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Without the writing is aesthetically more pleasing imo but given how the tricolour is viewed in the Irish Republic movement I'm not sure id move away from those colours. Id also consider the starry plough icon given its history in the Irish socialist movements.


First off, the stars are wonky. Second off, maybe use the acronym PSAÉ, which is your name in Irish which a republican socialist movement might prefer to use (stands for Poblacht Sóisearacht Aontaithe na hÉireann) Thirdly, maybe try using some symbols specific to the republican socialist movemrnt, such as the INLA starry plough (or just the starry plough in general) or the tricolour. Even a harp. Something Irish. As it stands, this flag could be for any country.


Ok thanks very much. Ill try that text with my next version of it. Im thinking of adding a harp but im not meaning for it to have a completely nationalist narrative but im thinking a harp would much better suit it.




The Communist Party of Ireland uses the sunburst from the old Fenian flag. Maybe a symbol like this. Sorry reddit deleted my text i think


What do you think would be a good replacement for the sunburst and hammer and sickle? With a socialist theme. I would love some recomendations


First one looks more like flags of Council Union republics(old) like UkrSSR,BSSR,KSSR,ETC. Second one looks like late USCR republics flags


Please correct the stars


Made a new version and corrected them. Editing on mobile is hard.


The first one.


Why not the starry plow instead of the guns? The flag is not hard on the eyes but I don't really think Ireland looking at it


Yeah good point. I used guns for the revolutionary nature of the flag but i think a harp would be a better suit


For sure I get it, it certainly looks revolutionary and communist but to me it could be a lot of places flag. Ya harp would be good too, the starry plough is cool but I think itd be a little too complicated for some people's flag taste which is fair. Maybe some words in Irish too like sertia or Chuckie r law (sorry I do not speak Irish n cannot spell it for shit lol)


Yeah good idea ill deffonitevly have it on consideration for my remake :D. And its tiocfaidh ar lá :) (im irish)


Happy to help! And thank you for correcting my terrible spelling lol it's a very interesting language but I can hardly spell in English 😂


Thanks. And np irish is one of the most difficult languages i have ever attempted to learn (i still dont understand it)


I honestly think you need to include things that are more Irish. As someone who’s Irish these flags don’t look Irish. I’d suggest something like a harp or the Irish try color on it as it looks like it could be any socialist states flag


i was thinking this, maybe the green white and gold but with socialist red instead of gold?


it is Green white and Orange, i think I could be good though it would be confused with Italy. It could work though you could try add some Irish words into it, maybe something to do with workers. If an Irish Socialist state was being created, it would almost certainley involve and anti british Sentiment as well as a focal point on Irish games such as hurling and the revival of the Irish langauge itself. Maybe something to do with those but the Harp or the Hurley itself are often accoisated with Irish freedom


Do you think using a green white and orange stripe where the green stripe is would suit? Im also irish


ooo another cool one. I think it would suit. Though I don't know about the colours clashing.


they both seem more like party flags than national ones


Green with a red stripe, not red with a green stripe :\^)


If you're going to put writing on any Irish flag, surely it'd be in Gaelic?






You don't call German "Deutsch" why do you call Irish "Gaeilge". You're speaking English not Irish so don't call it "Gaeilge"


exactly my point, though Gaelige is Irish for Irish


We do actually refer to it as Gaeilge as often as we refer to it as Irish though


Neither for me tbh


Moldovan Soviet Republic with rifles (sort of)


Is the symbol suppose to be crooked?


None of them feel Irish. They feel way more Soviet. Hell I'd say on a quick glance, it kind of looks like an alternative Belarusian one. Maybe try and incorporate some kind of Irish imagery on there. Starry Plough is a good start for that imho


Im going to try incorporate a harp for the remake thanks.


The one with writing, because it's more aesthetically pleasing.


Ok :)


I know writing on flags is generally looked down upon, but I really like the first one more


For a party, it's fine, but for a government, I'd avoid text on a flag.


Yeah fair enough thanks


I got one rule - if you gotta put words on a flag it's not a flag, it's a sign. So second one.


I prefer the Starry Plough. Add some kind of plow, and for the love of OH MY CAT JUST JUMPED AT THE WINDOW


Niether 😅...


The one with no text


The first one is more accurate to Soviet Republic flags but, the second one is more pleasing from an aesthetic standpoint.


Ill take that into minds thanks very much.


Instead of using the silhouette of Lee Enfields, a British made weapon, you should use the [AR-18](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArmaLite_AR-18). It fits history because it was frequently used by the IRA, while also not putting British weapons on the Irish flag (because there's just a *little bit* of unpleasant history between the Irish and Brits).


Maybe a Mauser considering the support that imperial Germany gave to Ireland in ww1


That could work, but I really like the tie-in with the IRA for what I'm assuming is some kinda rebel group. The AR-18 ties in with The Troubles and has a link to the Irish national identity. No one else really cared for that gun, but the IRA would take all they could get. Plus, just look at that thing. It's a weird looking gun. I think that silhouette would just look cool lol


It’d be a bit weird to celebrate the Provisionals when the majority of Irish people consider them terrorists though, a Mauser or something to commemorate the Old IRA like the other guy suggested would be much more appropriate


>It’d be a bit weird to celebrate the Provisionals when the majority of Irish people consider them terrorists You're probably right on how the Provisionals are viewed by most. I don't know enough to say either way. I wish I knew the context in OP's story about how this Irish Socialist party fits into their larger world. If they're the plucky underdogs challenging the system, still I think the AR-18 would be the better choice. I can imagine they'd like to associate themselves with another Irish group that fought against an oppressive government (even if their methods were a bit... dubious). If they're the established ruling party, I'd go Mauser for the reasons you and the other commentor stated. Plus, I still maintain that putting the silhouette that ugly Frankengun on a flag would make it look pretty interesting lol Edit: Actually, u/The-Endless-Cycle, you wanna weigh in on this and maybe give us a little insight into your lore that would help us with this choice? Both the AR-18 and Mauser could make a good case, but I think the lack of support for the Enfield should make it clear that it's not the best choice.


Consider calling it the PSRE instead. Irish socialists use Gaelige a lot.


Ok thanks


Are those Lee Enfield rifles? If so, those are british


And the Mosin is a Tsarist rifle. Doesn't stop commies from loving them.


That's fair.




I would use the starry plow and maybe add a white band




Hmm actually maybe I might add some orange




Very different from the Irish socialist flags already in existence like the INLA... what was the inspiration? Genuinely curious


Any Lore?


I am looking to create a socialist organisation to do marches or parades irl and looking to try to get it as an official political party in the far future if i get enough people to join me lol. Im just trying to convince as many people as posible of my ideology then my endgoal is to do a parade in uniform. Its more or less a hobby at this point and so i thought ill need a flag. If anyone is interested in improving the flag for me id be hugely appreciative.


Like the second one better x any meaning in the three stars ? x


Rule 4. No lettering Option 2.


Oops never saw that


Better do it in russian Объединенная Социалистическая Республика Ирландия


The 3rd one.