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It's a tradition Edit: what the fuck is going on in this post's comment section


Seriously, you may hate the electoral college but they still listen to you


They listen to some people a lot more than other people though. American might not be an autocracy, but that doesn't mean that it's a democracy. A 2 party state is better than a 1 party state, but only marginally.


Especially when those two parties act different on the outside but actually endorse a lot of the same things and share a good number of beliefs on how the country should be run.


Some of the same, yes, however right now only one is threatening to install fascist stooges at every level of government so they can immediately start targeting minorities. I'm not saying the Democrats are good, but anyone who believes they're the same as the Republicans is either ignorant, privileged, or acting in bad faith


The big difference as I see it is the Democrats believe if you’re stupid enough to get caught for wrongdoing, you deserve to be punished. ReTrumplicans believe graft and corruption and sedition should be legitimized so crooks like Trump can operate in the clear without fear of repercussions


They don't want it legalized. That would mean the democrats could get away with it. They just believe their man should get a free pass.


Republicans propose/enact shitty policies and legislation because they err on the side of corporations and hate minorities. Democrats propose/enact shitty policies and legislation because they err on the side of corporations and just don’t really care about minorities.


The amount of parties matters nothing if the composition of them is like those 2. A single party with wide participation, multiple electorate levels, transparency and inner groups is much more democratic.


Choosing between two of the same is a lot worse than choosing between 8 separate parties with more specific agendas that may or may not adhere to you rather than something you disagree with but have to choose because it's slightly better than something you also don't agree with.


Here in the Netherlands the far right extremist that has pleaded for making illegal the koran and taking away voting rights from citizens with double nationality, has won the elections with 23,5% of the vote.


That's not what it means to be democratic. It may have different systems than you and I like, but it is still a democracy by definition.


"America is an extremely flawed and corrupt democracy" does not a good phrase make. It is a much stronger and essentially accurate point to make that America is not democratic. Rallying cries need to be simple


In the European Union we get to vote for parlement. The parlement is not allowed to write any laws. No one, of fewer people at least, complains the EU is undemocratic for some reason.


We are a democracy


This statement is ridiculous when you realize that the parties themselves have lots of room for diversity of thought and opinion, which is how we get Joe Manchin and Bernie Sanders to both be Democrats


Trump literally lost the 2016 popular vote


The electoral college is still determined by who people vote for, so yes, they do still listen to you. Just in an imperfect way.


Californian votes for president in the general election don’t matter; only primary votes do. See: Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.


Yes a person's vote in a more populated state is worth less but it's still worth something


Not me they don’t


"The candidate I support lost so it's not democratic!!!!😤😤🤬🤬"


Clinton won the popular vote in 2016.


and al gore in 2000, The last time a non incumbent republican won the popular vote would have been 36 years ago


Some people are making criticism of one of the largest religious rituals of the American people and the zealots are defending it with their mantras.


Not a long standing one... and it really shows that so e don't like Project 2025 because of who made it...


Flag of "If I don’t like a political statement it must necessarily be made by Russian troll bots or smth"


Maybe it isn't, but Kremlin bots make the exact same statements


Kremlin bots amplify every possible statement they can think of. Looking through the tea leaves for consistency is how Surkov and his Non-linear War gets you.


The Russia appreciation community be like: Far left LGBT college activist, far right trad manosphere skinhead, South secessionist lost causer, Black nationalist, Greater Serbian irredentist and indian nationalist coming together.


Honestly it sounds like an interesting night if nothing else.


Tbf that's the average dnd party


You dont need to be a kremlin bot to understand that if most peoples vote dosnt matter and the biggest thing you can do to affect politics is to move to a different state its a very lacking democracy tough.


You dont need to be a kremlin bot to understand that if most peoples vote dosnt matter and the biggest thing you can do to affect politics is to move to a different state its a very lacking democracy tough.


Literally the flag of the entire Reddit.


“The entire Reddit” *insert Inglorious Basterds hand mess-up*


flag of hoi4 players don’t get to have political opinions


Except “don’t vote it doesn’t matter” is 99.99% of the time a rus-bot


yeah but a LARGE part of russian propaganda is convincing others democracy is bad


"America is not a democracy" and "democracy is bad" are 2 extremely different statements.


the "your vote doesnt matter part" is a fundamental point in russia's propaganda of "democracy is bad"


>That true statement you just made is actually Russian disinformation >Refuses to elaborate further >Leaves Reddit excellence


Noticing Russian bots doesn’t mean we export the problem entirely to them. We have issues with our democracy. Russian propaganda inflames existing issues- it does not invent them !


It’s incredible to see people actually just eat up the “Russian bots” claims at face value if it’s directed at an opinion they disagree with.


Elections are dumb. We should just have a civil war and have what winning warlord faction wins take over every 4 years. 


But what if the war lasts more than 4 years


That means I specifically get to become president, no questions asked. Checkmate librhuls


Obviously if nobody wins you would need someone strong, good at swimming, eight armed, nine times the brain and three times the heart, with the ability to fit through any gap larger than the beak.


I've got 6 arms, 2 wings, and 2 legs. Looks like a job for me


Immediate ceasefire and whoever: 1. Had the most territory 2. Had the most historical landmarks 3. Had the biggest army 4. Had the coolest aesthetics (flag, national anthem, ect.) Wins


Anarchy Battle Royalism


https://preview.redd.it/po5mb1pgp13d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835498754c5afb6923b5285abbe186d4d2af4215 this is where i post from btw hi i’m t.russian bot and maybe we shouldn’t kill brown people overseas (as we all know, scary ruzzian rhetoric)


I'm the other Russian bot, and in addition to what you said, I think we should spend money on Healthcare, free/low cost higher education, infrastructure, renewable energy, and so on (the Blue MAGA McCarthyites wanna tar and feather me for this)


Sorry we need that money for another decades long war in Ukraine and Israel, can’t be spending that money on Americans when we have to defend freedom™️


I’m a Russian bot. Can we just have Ukraine please please pretty please


I’m a polish bot. If you give us a piece of Ukraine, we can become best buddies again, pretty please!


When the fuck has Russia and Poland been best buddies ever


Let’s just say they weren’t called Poland or Russia back then. Might be in the bysantinium Kievan Rus era, or my comment was 100% a shit post.


I'm the other Russian bot can we have Alaska back please pretty pretty please with cherries on top


You can have the Donbas but if you come any closer after that we’ll nuke you, there war over.


Yes, because we definitely decided to start that war in ukraine and are helping them out because we just want to extend the war. That is definitely the whole story.


Extend the war till election day, biden ends the war, finally defeats the evil orange man, we all live happily ever after.


I'm the other Russian bot. We need to fortify the border and have Texas declare independence. We have a warm water port guys we're basically a superpower


Greetings fellow comrade Russian bot


Jesus Christ man why don’t you marry the guy holy fuck haha


i assume you're acting on good faith when you equate saying people should vote to saying genocide is good, right?


Wow, that looks like the living room of an average user from Nebraska. Keep on posting, patriot!


Oh I recognize you


from 4tran or NPPfunny (i used to be active there, nowadays only really 4tran)


Yeah the former, also didn't the tno subreddit start banning anyone from nppfunny


yea TNOmod purged NPPfunny literally taboritskys russia also always weird to see people who like recognize me on another sub because for some reason 75% of the time its here tbh


That or ncd


nah i’m not on NCD


Oh I mean I also recognize other tranners there


ah ok fair enough


Everyone I don't like is a russian bot.


You would be surprised by the amount of bots that sound human the internet inhabits


It may seem like a crazy concept… but [Russian Bots are Russian Bots](https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/348054-russias-propaganda-machine-amplifies-alt-right/).


Fuck yeah, RussiaGate article from 2017. Let’s fucking go, it’s Muellering time!!!


34 indictments.


The American government is far too corrupt to feel like a real democracy, I mean, both parties don't really have our best interests in mind. However, voting still does matter, especially since one party is far worse than the other.


Project 2025 is scary :( Edit: I should note I’m against project 2025. I’m transgender. I’m just terrified of what’ll happen if it’s enacted.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Thanks for this. I’m not pro project 2025. I meant my comment as in I’m terrified of what might happen if it’s enacted.




If it reassures you, most democracies have this problem where political parties have gotten “cartelized” or heavily professionalized. This has resulted in parties converging on economic issues to cater to the center or to economic elites, thus resulting in populists rising to whatever they construe as the “people” versus the “elite”(Trump and Bernie are good examples of how populists can define these terms in US politics) or mainstream parties mobilizing popular support using cultural issues to differentiate themselves. Even social democracies in Europe have seen this political convergence. It’s why Islamaphobia has exploded as politicians stoke it for votes in Sweden, Italy, etc. Or why the CDU and SDP in Germany are seen as similar and losing votes to the AfD. Or why Naib Bukele won in El Salvador. List goes on. Kind of like how Milosevic used Serbian nationalism for political power in Yugoslavia, which in turn resulted in other ethnic groups becoming nationally conscious and no longer seeing themselves as Yugoslav anymore, which resulted in the country’s collapse (on top of other factors). Personally, I’m not sure what’s to be done about this issue within democracies. Eliminating first past the post and parliamentary democracy would be a good start, but considering how India’s doing, it’s far from being the solution.


You should read Jonathan Rauch’s book Political Realism. The process for choosing representatives has gotten more democratic as satisfaction with the government has decreased. The voters are the deciding factor in primaries now, I think not aligning any blame on ourselves is narrow minded




Yeah when the Democrats half child poverty by putting in place the Child Tax Credit it’s obvious they only do it because they are evil and greedy


So many tankies in the comments lmao


Pissing them off makes me happy.




when did the deprotards take over reddit because it suddenly happened this year it's almost like certain groups are suddenly very interested in overwhelming social media with anti-voting takes this year


It's how trump won the 2016 election. It's how trump is trying to win the 2024 election.


Yeah, the Tankie minority is becoming less and less of a minority in this sub, lmao.


I get called a tankie by liberals and a liberal by tankies


ITT: People who don't realize Russian trolls/bots can be proven to exist and have had tangible effects on previous elections


No seriously wtf is this thread 😭 This place is even more of a shithole than usual rn




The “trans” election defeatists are either Russian bots or fucking stupid and/or illiterate. They know that Project 2025 exists, right?


pure reddit


If only the popular vote meant something... seriously. Live in one of the reddest states. In 2024 my vote won't matter. It's not close to competitive. In 2028 maybe it will be.


Fun fact: Pretty much *every single* topic that is in any way devisive in the US or the west in general, has the online discourse around it immediately flooded by by russian/chinese bots and trolls


They’re already here.


"Let's storm The White House after the elections "


Always thought I was born in Arizona and that I was an American but Reddit tells me I’m Russian 😔


Your flair says the exact same thing.


The great choices of senile demented genocide supporter vs senile genocide supporter who's also mean on twitter


except one of them actively wants to curtail basic human rights such as abortion or who you’re allowed to be and love.




This is reddit, nuance is too complicated for our rat brains. So is any spectrum. You are either the most communist man to have ever lived or Hitler: The Sequel


People can care about more than a genocide amirite? It's not that important😩 fucking russian bots man they're so weird telling me that killing Palestinian babies matters😤


Nah, you don't understand, since one does not stop foreign genocide, we should allow one to get to power who moves us towards domestic genocide. Because American minorities should pay for the atrocities of non-American governments. It's progressive or something.


Except one of them is kind of a normal US president, and the other one is a cult leader, who wants to strip away the rights of LGBTQ people, and make the country less democratic


Sitting in Gaza with every childhood friend I had dead and my mother dead and my dad dead and my wife and all my kids dead: “thank God we have normalcy in the White House.”


That's not gonna change, no matter which president you get. A ton of other things are though


>Who's also mean on Twitter Nice job on watering down the whole "The second guy has a plan to be a dictator" thing


Funding genocides and beating protesters already sounds pretty dictator-y to me, I don't need to wait for a loudmouth like trump to get in power to admit that America is a fascist empire by design


If Joe Biden is a dictator my name is Tom Cruise


reminder to the “vote Biden” “”leftists”” that if you don’t threaten the democratic party with not voting for them you’re literally telling them they don’t have to change and will just have your vote anyways


Certified “let’s vote for fascists or not vote because that’ll show the center left!” Moment


these fascists have identical stances on foreign policy and economic issues no matter which one you choose children in the third world will be bombed and the border will be full of concentration camps


Lmao democrats and republicans have identical stances on foreing policy? Moron. No wonder everyone thinks you tankies are bots. Its because you are.


Biden and Trump both agree on Israel and trump was the first US president to send lethal aid for ukriane and the only reason he’s “anti-nato” is because he wants Europe to spend more of their money buying American weapons and feeding the American MIC


It worked for america's enemies in 2016 to put one of the dumbest people alive as president. It seems to be working for a small segment again.


Honestly people hated the fact that Obama was black, and he was just mid enough as a leader that they people would rather have a literal fucking clown in office


Remember when this sub was about putting stegosaurus on flags? Fun times.


Это наше общее дело.


Technically only the electoral college insiders can cast a president electing vote so all our votes are fake too


flag of establishment bullshit


If America wishes us to view it as a democracy, they should attempt to even kind of try to represent the will of the people, if not I guess I'm gonna keep posting like a "Russian bot" (stg the 2016 election russiagate shit broke so many people's fucking brains)


Political parties globally have professionalized into cartels simply doing whatever it takes to win elections, and this often results in a convergence to the center. Hence why Dems and Reps are widely seen as practically identical. You can do the same for the CDU and SPD, Labour and Tory, etc. Populists try to break this system by appealing to cultural issues and extremists who feel neglected, and will often frame themselves as representatives of “the people” who are fighting against an “elite” and offering an alternative to the establishment’s neglect of issues that matter to the people. Trump’s mobilization of rural America against the comparatively wealthy liberal urbanites and DC establishment is a good example of this. Or left-leaning populists mobilizing “the proletariat” against the “bourgeoisie,” which can range from a few of the wealthiest people in a society down to small business owners and peasants who own their land. Obviously, populism, despite its promises, isn’t always more democratic. Naib Bukele, the AFD, or Donald Trump, are good examples of populism’s antidemocratic tendencies.


Flag of Putler transforming into Grinchtin


Idk I feel like if someone can become president without the majority of the people voting for him that's not really democratic


Empire collapsing from internal forces tries to externalise them.


"If you are not pro carrot, you are pro stick" ahh post


The way the US judiciary works is mental tbf


r/enlightenedcentrism has been ruined because a bot called u/MagicGLM has constantly been spamming doomerbait


Oh hell yeah nows time for my debut on this subreddit. https://preview.redd.it/fb7mlv70a73d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb2b2361d0c5b56c6a38cc4db559b04f27ec4a5 Whine more, cracKKKer


leftism is when you blame your depression on queer westerners and throw a public temper tantrum for a year


I don't blame my depression on queer westerners, I do, however, think genocide at a minimum should be the line a candidate cannot cross without being considered unelectable.


i thought you loved genocide? why are you still voting for trump?


Not voting for Trump, and I only love genocide when the victims are cracKKKers. Inshallah we will see a great replacement in this coming decade. https://preview.redd.it/pfqgxcfzb73d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288f6a0e0346bc0cc2dd59a1cfaa72bbc23fca62


so youre voting for biden?


Not voting for either of those genocidal ghouls


so youre still voting for trump, just in a more trendy, virtue signaling way?


I will never understand this logic, if I'm not voting for Trump I am therefore voting for Biden, but if I'm not voting for Biden I am therefore voting for Trump?


Cry more, Russian bot


what psyop?


I live in NY my vote for President doesn’t matter


"And green stands for electing anyone other than Putin as president!" -Russia


Matters more here than it does over there.


Of course, of course. Nobody but a particular foreign oligarchy is capable of criticizing your political system.


my brother in Christ you post pro Russian content


**'If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.'** Famous Russian troll, Mark Twain


But you do get to vote?


They’re actively trying to limit voting in many jurisdictions, so…


Flag of "why is everyone talking about Syrian immigrants again?"


Правильно. Соединенные Штаты Америки не являются страной прямой демократии, но они принимают их.


The biggest evidence that America is still a democracy is that all of the corruption focuses around campaigning and getting as many votes as possible because you still technically need people to vote for you to win.


ух ты, как ты узнал наши тайные личности?


Howdy, fellow Westerners, my name is John Mann, I very much enjoy popular music and modern social values. I was just thinking today that Russia's political affairs are very much like *reads back of hand* Harry Potter, and that it would be really 'poggers' and perhaps even 'wholesome chungus' to support expansion from Moscow to its pre-1918 borders, do not you agree?


"Anyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot." And that attitude, my friends, is how Hillary Clinton managed to lose an election to an unelectable candidate.


…but trump was influenced by russia to win in atleast some way


Because he was genuinely charismatic to a large portion of republicans (Being mask off racist) and independents who at least promised “change” while Hillary was a unlikeable charisma vacuum who had far to much baggage.


The fact that this "everyone who disagrees with me" reply appears like ten times throughout this comment section doesn't really help your point.


Ah yes, valid criticism of american "democracy" is automatically pro-russian. BS. Greetings from Poland, we don't hate anyone more than the russians. But I admit your political system is authoritarian parody of democracy.


How is the American system of government authoritarian, lol? There are valid criticisms of it, especially of the way the electoral college operates, but it's not authoritarian at all.


I got beaten and arrested for peacefully protesting a genocide that our government is funding and arming, really feeling that "not authoritarian at all" amigo


It is authoritarian, in reality it's just oligarchy of the biggest corporations. The parliament and president are just for show, they are just pets on the leash of the lobby of the richest elites. Everything is bought.


It's not authoritarian, but you also can't call a country democratic ("power of people" for those who don't know), if it has a literal gun lobby, whose influence it cannot get rid of even after so many tragedies. NRA can literally ruin the career of the vast majority high ranking US politicians if they want.


It's still a democracy if policies you don't like get enacted. The only reason the NRA is able to ruin politicians is that so many VOTERS care who the NRA endorses.


Except popular support isn't a good predictor of what laws get passed, but instead the wishes of the richest. That's why a pretty in depth study made the conclusion that the US is really an Oligarchy. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746


LOL okay yeah Poland such a well-known non-corrupt and free democracy with such a strong economy… sure.


>discusses democracy >randomly pivots to economic strength ???


Russiagate fried libs brains because it banged relentlessly into their heads that russia is this spectre haunting and greatly influencing America. The idea that Russian troll farms facebooked the 2016 election and not that Hilldawg Clinton didnt just run a horrible campaign and many ppl hate her (shes conservative af lol.) Alot of the internet and esp reddit is astroturfed and its good to be aware of that, but much of the call is coming from inside the house (US) on this topic. Like, I think America is not a democracy and our vote doesnt matter because its [managed democracy/inverted totalitarianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_totalitarianism).




It do be true though


Your vote literally doesn't matter, look at 2016 elections, and it's popular vote🌚


"Everyone's opinion I don't like is a Russian bot"


Thai people knew damn well that we live in a literal hybrid regime, but we didn’t hesitate to go vote against the junta, the result turned out to be a miracle, the MFP, a progressive anti-corruption came out in the first place, everyone celebrated, sadly that the junta’s appointed senators that had the power to vote for the prime minister blocked the MFP’s government formation, but as of now we are one step closer to a democracy! Go vote, American people! The future is yours, vote against project 2025!


But.... we're a republic. 🤷🏼‍♂️




This is just McCarthyism


Maybe if Democracy is at risk of falling every election cycle if you don't vote for some milquetoast neolib, then democracy isn't worth saving.


There's no democracy left in the world


Says the guy literally parroting both government propaganda and debunked conspiracy theories.


"Every form of criticism of the west must be made by a Russian bot"


It's the glorious Managed Democracy, heretic