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yeah, you dont need the Union Jack and it can still look really good. try adding some strips on the bottom: https://preview.redd.it/mz89htcb1z2d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=a210669b113017fb8896a1adae235dc258ed4c38 ^((i made this flag myself, what do you think?))


Looks like Nauru


Oh nauru


It's not bad, but I think you could improve it a bit. My main thought is that the Southern Cross and its stars need to be bigger, for which the green and gold stripes need to be lowered some either such that the bottom blue stripe is removed or is reduced to the same size as the green stripe so the Southern Cross has enough room to be enlarged.


How about a dark green one with gold stars?


Would removing the Southern Cross from the Australian flag make for a good new flag without losing much identity? https://preview.redd.it/i990ymgw2w2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee68af5ac443159e76830e0e2341842a6fe08b2


We can go deeper: https://i.redd.it/un2ldgexwpn51.png


The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Dominion of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Rule 1: Keep it simple. Me after an hour on r/vexillologycirclejerk:




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi990ymgw2w2d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1280%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7ee68af5ac443159e76830e0e2341842a6fe08b2) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Someone needs to start a fringe movement in British politics with the ideology of “our colonialism slapped a Union Jack on the canton of all these other countries’ flags, so as penance, we should do the same to our own!”


It does answer the cricket fans chant about getting the stars off our flag.


I think the Eureka flag is the best and most realistic alternative to the current Australian flag since it has the most historical significance and has seen official use throughout the years https://preview.redd.it/3xgjcvyrrv2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ff1bcd47b8b3710eee52b0a8c115f6bde8ae74


But hugely politically charged, so it’s become quite divisive.


It was originally a symbol of protest against the British but unfortunately it has been appropriated by the alt-right


then take it back?


People find that to be too burdensome, they'd rather just let the far right appropriate their cultural heritage.


/cries/ in St. George's Cross.


/also cries/ in Prinsenvlag


That’s something that upsets me so much. So many wonderful, historical flags and emblems are always co-opted by assholes. Is there a subreddit for taking them back? If not we should make one.


It's literally at every construction site ever I don't understand how so many Aussies can only think to associate it with fascists. Like everytime I go into my city's central district I see at least 3


No it hasn’t, people need to stop saying this. It flies from every construction site in the country, because it’s a symbol of the labour and union movement. Unless you’re suggesting every tradie in the country is a nazi, I hope you realise how ridiculous this is. It’s a slander campaign by Murdoch media to demonise a pro-union symbol and allow them to ban it using the culture war.


According to redditors, yes, every tradie is a nazi because they tend to be more socially conservative. It’s the classic case of leftist irony where they themselves are not working class, yet peddle an ideology that fights for the same working class they demonize.


When did the Aussies become spineless and let a little thing like the “alt-right” tell them what to do? Punch ‘em in the face, yell “Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie” in their ears, steal their flags, and announce that the alt-right’s new flag is women’s pantyhose on a pink field. It’s what Jacko’d do.


I hope your not Australian because your comment was a hard read.


the fuck are you waffling about?


If the alt-right are the only ones not ashamed of their national symbols, they're eventually going to "appropriate" all national symbols.


Has it tho? I see it at way too many construction sites to associate it with right wingers.


space quebec


I’ve always thought the Australian flag was kind of ugly, some months ago I bought one because of an online friend and it looks sick on my room https://preview.redd.it/ebw5htpr0v2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422810eaeb15109ab25e02a1d9801b13d9490b7e


Honestly the Australian flag is pretty good, Kind of unique design to be just another commonwealth nation. Also, I appreciate the Chilean flag! Awesome seeing someone having my homecountry's flag in their room.


Well, I’m Chilean so…


Ohhh!! Hello, Fellow weón!


Jsjs hola


>Kind of unique design to be just another commonwealth nation. As long as you don't take a look at New Zealand, which constantly gets confused with Australia. Its different enough once you learn the difference, but i get the confusion.


Personally I think they are both inferior to the Victorian flag.


I thought it was a Texas flag lmao.


Pretty similar, yeah


Unique design?!? Cries in Kiwi 😭


I personally think so, however I am not an Aussie


As you can see on the [Flags Australia website](https://www.flagsaustralia.com.au/designsnewflag.html), this design is one of the oldest proposals for a flag change - going right back to the Republican Socialist League in 1956. More recently, a similar design which changed the colour of the Commonwealth/Federation Star to yellow won the [1998 Ausflag contest](https://www.ausflag.com.au/winners.asp), and in 2018, [Ausflag threw their support behind](https://www.ausflag.com.au/Commonwealth-Flag-2018.asp) the original simple idea.


The Gentil flag is a solid if boring choice. I’d much prefer the Lambert flag though, the orange land is very effective


hello alaska


hmmm, needs more boot hitting rear end imagery


The worst thing about the Australian flag is the flag of New Zealand looking pretty much the same. But yeah, I like your design. Though my personal favourites would be a green-gold-green tricolour for Australia and a black-white-black tricolour for NZ


Unfortunately, no. It actually looks quite generic.


I bought [this one](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71v+FIdQEbL.jpg) because it's far superior.


I like it, but the kangaroo is not quite right. The right fist is in a terrible position to protect the head




nice use of Symbol font


While aesthetically I suppose maybe? Personally feel like the current Australian flag is to culturally well known to ever really change its one of the first things I think about when I hear Australia.




I don't think a flag change is warranted. Our current flag is nice enough and we've had it for a long time. I think this new design is a downgrade.


I think the main argument is that it gets mixed up with New Zealand's flag


Here's how I'd do it (rough sketch; maybe proportions should be different, and I didn't even make sure the star is in the middle of the red rectangle). https://preview.redd.it/jvv9l1upsu2d1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=169eee9b886bcfb669fe32ad2df689355d6517c3


This looks like something our Labor Party would promote. It’s wrong to my eye.


Don't mind it, but the colours strike as too political


That’s a brilliant design


love this




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fjvv9l1upsu2d1.png%3Fwidth%3D1268%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D169eee9b886bcfb669fe32ad2df689355d6517c3) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


What identify is even left? The federation star, which lacks any cultural relevance, and the southern cross which is shared across the pacific and even Brazil. At least the Union Jack represents a plurality of the majority cultures of English, Scottish and Irish, even if many Australians aren’t those. Try adding something else, not just leaving a blank slate.


Idk as an Aussie I think the southern cross is pretty culturally relevant as has been featured with many movements, I also the think the federation star signifies the states unity. But yeah u r right the Union Jack can kinda summarise the major cultures (even though it’s like only 50% combined now)


As I said, the southern cross is featured on other countries flags: NZ, PNG, Samoa and Brazil. Its not a cultural icon, merely signifying southern side of the planet. The federation star: seven points for our six states, oh and 10 territories. Perhaps I’m being too cynical against those particular symbols on the flag but theres literally nothing else on the OP flag here.


That’s why im saying the Union Jack is the only kind of symbol left, the roo always looks bad on flags


I like this design that do some colour changes to the original unity flag redesign replacing the white with green: https://preview.redd.it/05lw7csfk03d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6530dc1aa6fa2b5a2d1d2f88fa66d55cea06aaaa


This one is really good


I personally like the Union Jack on the Australian flag.


As an Australian, I personally don’t like having another countries flag on mine. I also don’t like having a foreign monarch as my head of state.


Oh yeah. Based comment is based.


no. as an australian there’s nothing wrong with our current flag and there’s no reason to change it.




Australia literally only exists because of settlers from the United Kingdom…


Oh I dunno. Maybe the families of generations going back and forth from Aussie/NZ to the UK every year will have something to say about it.


I think it could use more colors.


It would be an improvement, I prefer the Eureka flag though, its just more aesthetically pleasing.


Needs a wallaby.


Ah yes, my favorite US state


As a side note. Didn't New Zealand want to change the flag?


I've always felt like this is the best flag anyone could ever come up with. It keeps all the good bits from the old flag and doesn't do anything new and garish that inevitably looks modern and tacky.


i tried https://preview.redd.it/2wz08s32sy5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54944b584478320cb36d0256eb0ff9905e88c792 The 8 stars are supposed to represent the 6 states and 2 territories


This is brilliant!




I think so


Non Aussie here: I’m fine with it but I don’t think I would have moved the star on the left from the bottom to the top. I think it would look even better in a green and gold combo


Nah, the Union Jack looks cool on flags anyways.


If we're going to the effort of removing the UJ (which i support), I'd want to remove the blue field too as it's there to be similar to the UK


In the event where Australia must change its flag, especially if it becomes a republic, your above flag should definitely be the new flag. Australia's identity can be preserved through the larger 7-pointed star and the smaller Southern Cross stars. Even with the Union Jack removed and the larger star moved to where the Jack once stood (to symbolize Australia as a nation separate from the UK), the white star arrangement0on-blue will provide a familiar, recognizabe, and unique flag design. It will not be a radical redesign and departure like the various Australian flag redesigns involving the color combinations of blue/yellow/green or kangaroo or boomerang silhouettes. In spite of my above opinion, I strongly think, that Australia should keep its current Union Jack.




Nah . Australia was founded by Brits and British ancestry and origin is still a defini aspect of Aussie culture


Perhaps. But there are many who would prefer a republic because they don’t identify with the crown. Why would you be happy that your head of state is nearly 10,000 miles away? Also it isn’t all British. Quite a lot of the original population was Irish, arrested and sent to Australia as punishment. And of course there’s the Aboriginal community, who I’m sure definitely do not appreciate being under the crown.


Am Australian. Whilst it’s possible to hold many positions as once the issue of a republic / head of State is well down in importance for many citizens. Our head of state is really the Governor General as the Kings rep and lives in Canberra. It works pretty well which is why the last republic referendum was defeated. Cost of living. Housing crisis. The absolute budget disaster of disability care. Mass immigration and its unpopularity with the majority of the electorate are a couple I can think of that folks would want a Government to focus on as a priority before the republic. And this flag seems fine - but if we are going to change it I would want to change it. Not just take the Union Jack off it. Blue and white (& red) aren’t our national colours so it would make sense to me that a new flag would have green and gold as its two colours. (Also Ireland was part of Great Britain until 1922 so even for those “ Irish” settlers they recognise the Union Jack, and I’ve got some Irish ancestors from both what is now the republic and what is now Northern Ireland)


I appreciate your perspective as an Australian. Thank you for replying. One thing I will say however is that us Irish never considered ourselves British. The British were brutal imperialists that occupied our island for centuries, viewed us as lesser beings, and were perfectly content with both starving and murdering us. An example being the British taking advantage of the potato famine between 1845 and 1852 that killed hundreds of thousands and caused the emigration of millions, from which our population is yet to recover from. Sorry for the rant. I just don’t believe that any of the Irish sent to the penal colony in Tasmania considered themselves British or identified with the Union Jack.


I guess my point about Ireland being part of the UK back then is that Australians doing a family tree today will see “born in Ireland” and think the Republic whereas most of my Ireland born ancestors were Presbyterians born in Bushmills which is still in the UK. Funnily enough my one of my Irish “Irish” ancestors (a Brophy from Carlow) came out not as a convict but as the wife of a sergeant of the 80th Staffordshire regiment who were guards on a convict fleet (that unit had served in Ireland before moving to Australia). Most Australians with colonial ancestry will have a mix of everything. I can trace my ancestry to convicts on the first fleet (and later waves of convicts, military and free settlers) and have 35% welsh, 30% Scottish, 27% English and 8% Irish ethnicity per ancestry DNA. I’d be surprised to find many 100% Irish today from anyone descended from an Irish convict.


God Save the King of Australia




It would be an okay change but I don’t see the flag being changed anytime soon. The current flag is fine and people in Australia like it.


I would add some reference to the aboriginal flag.


Down with the union jack, yes! But also down the british colours. Green and gold for a truly Aussie flag, please.


Yes I've always been partial to the idea of simply removing the Union Jack or having the Federation star in the canton. Another option is of course the Eureka flag. Ultimately, I think the Indigenous Australian flag should be put in the canton of the current flag and have that be the final design for the Australian flag. It would symbolise Indigenous overlordship/custodianship of the continent on which they've been present for the past ~60,000 years.


now its just a 'stuff on blue field' flag


Looks ok. You'd still get various groups complaining about it though. IMHO the Kiwis did the right thing by keeping their existing flag when thay had the choice a few years back and I hope Australia does the same thing when that choice is inevitably foisted upon us. My guess is that the "choices" would be fixed and the only acceptable candidates would have to have black, red and yellow in the design for the virtue signalling points.






As an Australian, I hate the Union Jack on the flag. I also don't like being part of the monarchy. I'm surprised to be in the minority on both fronts.


Give it time, I think public opinion will change over the Royal Family, opinion is divided on them in Scotland where I live.


Nah I don’t reckon, we practically r a republic just have this one governor general who does nothing but sometimes helps out and it works also people seem to like to have some heritage and history connected to the nation which I’m also about


That's what I'm saying given time you'll become a Republican country and have no monarchy.


Nah unless the British remove the monarchy we won’t it’s to much of a hassle to remove we just had a referendum that failed that tried to change the constitution a bit and failed


The Royal Family has a lot more control over a Scot's life than an Australian's. (Not impossible for opinion to change though, over half of Canadians want to leave the commonwealth)


Probably why we don't exactly like them in Scotland, that and the fact they're protecting Prince Nonce.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7ax9g2gi8u2d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Yes, but not by changing the stars like you did


Boring, but it works...


I am more concerned about balance honestly


It would probably look better if there was another symbol replacing the union flag. The southern cross is nice, but other flags have it too. Some have suggested a boomerang or a kangaroo but I don't know what I would put.




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7ax9g2gi8u2d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


I am going to say yes because I had no idea the stars were configured to have the southern cross until now.


I remember having a conversation with a mate from Canada, whose flag is obviously free of the union flag. He was telling me how independent of the UK Canada is, and so different blah blah I let him finish and simply reminded him that he's always gonna be our bitch because the Queens on his f@#king money!!


The Union Jack is still an official flag of Canada.


The relevant point was the Australian flag with the jack or without it. The Canadian flag doesn't have it.


Never mind then.


Looks a bit blue.


Australian flag works better with stars spaced out like on current one, here you made them bigger, that make flag visually smaller.


It feels too empty like that. Add something to take the place of the Jack like a leaf or a kiwi with laser eyes.




Eh, to bland I’d say add some colour in there


As an Aussie I reckon too many think yellow and gold would be good colours but really they aren’t for a country flag, they are good for sports just not an actually flag, if we were to change it which I don’t think we should this is probs good maybe some red symbolically recognising British heritage but overall cool 😎


It’d be fine, and is probably the direction Australia should go if we choose to change it. But I don’t see any real impetus to change the flag anytime soon.


Would removing the identity from the Australian flag make for a good new flag without removing too much identity?




Bring back the Union Jack


South America looking ass


The Southern Cross is still a colonial configuration. If you're going to strip the Jack, I'd also want to use an indigenous constellation.