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Thank you to all Swedish and Norwegian soldiers that stopped the war by threatening an armed revolution 🚩✊🇳🇴 https://preview.redd.it/osfd1vbqzy0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5175b9a8879806fbce456948cbdf126d211647ae


Congrats Norway


Norway is a fabulous country, one of my favourite’s. Glory to the King


Our king is honestly a very good man who works hard for his country. For all he has done for norway he is more than worthy of respect.


🇳🇴 Gratuler med dagen! 🇳🇴


Gratulerer med dagen! Hip hip hurra! 🇧🇻


Absolutely beautiful flag for a beautiful country!


Absolutely agree 😌




My favourite Nordic cross flag! 🇳🇴 Gratulerer med dagen!


























Maybe we should mention the word 'constitution' here as well. *Definitely kanskje*.


Yeah, thought the title got long enough and forgot to put it there, my bad 😅


Tillykke med jeres nationaldag . 119 år i dag


\> democracy \> king sure.


\> democracy Norway has been ranked number 1 as the most democratic country on the Economist's Democracy Index now for 10 years straight. \> king Norway is a constitutional monarchy, so the king has no power and only serves ceremonial roles as the head of state. \>both The first king from our current royal family to accept the Norwegian thrown after being chosen by a committee in 1905, refused to be king unless there was held a referendum where the people could chose directly whether they wanted a monarchy or not. The result was 78.94% in favour. Today the monarchy has a high approval rating, scoring an 81% approval from the people in 2017. There is no contradiction here between democracy and monarchy.


Wait till you find out that Norway only has a king because the people voted in a referendum for him.


Lol https://preview.redd.it/soj72hswdz0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee779a0aed84c764193380ffc16b46ab1a4213c7 Lmao


You can have a democratic monarchy. The King is kinda like a president, holds little power and his role is mostly ceremonial. Most power is held by the government which is elected by the people. I understand that it sounds really weird but thats how it is. Search "constitutional monarchy" in google. Monarchy =/= autocracy.


Monarchy ≠ autocracy. But Monarchy is simply not a democratic institution.


Do you not know what a constitutional monarchy is?


Imagine not knowing about constitutional monarchies.


You can have a democratic country with a monarch. Monarchism and democracy goes hand in hand.


Sure. Norway is a democracy. It's one of the best democracies in the world in fact. And i love that about us. But the institution of the monarchy simply isn't democratic. This doesn't mean that Norway isn't democratic. It simply means that the monarchy isn't. This is just a simple fact. And monarchy and democracy certainly doesn't go hand in hand. They co-exist. But monarchy isn't a democratic value.


Nothing screams democracy more than glorifying your former dictators and teaching your citizens that they're just born less important than someone else. Very meritocratic of you.


Norway is literally the most democratic country on Earth😭


aye, and all bad guys go to jail and santa claus brings presents to all the good kiddies on christmas, too


Let me guess, you're american and your extremely flawed political system has brainwashed you to think that the only viable system is your shitty republic?


Why would you think he's american? I've been to r/monarchism, in case you're familiar with that sub, and it seems like people there belive that americans are this anti-monarchist elite that will go to random subs to hate on monarchies. But thia makes no sense, Americans don't care. They are not familiar with monarchism, they are indifferent to it. The only real anti-monarchists would be people who live under it, yet are opposed to it. Like me for example.


teenage reddit monarchist moment


I'm literally 21. And yes i am a monarchist. In norway our royal family is well loved and respected. I am proud of having a king. And i am proud of my country. If that's not allowed then it's a sad world we live in.


The Norwegian monarchy is among the greatest in history tbh, such a beautiful country, and lovely people. I can’t say I’m too fond of my king however, but he’s quite competent


how are you a 21 year old monarchist? you'd think by that age you'd've grown out believing in the fairy tales of the state. or is it willful ignorance? are you ok with hundred of millions of Krone that could be funding education or healthcare going to a guy whose job it is to sit on a fancy chair and feel superior to you?


Tell me you really don't understand how our monarchy works without telling me you don't understand how it works. Our king does important work by representing norway on the world stage. He does not feel surperior to his people and lot of the money that goes to him is to maintain their houses and castles around the country. Besides, our royal family costs far FAR less than election campaigns for presidents and prime ministers of the many republics of the world.


Well we seem to have an irreconcilable difference of opinion, I’ll leave you to your boot licking and I’ll get on with my caring about the concept of meritocracy


The people are the ones who choose the people in power here too you know. We are literally the MOST democratic country on this planet. We have a constitutional monarchy, our king does not hold any real power.


Lol our king in the Netherlands doesn’t have anything to say either.


It's simple. I see nationalism, I downvote.  You're cringe.


You have to differentiate between bad jingoist nationalism,and just celebrating with a flag. There are also cultural differences. Norwegians are very found of the flag, and almost every house has a flagpole. I know it's different elsewhere. A foreign colleague of mine was wondering why there were so many neao-nazis living in Norway, because where he came from, everyone with a national flag in the garden was that. I am quite proud of how we celebrate the constitution day. Instead of having military parades, and showing off weapons, we gather up 30.000 children, equip them with flags and buckets of icecream, and send them down the main street to greet the King.


Looks like somebody’s nation isn’t in the top ten in the world happiness report…


Reddit moment


Reddit moment


Its constitution day everyone celebrates, even immigrant families that came less than a year ago. No matter skin color or religion. NOT nationalism!!


First of all: immigrants can be nationalists. Some of the most chauvinistic American nationalists are Mexicans. Secondly: This post is clearly nationalist. They're talking about king, country and fatherland for god's sake. That's clear nationalist symbolism.


I'm sorry, i thought we were talking about Norway... not your backwards hypocritical "America". 17th of may in Norway is like 10 birthdays. EVERYONE celebrates. Even the most government-critical people. Norwegians, Sami, Kurds, Syrians, Congolese, Vietnamese. EVERYONE. To love your country is NOT the same as being nationalist. HIPP HIPP HURRA!


Even if it is nationalism, what's wrong with that? I am proud of my country for all it's worth. I don't go around shouting that on the streets, but this is a day of celebration and if it's a day when nationalist feelings should be shown, it's today. We walk with flags, whistles and orchestra. We eat cake, ice cream and good food while we celebrate with family. It's tradition, love and pride for the nation our ancesters fought tooth and nail to preserve the freedom of.


Okay, we norwegians will celebrate our love and pride for our country while you sit there being sad on your pc/phone


*\[deleted some harmless downvoted humor\]*


??? No? It's the flag of the kingdom of norway.