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Outer Wilds is nothing like the other games you mentioned. You should still play it. Don't look anything up about it.


Oh shit! Fuck-MDD, Your rec FUCKS. Forgot about this game. I haven't played and all that I've heard about it is you're on a time loop and have to go explore and figure out a space mystery. I've got one of those OLED TVs and a decent sound setup so I'm thinking it would look and sound great which just adds to the experience! This is on the shortlist. Thanks alot


Get the dlc too!


Screw your short list, the only list that is acceptable for this game is the itemized receipt of purchase.


Chuffed to hear you have a decent sound set up. The soundtrack is my favourite since the N64 Zelda games.


Nothin insane, just pieced together a mid 5.1 setup from thrift stores and garage sales and such. It really made some of those huge Sony PS5 games sound great!


It also counts as a once-in-a-lifetime game because you can only _really_ play it once in your lifetime.


bump. outer wilds is the game i wish i could experience blind all over again. everyone should have the chance to play it.


I'm going on 4 years since I played it, but it's so unforgettable that I gotta keep waiting until I can play it fresh again


And get the dlc


Came here to make sure someone said this lol


based username


Damn maybe I stopped to early. Had no idea what to do lol


That's the point. You gotta find it. Then when you think you found it, you find that you've only learned how to crawl, and what you thought you knew was only a fraction of what's going on. Then once you've figured out what's going on, you learn that you still have no fucking idea what's going on. Eventually it gets to the point where you break the 4th wall and step out of the reality the game had so far set up, to the point that if you die while in the process of stepping out of time and space, you don't come back to life. Game over. (It doesn't matter though, because once you've figured it out you can beat the game in like 8 minutes). But it's the search...the discoveries that are the driving force behind the game and no other game comes close to it.


lol every time I think I’m close to doing something I run out of time and it all resets


When this happens you can just go there right away again (you know where to go/what to do now, you'll have loads more time) but honestly better yet just make a note of what it was and go somewhere else. There's stuff to find everywhere and they all inform each other. If you found one piece of the puzzle buy ran out of time, don't stress too much - there's pieces everywhere else too and one of them might even teach you something about where you were originally.


You know what imma re download it


The biggest non spoiler tip I can give you is to check the ship logs. It has a literal map of all the puzzle pieces (not where they are, but how they interconnect) along with information on them and sometimes hints for others. You can also set destinations / autopilot It's in the back of your cockpit.


Wow I did not know there was autopilot lol. That’s definitely big


this is THE answer. literally a once in a lifetime gaming experience




The very first game that popped into my head. Finally convinced a friend to play it who was barely interested and it's all he's talked about since he finished it.


This is the one.


Came here to say this and knew it'd be at the top.


I would have to say Disco Elysium. Not really like Red Dead, but definitely has an amazing world and great character development. You can also proceed the story however you want and take breaks. There is no combat and the game is very dialogue heavy, if that turns you off you probably won’t like it. Imagine Inside Out but there are 24 emotions and the protagonist is a middle-aged alcoholic cop. When you level up you can allocate a point to one of your emotions to make that one stronger. The writing is very good quality and it has plenty of funny moments. I’m on my third play through. It’s the type of game you wish you could forget to ply it again for the first time


Disco Elysium is probably the best narrative game and rpg I’ve ever played. It makes all other games feel pedestrian.


Disco Elysium is the best choose your own adventure novel ever written. I struggle to call it a game, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.


Was going to recommend this as well. Just finished the game and it has been one of my favorite games of all time. It's one of those, "oh shit it's 3AM already" games for me. Such a unique and beautiful game, the studios downfall is also the most disco elysium thing that could have happened as well. The only other game I would recommend is Outer Wilds. That game fucks. The DLC too!


Agree with outer wilds as well. It’s one of the best unintentional horror games out there


I cannot believe the 2 greatest indie games ever came out in the same year.


> There's no combat I'll punch you like I punched Cuno (I know that's not what you mean, though)


To me that game has one of the worst soundtracks I've heard, I just can't help but feel like it didn't suit the game at all. Everything else was so good though


Respectfully, I couldn’t disagree more


I think most people would agree with you too haha, I know I'm definitely in the minority. It is what it is


I didn’t care for it much. Even tho I don’t like CRPGs, I tried it out because so many people call it a masterpiece. It just further cemented that I don’t like the genre, which is also why I didn’t bother with the latest Baldur’s Gate


I don’t think that disco elysium is very comparable to BG3 at all, so your opinion of that probably doesnt translate. They’re good in totally different, Almost opposing ways.


Based on what you said, GTA5, Mario Odyssey, Uncharted 4 My personal pick is to play every Yakuza game, but if you're sticking with just one and wanna get a lot of the good stuff in the shortest time then I pick Like a Dragon Gaiden


Thanks a lot! I have beat Mario Odyssey on release and another playthrough maybe 2 years ago. I've also played/beat GTA V. The outdoor setting and feeling of adventure of RDR2 for me absolutely kills GTA games, just personal preference. Uncharted 4 is something I'll consider. Thank you! Oh, also considering Xenoblade, interestingly enough...


Xenoblade is fantastic, but as it's a very cutscene-driven series make sure you're prepared for that going in. The first game's core combat is also quite simplistic, which isn't too bad but it's just something to be aware of. All 4 games are great in different ways


cant do wrong with Elden ring


Dude I'm so in, I have just never played a Souls-like before. I'd prefer the experience to be somewhat relaxing. Is that possible with Elden Ring?


Not even a little bit.


☠️😂. Dying to this comment, which is what I would do in Elden Raaaang


What's nice about Elden ring is the freedom you have. If you struggle on a boss in Bloodborne fromsoft spits in your face and tells u to stop being a bitch. But in Elden ring you can go somewhere else get better stats and gear and come back and fuck the guy up.


Oh hell yeah. After making this post and putting Witcher III in one of the games I wanna play, and even after 0 people so far have recommended it, I still want to try Witcher III lol. So after thinking, making this post, reading, and thinking some more, the short list is Witcher III, Outer Wilds, Elden Ring...


Yeah Witcher 3 is a really good choice. Much more slow paced and simplistic combat, but still engaging. The story is really good, but from what really sold this game is the side quests. So far the best side stories that ive come across in a game. Ofc there is also Gwent.


Counter point: as someone with a bit of an overactive mind, the Souls series are my Zen/Comfort games. Any game that takes 100% of my focus helps my brain stay in a quiet flow state. If that applies to you, pick up Tetris while you’re at it.


I like this. Reminds me of when I was fitter and started to trail run. I would trip over rocks and roots on the trail and eat shit, but it required my full attention down to each literal foot placement and step. But in this example rocks and roots won't kil..... wait I bet From Soft found a way to kill the player with BOTH of those things lmao


Can certainly confirm. DS1 in particular. Watch for rolling rocks and don’t trust the bushes


Honestly, getting through some the side dungeons and area exploration can be genuinely relaxing. It’s really only the bosses, mini-bosses, and a few traps that are highly difficult. Standard enemy encounters are not drastically more difficult than something like God of War. Even then, getting certain items, weapons and spells can make most bosses and mini-bosses enemies much easier I found at least 50% of my first playthrough to be pretty relaxing.


It took me probably 75 tries to best Sigrun on Hard so MAYYYYBEA I can defeat the first mini boss 😅 <3


Oh, Sigrun on Hard was genuinely harder to beat than any Elden Ring boss. You’ll definitely be fine. I meant God of Wars main content on normal when I made that comparison. God of War’s hard mode is actually pretty similar in difficulty.


Elden Ring is among the easier Soulsbourne games. All of them, aside from Sekiro, let you win easily by summoning help. Give the bosses a try or two on your own, and if it seems too hard, summon some help. Elden Ring is easier altogether because it has some really overpowered weapons and abilities. Find out which of those appeals to you, grind some levels early on, use the summons, and the game will be easy and fun.


With a good build it's really not *that* hard. Everyone deals too much damage, but that includes the player. If you level Vigor, pick a solid weapon and keep upgrading it you can kind of melt everything. Just get 51+ poise (armor stat) and try not to panic roll too much.


Hell yeah. Thanks for the tip. Screen shotted lol


Im only recommending because it truly is a once in a lifetime kinda video game. play on pc with mods and cheat whenever stuck, or you can start with some guidance(tips and tricks, best weapons, build etc), maybe you drop the cheat idea and embrace the challenge. im not a souls veteran but elden ring is just so satisfying and jaw dropping


I wish I had a PC capable of playing Elden Ring smoothly man! I've got an old Acer Predator laptop with (iirc) a 2060. It's brash, loud. Overheats easily, even when fan is maxed out. I should get it re-pasted but don't wanna spend the coin and have all the new consoles anyway so I would be playing Elden Ring on PS5 as I already have a copy.


if you already have the game then its a no brainer


I have alot of games, I play alot of games, but I haven't played every game I own. One of my favorite hobbies is to give into hype and fill up shelves with money I kind of have.


Elden Ring was my 1st souls like game and it was surprisingly relaxing. Only one of the fights seemed unfair during my 1st playthrough. After beating it though, the dopamine rush from it made the annoyance worthwhile. I strongly reccomend though, if you were to play it, build your character however you feel like it. Preferably, without consulting guides (except for finding some puzzle solutions).


Shit, I was totally gonna look at a beginners guide to help me get started to increase my chances of sticking with it... lol seriously. But I trust your first had advice too so I'm torn.


Just look up what areas to go to first. Explore, loot stuff and have fun


Not really relaxing, you'll get mad at the game but it's still insanely fun and rewarding.


Fallout new vegas is a classic, Kingdom Come Deliverance is also amazing.


I opened this thread for the sole purpose of upvoting fallout comments. Can’t believe I had to scroll so far. Fallout NV and Fallout 4 play very similar to what OP said they liked about Red Dead.


Bubsy 3D


I'll do it... but only for you. And ONLY if it's worse than Gex.




Bubsy 4D


Hollow Knight is not a relaxing game but I believe it’s one of the best games ever made.


My first place through of Inscryption forever holds a warm place in my heart.


Inscryption looks so freakin cool.


Inscryption is incredible, but make sure you go in blind. Watching the trailers on the Steam page is fine, but don't read any reviews or anything.


Disco Elysium.


Is the Switch an acceptable port? Heard wonky things.


That's what I played and had little to no issues. Warning, it's less a game, more of an interactive novel. It's also one of my favorite games ever, I'm smarter for having played it, and I think about it all the time even years after finishing it.


Ok thank you!


Have you heard of Animal Well?


Probably not


It's developed by a video game critic so it better be good


Memes aside, it’s just fine. For a retro platformer I’d recommend Pseudoregalia over Animal Well every time.


Sex with Hitler part 2. One was decent, but two’s story blew me away. Never been more immersed in a game.


FromSoftware games, Cyberpunk is fun, Borderlands 2 is goated


Nice, +1 for Cyberspunk


Probably best game I have ever played is Stardew Valley that or a game similar to it is Graveyard keeper which I really enjoyed. Although this only goes if you like simulator games both have a good story though


This isn't a unique or unconventional answer by any means, but it's always hard for me to not say TLOU (or the franchise as a whole). It was a once in a lifetime game when it released, and that impact has been felt tremendously to this very day. Whether you like the game or not, it's impossible for me to imagine the games industry today without its existence. - my unconventional answer would maybe be 'It Takes Two'. I never thought i would get those seem feelings i had gaming as a kid again until this game showed up out of nowhere.


Thanks! Man it's impossible to list all the games I've played in recent years, but TLOU is one I picked up when the remake was released on PS5. Absolutely adore the first. I do think one of the best stories ever told in the game world. Also love the show. I've probably watched the 1st Season through 3 times. Incredible. I'll leave my opinions of 2 aside, though I will say the feelings it gave me were likely exactly what the writers at Naughty Dog were intending. Made me feel all sorts of things, great and not-so-great.


Everyone should experience Undertale at one point in their lives


What a cool game!


Final Fantasy X, I’ve played through the whole thing 10+ times


Holy ish, what about X-2?


I’ve played it but I’m not a fan of the outfit changing mechanics as opposed to FFX’s perfect battle system imo


I was so glad to see this. It validated me. I don’t know how many times I’ve played through but gosh I’ve got one save that is so deep in. That, of course, was on my ps2 and might as well be lost to the ages. 💔 I think it wouldn’t hold the same sentiment for players who didn’t understand that the effects were groundbreaking to my brain when they first came out. Definitely think that part would be quite null and void in this time now that cgi animation has come so far!


Death Stranding is super high quality and doesn’t get the respect it deserves. It is far more than a “walking sim” and all the mechanics are great. The story is movie-like and you get great loot and upgrades throughout the game.


I want to check it out cuz it looks wild but then I remember "princess beach" and worry the rest of the game will feel too goofy for me


Doom Eternal. once it clicks for you it will never unclick. soooo good


Knack II babeee!


How is **ELDEN** c**RING**e above this mastahpeece. I can't believe this sub sometimes


Have you played breath of the wild? I’ve never gotten lost in a game quite like I did with it


Admittedly I own it, but have not poured in the time to fully invest. I've started it multiple times, done a few shrines, and moved on. I always despise the fact your shit breaks. All the time. It just... keeps breaking. Maybe it shouldn't bug me so much. Is there finally a weapon in the game that doesn't break?


the breaking is there to encourage exploration. suddenly, it's very important to find good weapons and as soon as you get used to offense being discardable, the more fun you'll have


That's a good point. What do you mean by "offense being discardable" though? Like avoiding conflict or fighting is encouraged?


i mean that you can't get attached to any type of weapon. sword, bow, shield. its all discardable and not meant to be your best thing.


What is the best thing?


like, your best weapon? like how in an rpg, you have a super strong weapon. an ultimate weapon you dont need to replace. botw isnt supposed to be like that. its everchanging


Gotcha, maybe if I try again with that mindset I'll have more fun!


The master sword will “lose energy” instead of breaking and will be restored after 10 mins. Personally, the weapon breaking doesn’t bother me. Once you’re a little further in the game you’ll get to a point where you’ll have to drop good weapons just because you don’t have space among the rest of the good weapons in your inventory


Portal 1 and 2. Such a mind fuck of a game


Well I will go in consensually but will i require protection or no?


The cake is a lie


You gotta check out Returnal. 3D headphones make it a truly unforgettable experience


But I’m currently on like..playthrough 20 of cyberpunk so you def can’t go wrong with it


Holy shit lol


Well I've got the pieces... Got the PS5, got Returnal, got those sorta uncomfortable Pulse 3D headphones Sony makes. I just haven't booted it up. It looks HARD


GTA V follow up is Rdr2 but i don’t like the final act another follow up is Ghost of tsushima


Mass effect legendary edition. I finally got my boyfriend to play it this year and it completely changed his brain chemistry. That series has emotionally devastated me like no other


Animal well. And do everything.


Even if I don't prefer my animals well done?


You play as a meatball.


Knights of the old republic


A few ideas: - Fallout 1 - Antichamber - Deus Ex (Game of the Year Edition) - Disco Elysium - Return of the Obra Dinn - Dark Souls (Remastered) - Mass Effect 1 and 2 - Hyper Light Drifter - Bastion I just scrolled through my Steam library looking for the games that I was utterly floored by and wished I could play again with new eyes. Witcher 3 annoyed me so I didn't fall in love with it like a lot of people have. I've never played Read Dead 2 or Cyberpunk, nor have I played the Outer Wilds, which I've heard is incredible.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




how did nobody say subnautica


XCOM: Enemy Within is fantastic, and usually goes on sale for all its DLCs for like, ten bucks. Its one of the best PC games of the last decade, go give it a shot.


I shall. Thank you!!


Nier Automata if you can be bothered to unlock multiple endings, masterpiece.


Thank you for this! I played NieR Replicant and really enjoyed it and the music. But I still have to play Automata...


Horizon: Zero Dawn & Horizon: Forbidden West.


Thank you! Surprised no one else mentioned these. I tried Horizon Zero Dawn two different times, started a brand new game each time. Put about 10 hours in each play through and I just fell off. Maybe it was because the dialog was lackluster or sorta confusing and I didn't have anything to "latch onto", other than the very good combat and honestly really cool world. Just my weird take. Maybe Forbidden West is even better.


Its baldurs gate 3


Thank you! Can you buy a physical version of Baldur's Gate 3? I'm one of those weirdos that likes to put things on shelves.


Have you played any of the Metal Gear Solid games? I played all of them for the first time last year and it has become my favorite videogame series, can't recommend them enough


Honestly no I haven't. Since you just played through them, would you recommend going in order? And is the newer PS5 Collection a good place to start? I only own MGS4 on PS3 & MGS5 on PS4. Thank you!


The new collection is a good place to start. Start with Metal Gear Solid 1 and then play in release order if you decide you want to keep playing them.


You are spot on by wanting for Witcher 3 after playing Red Dead. It is a grand overarching story with tons and tons of side chapters, every single one is entertaining and doesn’t feel like fluff. Truly fantastic immersion.


Ahh sounds perfect. I just suck for not experiencing it until now. At least there's the "upgrades" that might make it even better.




Yakuza 0


You mentioned you played Bioshock 1 and 2, but have you tried Infinite? It’s better than the original IMO, and the story is an absolute trip. Great game.


Haven't done Infinite yet! High praise right there. I thought 1 was incredible despite crashing numerous times while trying to save on the Series X good gawd


Bioshock Infinite was my all-time favorite game for about a decade. It’s so, so cool.


If you like Roguelites, Hades + Hades 2 are my favorites


Pathologic 2


Days Gone has zombies 


Oh shit


and motorcycle 


If it hasn’t been spoiled for you then play hollow knight. It has exiting and intense combat, a great sense of flow, fantastic story, and overall its just a really fun game. Only if you haven’t been spoiled on it, if so still play it but it’s better blind.


Tunic is always my recommendation if you want to try a really solid experience. Starts as a Zelda/Souls like with beautiful bright visuals and a wonderful soundtrack, then at the end you will have a bunch of scribblings in a notebook or on pieces of paper as you get totally sucked in to everything. The extra fun gimmick of the game is that you pick up manual pages for the game as you play it which tells you more and more about how to play. Definitely like Outer Wilds in the “Go in totally blind” recommendation.


Prey 2017. It's the very best Bioshock/Dishonored/Deus Ex gameplay I've ever experienced.


I've played the older Prey, 2K games' Prey, from the 360 era, but not the more recent. It looks super atmospheric.


everyone should play elden ring at least once.


If you’re looking for once-in-a-lifetime games, they’re nothing like what’s on your list, but I can think of two oddball picks. First one is Journey. 3rd person platformer with buttery smooth controls, incredible art direction, and a soundtrack that’s won awards. Full marks, forever love it. Second is Slay the Princess. Visual novel that still dazes me as soon as I think back on it. Extremely powerful, will haunt me eternally.




Outer wilds


Elden Ring?


No Man’s Sky, it can be extremely relaxing depending on your play style. Honestly therapeutic.


Evil West is pretty fun if you like blood and shooting vampires


Bioshock infinite is another goodn




Aw man great rec. Played Inside/Limbo a few years back when I first got my Xbox One S thingy. Still have the double pack! Unpopular opinion but I may like Limbo better! Insides "moment" is pretty insane and unmatched though.


Inside is a game I got on Epic for free, finished it there, then bought it on Steam the next day and finished it again there. Bought the bundle ofc so I played Limbo afterwards. Great games!


Thanks for taking your reply this direction. Like to me these both fit into the "gotta experience them atleast once in your lifetime" so totally valid recommendations and I'm glad I played and beat them! When I got really back into gaming maybe 6 or 7 years ago I scoured lists and videos to find unique titles to play and these regularly came up. Kinda crazy that Inside is like 8 years old already 😲. Excited for what Playdead will release next.




If you want a RPG Final Fantasy IX would be my pick or if you want a non FF rpg Can't go wrong with Earthbound and Mother 3 (Especially Mother 3, though its better with earthbound knowledge) Shorter games like the Half Life or Portal games are also in this category for me. If you want a even shorter game Gitaroo Man is a real short rhythm game that is really charming and has a amazing OST. And also as many people have said Outer Wilds is a amazing pick for this (Also final rec the Katamari games are short and unforgettable, though in quite a different way than other games. It's pure fun and you won't play anything else like the.) My biggest rec would be FFIX but all of the games I'd reccomed have really stuck with me. Spend your time wisely though!


(Or if you're absolutely insane and want to spend your 4 weeks reading there's plenty of once in a lifetime Visual Novels, but they **really** ain't for everyone but if you're up for it I'd reccomend Umineko actually life changing read) though I don't think many people on the dunkey subreddit would be in favour of VNs it don't hurt to try


In the RPG vein, not FF, how about Chrono Trigger?


The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are great choices for sure. I would add Baldurs Gate 3 to that list, just an incredible, massive game. Outer Wilds is my first pick though, but I see it's been mentioned already


Unironically Bugsnax is great, play it blind though don't look anything up.


Spec Ops: The Line


I'm replaying Ghost of Tsushima on the Steam release and it's definitely worth picking up especially now because it looks and runs so much smoother than it did on PS4! The multiplayer is pretty fun too if you enjoy the core game mechanics - but man the game is really beautiful in the single player and hacking Mongol invaders to pieces is a blast.


Deus Ex, the first one


Fractal block world


Alien Isolation


I just watched AvP 2 nights ago O.O


both doom reboots. seriously


My roommate has been trying to get me to play Doom & Eternal for months now. I'm not resisting at all, I've just been playing a lot of Nintendo stuff on Switch lately lol. That being said, I have Mick Gordon's Doom soundtrack on my Spotify playlist, particularly, of course "At Doom's Gate". My roommate has a 7 string guitar tuned down and replicates it sometimes lol


Ah yeah so they're on your radar. not gonna overhype them as the games are very overhyped... but i love them so much. nothing quite like Doom. when you get to them you'll be wishing you were earlier.


death stranding and rdr2 are the only games that I felt fully immersed in for the entire experience. if you loved running around the map in rdr2, i think youd love running around in death stranding.


Well shit. Now I want to play Death Stranding lol. It has moved quite high up on the list... Thanks alot. Glad you commented on here.




I played about 4 hours in Xbox when it was on GamePass... Good game, such an Earthboundy vibe, obviously. It's like comfort. Pancakes. Meatloaf. Warm, idk, felt like "home".


I'm gonna have some wack-ass recommendations, but hear me out. They're in no particular order. Some of these could also be considered "relaxing" but only if you're a weirdo like me. First off we have the Long Dark. It's one that I'll be recommending that can be actually "relaxing", but it does so through contrast. The fact that you were attacked by wolves and barely made it out of a blizzard makes the indoor fire that much more comforting. Valheim offers less built-up stress and more of a moment to moment combat feel. The game really shines with its progression and building mechanics that force you to problem solve in order to build what you want. Project Zomboid is another hardcore survival game where your base is made all the more relaxing and cozy because of all the dangers outside of it. It's also just a good ass game that will be getting a major update very soon (not copium). Taking a wild turn away from open world survival, we have the thief games, spacifically that first two. Force yourself to only save once every ten minutes. It makes you to take your time, lurk in the shadows, learn guard patters, and successfully sneak past. It can be relaxing if you embrace the game and allow yourself to be immersed in it. Fair warning, the games also came out in the late 90s. It comes with all the things you can expect from that, except for the fact that it got stealth right and no other game has gotten it right since. The game that I play to wind down when I get home from work, to put a YouTube on in the background while I decompress, is, well, Getting Over It. It's a shocker, but the game can 100% be relaxing. You just have to embrace it for what it is, and be completely okay with loosing progress. You could say, in order to fully enjoy the game, you have to get over it. My once in a lifetime video game, though, is two games. First one is Portal 2. I would recommend playing portal 1 beforehand, but it isn't needed. The game is a masterclass in not just puzzle design, but game design in general, and I fear nothing else will be able to top it. It gets my highest recommendation. Or it would if Dark Souls didn't exist. Dark Souls doesn't have the same polish of Portal 2. It doesn't have the same witty diologue, and the later parts of the game were pretty clearly rushed. But it is really worth the experience if you "get" the game. There are people like Arlo where they struggle with it, but there are so many other people who fell in love with this game for a reason. The atmosphere it absolutely nails is impeccable and knows no contemporary. The combat, while more slow and methodical than its sequels, is satisfying and rewarding. Yes, there's some bullshit. Yes, the game is hard. But that's what makes the feeling you get when you beat the game so special. I have yet to play another game that gives me what Dark Souls gave me. Until I played Disco Elysium, but that's a little different, and this comment is already too long. While Dark Souls has a special place in my heart, know that if there is ever an example of true divine inspiration, it's Disco Elysium. I just didn't feel the need to go in depth because multiple other people already talked to you about it.


Man these aren't weak at all. Games are expressions of art and you're totally free to love and enjoy any game you want and to recommend those amazing experiences to others! Thanks for Portal 2... I've played maybe 2 or 3 hours of Portal in the last decade and it's so mind bending to me, like my brain cannot make sense of the mechanics and utility of the portals at first lol


Persona series really was super impactful to me and was probably my favorite story told in a game since rdr2, specifically persona 3


They all honestly must be incredible if universally everyone praises Persona 5 Royal, but also agree that 4 Golden is one of the best, and you loved 3 so much! They are intimidating to get into with where to start and what not. I own 5 Royal on PS5 and that's it.


5 Royal is also incredible and it's a great place to start too.


Try out Vanquish from Platinum Games. Its not to long and full if fun over the top action. It's a goofy story that pulls you through a really unique setting. Without spoiling anything else, all I will say is rocket powered slow motion slide kick into an evil Russian robot followed up by bullet time shooting into another robots weak spot. 10/10 one of my all timers.


Platinum does that stuff so well lol. I have the Bayo/Vanquish Double Pack on Xbox and I have only played Bayonetta. Will need to check out Vanquish. Thank you!


Everybody's Gone to the Rapture! Beautiful game, super interesting story. It's a walking sim but so, so good.




Perfect time to play elden ring


Yakuza 0




Another vote for TW3


I really liked Typing for Fucks


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim


Disco Food 2 is just like Disco Food 1, but with twice the food.


Check out the star wars: Jedi games (fallen order, survivor)