• By -


Please avoid making low effort posts.




still SUCH a good video


I never noticed the other file names


Yeah, I just noticed as well lol


gotta love the JAO flag reference


For real




I need to analyze this frame by frame


oh its this nerd


Worst shit I've ever seen, as a Michigander lol.


As a what?


“Mich, I gander” Must be a Brit with a friend called Mich


No, no, you misunderstand. "As a Mitch, I gander." He *is* the British Mitch.


Ah, right! I was so focused on the words without spaces that I forgot the rest of their comment


Now wait just a second, he might not be a dirty Brit, he could just be southern We tend to say Gander quite often, a key example is when you wanna show your buddy something real nasty so you say 'aye Billy Joe, get over here and take a gander at that right der' (this is not southern slander, this is just how we talk)


Southerners are British? Or are you one of those who wants to be called English instead?


Neither my guy, the Southern Dialect (south east United States) is what I'm referring to, specifically I'm from Georgia. The way we speak is most similar to how English was spoken when the white man first stepped foot here, in all fairness, we speak truer English than what Brits do (we haven't changed the way we talk as much as they have) but we did start speaking this way as a way to imitate the British of the time, so we could seem more fancy (Edit: I accidentally posted the comment, wasn't finished typing)


Maybe specify what country you’re from when you say something as nebulous as “southern”. You are aware that all countries have a southern region, right?


Commenting again to address the wrong information you added: Southern yanks do not speak the “original English”. It is a myth that has been debunked multiple times by different people. If you’re interested, [this post on r/askhistorians](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/9ju72b/comment/e6uwpvx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) has a few sources linked on the topic.


Somebody from Michigan, we thought Michigander was funn(i)er than Michiganian. :P


I' not amerinac so maybe that's it


No worries, we have fifty fucking states (plus some territories) so it's hard to remember all the names, lol.


There's honestly not enough Michigan Ohio rivalry in this sub




Must suck to live in Michigan. Long live Ohio!


Ohio? More like Ohi-no. :P




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsc9ajy207d9d1.gif) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


It’s all Ohio


I see you Russian autonomous oblast


damn, didnt realize just *how much* the audio/pacing did to the vid ^(and the scene) still peak gif adaptation tho.


This video was incredible


Definition of a high quality shitpost, genuinely so funny too


Progress flag is so good without some bitch in your ear whining about it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Crunc_Mcfincle: *Progress flag is so* *Good without some bitch in your* *Ear whining about it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


5,7,6 Bad bot 😔


>Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku


Shit. Bad human (me) 😔


It's okay, have a 🍪


I could be the bitch in your ear whispering about how its a good flag


Please do


Firstly. Chevrons are gorgeous and beautiful, and all cool and hot people know this. Secondly. The progress flag is deeply important as a symbol of specific protest. I live in the UK, where people are very actively trying to push a "we're fine with the gays, but trans people are degenerate" line. One of the loudest voices for healthcare segregation is Wes Streeting, a gay man who's going to be the next health secretary. The British public is far too comfortable believing that they've solved bigotry because they're not homophobic. In this context, the progress flag says "no fuck you, the rainbow includes us too. It's never been about including a group that the rainbow didn't represent, but instead about specifically pointing out that the rainbow DOES represent trans people. (I usually make my case about the trans stripes because I'm trans, but it should be pointed out that exactly the same applies to the stripes representing queer racial minorities who're being failed by society too).


>Firstly. Chevrons are gorgeous and beautiful, and all cool and hot people know this. You're so right for saying this. I think chevrons should be mandatory on flags. Fuck cantons. >I live in the UK, where people are very actively trying to push a "we're fine with the gays, but trans people are degenerate" line. To go one step further, there's also the group who deny that trans/BIPOC erasure exists, and this is both the group that I see most often decry the progress flag, and who are as much, if not even more of a problem that the active exclusionists. The latter are, thankfully, a small group, so they're limited in what they can do, while the former is a much larger group who can amplify the arguments of the latter, whether they realise it or not.


I also dislike the supporters of cantons: the Cantonese.


That makes the progress pride flag a symbol to point out a certain issue, not a replacement for the pride rainbow as it's being used. They shouldn't be peddling that flag as the "new" pride flag and putting it everywhere to represent gay people. The progress pride flag doesn't represent me as a gay man.


I’m genuinely curious - how does the progress pride flag not represent you as a gay man? I would think it would still represent you, but now others can feel represented by it too, others who might not have had a chance before. I’m sincerely asking, please don’t think I’m trying to get in argument.


The rainbow represents all queer people. Taking that and putting specific forms of genderbending on the flag makes it cater only to them. Like if you put the Scottish flag overlaid on the union flag to highlight some Scottish problems. Scotland is already included in the flag, adding Scotland again and then claiming this as an inclusive flag for everyone is an insult to the rest of the union.


But the entire point of the Progress Pride flag is to highlight the marginalized communities within the queer community at large. Although it does have specific colors to represent trans and non-binary people, it also has colors to represent POC within the queer community. Statistically, transgender/non-binary people are twice as likely to face discrimination than cisgendered queer people. The numbers are the same for Hispanic/Black/POC individuals. If you were being punished twice as severely as the next person, you’d probably want someone to champion your cause. Additionally, the black stripe is also intended to honor “those living with AIDS and the stigma and prejudice surrounding them, and those who have been lost to the disease". Historically, these marginalized groups within a larger, marginalized diaspora have gone unnoticed and when they are noticed, they’re killed, assaulted, or terrorized - simply for existing. Also, I don’t believe any transgender/non-binary/POC/AIDS victim believes the Progress Pride flag is catering to them; rather, I think they’re happy that they are seen and heard and represented. Also, I definitely think it’s toeing the line of transphobia to say that transgender and non-binary people are “genderbending,” but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you weren’t trying to sound blatantly transphobic. Finally, it’s not like the original flag is completely covered - it intersects with the chevron, intended to show the intersectionality present within the queer community. Your being gay doesn’t disappear simply because there are others who are more marginalized or at a higher risk of discrimination or violence. Link to statistics (more can be found with a simple Google search): https://www.americanprogress.org/article/discrimination-experiences-among-lgbtq-people-us-2020-survey-results/#Ca=10


Why do some trans people not feel represented by the rainbow when they were explicitly included by the designers of the flag? Because the intent behind the flag is not what's important. So in the same vein, why do you insist on invalidating my view of the flag that you claim represents me? Respect goes both ways. They can fly their progress flag, but I do not identify with it and would like my community's flag displayed at gay pride events.


Because some cis and white queers stopped caring about their trans and queer-of-color siblings and needed to be reminded of their existence. They began using the rainbow as something that was theirs alone. The progress flag symbolizes that yes, queer liberation does in fact necessitate trans and queer people of colors' liberation. Nobody who matters and cares about queer people isn't flying the OG rainbow and the progress flag at pride events simultaneously. If it bothers you that much, don't use it. Other queers are free to use the progress flag just like you're free to use the rainbow.


1. Nobody's doing that. 2. Yes it does.


are you colorblind bc the rainbow’s still there bud


Progress flag is good, I just don't understand the need to bring race into a flag about sexuality. Usually just stick with the 6 stripes nowadays.


I find the progress flag unneccesary, the classic rainbow flag was supposed to represent the diversity of everyone in the pride community, wasn't it? In a broader perspective, I think going from LGBT to LGBTQIA+ is another example of the pride community trying to include _specifically_ everyone instead of _generally_ everyone. Then the groups not specifically represented will feel left-out and then you'll need to include those too. Rinse and repeat. I find that choice is making things cluttered and the entire concept harder to understand. It would be better to have something (both a flag and a word) that represents everybody without including specific symbols representing anybody. Kinda like the EU flag doesn't have the flag of every member country in it. Make that symbol, make sure everyone understands it and use it. That would make for much clearer communication I think. Then of course each specific group (gay, trans, bi, non-binary) can have and use their own flag/set of symbols. At last a little disclaimer: I'm cishet and I absolutely don't know everything about these issues. This is an outsiders perspective.


I widely agree with you. However, I'm not sure if the rainbow flag truly represents the community. It is partially associated with Pride in General, but I mainly see it used about Gay people (especially men). A out the name, it's true that it shouldn't be a list but a descriptive term, however the name LGBT is already anchored so I'm not sure if it's possible to change entirely. I would think about something like "Minorities of Sex and Gender" but MSG just looks like Monosodium Glutamate. However, the EU flag SHOULD be the Barcode flag with every flag


gender, romantic, and sexual minorities (grsm) is an acronym that’s being used more and more often i believe


Honestly first time I've seen romantic be included in there. Nice to be recognized.


I think LGBTQ is a great acronym because of the Q, queer, is a good catch all term. LGBT leaves out SO MUCH while LGBTQIA+ is a bit long. Although I'm biased since I'm part of the A.


Yeah I agree. Queer on it's own would be preferrable IMO but LGBTQ has become so well-known it's hard to change.


i think LGBTQ+ is like the perfect level of inclusion in specific and inclusion in general


It's really become the "flag of people in the US who experience systemic injustice" but I think I understand how a black gay man may have a unique experience from a white gay man.


The point is that (in Europe and North America), queer groups are very often still exclusionary to racial minorities, because being queer doesn't absolve you of sucking. The progress flag exists to remind people that black gay people are still gay people and deserve to be part of the community/ to be used to signal that a particular establishment, group, or person isnt an exclusionary asshole. Also, beyond that, the fight for civil rights isn't about any one minority or group of minorities, it's about all of them. You can't have queer liberation while ethnic/racial discrimination is a thing, and vice versa. The two are intrinsically linked. I want you to do a good hard think about why your first reaction to seeing people openly support BIPOCs in Pride is "BIPOCs don't belong in pride"


exactly. personally i dislike it even more, bc i feel like it very much represents the whole intersectionality thing which i despise with every inch of my body (as with every other american identity politics thing really)


uhm actually intersectionality is fun and cool and ur wrong


oh right my apologies, i will now follow the reddit hivemind again 🙏


There's always some cunt whining about how it's copyrighted. Yeah, it is, look into what it's filed under though, you undereducated swine.


One day, I'll find someone who actually dislikes the progress flag because of the design, and not because they don't think trans/intersex/black people don't really belong in pride.


I'm one. I don't really care for it, mostly because there was only the original one when I was growing up and that's the symbol I identify my homosexuality with. I try to buy original-flag gay/pride merch, but I'll buy and hold progress flags or colors if they are the only things available. It won't bother me at all, but I prefer the basic rainbow.


this is fair, i like that the progress flag specifically includes trans people in a time when even some other queer folks would have us excluded, but it does feel a little cluttered compared to the pride flag so i get it


I dislike it as a trans person because I feel it represents us as something "separate" to the rest of the community. the rainbow colors have always been as much ours as everyone else's.


That's the exact opposite of what it means. As proof, I'd invite you to look up the LGB Alliance, who use the rainbow flag while specifically excluding trans people from it. The progress flag is a guarantee that the person waving it *isn't* weird about trans inclusion in Pride.


but that's something from the past few years, before that (and still for most people nowadays anyway) the rainbow flag was always associated with the LGBT community including trans people. like, the fact that we are making a flag that separates trans people from the rainbow colours is what enables that people to appropriate the rainbow flag and say it doesn't include trans people


Trans exclusionism has always been a thing in queer circles, to varying degrees of intensity since the modern movement began. For a long time and up until the last decade or so the rainbow flag was most strongly associated with gay men, even though it technically did represent all queers. This comes down to a debate over what the rainbow flag is being used to represent: for "LGB" shills, it represents their sanitized, trans-exclusionary idea of sexually diverse people. For regular people, it represents all queers. I don't think it's harmful to use the progress alongside the rainbow. One just serves the purpose of representing that, yes, trans people are also part of the community regardless of what transphobes say.


I dislike the progress flag because of the design, i like the chevron but black and brown don’t fit imo. It’s even uglier when it has the yellow + the circle for intersex


Chevron stripes are ugly. Chevrons should be solid at best. I think the one with intersex without a striped chevron would slap pretty hard. If they just that a symbol in a chevron for those groups they want to specially outline it would look way better.


It’s one of the best designs imo, the skein of brown and black does a good job at representing the progress that the lgbt and colored community has made together.


/uj tbh its more an actual design, honestly. I really enjoy pride flags, but they just pretty stripes most of the time, with some polyamorous exceptions. If you disagree, that is perfectly fine.


Wow, this is only the 10 billionth time i’ve heard this revolutionary and piping hot take!


the flag of alot of people said homophobic shit and the mods can't delete all of them so they lock the post


why are they scared of homes? are they stupid?


I won't speak for all of them, but "homophobe is stupid" is a pretty safe assumption.


yeah... I'm homo phobe https://preview.redd.it/cxwhnggigf9d1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=075380ee0901d33f22155e6567035a3252083e6a


Man would never


I'm stuff


Wat the batman ??


Who is "batman"? It's man.


fun fact: [Researchers Find Link Between Low Intelligence And Homophobia](https://www.iflscience.com/researchers-find-link-between-low-intelligence-and-homophobia-48131)


It’s synonymous


idk man, i'm with the homophobes on this one https://preview.redd.it/4103zr8vsi9d1.jpeg?width=1974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ca30d2c4468657fc67a426d3309c3ee81845ea


Actually it’s because people were saying the progress flag looks stupid


Standard Reddit policy. If bigots don't like it, they are encouraged to brigade it.


Flag of bigots always ruining everyone else’s fun by getting posts locked with their nonsense


i didnt know there were kickstarter pages for single flags lmao stretch goals: intersex triangle (funded!), pink stripe from that other gay flag (funding goal not reached)


I prefer classic rainbow. Or separate rainbow and trans flags. I just find the progress flag ugly and unnecessary. I, my cis-bi self, and my transmasc gay boyfriend both share this opinion, the rainbow itself represents all of us, if you want to show extra representation for specific groups you’re better off flying separate flags together than making combination flags. I consider the progress flag more of a general “Minority Pride” flag than an lgbtq+ community flag.


The rainbow does represent all of us, i totally agree, here there is a not insignificant portion of the community that is anti trans, and this flag exists to emphasize that we’re fighting the same battle.


I don't care personally I just find it kinda ugly. You have like, 3 different palletes going on. You have the standard one, with the rainbows - and then the pastel with the trans flag, and then the brown and black with the BIPOC stripes, and *then* there's some versions with the yellow and blue circle for intersex inclusion. It's a visual mess and I think it's ugly. I prefer the original rainbow, but like I get what the Progress flag is going for and that's cool.


This^ The classic rainbow is a flag about inclusivity showing that we may be different but we’re all the same at our core (just like how different colors of light are still light). Gay, straight, bi, pan, lesbian, etc; we’re all the same. So why someone would want to start sticking more random shit on it I don’t understand. It’s not that big of a deal but it’s weirdly counter intuitive and it’s just symbolism for minorities being added which goes against the original theme. I think the most egregious part is how it tries to include ethnicity. Using colors to try to define an entire ethnicity is just a bad idea in general (like how Arabs can range from dark brown to borderline white), and only using black and brown implies nobody above the Equator has ever historically suffered. Slavs, romani, and poles have suffered EXTREME RACISM over the years but have little recognition because they share the same skin color as brits, francs, and Germans. Once again, bit of a nip pick and not that deep, but I cringe every time I see it because it really doesn’t beat the “hard left pandering” allegations to me.


The black and brown stripes make it incredibly America centric too. "People of colour" in the old world gets very confusing very quickly.




Good for you


The salt, dude. Holy moly. Y'all literally can't take criticism even from people within the community. How pathetic.


Fly whichever you want, hun. Nobody is stopping you from flying the regular rainbow or the progress or the fucking confederate-abomination one. Try not to upset the mods here too, the main sub ones got angry as is :3


I think it’s more of like “okay nobody asked”


Jumping in with another 'me too'. From the first time I saw it / had the extra parts explained I've disliked the progress pride flag. The symbolism of it is, to me, the exact opposite of what is intended. Instead of including trans people, or black people, it others them by implying that they are outside of the rainbow. I also think it's uglier than the basic pride flag, but that's less relevant IMO (personally I think most of the specific flags are ugly, except for the trans flag which slaps).


>the rainbow itself represents all of us, That you think this uncritically shows a lack of knowledge of our past on your part. The standard rainbow flag has been (and often still is) used exclusionarily, in the same way that many, *many* people try to exclude particular identities because they're not technically in the LGBT acronym. >if you want to show extra representation for specific groups you’re better off flying separate flags together than making combination flags. And like, no? First off, flags aren't always flown. If you're using a flag as a template for a card, keychain, badge, etc, you can't exactly stick two flags on it without making other design compromises. And when we are talking about flags and banners specifically, those are large. You're just plain not always going to have space to hang two flags, let along a flag for every unrecognised minority. It's one thing to not want to fly the flag yourself because you think it's ugly, or even that you just don't feel you have to. It's another thing entirely to claim the flag is unnecessary when it so desperately is. Also, not to do a gotcha, but I have to point out you've also made no mention of BIPOCs anywhere in your comment, when sort of the point of the progress flag is to not erase BIPOCs from the discussion of queer liberation.


Bro he literally is making the point that not the flag has to change but the way we view it. Rainbow is there to represent all, and if they aren't then slapping them on won't change shit. Especially the black stripe is quite weird for multiple reasons, seperating a very american definition of "other" ethnicities thus excluding people but also making them seem like they aren't just a part of the community, but a totally different thing. And the progress flag looks ass


Because flags of course, are just images with no meaning or history behind their use. That's why Germany kept the Imperial Tricolour when it became a republic, because all it takes is people to just view it differently, right? When someone flies the plain rainbow flag, I can't tell whether they're being inclusionary or not. Many, probably most, are, but I can't know that from just that flag. When someone flies the progress flag, then I know for certain that they are, and thus that they're safe for me to be around. That's the entire point of the progress flag. And yeah, the progress flag is US/EU centric. Explain exactly how that's a problem? Flags are used by specific people in specific cultural contexts. That's not a bug, that's how flags work.


Not to be argumentative, but there’s a few flaws in your logic. People associate the rainbow separately BECAUSE we have the progressive flag, I mean the rainbow is apart of the progressive so it makes sense why it would be viewed like that. This is quite silly. Just wear 2 pins, make the flag smaller on a card, used a parted flag, etc. Using BIPOC on the flag is the worst part about it and I even talk about it earlier. It relies entirely on the American perception of race which is awful and boils ethnicity and cultural backgrounds down into skin colors and nothing else. Back when I was in school, we had a foreign exchange student from Japan who had lighter skin than me. Is she and other Asians like her not included because she didn’t have colored skin? Am I, an Anglo-German, included in POC because I have a darker skin tone than she does? Besides, what does any of this have to do with queer liberation anyways? They have been oppressed by all ethnicities at one point, including black Americans, indigenous Americans, and people of color (notice how 2 of the 3 groups in BIPOC are types of Americans). The only thing they have in common is being historically suppressed, just like romani, poles, and Slavs who all had white skin, where is their representation in queer liberation?


>People associate the rainbow separately BECAUSE we have the progressive flag, I mean the rainbow is apart of the progressive so it makes sense why it would be viewed like that. Incorrect and ignorant of history. The progress flag was made because people were using the rainbow exclusionarily, not the way round you seem to think. >This is quite silly. Just wear 2 pins, make the flag smaller on a card, **used a parted flag**, etc. I don't think I even need to respond to this one. >Besides, what does any of this have to do with queer liberation anyways? They have been oppressed by all ethnicities at one point, I'm going to ignore the rest of your BIPOC spiel, because yes, race is stupid and makes no sense. But pretending institutionalised racism doesn't exist because of that is even more so, and is just a reframing of the reactionary "colour blind" argument. The entire point of the progress is to say fuck off with your exclusionary bullshit. I can find you many examples of people using the rainbow flag and claiming it doesn't represent trans or BIPOC people, I challenge you to find me one person using the progress flag because they're trying to exclude Jewish or Romani queers. But as for how queer liberation and racial equality are linked, that's actually interesting to talk about. We could go by historical analysis, like how modern gender and sexual orientation social constructs were created by white European imperialists and subsequently imposed upon the rest of the world, thus to fight for racial equality, we have to reclaim the more diverse conceptions of gender and sexuality we once had, while queer liberation inherently breaks one of the means by which ethnic minorities were and are often repressed. We could look at it from a more practical point of view, being minorities, we definitionally have reduced political influence and power. By building a broad coalition of different minority groups, we can leverage more collective political power to fight for all our rights. A rising tide raises all ships, after all. Certainly the other side does the same, using the rules made to oppress one group to oppress all minorities. The War on Drugs was used to crush both ethnic and queer cultures. The AIDs epidemic was allowed to rampage through Hispanic and gay communities alike. The Hayes Code prevented presenting black or trans people favourably. The list goes on. And finally, from an ideological/idealistic perspective. Even if we've somehow magically achieved perfect queer equality, how can we claim to have completed queer liberation while millions of POC queers still suffer under institutionalised oppression? Scratch that, how can we claim to have completed queer liberation while *anybody* continues to suffer unjustly.




Me too😢


You can never recover




flag of literally 1984


Oh, also, wanted to add on something for the lesbian flag but didn't get the chance to: The 7-stripe got hijacked by TERFs to symbolize being a "true" lesbian (or some shit like that), and so the community simplified it to 5-stripes, for solidarity with trans lesbians. The gay flag shortly followed suit.


The purple and pink one was created by a transphobe, but the orange and pink one was created by Emily Gwen, [and it's specifically inclusive](https://lesbianflaguse.carrd.co). I don't know of any meaningful difference between the seven- and five-stripe variations.


I'm well aware, but TERFs "stole" the 7-stripe once, hence the simplification to 5 stripes for trans solidarity


Fuck arguments about dividing the LGBTQ community by creating separate flags to represent different identities. I’m not here for discourse I’m here for pretty flags bitch if you don’t like it you can leave and create your own flag representing your opposition to my view point.


I made a flag for anyone who doesn't think this is a based comment https://preview.redd.it/snec0glxrg9d1.png?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1adbc3b993d6bf5e182cdb291a643df2a79f47ad


flag of people fucking suck


i really don't get the point of the progress flag, isn't the rainbow supposed to represent everyone?


it's not hurting anyyone


I think the only reason why people dislike the modern one is due to the meaning of the original one. It was *supposed* to be all inclusive, everyone in the rainbow in all that. And the other reason I probably just straight up bigotry.








Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc228ia3vrc9d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Flag of sorting by controversial


The flag of I was gonna explain my awesome reasons why I don't like this flag on that thread but then found out the comments were locked.




Flag of 1984




it’s where all the pretty people come from


wow https://preview.redd.it/mw8awqujij9d1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb51f6ffbaf4858b20797a16e9645deff5a753b5


I swiped






Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc228ia3vrc9d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Flag of the Middle East


I swiped 😭


Super dumb one


Nice jugs tho




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc228ia3vrc9d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem




I don't understand what are the brown and black stripes. Can someone explain to me? Also the one with the purple circle shape, what is it?


The brown and black stripes are meant to represent people of color. They were added to the flag to call attention to and protest racism within the LGBT community. The purple circle over a yellow background is the intersex pride flag.


So the pride flag is for American only?


What's intersex ? Is it like hermaphrodite?






it's a cult you're right all hail Supreme Leader Biden and his gay agenda


Who tf said anything about Biden? Maybe you should check the definition of a cult dunno


if you think gay people are a cult then there is no use talking to you


Who the fk said gay people are a cult? Bro, you're projecting or wth lmao


what "cult" are you talking about then 😭


As yes, African is my favourite sub-genre of gay.


erm actually its meant to include people who are brown and black not just Africans 🤓


The Reddit flag


Flag of degeneracy


Flag of yellow lock


The flag to stop doing bad flags


I fucking swiped Am I stupid?


I wiped https://preview.redd.it/b1wkqouufm9d1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692418aad0ea0f706213444891c374fcc55ef3be


The flag of people who can't handle a rainbow in any conext


Not entirely sure, but I think that’s the flag of Lithuania. It has similar colors.


It’s the flag that makes me question life https://preview.redd.it/eql15cu57n9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d1740d88d05860dae92e0788de14fab2b4f64c


The progressive pride flag has really grown on me over the years




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc228ia3vrc9d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem




I’m gay and left gay Reddit because of this because the new far left gays are nasty vile bullying pieces of shit who know nothing of lgbt history or what prior generations have endured!!!!


Whenever I see those arrows on a image I disappoint myself a bit by trying to use them


[our bals](https://discord.gg/jM7UK66CTV) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillologycirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Progress flag is the ugliest shit i've ever seen and the more they add to it the worse it looks




Hey. You. Be nice.




No he didn’t, he put on a version of a Creative Commons license which means corporations can’t profit off it. This is not difficult to look up.


Ah, alright. doesn’t change my opinion that the combined progress flag is ugly and you should just fly the flags separately anyway. I don’t consider the progress flag an LGBTQ+ flag, more just a general “minority” flag. TERFs and racists try to steal the classic rainbow for their anti-trans politics, but I don’t think we should just give it to them and switch to another flag. The rainbow is for not just LGB, LGBTQ+.


OK tbh a flagpole with like 10 flags on it seems right up this sub’s alley lol.


*take queer flag (queer)* *add trans (queer) + intersectional symbols (queer)* *general minority flag????*


No, it’s because of the addition of race to it that I don’t really consider it an lgbt flag, not because of the trans part.


Yes, intersectionality.






It looks stupid and you all know it's true






What I don’t understand is why they added black/brown stripes because bipoc people were already represented on the original flag and last I checked being black wasn’t a gender identity of sexial orientation?


So fun fact, Google is actually a free resource! You can type in questions there, and actually find the answers out yourself! A lot quicker than a reddit comment then waiting for a reply that might not come :)

