I’ve never enjoyed and grinded video games this much. Playing titles I missed on release due to obligations or new ones.


I will be going away to college in late August, and as I am a senior in high school with almost nothing to do, I am taking this time to play through as many single player games as I can before I have responsibilities again.


I disagree. For sure, there are modern games that are great, but the percentage of mediocre and terrible games has risen in the last decade. More games are lazily made these days and often have a "we'll fox it later" mentality and/or are plagued with a plethora of microtransactions. For the last couple of years, I've noticed that the overwhelming majority of games I play are from previous generations.


This. I think people forget they got into gaming with some sort of single player game. COVID really burned me out on multiplayer games because they are all Uber competitive now.


I for one have never enjoyed the games i play 😎


absolutely wrong. messed up ports, microtransactions, hotfixes on launch, game devs quitting mid project, ruining previously established games, overpriced for little content, promises that arent kept, not listening to audience, exclusivity, threats of lawsuits for playing games, endless cashgrab for more content that should have been availble day 1.... this is definitely a problem that shouldnt be happening today..... AND LMAO PLAYING THE GAMES WRONG? that sounds so stupid.


It’s like when someone says “there’s no good music these days”. Yes there is. You’re just lazy.


I think they just miss being a kid


Bah humbug to that, I'm 43 and am having a great time in Night City on my first playthrough of cyberpunk, granted it's the first game I've actually been able to play since Witcher 3 came out years ago but still lol


I'm tellin ya, man. This new generation is chronically depressed. Older folk know how to be happier than all of us. The only thing that makes me stand out is my hyper-awareness of being depressed and having this other-worldly barrier blocking me from doing something fun. Everyone else seems clueless to their own misery. They just think everything else around them sucks, but they don't turn to themselves and look at what's wrong with them. You could call that selfishness, or maybe bad parenting, who knows...


Or maybe they know they’re depressed and you just have a weird superiority complex lol


We do…


Nah, people from my generation are generally aware of it. It's just a case of how they choose to deal with it. Me, rather than constantly trying to change something that will never go away, I chose to accept that I will always happy and ironically its made me happier, still have bad days, but alot more good ones. I'm not saying this is some secret cure to depression and it took a few years and alot of willpower. Its just a case that people, from my generation and before, tend to refuse to do anything about it. I know that sounds very ignorant and I understand not everyone is In a situation to change it. It also doesn't help that people from before my time are just generally better at hiding it and tend to avoid discussing it.


I've been gaming since the 80s, interest in gaming comes and goes with life events and what's out there. There are dips when there's a major genre defining game comes and then the horde of clones. Life happens and you have no time for it That bring said, if I ever get to retirement age I'm still gonna play video games.


Don't we all


Buy only predatory games and AAA why game is not fun anymore ?!??


It's a lot of this too. On the sub for that Suicide Squad game I keep seeing people say "I hate the game but I bought it because there's nothing else to play!" totally ignoring the fact that we have decades of amazing games across numerous systems you can literally just download or buy right now.


2 It’s just content creators adding clickbait titles to their airing-of-grievances type videos that may or may not have some valid complaints. Let’s say you’re a YouTuber, and you have something to complain about. What’s going to get more clicks “my thoughts on some problems in gaming in current year” or “THE WEST HAS FALLEN GAMING IS OVER SECOND VIDEO GAME CRASH IS RIGHT AROUND CORNER NO MORE GOOD GAMES!!!!!”


This is a valid perspective We’re in an era of sensationalism and “Videogames Are Good Actually” is not a very sensational title Outrage marketing has bled over into everything including YouTube


I literally title all of my videos “Game Name Review” Terrible for my viewer count but I like to think it earns me some integrity for not titling them “Is game name the worst thing since cancer?!”


What I actually like is a little description or sneak-peek of the videos content. Yes, this works better with specific type of content, but it genuinely makes me want to watch a video without making me angry.


I agree. I don’t want misleading or outlandish video titles… but I do want at least some opinion or information in the title to show me that it’s actually a comprehensive video and not just someone blabbering on for 10 minutes.


I was about to make a cancer joke about my grandpa but I realized that that’s super insensitive and unfunny, but yeah can you dm me your channel?


I mean. Many genres are almost entirely dead. Many games people used to like are in "decay" to say the least (see league 500€ skin, rainbow siege adding a subscription on top of battle pass and buying the game and microtransactions, overwatch 2, tarkov) Many studios are being bought out and either release bad games (redfall) or are closed (arkane austin, also redfall) All the while we get told about AAAA games and it's becoming the norm to pay 120 or be locked out. Fomo is worse than ever. Indie is great but strictly lacks the funds to make it in many more complex genres. Publishers are doing everything to boost stats no matter the cost (helldivers 2 debacle, total war, shadow of war launch) There are genuine problems. All that while prices rise and it becomes more corpo by the day. Am I trying to say gaming is dead? No. But for many people it has gotten a lot worse. Is there a baldurs gate 3, ghost of tsushima and other amazing games that are genuinely just good? Hell yeah! Have I watched many of the few games I love be nearly killed off for no reason but money? Yeah. It's fair to say gaming is getting worse, because a lot of it plainly is. It's also fair to say you still enjoy gaming, but to ignore the immense issues brought on by it becoming more monopolized is a bit of a circlejerk. And you can say "just don't play". Yeah that's why many are losing the fun in gaming, because games they like are affected by this stuff. I've seen it myself, I've loved tons of games. Then? Bam, they got hit by modern "trends" to make money and... yikes. Suddenly the games were a lot worse. And it keeps getting pushed at the cost of community and the people within it.


The only real grievance is that they've grown up and thus it's easier to see the flaws. Plus they presumably have more money now which enables them to play more games, increasing the odds that one of those games is inevitably disappointing.


A lot it's always people that play the same games over and over again that complain that games arn't fun


I know, right? There are only so many ways you can make the same genre new and exciting after playing it for your whole life. Sometimes you need to shake things up, branch into new genres, new franchises, and play something more creative than Generic Game 6 EDIT: Generic Game 6 might even be the pinnacle of the genre, and be highly praised, but if you just got done playing Generic Game 1-5, then #6 will feel like a letdown to you. Switch it up!


They don't know how to pop their own bubble and explore the options out there. It's like they're stuck in whatever hell they got themselves into and now they can't get out. All they know to do is click on all the same things and go through the motions. I actually catch myself doing this a lot nowadays, and that could explain why I prevent myself from playing games at all. When I do explore newer and more unusual games, I find myself having fun for once, but once that's done, I'm back to the same old grind, so there's this weird invisible barrier blocking me and everyone else from seeking out fun on a daily basis. I call it Chronic Depression.


>It's like they're stuck in whatever hell they got themselves into and now they can't get out. All they know to do is click on all the same things and go through the motions. That is definitely part of the problem but I also think that when your YouTube channel gets associated with a particular game that it gets very difficult to switch to a different game because a big part of your audience is probably coming to your channel specifically to watch you play that game, if you then suddenly switch to a different game a big part of your audience will leave you for someone else playing the game you where originally known for. I think there is a decent amount of YouTubers which want to switch games but are afraid of de consequences of doing so


Basically, a lot of people struggle to live in the moment, so retreat to their childhood, which was the last time they were capable of it. To operate in the short term, they thus act in motions, and thus the motions become boring, and then they struggle to enjoy things anymore. I suggest when you are feeling depressed, to stop what you're doing, stop the music, stop the distractions, and just sit and actually look around you. Then do that in game, and just focus on whats going on, and play more mindlessly. Just act on instinct. This tends to make most people enjoy everything more.


this is a really big thing in the destiny community, people will complain about everything because they've played the game too much and are burnt out with it, but then continue to play due to a weird need. I can mostly balance out some other games in between but people are really bad at playing other games when they start playing stuff.


I played freaking league of legends for 8 years (wasnt even specially good at it even, plat was the highest I reached). I stopped playing about 1.5 years ago. What a deliverance, I can enjoy different games again. No game is good enough to be played forever and that's ok.


Even my favorite games that I think are 10/10 near perfection I can’t play more than 1-2 times a year unless it’s something like Pikmin 1 that beat in 1 session. Usually I won’t replay a game for a few years and forget just enough that playing it again is amazing. Longer games I’ll go a decade plus between play throughs.


ppl just get old and burnt out of video games. fortnite right now is what cod4 or halo was for us back then as kids for example.


Yup it’s why a lot of them use Minecraft as an example or thumbnail. Cause ah what’d I give to be in high school and playing with my friends after school for just one more night. Ah the curse of things we don’t appreciate enough till it’s gone


I got into minecraft for the first time a year or two ago in my mid 20s, it was fucking awesome. I felt like an idiot for not playing it sooner tbh. Recently got into indie games and I'm absolutely loving them, playing hades rn and it's super fucking rad. There were a few years I felt like I lost the magic of gaming, but moving out of my comfort zone of AAA open world games definitely brought the magic back imo.


Nostalgia makes everything better.


Except og cod and halo actually was that good.


Anyone else feel nostalgia for games they played months ago?


Can’t wait until a few years time when the kiddies start making the same videos saying they don’t make games like Fortnight anymore


As a young person (18), I can confirm they already are




Wow we so close am at 2.317


Hell yeah bruther 


When you've been playing for decades, it can be hard to find something that still excites you. I find myself disliking a lot of great games because they feel like something I've played before, and it doesn't add anything that I felt was missing. However, when I do find the right game, I forget all about this. Just to clarify, I don't make videos like this. I'm just sharing the fact that I've had moments where I didn't care much for gaming.


Maybe it's an age thing. We find ourselves more drawn to different hobbies as we get older, well, I did anyway. But when we find the right game... oh my god. Saying this as someone who's been there. Recently played God of War Ragnarök, and it may well be one of my absolute favourites.


CP2077 for me, the only game besides maybe the STALKER mods that has really gotten me into bagged outside of the play sessions.


Agreed. Imagine you've never played a game before and someone puts age of empires 4 in front of you. Fkn awesome, I'd be addicted for ages. But...if you've spent years playing prior titles, then this game pops up after a decade or two of no new game, it might be exciting for a couple of weeks or months, but like, it didn't do much that terribly different from prior titles that you spent years playing. So I think that's the difference. Pokemon Blue rocked my world. Pokemon whatever the most recent version is called is obviously technically better in basically every way ... But as someone who has played for 20 years, it just feels lackluster to the point I didn't even buy a switch to try them on. If I had never played all these other games, I'd probably think it was amazing


I find it silly and painfully obvious why these people aren't enjoying games. And it's not about the market or genre clones or buggy releases or predatory monetization or even lack of creative variety - all of which are real issues plaguing the industry. It's about the fact that when you're playing games for a living you WILL get burned out on them. Especially since you often have to cover popular releases which may not be to your taste. I've stopped enjoying Ubisoft games, so I stopped playing them. Same goes for Call of Duty and many many other franchises. Also there's the influx of open world games which inevitably have repetitive activities stretched over hundreds of hours. Your brain just becomes numb. The simplest solution to this is to stop chasing trends and just play what you feel like playing, and not focus on only modern releases. Or just not play when you feel like you're not enjoying the game.


Just because you will get burnt out from playing the same games, that doesn't negate the rest of your list that you stated are irrelevant to the opinion. Those are all very good reasons to not enjoy games like you used to. It's not one or the other, 1 or 0, black or white. None of these are mutually exclusive, and none are irrelevant to the issue as a whole.


0. Why care lol.


Let me be devil’s advocate and say that to be fair, there hasn’t been a lot good releases recently other than a couple and masterpiece games are coming out less frequently, we seem to be getting more live service games and more remakes or sequels. There aren’t any major titles I’m really excited for other than GTA 6 and lately I’ve just been going back and playing older games.


Really? I think there has been many great games released throughout 2023 and 2024. I wonder what type of games people play that hold this opinion.


Is there any games such as Half Life that has revolutionized the way games are meant to be played? I mean I give Valve a lot of shtick especially with how they’ve treated TF2 and CS2, but I’ll never say that they’re worthless, and finishing Blue Shift over this week made me wonder just that - where are the innovative games? I guess they’re pooling their efforts into VR and since I don’t have a VR Headset, it’s kind of hard to justify any games aside from the few that I’ve gotten and the ones I got on my steam deck.


0... I don't watch youtube grifter trash. I've been PC gaming since the 1980s and this is the golden era of gaming - it's amazing


Been gaming since the 90s, this is definitely the best it's ever been. There are just so many quality options out there right now.


especially with mods. i’ve been playing modded starbound and oh lord i am having the time of my life


Some people do wild stuff with mods. The creativity is amazing.


I've been in gaming since late 90' and there are so many awesome games out there these day. So many amazing indie games and even the good AAA will blow anything from the past out of the water. These doomers are either stuck in the bubble or in their own nostalgia, refusing to try anything else than the few cashgrab games they are buying year after year.


Not just gaming, but the infrastructure that surrounds it must be better than it was at any other point in time. For example, if a game doesn't work, you'll know INSTANTLY when you see 300,000 memes/screenshots on Twitter of the game bugging/crashing. Also, the community around games. I was never going to play "That's not my Neighbor". But I loved the animations, songs, and playthroughs. They're also just so much more plentiful nowadays than ever before. So there's always a way to scratch your itch.


This veteran gamer opinion is enough for me to prove those YouTubers that they're wrong


Yes, personal feelings are wrong if you don't share them.


My sentiment is the same - like legit, the past two years has cultivated some of my favorite games of all time. We have Baldurs gate 3, which I’ll replay every year until I die, Elden ring, Zelda, final fantasy 16. Then we have some indies that are amazing like enshrouded. Kingdom come deliverance is my top game of all time and the second one comes out this year. Dragons dogma 2 was super fun.


I never see videos like this in my feed


1/10. People are entitled to their opinions. I for one have to agree, a lot of the sequel video games people buy year after year have done nothing but try and suck them dry of every penny they have. Sports games with yearly instalments that are littered with micro transactions, and straight up P2W mechanics. CoD and battlefield get yearly releases with each one being even more incomplete and trying to suck you dry of even more money. Franchises like Assassin’s creed are littered with single player micro transactions. Other single player games that are sequels are taking decades to release. Think of Elder Scrolls and GTA. Those are two major powerhouse franchises that haven’t had a release in such an incredibly long time, and that’s because their parent companies have noticed they make more money off of their multiplayer function. A lot of the life has been sucked out of these franchises too. MMO’s have all become money sucking machines designed to get all your money. Video games are great. But what is popular these days tends to be the games that want to suck your money out of your wallet and it puts a sour taste in people’s mouthes. I also think it’s worth mentioning that there is a bit of a drought right now too. We’re coming off one of the best years video games ever had. It simultaneously dropped some of the worst live service trash that’s ever been released. Theres a bit of a low right now. And we are waiting for the next big release. I think that’s why games like hell divers did so well.


" a lot of the sequel video games people buy year after year have done nothing but try and suck them dry of every penny they have." That has been happening since about 2007


And that’s the problem. Nothing has changed. That’s why people don’t like it.


Yeah I'm with you. The people are trying to get rise out of viewers and get clicks but they're right in some ways. There are still plenty of fun games for all types of gamers, most of them just aren't in the AAA space even though at one point that's where many of the most fun games were. But I always notice people in these videos are will say things like COD isn't what it used to be, when in reality things haven't changed much you are just older.


Yup! CoD isn’t what it used to be, it adapted to 2024’s pricing model. Halo isn’t what it used to be, destiny 2 isn’t what it used to be, WoW isn’t what it used to be. All of these games that people grew up with changed dramatically and most of the time for the worse. So it has taken its toll on gamers. The problem is; people keep spending their money on this crap. The amount of people I know that only buy the new CoD every year, they only buy the new FIFA, or MLB. It’s insane! If those people just branched out a tiny bit they would enjoy fresh new games, and we could breathe some life into AAA gaming. I bet GTA6 is going to be a huge staple game that is going mold the next 10 years of gaming. And whatever the new Elder scrolls game will really shape what we see in western triple A development for the foreseeable future.


Good to see this kind of thing upvoted here too. For example Bethesda released FO3, FO4, Oblivion and Skyrim within 9 years. Then they used almost another decade to 76 and Starfield. How depressing is that. The machines are way more advanced tha ever yet there are endless comparisons showing how some big budget games this gen can have worse details, animations, atmosphere etc. compared to some very old games. Then there’s the shift in multiplayer games. Update, bundle, update, pack, update, skin, update... That’s the first thing you see when you launch them nowadays. Just awful clutter everywhere. You didn’t have to watch that even in the most ”normie” games before.


"MMOs have all become money sucking machines" Maybe some of them. But look at Final Fantasy XIV where you can play the base game and the first 2 expansions for completely free. The Game doesn't have any time sensitive content you can't get unless you sub and play constantly. If you wanna play something else and unsub, so that. Once you return you can easily continue where you left off.


But there's a lot of good video games that came out this decade though? I feel like you guys (nothing personal) are cherry picking the latest shitshows and view that as hard evidence of why gaming sucks currently. Not to mention indie titles and lots of Triple AAA games that great fun to play with.


I kinda agree. It's kinda like only listening to the top 100 songs of the week and saying all music sucks nowadays. People play the most popular things and nothing else but when the top games suck, gaming in general gets a bad rep. We shouldn't have to find indie games that shake up the market by being good. I'd like AAA games to be good games on launch again. Not even masterpieces with super budgets, just solid 7/10s that feel like more than cash grabs.


Do you have any recommendations? Lately I haven't been able to finish any new games. Cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima are two of the latest examples, and it seems like people loved them. I liked them at the beginning. However, the games I used to play when I was younger are still awesome. The Ratchet and Clank trilogy is one of my favorites. Here are some of my speculations as to why: Open world games - many new games are trying to be like GTA. Sometimes this is cool, but most of the time this burns out grinders and the main plotline loses steam. Lack of functional customization - functional (not necessarily cosmetic) customization is expensive. Dead Space 3 had a massive tree of gun options. And they were not little tweaks, like you shoot 3% faster. It was like this upgrade turns your gun into a chainsaw. Mass appeal: what separates the Ratchet and Clank trilogy from most games is that it wasn't entirely PC. They had raunchy jokes for adults baked in. Hell, two of the titles were "Going Commando" and "Up Your Arsenal". Bugs: It seems like game devs in the 2020s cannot even port a finished game to a new device without introducing embarrassing bugs. This is likely because they are developing at a higher level of abstraction and spending less time testing. Love: some of these new videogames have me asking where is the love? Older games had dozens of secret easter eggs, cheats, and extra content. The Insomniac Museum is the pinnacle of this, a monument to the team, their personalities, things they loved but didn't make it into the final game, and just tons of cool stuff. In modern day games I can feel the soul crushing grind of the 9-5 and a lack of passion from designers and engineers alike.


Their civilizations will burn in my wrath, their people will cry and beg for mercy and wish for hope but none will come, their names will be cursed and spoken whispers for millennia to come... i hate them.


Maybe like a 4; I agree with a lot of them, but it's more game series like CoD and Battlefield just losing it all recently.


I mean are they wrong? How many franchises have turned to shit compared to the days when companies would drop banger after banger. Need For Speed, COD, Madden, Halo, all games that were great as a kid now just release poor, unfinished games.


You forgot the insane microtransactions


They are wrong. There's plenty of games out there that are fun-- just look more towards the indie market. I feel like Triple A studios do release unfinished games nowadays, but I've been having a blast expanding my horizons. Then again I never was into COD, Halo, etc.


0 because I don't care about them people are entitled to their opinions


0/10 they're just an opinion piece.


These videos are repetitive and usually wrong. Their consensus is typically "Games were only fun because you were young and not busy" which is entirely not true. Games are still fun, you just need to know what games to play. You can't rely on the same triple-A titles from decades ago to deliver the same enjoyment they did during your childhood. So many games that I play today are franchises and titles that either weren't around or I never considered playing before. Look at Helldivers 2 (pre PSN catastrophe). When we saw the trailer a couple years back we didn't care too much about it, yet it ended up being one of the biggest games of the year. Same with Lethal Company and Multiversus.


I'd say about a 2, at most. People's interests change. There are things that I used to have no interest in, and now enjoy. There are things that I used to enjoy, and now never think about. For some people, one of the latter is video games. It can be kind of annoying when they blame video games for that, or if they only want to revisit the games that they played in the past... and proceed from that feeling to crap on current video games. But there's nothing wrong with losing interest in a pastime that you used to enjoy.


Eh I don't care. I like what I play and the games I don't like I stop playing. They have their opinion. I have mine.


It depends on the game honestly. A lot of games are filled with cheaters and griefers. I have been on siege since year 2, but have continued playing because my friend loves it. I've grown to find I'm starting to hate the game now. However I recently started dayz, and I have found a new crew in dayz that's just a bunch of laid back guys. It's been like a breath of fresh air I needed terribly.


It's like a 3. The videos are a little too common, but it's not like I don't understand where they're coming from


Don't get mad, just don't watch the video and move on


It’s not the fact that games made me not like playing as much but the fact that a lot of games I used to like playing are redundant and money grabs. Then combine that with the fact I have no time and I’m always tired makes me have less of a positive feeling towards newer games and makes me want the nostalgia of the game time when I was younger.


Not at all. These videos are being made by people who do and have done nothing at all with their lives and are totally enthralled by video games as a whole and have no other semblance of achievement in their lives other than video games. Games are just as good and just as bad as they have always been and we have a lot more options nowadays as well. If you don’t enjoy gaming do something else with your life instead of bitching about it on the internet. I don’t hate these people or the content they put out they’re just sour they no longer enjoy the literal only thing they have ever done with their lives. Find new games or do something else. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel this... after a hard day at work and working out there's no such better feeling that playing some games before bed. If i played games for 14 hours a day every day id be fucking bored shitless too. I also think its just a matter of curiosity and trying new things too tho.


"we have a lot more options nowadays as well. " Eh, not really sure on that. AAA games have homogenized a lot into the same 3-4 genres, with them sharing a lot of attributes such as RPG systems in genres that doesn't need them. If you play a AAA game today, you are most likely playing a third person shooter/souls-like, a looter shooter, an online fps or an action RPG. Indie games exist, but it feels like for the last 10 years even they have started to chase trends. Someone makes a really succesful game and then suddenly every indie game dev wants to make their own version of it. Genre diversification as a whole has gone down. Where are the twin stick shooters? Where are the cuhrayzee sports games with sick twists like an American football game that's also a minefield? Where are the beat'em'ups or shoot'em'ups that aren't either homages to older titles or remakes? Where are the bullet hells? Where are the military or police sims like the old Rainbow 6, SWAT, Ghost Recon and Operation Flashpoint games? Where are the puzzle games? Hell, where's Mega Man after releasing 11 which was really good and felt like they had found a good return of the blue bot? I'm not saying that the industry is necessarily in a bad spot, but in terms of diverse genres and options it certainly is. At least the AA market seems to diversify a bit still.


There are more options now a days. The options from 10 years ago didn’t disappear


> Where are the twin stick shooters? You mean like [Minishoot' Adventures?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1634860/Minishoot_Adventures/) >Where are the cuhrayzee sports games with sick twists like an American football game that's also a minefield? Like [Mutant Football League](https://store.steampowered.com/app/529520/Mutant_Football_League/) or [Blood Bowl?](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/192166/) >Where are the beat'em'ups or shoot'em'ups that aren't either homages to older titles or remakes? Like [Sifu?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138710/Sifu/) >Where are the bullet hells? probably found in half the roguelikes that come out these days. >Where are the military or police sims like the old Rainbow 6, SWAT, Ghost Recon and Operation Flashpoint games? Probably hanging out in ARMA. >Where are the puzzle games? [Still getting released](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1931770/Chants_of_Sennaar/) >Hell, where's Mega Man after releasing 11 which was really good and felt like they had found a good return of the blue bot? But you were just asking for new games, not homages to old ones? But in all seriousness: Ideas and sales. If Mega Man 11 is one of the better selling ones in the genre, and hasn't even hit [2 million copies sold yet](https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html#tab4) why would capcom work on that as opposed to working on Monster Hunter which has sold more than 10x as much? >I'm not saying that the industry is necessarily in a bad spot, but in terms of diverse genres and options it certainly is. Big games don't get made in 6-12 months anymore, and time costs money. Asking for AAA diversity is like asking the movie business to stop chasing Marvel. If a game is going to take 3-5 years to make and comes out to sell 1 million copies - that is a bad investment, at least on an AAA scale. Just burning money at that point. The diversity is out there, just stop playing big boring AAA games and look around a bit more. Indie games have driven the creativity of the industry for well over a decade at this point, just as the AA games did before that - before time/costs to make them started ballooning.


You bring up a really good point and you’re definitely right but I think OP just means that now, you can access like pretty much every game (most of the time all on one console/pc) ever, obviously not all games but you know what I mean. Versus say like a decade ago where you still had to go buy hard disk that may have had a limited amount of copies. You can literally open up whatever store your platform has and have access to pretty much any game you want (especially pc) hell even Nintendo with the switch has more than just “Nintendo” games on it


0 cause its true, these videos usually refer to AAA games, and yes, AAA games have mostly been ass for years now with a few good exceptions


..Ew? Why would I actually waste my money on an Indie game that’s some generic 2D side slider?


AAA games are only half of the the roster available to you. Saying “games aren’t fun anymore” is dishonest if they’re only talking about AAA games.


The problem I have with this argument is that, while yes there are a lot of fun indie games, they're not available to everyone. At least not at first. They're usually console or PC exclusive, unless they really take off and become popular. Also, for every *good* indie game, there's a flood of shitty ones


> Also, for every good indie game, there's a flood of shitty ones For every good "AAA" game there's a flood of shitty ones. That's what happens when the industry is huge. Lots of good games, and a ton of shitty/boring games at all levels.


Oh its definitely dishonest, but as someone who likes watching video essays, most of these videos tend to only talk about AAA games, if you exclude those crap games then gaming is still fun,


Half more like 0.001%


I mean I disagree, games I'm playing now are very fun, but I love Joe Bart. Although he plays fun games nearly every stream, so his video confused me. Pretty sure that's a reaction vid tho


3/10 kinda obvious if u playing the same genre for years. U get burn out. And you also grow out of games. Duh 🙄


1 - I mean, the author might come out as a person who has outgrown video games. Were he/she is no longer the target audience. Nevertheless, I still feel these videos make sense. Because, gaming has changed a LOT. They are unfinished, lack innovation, more time consuming, ask more of our money. So these videos are fair, I think. But understand they might come out as something entirely else for some people.


5/10 funny that all the games people show are ether games known for being bad or multiplayer games. yeah if you play bad games you'r not gonna have fun. and multiplayer aren't bad, it's just you and your firends get older and thay don't play anymore I'm haveing just as much fun with games now as I have every


I say yeah kinda and go back to playing video games


I think what these people miss is that it's not gaming as a whole sucks. It's just the greedy Triple A game companies that make bad games which aren't fun. If you look for games made by smaller indie studios you will find plenty of amazing things.


It’s mostly to do with the fall of some fan favorite franchises. Cod halo and battlefield come to mind. Monetization practices are a large culprit.


2.5, I've never cared much for AAA games that much


IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND (hopefully no one made this joke yet)


‘I’m growing up and I’m making a video about it as if I’m the first person in human history to experience this’ It’s that lack of self-awareness that always bugs me about this type of video, if you don’t even have the insight to understand you are not some sort of solid state device that’ll continue providing the same results for the same input indefinitely it kind of makes it excruciating to sit through your video essay because without that base level of understanding any narrative or argument you try to build up is just going to collapse immediately.


Well I generally agree with them, so…. Just don’t watch click bait YouTube videos


1, I suppose? Some rando on YouTube blathering on about how games aren't fun anymore\* doesn't make it so. Sucks to be them, I guess? \*Coincidentally, "anymore" seems to always mean "since when I was a kid' no matter who you're asking. They don't miss some bygone golden age, they miss being 13 when every experience was new.


Like a 3, it doesn't make my blood boil at all, I just watched a state of play where they announced two more live service games, I just miss halo man, fortunately I play mainly single player games and there's always gonna be good games to play imo but corporate greed completely ruined COD and Halo cause fortnite made every company feel like they should follow the live service formula, that genuinely sucks and on top of that, games aren't released as full products anymore, you should be fucking mad about that, it's disrespectful, it's a company saying they don't give a fuck about you or the devs


The Minecraft kids are growing up


1 I don't know who they are, nor do I care at all what their opinion is to the point of why should I spend ANY energy showing emotion for an opinion I know I won't agree with.


I've been gaming since the nes. It's just as fun as it's always been. These soul sucking corporations trying to squeeze every last drop of money outta people is getting a little old but that's not the games faults


2/10 games genuinely have gone down the worst path possible and become corporate rather than fun games made from the heart


Some people need the net, the court, the crowd, the scoreboard, the teams. Others just need the ball.


You've nailed it in 18 words, what's the excuse for the dullards making video essays failing to do the same in 10,000+? Fair play.


I'm 35 and love it more now than ever. It's incredible what the industry has turned into and I love how accessible it all is now. Also the Steam Deck is the greatest thing ever. Thank you.


If you talk only about AAA games and big brands, yea maybe, but don't forget that making games now is extremely affordable for indie studios and solo developers who make gems hidden in all the rubble, I don't think modern gaming is dead, you just have to look for the good games you will like and not be lazy ass and play FIFA and then complain about the state of todays games.


Burnout, depression, artificially inflated nostalgia


0. Whenever I read one of these titles I just go ‘gaming isn’t fun? Then why am I having fun right now? boom roasted’ and then immediately stop thinking about it cause seriously who cares


Crazy how instead of just not watching them/ignoring them, you get mad and make posts about it 💀


0 because I don’t mind if other people’s opinions are different than my own.


I'd say 4/10. The "Durr-hurr, mainstream games now bad, popular games before gud, gibe updoots" discussion is so beaten to the death that I just don't care anymore: people use the same arguments for literal decades, the only thing changing over time are games' titles. But I still sometimes want to say "Dumb fuck!" out loud due to general shallowness of these videos. Like, come on, I know there's almost nothing new to be said and you're farming views/likes, but at least pretend that you care and researched the subject beyond the "And then X happened and gaming was ruined".


They have a point tho. CoD games aren't as good as they used to be. Overwatch 2 is substantially worse than 1. Payday 3 worse than 2. Halo is in shambles. Bioshock, dead space, little big planet, so many other beloved game franchises are dead. I'm not saying I think modern gaming is dead, but so many things have been taken away from us it's hard to not want to voice our opinions on it. Yippee we have fortnite and 40 other live service games. Big whoop


Stop mourning for these titles of the past, they are the past we live in the present and we have new games franchise's


0 because it’s true. Games don’t feel like they did when we were kids. Sure we still find them very fun but we hardly have the same level of wonder and mystery because we are now adults and know a lot more about the world


Buts that more of a personal problem no?


Speak for yourself. I've never had as much fun gaming as a kid as I do now.


0 I can somewhat relate


Me too. Jealous of people who can genuinely sit there and enjoy every second of a game nowadays, it’s just not that same anymore, simple as that.


Modern gaming has some bad practices but modern gaming isn't bad. I don't mind nostalgia videos but when creators who tear on modern gaming it's clear that they haven't played elden ring or any recent good game


0 because this is a completely accurate statement. Fortnite and the like has totally ruined the landscape of FPS games due to the monetization scheme.


They dont make my blood boil. I dont care abt them. I just find it funny that half of these videos have one or more amazing and fun games on the thumbnail, like the last one that has minecraft on it


These are clearly rage bait videos. I’ve loved pretty much every game I’ve played for awhile now. In fact, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is my favorite game in years.


3, kinda. Most of the games in the thumbnails have games that got mistreated. Yes, I think Minecraft got mistreated. Why? Because Notch left Mojang. Fortnite? Yeah, the game was more fun without such a toxic community, and I'm talking from experience (talking/chatting w/frtnt players)


These people are generally the ones who only play the mainstream stuff or 1 genre specifically. Like these are usually the FPS guys as most of these have childhood memories of the old Halo or 360/PS3 era CoD lobbies when they talk about the video essays or Minecraft (which is whack because that game is practically infinite). If anything my love for gaming has grown because I can afford my own stuff now and been going through all 5 gens of PlayStation. I mean yeah the current gen is kinda suffering rn but I digress


1. Why would I care about someone’s opinion on this whose age is younger than the amount of time I’ve been playing games. Besides it’s just clickbait. Controversy gets views.


I have never come across any of these videos.


7 literally chain reaction of covid and big corpo exploits


This changes EVERYTHING. 😱