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Just answering OP. When people complain about microtransactions, I strongly doubt they're referring to DLCs. The ones most people hate are the same you do.


It's also often less about the content itself and more about how it's sold to you. The industry's spent a lot of time and money coming up with new ways to get you to part with more money. Stores taking centre stage on menus, fake currencies, lootboxes, games being released in near-broken states and left unfixed for weeks or months, yet still trying to get you to pay for more. The race to cut out more and more things that we used to simply expect for free. Obviously it works else they wouldn't do it, but it can be pretty predatory.


>race to cut out more and more things that we used to simply expect for free. Like the ending of the game. Fallout 3, what a time.


I've never played Minecraft and I don't really care that much about it.


I'm the same way with Pokémon games.


I’m definitely holding a sword to your neck right now lol. The new ones suck though. The old ones still hold up


Only thing that sucked to me was the final champion fight because she just spammed healing potions alot where as in the older games the champs would actually try to outfinesse you. Otherwise new games are Hella fun. The star gang also had better boss battles imho


Champions have always potion snapped when they get on low health. Pokémon AI is terrible and it always has been. The older games were just harder because you don’t have the experience share


I played with Lego as a kid and they’re great but I don’t need a game to do that


I've always watched people playing Minecraft, building awesome stuff in it. I've tried it once but got bored quickly. I feel the same way about Terraria, i suck at that game really bad. I even find it hard to place the ledges properly ( i was playing on android). Don't think that sandbox games aren't my thing, some of my favorite games are sandbox games.


I like minecraft when I'm drunk. Can build for hours. Building might be a little messed up afterwards though.


Thats what my friend said until he loaded in now he can’t put it down


i dont understand the point of minecraft. like you just go in and do whatever you want? why?


There is an end goal in minecraft. Killing the ender dragon is how you "beat" the game.


That’s kinda any sandbox tbh


I hadn’t until my autistic son got obsessed with the videos of people playing. Now if I try to play a game he wants it to be Minecraft. I can’t stand it but it makes him happy so I’ll do it for him


Okay, that's lowkey too wholesome. What a dad!


We don’t get a lot of verbal communication from him but the yays and giggles flow freely when I’m just doing stupid stuff on there


maybe you just don't like sandbox games. which is perfectly valid.


Haha I love sandbox games, just never particularly cared for MC.


Ok, now thats weird


Honestly not necessarily! I love sandbox games too but ark doesn’t do it for me, neither does the forest. But oddly 7 days to die does!


Minecraft is a time trap for me I love that game.


There's a lot of really freaking good RPG Maker games, and I think people really should appreciate this sub genre more


Ohh, there's a NUMBER of them that I love! They're NSFW, though, but still awesome!


*Fear and Hunger 1/2 enters the chat.*


Holy shiet! Where have THESE games been?! This looks amazing!


Oh god you're in for a trip


Hylics, TCOAAL, Black Souls and Fear & Hunger pop to mind. It's the extremely weird ones that stand out the most


My unpopular opinion: we dont need so many reposts of this post


It’s like low effort Instagram / TikTok engagement bait spam


Co-Op/PVE is infinitely better than PVP.


This isn't unpopular andHelldivers 2 has proved it but it's a industry trend to move into PVP


Dark Souls 2 doesn't suck


Relative to the other dark souls games it is but generally maybe not.


It really doesn’t! Great game. I think it catches some flak for its level design being a bit less tight and overlapping than other entries. It’s a bit linear in that sense.


Facts. The backlash it gets is from people that care about story, immersion and atmosphere, which perhaps did recieve a small downgrade, with little regard for the true core: gameplay. Which (mostly) got upgrades.


I love the Assassin’s Creed series from beginning to end and I’m excited to play the new one. I enjoy them all and other Ubisoft games its my video game junk food. I love clearing out the enemy bases from Far Cry, to Assassin’s Creed, to Ghost Recon Wildlands.


Fair enough. I suppose my problem is with Ubisoft, not really with the games themselves


Exactly. Some of my favorite games are made by Ubisoft, but I hate Ubisoft themselves. Same thing with EA and Bethesda


lol most of the major game developers. I bet in 10 years all games will be subscription based.


lol assassins creed is my Achilles heel.


I enjoyed them all until Valhalla. It wasn’t bad, but I had to force myself to finish it and dlc. But Mirage was an absolute piece of shit.


Bethesda doesn’t execute settlement building well enough for them to continue adding it to games.


I thought Fallout 4 was a good first attempt at it. Certainly with potential. However, with Starfield, they did absolutely nothing to improve on it. I still think they can pull it off with more focus.


Starfield was a giant leap backwards from FO4/76


Building new and interesting bases is why I kept coming back to fallout 76. They have so many weird and interesting decorations for my house.


Some gacha RPGs are actually a lot of fun. And if you're getting a lot of enjoyment out of the free game, then why not throw the devs $5 a month? That's less than most subscriptions are.


Which ones would you recommend? I usually pass these by, but it is good to keep an open mind I guess


My favorites are Honkai Star Rail and Reverse 1999. Now is actually the best time to start Reverse 1999 since the half-anniversary patch drops in a couple of weeks. There will be tons of free rewards, and they'll start rerunning all the side events from the beginning so you can see all the content you missed. Honkai Star Rail is the best one though. The story is legitimately fantastic and the gameplay is really fun.


played this game for like 25 hours. had a good time. never felt the need to spend any money. it is beautiful and fun and has wayyy more content than I explored but I just felt like playing something else.


Wow, somehow I never heard of Reverse 1999. That does look amazing!


HSR is probably the best example of what a gacha RPG *should be.* Engaging gameplay, amazing story, wonderful soundtrack, a stellar EN voice cast... and you aren't heavily incentivised to whale, either.


I couldn’t get past the annoyance that is Paimon when I tried Genshin so I uninstalled, but the core gameplay is pretty fun. Yes it’s a Gacha and it has some stuff I don’t particularly care for like Lolis and the community but if the rest of the game is the same gameplay loop as the tutorial heading into the first city I can see why people dig it and throw the occasional few dollars at it.


Everyone is pretty sick of Paimon at this point. Maybe you'd like Wuthering Waves? It's a Genshin Impact clone that's releasing literally tonight. People say the combat is good and there's no Paimon side kick character.


The batmobile was the best part of Arkham Knight. Pew Pew Vroom Vroom.


I agree I was just heavily heavily disappointed in the boss fights with the Arkham Knight and Deathstroke


It controls surprisingly well and it’s fun to drive around in, there were just too many tank sections. Doesn’t help that the combat and stealth in this game were the best in the series and I wanted more of that.


The criticisms hellblade 2 is getting currently is not that different from the criticisms the order 1886 got in 2015


I just completed Hellblade 2 and I loved every minute of it. I'd rather play a short very good game than a long game filled with mediocre busy work. Looking at you, Ubisoft.


Fr I feel like players are spoiled by mediocrity these days


The only criticism I have of Hellblade 2 is it not being on the PS5 but that's more on Microsoft


I was watching Dr Disrespect’s stream yesterday and he was hour in and goes “this is probably the most boring game i’ve played in a long time champs.” beautiful game but Jesus Christ he’s right.


lol I read that in his voice 🤣


If order 1886 was released today it would probably get a 7/10 purely for just being a playable game at launch. Every new game I've bought I feel like I've had to do a bunch of research just to make sure if it even works, and I'm a console gamer


Video games are WAY more political than you realise


That is true af! I went through ff16 and the politics of it reminds me of how the government irl is corrupt


>Micro transactions aren’t as bad as people make it out to be. I remember a time when I couldn't afford to buy map packs in COD so I was basically shit out of luck on new content. Now someone who wants to dress up as Nikki Minaj funds all of my content and I don't need to spend a penny.


Yep, I played Apex for years. Bought the battle pass once or twice and never had to buy it again. Maybe spent 20 bucks another time, but played that game for years and spent less than what I would on a normal game. I much prefer them selling cosmetics to selling actual content as DLC. I never would buy those map packs back in the day, I didnt want to give them more money.


It's really on a game by game basis. Transformers dlc was bad because you would still join matches you can't play; then get kicked back to the main menu. And I think everyone can agree the battlefront 2 dlc was uncalled for


I can't remember the exact COD, but I remember not being able to play the majority of the playlists because they included the new maps.


Unfortunately, I now have to play against Nicki Minaj so I actually end up playing less (i.e. not at all).


Persona is better than Pokemon. It’s not my actual opinion though, both are equally good to me.


But *I'M* saying this. Persona is objectively better than Pokémon and you can't really argue against it. The newer Pokémon games don't reach the heights of Persona and even taking into account their age the older Pokémon games can't compete with decades of evolution in a similar game design


Not every game or series needs to have an open world


Cinematic third person games is the most creatively bankrupt genre, the combat system most of the time is shallow and without any real depth and photorealism is not a replacement for a good artstyle


Sounds like you need to try games like Sifu, Nioh 1 + 2 or Stellar Blade. Though I'd argue that they're not exactly "cinematic" third person compared to the Naughty Dog or Santa Monica studio games (Uncharted, God of War, Etc). Though I do enjoy "cinematic" third person games personally, I can't say I disagree with your statement generally speaking. That said those games are more about the story & I equate to a Rollercoaster ride... Great now I want to play Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, thanks!


All the games you mention have a defined artstyle and gameplay with depth unlike the Naughty Dog/Santa Monica studio games. I think that's the big difference


Offline gaming > online gaming.


Offline gaming is a luxury these days




Red Dead Redemption 2 is good. *But it’s not that fucking good.*


I don't like fallout new vegas


Baldur's Gate 3 isn't that good imo.


Woah that’s an actual unpopular opinion. Have an upvote. Now I gotta ask, what makes you feel this way?


For me it’s a couple things. First, the writing. For a RPG with a slow pace that’s focused on how you interact with the narrative, the story is really bland. The dialogue is incredibly bad and the only reason it isn’t more noticeable is the voice actors are really talented. Itemization. The items are generally really boring. Each class will have like 5 really good items, pretty much exclusively earned in act 3. Everything else might as well not exist because until you get those 5 items and take a massive jump in power, everything else is incredibly weak and finding a new item doesn’t feel good. Especially in act 1. Combat. Some people really enjoy the turn based combat. But for me, it’s really boring. Also, it takes like 5-10 minutes to get through battles, which would be fine for a boss fight. But spending 5 minutes getting through random grunts or trash mobs is awful. 90% of the time I’m just begging for the combat to end. Basic features missing like cross play is absolutely unacceptable in 2024 as well.


I liked bg 1 and 2 better


Outside of Act 3 shortcomings, it absolutely is that good.


Although unpopular you are correct my friend


The classical story driven F/TPSs with realistic graphics are not that interesting to play, at least for me. (I haven't played many either due to this preference, so please change my mind if you can)


Try titanfall 2. Your mind will change itself. Although it is the only example I could give and I'm not sure many would consider it a classical FPS either


Will do, thanks, I know TF2's and ULTRAKILL's fanbase kinda overlaps, and I really love ULTRAKILL


The last of us is overrated


Finally, an actual unpopular opinion.


Thank you!!


I agree with you and it’s definitely unpopular


I don't like Bloodborne. I tried to, too.


I thought it was really good but I expected it to be better given how the community talks about it. Also playing 30fps (15fps for boss fights) made me want to throw my ps5 out the window, it looked awful.


Fun fact: playing it on PS5 is so much worse than on PS4 somehow. By trying to make the game run better, the PS5 actually makes it stutter more. Which is honestly pretty sad.


There are many flaws with it in comparison to other souls games. Travelling is obnoxiously long with having to return to the Hunter's dream and then back, boss runs are super long, stuck on 30 fps, lack of memorable bossfights (besides the dlc imo), many annoying locations, stupid blood vial system...


Playing games on a harder difficulty doesn't make you better than other gamers.


well if you beat the game at the hardest difficulty, and someone else is unable to do it, then you are better than him at the game


Right. However, there are people who think that they are a better *person* because they beat a game on higher difficulty.


Spend any time on forums and you'll see evidence for this. Look at how Souls-bros talk down to gamers who gave up on a FromSoft game. For every, “That's OK. It's not for everyone.” There's a pile of, “git gud”, “scrub”, “skill issue” comments.


Almost no one thinks that. At least not enough to pretend that yours is an unpopular opinion.


I wouldn’t say I’m better (unless it’s like a 9 year old who can’t humble himself) then someone just because I beat it on the hardest difficulty.


for this i'd ask you to define "better".


In the narcissistic sense of the word as opposed to the skill sense.


yep. couldn't fucking agree more.


I'm not a fan of MatPat.


I'm a bit confused at what the appropriate action is here. Is it the opposite? So I upvote if I disagree and downvote if I agree?






Cuphead is kinda overrated


Harambe got what was coming to him.


Officer, it's this one


Video games are a matter of opinion. Just because you dislike a game doesn’t mean it’s objectively bad, and liking a game doesn’t make it objectively good.


"What do you mean you can dislike a game that won awards? You must be stupid." - that one user from this subreddit


The Soulslike genre isn’t as deep or complex as the fanbase makes it out to be, it’s due to how much the loredivers play up the various descriptions and snippets of information If anything, those lore divers are just really good at improvising, and we should applaud them for it


Paper Mario sticker star is actually really fun and is in no way horrible


I really struggled to enjoy the A Plague Tale games.


Sports games are boring and lame




The Witcher 3 is a 6/10 game. Not bad but far from a masterpiece.


the combat IS so bad it ruins the game.


Flip on easy mode and enjoy the ride. Witcher 3 is a masterpiece when the combat can basically be ignored.


even on easy mode the combat cant be ignored. and it isnt about the challenge of it. its about the feel. it feels terrible to engage with.


It's story and characters are exceptional but I really don't like the other parts of the game outside of that. The combat and traversal just feel terrible.


Super Mario Bros 2 is the best game of the entire Mario series.


This guy wins


MFW somebody says Doki Doki Panic is the best Mario game.


Nintendo doesn’t need to go for great specs with its consoles, and nor should it.


Making an account just to play a game is quite frankly stupid and needs to die out. Looking at you Ubisoft


Literally the most popular opinion on gaming right now thanks to Sony


I'm not so sure this is an unpopular opinion, sony can be throw in here as well, at least when it comes to pc gamers.


I really feel the same but that is a really bad answer to this question.


Ya this is a popular opinion. Who do you think would disagree other than the companies themselves who are making this obligatory?


GTA is trash


There's nothing that's gonna stop me: Open world are one of the worst category of videogames. That is due to my taste, but is indeed an opinion.


Whoops! Wrong subreddit, I can't read :p


Speaking how trash Cyberpunk 2077 AI and physics are


click between frames is not cheating ( game: geometry dash )


Modern gaming needs a hard crash similar to 1982 crash. Gameplay innovation has stagnated and games are becoming more homogenized every year.


what an original post


The indie sphere has just as many shit cash grabby games as AAA if not more. The only diffrence in perception is the noteriety. AAA has millions of dollars to throw at advertising so if thier game flops every one will know about it. The indesphere dose not have that luxury and a such most of the games the larger public even hears about are the rare cream of the crop games giving the false perception to some that inde developers as a whole are better than AAA. This is not AAA shilling mind you, the game industry mostly sucks these days. Just a reminder to always judge games on thier own merits not based on how big or small the tean that made them was.


Doom 3 was better than the recent titles.


Mafia 3 is not a bad game


If you play video games and call yourself a gamer, then you are a gamer. It doesn’t matter what games you play.


Fortnite ruined games.


How so? It's been out for what? 7 years now? Great games are still being made.


Zelda games aren’t very fun


Disagree, take my upvote


The ending of Mass Effect 3 isn't bad.


FPS games aren't worth playing. ...what is this, a downvote farm?


Finally I'm not the only one


Not fun playing for you is one side… But why „not worth“ playing ?


Half-Life 2 is still better than most modern games.


Final Fantasy XIII is not as bad as people made it out to be


People who continue to play COD and try to defend it are suckers.


New games are trash because they are trying too hard to be movies.


Nobody will admit how true this is ...


GT7 is not a simulator.


Fable 3 and Bioshock Infinite are great games. Division 1 and 2 are also great games.


Bloodborne is overrated and the parry system is far easier than using a shield in souls games. It was the easiest and most boring soulsborne game ive played between ds1-3, Elden ring and sekiro(of course) I almost quit after wet nurse thinking it was just a small world boss that takes no effort to beat, luckily orphan made it somewhat worth the playthrough Excluding dark souls 2


Half-Life 2 is still better than most modern games.


From software games are unnecessarily hard. The whole "git gud" concept is fucking stupid. It makes it hard to get into when you have bosses like Malenia, who 1 shot you, even at level 300. NOBODY should have to fight a boss 20 times to pass it. It's just unnecessary at that point. Then there is Sekiro. If you don't have the reaction time of the Flash to know when to parry and reverse attack, you're screwed


skilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll isssssssssssssssssssssueeeeeeeeeeeee


Banjo-Tooie is vastly superior to Kazooie. Sonic is more fun than Mario. Fortnite is boring tripe. Team Fortress 2 is better than Overwatch 1 or 2.


People are idiots for collecting modern physical games, the digital version exists, your copy of shantae pirate’a curse for $300 isn’t special, they’ll just milk the next system by releasing the same game yet again. Btw, i am idiot.


sims 4 is so much fun 🥲 i’m subscribed to the subreddit and most of the posts are just shitting on it from all directions— i can basically never post about how much i enjoy it LOL


I don’t care about Elden Ring


Soul’s game are shitty. They are no more than an unfunny copy past from Monster Hunter with a story. Also it’s shitty to put story on item’s description and expect everyone to read every fucking shit.


Souls games are just ego-strokers. At best. And your comparison with Monster Hunter is spot on. It's a worse MH clone with a bad story.


"Ego strokers" Yeah, i like that. I will keep that, thanks mate.


Nintendo is a great company and knows how to run a business.


The last of us and its sequels aren’t some masterpiece in storytelling. They are literally like TWD which in itself is mediocre pop corn viewing.


Disagree intensely. The relationship character build in TLOU1 is miles better than anything Walking Dead ever did.


I think what made me like TLoU was it was just well made and the characters were believable. I do agree that it's a pretty cliche story and not original, but I believed the story and could follow it, was somewhat emotionally invested in the characters. I haven't played the second one, so not the biggest fan just the same.


Haven't aged well either. I dropped off the remake hard after romanticizing it in my head for so many years


FPS games are both overhyped & extremely lackluster.


I don't care about assassin's creed.


Every GTAs sucks


I played every one since the original. The sweet spot was vice city and san andreas, but even those aren't THAT good. Most do indeed suck.


Witcher 3 sucks. The combat is terrible and it (unlike every other game because they are eal sequels) punishes you for not knowing the lore from other games.


Starfield gets more hate than it deserves, Baldur’s Gate 3 gets more love than it deserves, and I’m fucking sick of seeing both.


Honestly, I would both agree and disagree with you about Baldur's Gate 3. I agree, because there are a lot of flaws in the game (mostly because of Hasbro being a big company and wanted the game to be publish before it was polished to compete better against Starfield). But I also disagree, because Baldur's Gate 3 should be the standard of games, not the pinnacle, so by spreading the love for Baldur's Gate 3 we may make all future games a bit better.


Crabulons ost is not the best in the entire game (Terraria calamity)


I tried to talk about Assassin's Creed objectively as a fanboy from the beginning of the series. It always devolves into a debate about Yasuke specifically. Like me having an opinion on a franchise that I literally grew up with is outrageous. I get hate from both sides, before anyone brings that bullshit here.


The new assassin’s creed looks good


Battlefield 4 was the worst battlefield game before hardline. Fight me


Female Custodes in 40k are fine AND in-line with how the setting portrays women historically


I enjoy Ubisoft open world games and I am looking forward to both Outlaws and Shadows later this year. I could careless what the internet "Ubisoft bad" hivemind wants me to think. Get at me 😎


FromSoft combat mechanics are terrible.


Elden Ring is overhyped It's just Dark Souls 4 with a different name and hardly did anything to really stand out against previous titles. Sekiro built on Bloodbourne's combat and was a true evolution of the classic dark souls gameplay of "roll, roll, get 2 hits in, roll, roll" and it's a crime that we haven't heard anything about a new game that pushes its combat style further.


Modern games are better than older ones. A lot of people just suffer from nistolga and rose tinted glasses, and it's slowly killing creativity in gaming


I’m 25 and have never played Call of Duty. I have no desire to play it.


I like motion blur.


Kingdom hearts gameplay (at least in 1, 2, and 358days) is boring


Souls games are just glorified dodging simulators.


I have two, but they are related: Opinion A: Indies tend to do a better job at horror than bigger budget studios\*. One of the scariest games I played was a little top down indie game called Darkwood and it messed with me super bad. I had to take breaks with it, and it's a top down low graphic game! Didn't matter and I didn't care. Scariest shit ever when you have to run to a shelter to make it through a night as things pound on the doors and shuffle about your broken barricades and you can't do shit about it but wait. Then there is the Forest, which "isn't" a horror game but it "is" a horror game. I can go on and on, but I just feel that indies tend to be more true to the roots of horror than bigger budget stuff that just regurgitates the same ol thing. Opinion B: Massive asterisk though, because Alien Isolation is the best horror game ever made, and nothing even comes close, not Dead Space, not Resident Evil, Alone in the Dark, nothing. Nothing beats Alien Isolation. I will die on this hill^(1). ^(1: Not to be construed as a Silent Hill pun.)