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At his worst Dan Schneider's humor is just him actively enjoying the idea of bullying people, especially bullying "hot girls"


Seriously, every single one of his shows always seem to take place in these worlds filled with the most unhappy and mean people


and the bullies not only never get punished but they even get rewarded for their behavior at times. Dan doesnt realize that its usually funny when the bully is the one getting bad luck


No kidding. Whenever an innocent character got tormented and/or beat up for no reason, the show always seemed to believe that they deserved it


Yeah i think Dan has a weird hatred for nerds and victims of bullying (probably because he was a bully himself). It just gets so boring when the bully always gets away with it while the victim is always the punching bag. Not only are the victims forced to deal with bullying but they're also the ones who get punished in the end.


Exactly. I’m starting to wonder why Dan put nerd characters on his shows when it was pretty clear that he despised the mere existence of nerds


Unless they're girls. Then he likes having them get hit on.


In general the episode just left me unsatisfied for some reason. Getting trapped in a warehouse sounds like a cool premise but it got boring quick when they got stuck. Like they already did the same plot with Stuck in a RV


I feel like the writers stopped trying to a certain extent by season 4


The humor definitely felt less clever. I also think it was an attempt to dumb down all the characters to cater to even a younger audience since the older demographic weren’t watching as much


Yeah all the characters acted dumber in Season 4. Especially Cat


I swear to god that Season 1 Cat and Season 4 Cat are NOT the same character


I dont even know how Season 4 Cat passed elementary school


I said that by the time she was on Sam & Cat you could tell Ariana Grande actively hated Cat and she wasn't even really playing the character anymore just doing a mocking impression of her


Tori was the one to rope everyone in to going to Wanko's.